Put the boat on the shore, the shore is the embankment of Chenzhou.At this time, it was so successful.
I still remember that at that time, it was so successful.At that time, Chenzhou was actually someone else beside Qingshan.
General summer vacation, general day.Grandpa only brought me to me and play in Shangchenzhou.Accompanied by the old truck -like carts, there are rounds of vehicles replacement, and finally ... have become hiking.After shaking all the way, the wonders of the embankment were instantly looked at the diagonal.
At that time, it was the evening, and Yu Sun Guang shot on the rows of the wooden houses on the shore. At a glance, it was known that it was ancient architecture, and there was a row of rows in the back.Then look at the bend of Shi'an beside the side and widening and widening on both sides. It depends on where the vague is vague.Essence
"Hey, rowing." My concentration was attracted by Grandpa, and I saw it in the distance.There is really a wooden row and a rower.Subconsciously, the boatman quietly went to the shore to recruit everyone.
When Grandpa arrived on the shore, he asked habitually: "How much does it cost to cross the shore?" "Are you not a local? Right?""Don't give money, don't give money." Grandpa was shocked: "Don't give money? What are you eating?" Another panic, hurried to reach into his pocket with his left hand.The rowing rowing was also shocked, and Grandpa blocked Grandpa with a storm with turbus.He took me into the wooden row: "Then I just gave money, you can't say, don't draw it." "Which? I won't draw, what boat. Who let you draw this river bank."Son, paddling."Said, don't give money after success." "No, not to be consumed. When you talk about the two, he woke up and laughed.
Grandpa was indeed a honest person, and he shook hands after going ashore and did not give money.Walking on the beach, looking back at the ferrying old man who was gradually drowned by the sunset, I slightly raised a gratitude.
In the embankment of the state, the shadow of the old man seemed to be printed in my mind. If I could return that day, I really wanted to tell him "thanks".
1、真想:真想读音为zhēn xiǎng,是指犹本心。真想 zhēn xiǎng词语解释:犹本心。分词解释:本心:本来的心愿:出于本心。● 真 zhēn ㄓㄣˉ◎ 与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:真诚。真谛。真挚。真心。逼真。认真。真才实学。真知灼见。◎ 确实,的确:真好。真正。真切。◎ 清楚,显明:看得真。咬字很真。◎ 本性,本原:纯真。天真。◎ 人的肖像:传(chuán )真。写真。◎ 汉字的楷书:真字。真书。真草隶篆。◎ 姓。● 想 xiǎng ㄒㄧㄤˇ◎ 动脑筋,思索:感想。思想。想法。想象(配置组合而创造出新形象的心理过程)。想入非非。异想天开。幻想。◎ 推测,认为:想必。想见(由推想而知道)。想来(表示只是根据推测,不敢完全肯定)。想当然(凭主观推测,认为事情应该是这样)。不堪设想。◎ 希望,打算:休想。理想。想望。妄想。◎ 怀念,惦记:想念。朝思暮想。◎ 像:云想衣裳花想容。...真想怎么造句,用真想造句»
2、谢谢:谢谢读音为xiè xie,是指1.犹远去。 2.对别人表示感谢。 感谢的表示。感谢,尤指对接受别人给予的或提供的恩惠说些感激的话谢谢 xiè xiè词语解释:1.犹远去。 2.对别人表示感谢。[thank] 感谢的表示。感谢,尤指对接受别人给予的或提供的恩惠说些感激的话分词解释:别人:另外的人。● 谢(謝) xiè ㄒㄧㄝˋ◎ 对别人的帮助或赠与表示感激:谢谢。谢仪。谢忱(谢意)。谢恩。谢意。面谢。致谢。感谢。◎ 认错,道歉:谢过。谢罪。◎ 推辞:谢绝。闭门谢客。◎ 凋落,衰退:谢顶。谢世(去世)。凋谢。新陈代谢。◎ 告诉,询问:“使人称谢:‘皇帝敬劳将军。’”◎ 逊,不如:“锦江何谢曲江池?”◎ 古同“榭”,建在台上的房屋。◎ 姓。...谢谢怎么造句,用谢谢造句»
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