2. [Basic Explanation]
◎ 指点 zhǐdiǎn
◎ Pointing zhǐdiǎn
[give advice (directions);show how to do sth.] 指示;点明
[Give Advice (Directions); Show How to Do STH.]
舟人指点。——宋· 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》
The boat guidance.—— Song · Lu You "Over Little Lone Mountain and Great Mountain"
Ponch two peaks.—— "Xu Xiake Travel Notes · You Huangshan Ji"
3. [English translation]
1.give directions; show how
1.Give Directions; Show How
Five, [Detailed Explanation]
(1).以手指或其他物点示。 唐 李白 《相逢行》:“金鞭遥指点,玉勒近迟回。” 宋 姜夔 《虞美人》词:“而今指点来时路,却是冥濛处。” 明 杨巍 《早秋登龙门城楼》诗:“指点 云州 地,真为 汉 北门。”
(1). Show with fingers or other objects.Tang Li Bai's "Meeting": "Golden whip remotely, Yuller returns to the late late."Poems of the Tower: "Guide Yunzhou Land, it is really Hanbei Gate."
(2).评说;指责。 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·正郭》:“硕儒俊士,未或指点,而吾生独评其短。”《朱子语类》卷五一:“大抵説得宽广,自然不受指点;若説得亲切,又觉得意思局促,不免有病。” 毛泽东 《沁园春·长沙》词:“指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。”
(2). Comment; accusations.Jin Gehong's "Bao Puzi · Zheng Guo": "The Confucian Confucianism is not in guidance, and my life is short."Certainly, I think it is cramped, and I can't help but be sick. "Mao Zedong's" Qinyuanchun · Changsha "word:" Pointing to Jiangshan, stimulating the text, and dung.
(3).指示,点拨。 唐 白居易 《小童薛阳陶吹觱篥歌》:“指点之下师授声,含嚼之间天与气。” 明 李介 《天香阁随笔》卷一:“不经指点,虽得其弓无用也。”《儒林外史》第十回:“小子无知妄作,要求表叔指点。” 郭沫若 《卓文君》第二景:“爹爹,我想我们学琴,从来不曾得过名师的指点。”
(3). Instructions, dial.Tang Baijui's "Little Tong Xue Yang Tao Blowing the Song": "Under the guidance, the teacher gives voices, and the sky and gas between chewing.". "The tenth round of" The History of Rulin Wai ":" The boy is ignorant and requires the cousin to give pointers. "Guo Moruo's" Zhuo Wenjun "second scene:" Daddy, I think we can learn the piano, and never have the guidance of the famous teacher. "
Four, [phrase sentence]
1. 我用手指点了一下钞票。
1. I pointed out the banknotes with my fingers.
2. 我并不等着他们的指点。
2. I don't wait for their guidance.
3. 沃利正需要有人指点。
3. Valley needs someone to give pointers.
4. 指点我最多的医生是阿卜杜拉。
4. The doctor who pointed the most is Abdullah.
5. 他用手杖指点着,豁免一个个人。
5. He pointed with a cane to exempt a individual.
6. 她很需要他的指点。
6. She needs his pointers very much.
7. 他感到需要有人好好地指点自己。
7. He feels that someone needs to point himself well.
8. 您几时看到过我忘记了您的指点?
8. When did you see that I forgot your guidance?
9. 杰克用肘子推推他的弟弟,得意地指点着。
9. Jack pushed his brother with his elbow and pointed proudly.
10. 那个贫困、驼背、衰老的人指点了他的思路。
10. The poverty, hump, and aging person pointed out his thinking.
1. [Synonyms]
Counseling, leadership, teaching, command, instructions, instructions, guidance, guidance, guidance, reminder, instructions, instructions
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