
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:31 | 来源:语文通



快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇1快乐的六一儿童节 篇2快乐的“六一”儿童节作文 篇3

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇1


International Children's Day is coming, my mother and my mother's colleagues went to Shenzhen Children's Palace. When I arrived at the Children's Palace, it was very beautiful and big.


An uncle stuck a sticker for me, which said Oman Pear. We first went to the Energy World, where we took a train to see it. There was a long queue, and I waited for twenty minutes before I got there. When I got on the train, the first thing I saw was dinosaurs, because dinosaurs were the first in the world. The second one is about reptiles. There is a tiger. Its teeth are very long and its body is very big. It runs very fast. Then introduced the ape man, they can only eat raw things. Later, a man invented drilling wood to make fire. Since then, humans can eat cooked things.


The third is hydropower, which generates huge energy by falling down from high places and then converts this energy into electricity.


The fourth is that humans found coal mines underground. Watt invented the steam engine, which can drive trains.


The fifth one is to use the tides at sea to generate electricity.


The sixth is that humans have built nuclear power plants to generate electricity using nuclear energy.

第七种介绍的是在陆地和海上发现了石油copyright ,从此,人类就可以让飞机在天上飞了,汽车在地上跑了。

The seventh is the discovery of petroleum COPYRIGHT on land and at sea. Since then, humans can let aircraft fly in the sky and cars run on the ground.


The last is the invention of the space shuttle and satellite, which can receive signals in space and transmit them to the earth, so that humans can watch TV and play computer games.


My mother and I also went to play the beautiful home, where the first pass can play computer games related to environmental protection. The second level is to watch a movie clip of "people who want to live on earth on other planets". At the third level, I can help them build a beautiful home on the computer. The beautiful home I designed got more than 40 points, which was very high, while others only got more than 20 points. The fourth stage is to demonstrate the leakage of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union, which was caused by rats. Watching the leakage of the nuclear power plant on TV, a big fire broke out, and the steel plate under our feet also shook, which made me jump.


I also played the Science Popularization Kingdom, where we mainly introduced some basic knowledge related to science popularization, as well as some small experiments that we can do ourselves. There is a kind of machine. If you press the power supply, a ball will float. I observed carefully. It turns out that the machine can blow air under it.


I also played with things that can generate electricity by shaking. At first, I shook very slowly. I only shook 120 mA. Later, I shook 180 mA. I made great progress. There are also two large plates, which are far apart. It's said that you can hear what you are saying on the other plate when you speak to one of them. It's really strange.


I also went to the strange house where the floor is inclined. Once you go in, you will feel dizzy. It is also easy to fall. I fell accidentally. I don't know why this happens. My mother told me that people live on a very flat floor every day. If you live on a very inclined floor, you will definitely not adapt. This feeling will spread to your brain, and naturally you will feel dizzy and stand unsteadily.


I also entered a room where I wrote your shadow on the wall. After entering the room, there is a strong light shining for more than ten seconds. You can put your hands or other things on the wall. After a while, the light will go out and your shadow will be printed on the wall.


Today, I have not only gained a lot of knowledge, but also enjoyed myself so much. This International Children's Day was really fun!

快乐的六一儿童节 篇2


I thought this year's International Children's Day was boring. Unexpectedly, my father bought a set of electronic building blocks for me. After I opened the box, I saw a pile of strange building blocks: gaskets, wires, touch pads, capacitors, resistors, electrical composition bulbs, speakers, buzzers, diodes, transistors, switching motors and more than 20 kinds of components. It turned out to be a simple electrical model specially designed for children.


I can only spell voltmeter, flying saucer, electric fan and flash lamp.


When I spell the 20V voltmeter, I can only see point A and point B. I moved on the movable part of building block 53 for half a day, but the pointer did not move at all.


I'll check it carefully. It turns out that A and B are not connected properly. I took the No. 3 connecting cable to put it together again; Take the 28 # manual generator and put it together. Then he shook it two times, and the voltage pointer slowly pointed to 10V! I tried to shake it a few times, and the voltage pointer reached 18V! I was so angry that I shook more vigorously, but the pointer still didn't reach 20V!


Hey! I can't shake it.


Let's change the spelling - UFO. Connect the motor with two groups of batteries. When the motor rotates at a high speed, suddenly turn off the power. At this time, the fan blades on the motor rise like flying saucers. I didn't expect the wind would fly out. So I was hit before I could react.


This set of electronic building blocks is really interesting. I played from morning till evening.


This Children's Day has become meaningful because of the electronic building blocks.

快乐的“六一”儿童节作文 篇3


Children's Day is coming. In the morning, I walked into the school with relaxed steps.


The activity began. First, the principal delivered an opening speech. After the headmaster finished his speech, he will issue certificates of award to all kinds of outstanding students this academic year. The members of our basketball team lined up and went to the stage to receive the award. The teacher gave us the certificate of award. I saw that it said: Cao Xuefei: He participated in the basketball match on the District Sports Festival on behalf of our school in the 20XX~20XX school year, and achieved outstanding results... Looking at this certificate of award, I was so happy that I couldn't shut my mouth.


When the game time comes, I will play the game "Writing behind the back" in my class. Mr. Zhang wrote a dot on my back. Horizontal...... I only know these two strokes, but I can't feel the others. I am out. The second word began. The teacher thought for a moment and decided to give me water, a little water and a cross. Oh! I know it's juice, juice of juice. Teacher Zhang smiled and said to me, "That's great! That's right!" After that, the teacher gave me a clearance seal.


I also played bowling. There were 6 bottles in total, and I hit 3 with basketball. I think it's very difficult! It's time for a male classmate. He gently pushed the basketball out of the ground, and the ball slowly rolled towards the bottle at the speed of a turtle. Wow, hit 3 bottles. I admire you very much. When it came to me, I stood behind the line and stared at the bottle intently, thinking: I must pass the exam. I am a member of the basketball team. But for some reason, I was still very nervous. I felt my heart beat violently, as if I wanted to jump out. I am steady and I throw hard. Wow! But is it really the case? I hit five bottles. Hee hee, great!


In the afternoon, I also participated in the lively flea market activities. The flea market has everything, which makes me dizzy. Today I had a happy and interesting "June Day", which I will treasure in my heart forever.