
时间:2022-07-26 13:28:15 | 来源:语文通



One night, I couldn't sleep, so I went to the bow to enjoy the scenery.The breeze blew across the sycamore tree and made a rustling sound. The sound seemed to exudes an air -conditioning, and I immediately came up with countless goose bumps.I think of my father and mother and my childhood hometown.Looking at it, a little boy was holding a lantern, and a little girl was holding the branches. I don't know what to do! I guess they must catch it.One year and a year have passed, when can I return to my hometown?



One night, Ye Shaowong couldn't sleep, so he looked out the window.


A burst of autumn wind blew, and the sycamore leaves sounded "Shasha", and a chill was sent, and the calm river surface was blown up by the autumn wind.Ye Shaowong remembered the beautiful parents and the elderly parents.


You see, there are two children holding the lantern, and one hand holding a thin and long branch is teased! Ye Shaoweng looked at it and recalled his childhood.


Late at night, a bright light shines on the fence, so beautiful!



In the autumn night, the night is quiet, only the sound of Xiao Xiao's autumn breeze blowing the leaves of the sycamore leaves, which makes people feel the cold, and it also makes the author who wanders his hometown.And loved ones.Suddenly I saw that there was a sudden lantern beside the fence moving between the grass. The author guess it must be that there were children catching, because when they were young, they often played with my friends on such a night.



With the arrival of spring, the spring breeze is like a mother, stroking all things on the earth, and spring rain like a father, moisturizing all the creatures, and the biology of the earth is taken care of by her mother.A burst of spring breeze blew up, the willow danced with the wind, and the tender green leaves contained dewdrops in Shanghai. The blue sky and tender green seemed to be integrated into one.My hometown is in this beautiful place, but one day, some officers come here to recruit soldiers, and I have been arrested. The country is difficult and the husband is responsible, so I also went.


We soldiers bid farewell to the village immediately and bid farewell to every villager in the village. Although we are reluctant to this village, we can only put the tears in our hearts and bury them forever.stop me.


I followed the team to the city, and I saw a large number of troops, all pretending to go, waiting for the general to make an order, I think: Why can't each country be fighting and can't get along peacefully?Why!This war is definitely if you die or I die!


"Go!" A loud and serious voice was introduced into every soldier's ear. Everyone wore military uniforms and walked towards the city.


After a few hours, finally, the enemy rushed over to us. We put a rocket. They died a group of people, and blood flowed, and one after another "ping ping ping -pong!"Dead corpses, no one cares about others, just "Ping Ting Pong!" After playing for two hours, we finally defeated the invaders, but originally this was green grass and the air was fresh, but now the ground is dead.On the ground, there are not many people. From the vastness of the people to the current people, there are scarce people, and the war is too cruel!When we returned to the city, many thought we cheered, but I was sad. Thinking of the happy time when I was with my family, I miss my hometown.


Finally, I retired, I was old, and when I returned to my hometown, I came to my hometown with joy, and I saw snow on the ground. Snowflakes fell from the air, sprinkled on the room, sprinkled on the tree, sprinkled on the tree, sprinkled on the tree, sprinkled on the treeI feel extremely desolate.


I walked into the former thatched house, my mother was already gray -haired, and my father was older. They saw me and were very surprised. They trembled and stood up and said, "Are you — my child?" "YesWhat. "I was full of tears with my eyes, and I felt extremely warm in their arms.


From then on, my father and mother lived a simple and happy life, until forever, forever, forever ...

5、 中小学语文:《夜书所见》教学反思

5. Primary and secondary school Chinese: "Seeing in Night Books" teaching reflection

◆您现在正在阅读的《夜书所见》教学反思文章内容由<>收集, 本站地址:我要作文网,版权归原作者所有.!


◆ The content of the teaching reflection of the teaching reflection article you are reading now is collected by , the address of this site: 我要作文网, the copyright belongs to the original author.!

"Seeing in the Night Book" Teaching reflection
The teaching of ancient poems has always felt that in the understanding of the poem, especially when there are some words that have a bigger in and out of the present significance, it is the biggest difficulty. "Seeing in the Night Book" guess the students' understanding of the word "book" in lessons and the situation where the last two sentences may be in the second sentence may be difficult. Sure enough, after the book book, let students think of what the night book sees, what does the poet do? What does the book mean? Many students have different opinions. Some books are reading books. Some people say that that person is reading things and treating these things as a book. At this time A classmate stood up and said, he thought the book was written, and the man wrote it down. At this time, the students were at a loss, and I was not in a hurry to make the students conclude that I also checked a lot of information in this book before the start of the class. This book should be written in writing, but it is easy I felt that the poet saw some scenes in reading a book. I think if they can't say it, they don't think they are reading books, and they can't say it wrong, but students can realize it. It seems that reading more is indeed good. The difficulty of these two poems is seen in the night book. The poems of this poem are not easy to understand. Therefore, I let students look at the Tuxian Mingyue, and the quiet night of the river will make people think of. Students said they would think of their own home. Let students read ancient poems aloud, and experience the poet's nostalgia from the ancient poems. The students can say it. Since they can solve their feelings, they are easy to do. The students read the verses repeatedly and combined with annotations. They quickly understand the meaning of the first sentence. For this reason, I first let the students read the last half of the sentence, "Night, Light, Falling a Light", and the students quickly understood, but only when I saw the lights at night and could not see anyone, that person could only guess, and then look at it. In the first half, let students catch "knowledge" (expected) and immediately understand. After studying the ancient poems, I understood the meaning of the poem, and then I returned to the subject, so that the students could tell how the word "book" was understood. This time everyone can clearly say that it means "writing". With such a foundation, the second poem student can basically understand itself.



