
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:24 | 来源:语文通



获奖小学生作文 篇1小学生获奖作文 篇2小学生获奖作文 篇3获奖小学生作文 篇4获奖小学生作文 篇5小学生获奖作文 篇6小学生获奖作文 篇7获奖小学生作文 篇8小学生大赛获奖作文 篇9小学生获奖作文 篇10

获奖小学生作文 篇1


A few days ago, the school held a "Star Grass" Cup essay solicitation activity. In this activity, my composition "Lovely Teacher" won the first prize. When Mr. Liu told me that I was the first prize in the one-year group and gave me a copy of Star Grass for free, I was very happy. I really wanted to go home immediately and tell my parents about the happy event. After school at noon, as soon as I arrived at the after-school class, I told the teacher Miao Miao of the after-school class about this, and she gave me a wind chime as a reward. The wind chime is very beautiful. There are many clusters of grapes on it, pink, blue, green, purple... There are many colors. I like them very much. When I got home in the evening, I showed the Star Grass to my father, mother and grandma. They praised me happily. At my request, my mother gave me a bag of erasers. When the school held the award meeting, I had the opportunity to come to the East Campus. The leaders of the school presented us with a big book with the name of the award.


Miss Yang Zongying told us about the process of founding the Star Grass. Miss Yang also said that if we can publish more than three articles in the Star Grass, we can become members of the Star Grass and participate in the editing of the Star Grass. I have made up my mind to fight for such an opportunity. Back in the class, Mr. Liu asked me to tell the students about the awarding, and let me read the award-winning composition once. The students were very envious of me. It's a good feeling to win the prize! But I can't be proud, I want to move towards a higher goal!

小学生获奖作文 篇2


My mother has long hair on the back of her head. She is very thin and loves me very much.


One day when I was ill, my mother didn't sleep well and was tired, so she carried me to the hospital. She was weak when she carried me half the way. She insisted on carrying me half the way to the hospital.


One day, it was raining. I was very hungry when I got home from school. I said to my mother weakly, "Mom, I'm starving to death." Mom said, "I'm going to cook." But when my mother came into the kitchen and found that there was no rice at home, she had to say to me, "There is no rice at home. I will buy rice now." Then she picked up an umbrella and went out to buy rice. I waited at home for a long time. I was so hungry that when my mother came back, I saw that she was wet all over. I bought a box of rice for me to eat, rice, vegetables, biscuits, etc. I think my mother is so kind to me.


This is my mother. I love my mother.

小学生获奖作文 篇3


My sister is very cute and cunning. My mother tied a willow like braid on the back of her head, and she also has a pair of slippery eyes, like a pair of "black grapes". When running, her braids swing from side to side, sometimes flying in the wind.


One day, I found one or two friends to play hide and seek with me. It was my sister's turn. I thought, "I can't come out after you call me."


My sister said cleverly, "I want to go to the bathroom." I quickly got out, and my sister said, "I don't want to go to the bathroom."


The next day, my sister said, "Let's play!"


I said, "OK!" The younger sister group lost. I punished her to do 20 frog jumps. She only made 10. She said, "We are 20 together."


My sister's behavior makes me laugh and cry.

获奖小学生作文 篇4


In the twinkling of an eye, the six-year primary school career is coming to an end, and I have some sadness in my heart. Oh, no, it's a lot of sadness! At this moment, the matter comes to mind again


One day in class, Mr. Liu stood on the platform and asked, "Who recited the homework assigned last night - Memorable Water Splashing Festival? Please raise your hand." I thought to myself: lift it, I didn't know it well last night, don't lift it, it's hard to feel criticized for a long time, I raised my right hand timidly, but God came to play a trick on me - ask me to recite. I stood up hesitantly and could not help complaining that God was unkind. But what I was dealing with was Mr. Liu, "Start reciting!" Mr. Liu's voice is very gentle, but I hear it like a bomb. So I tried hard to find the shadow of this text. I got stuck, and thought of the whispering of my classmates around me, dozens of pairs of eyes swished over. I wanted to find a crack in the ground, and I cried bitterly in my heart: It's over, I must be criticized now. But (WWW.. CN) is Teacher Liu, who said, "Don't be nervous. I believe you can do it." I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of five gourds. I had a feeling for Mr. Liu


I feel excited and guilty for not finishing my homework on time. So I looked up at Miss Liu. I was meeting her eyes, which said "trust". I was calm. With the encouragement of Miss Liu's eyes, I remembered all the rest.


These unforgettable life miniatures have become my collection of beautiful life, which will never go away and will forever be engraved in the memory of my childhood.

获奖小学生作文 篇5


Today is the last day of our trip. We went to the Millennium Ancient Building in Fujian. It is a round building with four floors. It looks very spectacular. As soon as we walked into the earth building, Grandma slipped because there was water on the ground in the rain!


It was raining and the ground was slippery. There are many steps, high and low. My mother and I walk in front, my grandmother in the middle, and my grandfather and father behind. Just listening to the "boom", Grandma's face fell to the ground in an instant. We were shocked! Quickly help Grandma up. At that time, Grandma was pale and painful. The owner of the roadside stall enthusiastically gave us a bench to sit down for Grandma. After half an hour's rest, Grandma's face was somewhat better. Mom and Dad insisted on taking Grandma to the hospital, but the stubborn grandma did not agree. She insisted on visiting the tulou with us because her arm was twisted.


When we returned to the hotel, Grandma's arm became more and more painful and even swollen. But Grandma held back her pain and said nothing. The next morning, we hurried home. Due to the traffic jam, the highway was closed and the delay was several hours, but Grandma didn't say anything.


