Everyone has life, and understanding that life is fair, precious, and happy.Therefore, everyone cherishes their lives very much, and wants to make their own life paths more and more colorful, happier and happier, and make daily life full of happiness.But there was a person who gave up his own life and in exchange for 4 young lives. Everyone heard the endless admiration of him. He was a heroic figure of the earthquake, and Tan Qianqiu, who was admirable.
Prior to the arrival of the earthquake disaster in 2008, Teacher Tan taught lectures to his classmates as before, and said it was just a cherishment of life, learning to be grateful, and dedicated. A good teacher. This class has not finished, and a disaster in nature is coming. It is so fierce, as if to snatch anyone's precious life. It is the wrong Teacher Tan. The first manifestation is to allow the classmates to withdraw quickly, but how can this natural disaster be withdrawn from anyone? Time? Insufficient, the fluctuations of the teaching building are becoming stronger and stronger. At the time of life, four students are still in the classroom. At this time, Mr. Tan didn't think about it. He immediately pressed them under the table and used his human body to maintain his classmates. He was in exchange for the lives of these four students with his life! The house could not bear in the obvious shock, and the collapse became a waste area. The pain suffered by Teacher Tan was obvious. When everyone came to save them, I found that Teacher Tan's forehead was deep and bloody, and his hand grasped the corner of the table firmly. what! Everyone who was present at this time was shocked! Everyone was moved by his noble ideological realm and spiritual quality! It seemed to wake up the nightmare. Everything passed, he succeeded, he protected four students, and they were alive. I firmly believe that Teacher Tan must be very happy in heaven. His investment was sent to the income. His spirit always stays in the hearts of the four students and the world!
Teacher Tan used his own life to exchange for the lives of four classmates. The spirit of his dedication always lived in everyone's hearts.Life is indeed precious. We must cherish everyone's life, and at the same time, we must make the life next to ourselves more colorful because of ourselves.As long as you have a beautiful life, you can create all surprises and brilliant achievements.We have to understand God's beautiful life.It is also necessary to learn and train Teacher Tan's spirit of not asking for rewards, so that the lives of a large number of people are more exciting because of everyone's life. This is the value of our lives.
1、奉献:奉献读音为fèng xiàn,是指①恭敬地交付;呈献:把青春奉献给祖国。②奉献出的东西;贡献 ②:她要为山区的建设做点奉献。奉献 fèng xiàn词语解释:①恭敬地交付;呈献:把青春奉献给祖国。②奉献出的东西;贡献 ②:她要为山区的建设做点奉献。分词解释:建设:创立新事业;增加新设施:经济建设ㄧ组织建设ㄧ建设家园ㄧ建设现代化强国 ◇思想建设。贡献:①拿出物资、力量、经验等献给国家或公众:为祖国贡献自己的一切。②对国家或公众所做的有益的事:他们为国家做出了新的贡献。交付:交给:交付定金 ㄧ交付任务 ㄧ新楼房已经交付使用。东西:①东边和西边。②从东到西(距离):这座城东西三里,南北五里。祖国:1.祖先以来所居之地。 2.祖籍所在的国家;自己的国家。...奉献怎么造句,用奉献造句»
2、甘于:甘于读音为gān yú,是指甘心于;情愿:甘于牺牲。甘于 gān yú词语解释:甘心于;情愿:甘于牺牲。分词解释:情愿:①志愿;愿望:好恶未改,情愿未移|义宣腹心将佐蔡超、竺超人等咸有富贵情愿。②内心愿意:甘心情愿|两相情愿。③宁可;宁愿:若教亲玉树,情愿作蒹葭。甘心:①愿意:甘心情愿。②称心满意:不拿到金牌决不甘心。牺牲:①祭祀用的纯色的牲口:牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。②舍弃;捐弃:牺牲生命|作出巨大牺牲。...甘于怎么造句,用甘于造句»
3、生命:生命读音为shēng mìng,是指由高分子的核酸蛋白体和其他物质组成的生物体所具有的特有现象。与非生物不同,生物能利用外界的物质形成自己的身体和繁殖后代,按照遗传的特点生长、发育运动,在环境变化时常表现出适应环境的能力。生命 shēng mìng词语解释:由高分子的核酸蛋白体和其他物质组成的生物体所具有的特有现象。与非生物不同,生物能利用外界的物质形成自己的身体和繁殖后代,按照遗传的特点生长、发育运动,在环境变化时常表现出适应环境的能力。(1) [life]∶生物体所具有的存在和活动的能力冒着生命危险(2) [vitality]∶指事物所具有的能够存在下去的性质一部有生命的文学作品(3) [condition]∶指参加某种活动的资格和能力政治生命分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。发育:生物体成熟之前,机能和构造发生变化,如植物开花结果,动物的性腺逐渐成熟。遗传:生命的重要特征。生物产生与自己相类似的后代的现象。在遗传学上,指遗传物质从上代传给后代的现象。...生命怎么造句,用生命造句»
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