One night, the big poet Ye Shaowong was walking by the river.Suddenly, a gust of gusts, Ye Shaowong couldn't help thinking of his hometown.He thought, "Is my child good now? What is the family?"


Thinking about it, Ye Shaoweng suddenly saw two children playing with two children.One child said, "Come here!" The other child said, "Well, don't go!" There was still a lamp on the grass room around the two children.


He said involuntarily:


Xiao Xiao Wu Ye sent a cold voice,


Jiang Shangqiufeng moves.


Knowing that children are picked up,


The night fell on the night.


"Hey!" He said, "Now, I am drifting out, if I can go home." He missed his hometown even more.

7、9 古诗两首 《夜书所见》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》教案设计,教案


  教学课时: 2课时

◆ You are reading the article "Two Ancient Poems Seeing in the Night Books" and "Seeing in the Night Books" and "September 9th" article design.

Teaching purpose:
1. Recognize 7 new characters such as "promotion, memory, difference," "".Will write 10 words such as "Promotion, Deep, Recall".
2. Read the texts correctly, fluent, and emotionally, and realize the true feelings in the poem.Recite.
Teaching class: 2 lessons
Teaching process:


Lesson 1: Learn "Seeing in the Night Book"
(1) Import new lessons:
1. Introduction Author
2. Problem: What information did you know from the topic of ancient poetry?
For example: you can know what the writer saw at night and heard.
(2) Poetry at the beginning
1. Learn autonomous, read ancient poetry aloud, read the pronunciation of quasi -pronunciation with pinyin, and read this ancient poem to read and read accurately.
2. Read the same table. It is required that students to read this poem to listen to each other, evaluate each other, and correct each other.
3. Reading ancient poems, positive sounds.
(3) Cooperation learning
1. Group cooperation, with the help of annotations and combination of map meaning, what do you understand? Drive the problems that cannot be solved in the group.
2. Exchange in the whole class, understand poetry
(1) The group reports the place to understand.
Teachers' cameras guide students to supplement each other poetry, to say specific and vivid imagination pictures.
(2) Communicate without understanding.
Guide students to appreciate the poet's mood.
3. Reading the whole poem
Reading free — reading — Reading — Reading
4. Practice recitation
(4) Guiding writing "Promotion, Deep".


Lesson 2: Learn "September 9th Reminiscence Shandong Brothers"
Teaching process:
1. Disposal
Today we learn an ancient poem - "Back to Shandong Brothers on September 9th" The author is Wang Wei, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. Wang Wei is very talented. His poems are known as "there are paintings in the poems and poems in the painting." This poem was written by the poet when he was 17 years old and was written in Changan, Beijing.
Two, first reading
1. We first read the poem correctly and coherent.
2. Teachers read free reading.
3. Please read the question again. Think about it, which word writes the poet's mood to leave his loved ones? (Memory)
Around the word "memories", can you ask questions and inspire everyone to think? (According to the question of student, the book of the board)
(Simple questioning is interpreted according to the poem title, the focus is: "September 9": Chongyang Festival, the ancients inserted dogwood on the day of the Chongyang Festival, ascended the customs of drinking alcohol; "Shandong ": Refers to Puzhou, the hometown of Huashan East Wangwei, is different from Shandong today.)
Third, intensive reading and understanding
1. A group of four people think and discuss the problems on the blackboard.
2. Communication in the whole class.
Teacher camera guidance.
For example: the first poem.
① What does "memories" mean? Please see one or two lines, which word is recalled?
② How will the poet miss loved ones? ("Petabilities". "Times": Double) When is "thinking"? ("Every festival", "Every": Meet it.) How can the poet usually do? #p#Pagling title#E#
③ Why does the poet usually think about it?
to understand "alone in a foreign country for a different guest"
④ Reading and guiding: "Yeah, the environment of the poet is strange, all the faces you see are also unfamiliar, how can you not feel lonely, not to feel lonely, What about loneliness? Let's read the poet's loneliness and miss the feelings of loved ones. (Named reading → Comment: Highlighting independence, different, double → Fan read → name reading, evaluation)
/> ① What do the poets miss their loved ones? What do you think of the brothers?
② When the poet is at home, the brothers have climbed up to height together. How regrettable it is. He knows that the brothers in the hometown must also miss the poet at this moment. Now, please be the younger brother and sister of the poet. , Talk about what the brothers in their hometown will think and what to say?
3. Reading and guiding it, and reciting.
① Freedom reading
② Metric reading → free reading → nickname → Qi Qi → Qi Qi → Qi Read.
③ Practice recitation. (Teachers and students take the dragon back → name back)
4. Expansion
1. Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. Let's talk about their thoughts!
Students speak freely.
2. Writing guidance
The word "different, far, insert" word


8、 人教版三年级《古诗两首》--《夜书所见》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,教案

8. Human Education Edition Third Grade "Two Ancient Poems" - "Seeing in Night Books", "Recalling Shandong Brothers on September 9", lesson plan

◆您现在正在阅读的《古诗两首》--《夜书所见》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》文章内容由<>收集, 本站地址:我要作文网,版权归原作者所有.!

