
时间:2022-07-04 13:32:12 | 来源:语文通



"Well -off Life" is a beautiful word, and a comprehensive well -off society is the overall goal of China that China has been pursuing perfect."Well -off life" means that the Chinese people have a state of living that is full of warmth and richness.


Today, the great motherland is becoming more and more prosperous and prosperous. Behind the presence, all employees are together, and thousands of employees are struggling.It was their diligence that made us live a happy life.


In everyone's hearts, the aircraft is an enviable and jealous post.They can fly their wings to fly in the sky."Hero Captain" Liu Chuanjian suffered an emergency during a sailing.


In the morning, after the generator crew was required to conduct necessary inspections, the plane flew to a high place.After a while, after the plane flew to the air in Chengdu, suddenly the windshield of the right seat of the car cabinet suddenly crushed.The front seat was sucked out, and Liu Chuanjian instinctively responded to the front seat home.At the height of 10,000 meters, the two people cooperated with each other at a temperature of minus 40 °.In addition to making the aircraft safe, Chengdu Liu Chuanjian rescued aircraft drivers and airport passengers with excellent professional quality and superb technical.


I don't know, there is no training day and night, no intention, strict, stable training, no perseverance to study and training, where will Liu Chuanjian have the excellent professional quality and superb technical nature of Liu Chuanjian when facing the disaster?what is this?This is the dedication of love.


Menglan Group Corporation, a top 500 China Textile Industry Enterprise, and the top ten companies in China ’s home textile industry. Everyone is famous.The group company's good life Qian Yuebao originally embroidered a imitation field with a pair of embroidery hands.Today, it is manufactured by the "core" of China.


From 1972 to 2004, from eight people to more than 2,000 people.All Qian Yuebao went out bit by bit. When Menglan Group Company was preparing to transform and develop in advance, don't do a item that ordinary people would not encounter in their lifetime -integrated IC.This caused a question for a while, but he did not divorce and resolutely signed.During the period, he continued to write for Shenzhou Longxin, and even owed 400 million yuan.He himself said that: "You have applied to the country today, and I should assist the country to solve problems." What is this?It is love the motherland!


From these two small stories, you have not only learned to work hard, but also love the motherland.After reading this book, I found that the inconvenience learned was the socialist social values that everyone could understand?There is nothing wrong. The socialist social values are exactly what we have to learn and must be learned.To learn it well, you can dedicate a piece of energy for selflessness to the common richness of the country.That can make China stronger!



1、大美:大美读音为dà měi,是指1.谓大功德﹐大功业。 2.指才德﹑品质上的优异。大美 dà měi词语解释:1.谓大功德﹐大功业。 2.指才德﹑品质上的优异。分词解释:优异:1.特别优待。 2.特别优厚。 3.特别好。品质:1.人的行为﹑作风所表现的思想﹑认识﹑品性等的本质。 2.物品的质量。功德:①功劳和恩德:歌颂人民英雄的功德。②指佛教徒行善、诵经念佛、为死者做佛事及道士打醮等:做功德。才德:才能德行。功业:功勋事业:建立功业。...

2、小康:小康读音为xiǎo kāng,是指①儒家指比“大同”理想较低级的一种社会。其特征为“天下为家”,即天下为一家一姓之天下,国家政权父子相传,兄弟相及,并以礼义作为纲纪来维护社会制度和秩序。主要指夏禹、成汤、周文王、周武王统治时期。参见“大同”。②指家庭经济较宽裕,过着中等水平的生活:小康之家|家道小康。 儒家所宣扬的禹、汤、文、武、成王、周公之治,仅次于“大同”的理想社会小康 xiǎo kāng分词解释:①儒家指比“大同”理想较低级的一种社会。其特征为“天下为家”,即天下为一家一姓之天下,国家政权父子相传,兄弟相及,并以礼义作为纲纪来维护社会制度和秩序。主要指夏禹、成汤、周文王、周武王统治时期。参见“大同”。②指家庭经济较宽裕,过着中等水平的生活:小康之家|家道小康。[Xiaokang,ideal society] 儒家所宣扬的禹、汤、文、武、成王、周公之治,仅次于“大同”的理想社会分词解释:低级:1.初步的;形式简单的。 2.低下,庸俗。多指行为﹑思想﹑趣味等。礼义:1.礼法道义。礼,谓人所履;义,谓事之宜。 2.同“礼仪”。天下:1.古时多指中国范围内的全部土地;全国。 2.指全世界。相及:1.谓嫁娶。 2.相关联,相牵涉。 3.互相干犯。 4.犹相继。 5.赶上;达到。 6.指相遇。...小康怎么造句,用小康造句»

3、读后感:读后感读音为dú hòu gǎn,是指读过一本书或一篇文章以后的感想(多指书面的)。读后感 dú hòu gǎn词语解释:读过一本书或一篇文章以后的感想(多指书面的)。(1) [impressions of a book or an essay](2) 阅读完毕后的感想(3) 写读后感想的文章写一篇读后感分词解释:以后:比现在或某一时间晩的时期。感想:由接触外界事物引起的思想反应:看了这封信,你有何感想?指书:用指尖代笔写字。为书法艺术的一种。...