
时间:2022-09-02 13:19:46 | 来源:语文通



Look!He came to us, big eyes, small noses, what could be said to be mumbled there?A hedgehog hair made him look a little taller, and his body was slightly fat.His dress is very individual. The upper body likes to wear red -gray cotton jackets and a crooked red scarf. It is paired with blue jeans and a pair of fascinated sneakers.penguin.


He is a super "food magic". He sat with me a table with me every day to eat meals. When he came to eat, it was called a good. I haven't eaten a bowl. He has already eaten the third bowl.If there is chicken legs one day, he must eat four or five chicken legs.Sometimes we have finished eating, and the teacher prepared the whole team to return to the class, but he was still eating. We urged him to hurry up. He simply grabbed a big chicken leg and secretly took it to the class to continue eating.Speaking!


He was a bit strange, and he never raised his hands in the question.Once, when we studied ancient poems, the teacher asked us a question: "Ask the students to start their brains and speak Song Ci about the moon, for example, when the moon is there?" Ask the wine. "Think of your mind.But what about him?I didn't think about it, and shouted loudly: "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be on the ground." The teacher smiled and said to him, "Congratulations, you answered wrong."He said Song Ci, and he was talking about Tang poetry.Suddenly, the teacher said to him seriously: "I know you have read a lot of books and understand a lot of knowledge, but you can't help but start to answer the question! When answering the questionIt's like you, you can answer, and if you want to say, what's the order in our class! "He heard the teacher's words, his face was like Apple, and he lowered his head ashamed.


Although he has a few small shortcomings, he is an enthusiastic person.When the teacher needs to move his homework, he always courageous.At the time of class, he always saw that he was carefully wiping the blackboard; after school, he would pour the garbage without a sound.Sometimes the pen will catch and seek with us, and he will enthusiastically help us find it. If he did not find it, as long as there is extraction around him, he will lend him immediately.


This is Sun Lei in our class, a enthusiastic and strange little boy.