《古诗两首》--《夜书所见》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 教学目的:
   1. 认识“促、忆、异、”等7个生字。会写“促、深、忆”等10个字。
   2. 正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,体会诗中地真情实感。背诵课文。
  教学课时: 2课时

  3. 诵读全诗


◆ "Two Ancient Poems" you are reading now -"Seeing in the Night Book" and "Remembering Shandong Brothers on September 9th" article content was collected by , the address of this site: 我要作文网, copyright belongs to The original author owned.!

"Two Ancient Poems" - "Seeing in Night Books" and "Remembering Shandong Brothers on September 9th" Teaching purpose:
1. & nbsp knows "promotion, memory, different," and so on. 7 new characters. Will write 10 words such as "Promotion, Deep, Recall".
2. The correct, fluent, and emotional reading texts in the & nbsp, and experience the true feelings in the poem. Recite.
Teaching class: 2 lessons
Teaching process:

Lesson 1: Learn "Seeing in Night Books"
(1) Import new lessons:
1. Introduction Author
2. Problem: What information did you know from the topic of ancient poetry?
For example: you can know what the writer saw at night and heard.
(2) Poetry at the beginning
1. Learn autonomous, read ancient poetry aloud, read the pronunciation of quasi -pronunciation with pinyin, and read this ancient poem to read and read accurately.
2. Read the same table. It is required that students to read this poem to listen to each other, evaluate each other, and correct each other.
3. Reading ancient poems, positive sounds.
(3) Cooperation learning
1. Group cooperation, with the help of annotations and combination of map meaning, what do you understand? Drive the problems that cannot be solved in the group.
2. Exchange in the whole class, understand poetry
(1) The group reports the place to understand.
Teachers' cameras guide students to supplement each other poetry, to say specific and vivid imagination pictures.
(2) Communicate without understanding.
Guide students to appreciate the poet's mood.
3. & nbsp Reading the whole poem
Free reading -reading — Reading — Reading
4. Practice recitation
(4) Guiding writing "promotion, deep" Essence

Lesson 2: Learn "Recalling Shandong Brothers on September 9"
Teaching process:
I. Disposal
Today we learn an ancient poem- ​​" "Remembering Shandong Brothers on September 9th, the author is Wang Wei, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. Wang Wei is very talented. His poems are known as "there are paintings in the poems and poems in the painting." This poem was written by the poet when he was 17 years old and was written in Changan, Beijing.
Two, first reading
1. We first read the poem correctly and coherent.
2. Teachers read free reading.
3. Please read the question again. Think about it, which word writes the poet's mood to leave his loved ones? (Memory)
Around the word "memories", can you ask questions and inspire everyone to think? (According to the question of student, the book of the board)
(Simple questioning is interpreted according to the poem title, the focus is: "September 9": Chongyang Festival, the ancients inserted dogwood on the day of the Chongyang Festival, ascended the customs of drinking alcohol; "Shandong ": Refers to Puzhou, the hometown of Huashan East Wangwei, is different from Shandong today.)
Third, intensive reading and understanding
1. A group of four people think and discuss the problems on the blackboard.
2. Communication in the whole class.
Teacher camera guidance.
For example: the first poem.
① What does "memories" mean? Please see one or two lines, which word is recalled? #p##E#
② How can poets miss loved ones? ("Petabilities". "Times": Double) When is "thinking"? ("Every festival", "Every": Meet it.) How can the poet usually do?
③ Why do poets usually think about, "Every festive festival"?
to understand "alone in a foreign country for a different guest"
④ Reading and guiding: "Yeah, the environment of the poet is strange, all the faces you see are also unfamiliar, how can you not feel lonely, not to feel lonely, What about loneliness? Let's read the poet's loneliness and miss the feelings of loved ones. (Named reading → Comment: Highlighting independence, different, double → Fan read → name reading, evaluation)
/> ① What do the poets miss their loved ones? What do you think of the brothers?
② When the poet is at home, the brothers have climbed up to height together. How regrettable it is. He knows that the brothers in the hometown must also miss the poet at this moment. Now, please be the younger brother and sister of the poet. , Talk about what the brothers in their hometown will think and what to say?
3. Reading and guiding it, and reciting.
① Freedom reading
② Metric reading → free reading → nickname → Qi Qi → Qi Qi → Qi Read.
③ Practice recitation. (Teachers and students take the dragon back → name back)
4. Expansion
1. Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. Let's talk about their thoughts!
Students speak freely.
2. Writing guidance
The word "different, far, insert" word