
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:13 | 来源:语文通



开学第一课观后感 篇1开学第一课作文 篇2开学第一课作文 篇3开学第一课作文 篇4开学第一课 篇5开学第一课 篇6开学第一课 篇7

开学第一课观后感 篇1





开学第一课作文 篇2


Today, our teacher assigned us an assignment. Let's watch the first lesson. In the evening, when it was time, I turned on the TV and watched it attentively.


At the beginning of the program, the pupils recited poems on the Great Wall with emotion. The theme of the first lesson is my dream; My dream, the Chinese dream. After watching the clip, I was most impressed by Grandpa Yuan Longping. His dream is to increase rice production. His dream cannot be completed in a year or two. His hair is already white, but he is still working hard for a bigger dream. (After reading Nils' Travel by Goose)


The people I admire most are two disabled uncles. Although their hands were amputated, they worked so hard to pursue their dreams and their valuable spirit is worth learning.


It is not difficult to pursue your dream. As long as you work hard, you will be rewarded. In fact, everyone has countless dreams in his childhood. Only when he pursues his dreams, can his dreams be close to you.

开学第一课作文 篇3


Today, our class watched the video of the first lesson.


I think the best impression left on me is a father who took part in The Good Voice. He gave up his favorite singing career, accompanied his sick son, and struggled to teach his son to tie shoelaces, ride a bike, learn English, and learn swimming. Thanks to his father's selfless care and company, his son, Big Pearl, has grown up healthily both physically and mentally.


This story makes me deeply feel that the love of parents is so great and selfless. The love of parents makes me feel warm. Parents tell their children that no matter where and how they live, their inner happiness is the most important.

开学第一课作文 篇4





开学第一课 篇5


Get up! People who do not want to be slaves!

Get up! People who do not want to be slaves!


Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall!

Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall!


The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous time,

The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous time,


Everyone was forced to make a final roar.

Everyone was forced to make a final roar.


Get up! Get up! Get up!

Get up! Get up! Get up!


We are all united,

We are all united,


Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!


Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!


forward! Forward, forward!

forward! Forward, forward!


Get up! People who do not want to be slaves!

Get up! People who do not want to be slaves!


Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall!

Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall!


The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous time,

The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous time,


Everyone was forced to make a final roar.

Everyone was forced to make a final roar.


Get up! Get up! Get up!

Get up! Get up! Get up!


We are all united,

We are all united,


Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!


Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!

Go forward under the enemy's fire!


forward! Forward, forward!

forward! Forward, forward!

开学第一课 篇6


The first lesson is an important part of education. It is also a good opportunity for students to carry out ideological education. It is also a compulsory course for students to start every year.


At the beginning of the new semester, in order to conscientiously implement the notice of the Provincial Education Department on organizing primary and secondary students to have a good start to the First Class of 20XX, strengthen the education of students' ideals and beliefs, create a good start, and stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, each class of the new school of XX No. 50 Middle School actively held a class meeting themed "the First Class of 20XX".


In this theme class meeting activity, the class teachers of all grades carefully prepared, actively organized, and took various forms. The students actively participated with great enthusiasm. Some classes played the main clips of the First Class again, organized the students to watch the video carefully and quietly, and actively carried out the exchange of observations. Some classes reviewed the Code for Primary and Middle School Students and the School Etiquette Convention, so that the students were baptized with civilized etiquette, so that they fully realized the importance of being civilized and understanding etiquette. Some classes carry out activities with the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of the women's volleyball team", aiming to let students understand the story of the Chinese women's volleyball team, learn the spirit of "selfless dedication, solidarity and cooperation, hard work and entrepreneurship, and self-improvement", and implement this spirit into future studies.


The school regards the First Lesson of School as an important part of the education of ideals and beliefs and the education of school beginning. It will successively implement the education of ideals and beliefs into the daily life of young students through colorful follow-up activities such as speeches under the national flag, theme class (group, team) meetings, speech competitions, theme conferences and social practices, which has aroused the young people's surging patriotism and national aspirations.

开学第一课 篇7


Today, as soon as we arrived at the school, we were very excited. Because yesterday the teacher said that some leaders would come to listen to the class, so today we are excited about the leaders coming to listen to the class, but there is tension in the excitement.


The second class in the afternoon is music. After class, the students sat up straight. I was afraid that the leaders would find out if they didn't sit well. How nervous everyone is! I stole a look at the back. Behind me sat an old man with a pair of glasses and a big briefcase. I was so lucky that only one leader listened to the class. My nervous mood was half relaxed. Today, a new teacher came to class. This new teacher is very special. She said hello with music, stood up and sat down, which surprised us! The new teacher taught us to sing the song "Clap your hands if you are happy". This new teacher is really different! She asked us to play games while learning to sing. The teacher invited four students to play games. The first student waved his hand, the second student shook his head, the third student clapped his legs, and the fourth student said goodbye. All these actions should be added to the song and sang together with the music. It was very interesting! The students were fascinated by the fun and fresh game. When the teacher asked who wanted to play again, the whole class almost raised their hands. I was deeply moved by the beautiful music in the class. I think the leaders who listened must also be fascinated by the beautiful music. This music lesson is really fun! But the time of music class is too short. If it is longer, it may be more interesting!


This unique music lesson is unforgettable!