
时间:2022-07-20 13:48:13 | 来源:语文通


今天中午是一年一度的森林运木头大赛 。

At noon today is the annual forest-transporting wood contest.

参赛者有非常强大的小熊,肥嘟嘟的小猪和爱动脑筋的小猴。这时广播上说:“请小熊、小猪、小猴来小河边比赛运木头 。”

Participants have very powerful bear, fat pigs and little monkeys who love their brains.At this time, the radio said: "Please be invited by the bears, piglets, and monkeys to play wood by the next river."

于是,他们喜滋滋地跑到小河边,裁判也吹着口哨走来了:“成员已到齐!参赛者们,请准备开始!”只见小熊弯着腰,抱起木头, 然后把木头扛在肩膀上,直往前冲。 可是不一会儿,他就累得满头大汗,气喘吁吁了。小猪动了动脑子,想:这木头既然是圆的,那是不是可以滚呢?它试了一下,真的可以滚 ,于是就把木头滚着去终点了。但是才走了不到10m,它就上气不接下气了。小猴想了想:用蛮力是不行的。于是,他向四周望了望,发现旁边有一条清澈的小河,而且那条河直达终点。于是,他把木头推下小河,自己得意洋洋地跳到了木头上,怡然自得地坐在了木头上,看他那模样,多轻松,多开心呀!

So, they ran to the river with nourishingly, and the referee also whistled: "The members have arrived! Participants, please be ready to start!"On your shoulders, rush forward.But after a while, he was so tired that he was sweating and panting.The piglet moved his mind and thought: Since the wood is round, can it be rolled? It tried it, it could really roll, so I rolled the wood to the end.But after leaving less than 10m, it was angry.The little monkey thought for a while: It is not possible to use brute force.So he looked around and found that there was a clear river next to him, and the river reached the end.So, he pushed the wood down the river, jumped to the wood proudly, and sat on the woods with ease, seeing his appearance, how easy and happy!


In the end, the referee announced: "Little monkeys won the first place with their own cleverness!" The pig and bear said: "It seems that we can't just use brute force in the future, we must move our brains!"



1、大赛:大赛读音为dà sài,是指指规模﹑范围较大的比赛。大赛 dà sài词语解释:指规模﹑范围较大的比赛。分词解释:规模:(事业、机构、工程、运动等)所具有的格局、形式或范围:粗具规模丨规模宏大。较大:一群中比较大的部分或数字。比赛:在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低:象棋比赛ㄧ比赛篮球。范围:①周围界限:地区范围ㄧ工作范围ㄧ活动范围ㄧ他们谈话的范围很广,涉及政治、科学、文学等各方面。②〈书〉限制;概括:纵横四溢,不可范围。...大赛怎么造句,用大赛造句»

2、木头:木头读音为mù tou,是指1.尺度名。古代工匠量材伐木,以人头取度而名。 2.木材和木料的统称。 3.用以喻人迟钝,不灵活。 砍伐下的树木的统称木头 mù tóu词语解释:1.尺度名。古代工匠量材伐木,以人头取度而名。 2.木材和木料的统称。 3.用以喻人迟钝,不灵活。[wood] 砍伐下的树木的统称分词解释:木料:初步加工后具有一定形状的木材。木材:树木砍伐后,经初步加工,可供建筑及制造器物用的材料。尺度:尺寸;尺码:多大尺度|无字碑之高广厚,尺度一如琅邪台碑。灵活:1.敏捷﹔不呆板。 2.善于应变﹔不拘泥。...木头怎么造句,用木头造句»