Finally, Grandma was sent to the General Hospital of the Military Region late that night, and the doctor diagnosed that Grandma's assistant was broken! The next day, the doctor operated on my grandmother, but the grandmother on the bed was even weaker. At that time, I thought my grandmother was too poor.


My dear grandma! Wish you a speedy recovery!

小学生获奖作文 篇6


On Friday morning, our school held an award ceremony. We came to the playground in a neat line, and our headmaster presided over the award ceremony. My heart began to get nervous when I saw that all the children in the first grade had received awards and prizes.


Suddenly, the headmaster called my name, and my heart was pounding. But when I got on the podium, all my tension disappeared and my heart was full of honor! I won the first prize of the good book recommendation card. I will work harder to win more awards in the future!

小学生获奖作文 篇7


I have a lovely and cunning sister.


I remember one time, my sister and I played hide and seek. I was scheming and hid under the bed. My sister couldn't find it. After a while, my sister said, "I can't find it. Come out." I didn't come out after what he said. After a long time, I fell asleep under the bed. Suddenly my mother said, "We are back." Surprised, I asked, "Where have you been?" Mother smiled and replied, "We can't find you, so we go shopping." I said, "Don't you know to call me?" I said, "Yes, I fell asleep under the bed." Mother said, "Did you fall asleep under the bed and get bitten by a mouse?" "No." I said. I said no, there was already one on my back. When I saw it, I said loudly, "Catch it quickly. I am paralyzed on the ground."

获奖小学生作文 篇8


I like reading very much, so my mother always buys me a lot of books on weekdays. Among these books, my favorite is Primary School Students' Award winning Composition, because the articles in the book are written by children of my age, which makes it easier for me to understand and empathize with them. The content of the book is also very rich. Let me introduce it now.


The first part of the book is the excellent composition in various composition competitions, including "Little Writer's Cup", "Spring Bud Cup", "Rain Flower Cup"... Among them, an award-winning composition in "Chucai Cup", "Reducing the burden on ideals", impressed me deeply. As a reader, I have a common feeling about the dialogue between the little writer and his own mind. Because of the heavy pressure on himself, the little writer finally found himself under the persuasion of close friends, which also gave me a lot of inspiration. It is a meaningful and good article to find and solve problems that occur around us.


The second part of the book is an excellent composition with different writing methods, which is of record, scenery and description... Among the articles about people, there is an article named "Greedy Cat at Home" that I can not forget after reading. Through the delicate description of his father's actions, demeanor and language, the article has created a lovely and childlike image of a greedy father. The article is friendly, natural and energetic, showing the ordinary beauty in daily life, which makes me think of my lovely father.


The third part of the book is an excellent composition with various characteristics. The fourth part also includes famous teachers' comments and detailed explanations of model articles. Look, "Winning Composition for Primary School Students", OK? If you have the opportunity, go and see it.

小学生大赛获奖作文 篇9


When I was a child, I was introverted and weak. Once I had any idea in my heart, I never showed it. Sometimes I was afraid of appearing, and I was willing to follow others. But now, because an unforgettable math lesson not long ago changed me, let me find self-confidence.


I remember that when we had math class that day, Miss Li came to the classroom with her left hand pushing the chair and her right hand holding the book. The classroom was silent at once. When the student on duty finished his report, Miss Li began to talk about triangles. While talking, Mr. Li suddenly put forward a judgment question that is not in the book: "An equilateral triangle is a triangle belonging to an isosceles triangle. Those who agree with me, please raise your hands." After a moment of reflection, I immediately raised my hand. At the same time, I looked around the classroom and was surprised to find that few people raised their hands. Later, they became suspicious of this problem and put down their hands. I glanced at the students around me again and didn't raise their hands any more, so I felt uneasy, my face suddenly became hot, and my hands involuntarily drew back. Suddenly, there was a force that I didn't know where it came from, which calmed me down. After thinking about the teacher's words again, I firmly raised my hand higher. At this time, it seemed to me that everyone's expressions seemed to laugh at my "stupidity", and also seemed to confirm that my answer was "must be wrong".


At that moment, Miss Li finally understood the expression on my face and shouted with confidence: "Zhang Xingyun, tell me your reason." I immediately stood up and said confidently, "I think that if the three sides of an equilateral triangle are equal, then two of its sides must be equal, and this condition conforms to the law of isosceles triangle." After listening to my answer, the students suddenly realized and gave me a favorable look.


This event has been going on for several years, but it is deeply imprinted in my mind. It makes me understand that it is not important to succeed or fail in doing anything, but to dare to try. Emerson once said, "I must do what I think, not what others think." We should have full confidence in everything. I learned to use my own. Think with your mind. At the same time, I realized that learning science and culture can only make me accumulate more knowledge if I have the courage to question and answer questions.

小学生获奖作文 篇10


I have a scheming sister.


My sister is five and a half years old. Her mother has tied two plaits in the back of her head. Every time she sees her running, the two plaits float with the wind. She has black grape like eyes.


Once, I said, "Let's play hide and seek!" My sister said, "Good!" I hid in the curtain and thought to myself, "I won't come out even if you shout." Unexpectedly, my sister said, "I have a stomachache." I quickly ran out of the curtain, and my sister said, "My stomach doesn't hurt anymore."


Another time, when I was drawing, my sister said, "Let's play hide and seek." I said, "OK!" I hid in the study. After a while, my sister didn't move. After a while, my sister said, "I can't find you, sister. Come out." I found that my painting was missing and my sister was laughing. Then I found out that I was trapped.