
时间:2022-09-14 13:26:42 | 来源:语文通



以期盼为话题的作文700字 篇1以期盼为话题的作文 篇2以期盼为话题的作文 篇3以期盼为话题的作文 篇4以期盼为话题的作文 篇5以期盼为话题的作文 篇6以期盼为话题的作文 篇7

以期盼为话题的作文700字 篇1


Looking forward to a thunderbolt in the night, sounding through the sky; looking forward to it like a compass in the navigation, guiding direction; looking forward to it like a heavy rain in the desert, moisturizing all things.Because of you -expectation, we have the opportunity to move forward more bravely.


Know.Xiao Cao has been looking forward to the arrival of spring. It is precisely because of its expectations that he has the belief that he wants to break the soil, and also shows the world's dazzling green to the world.Yes, why isn't we a small grass?With a firm conviction and persistence, even if there is wind and rain in the way, as long as the expectation is still there, the scenery is still, and the sun is still.


Remember that exam deeply. The paper rolled over the page of my rustic writing, and the question on the last page of the last page reduced the speed of my writing. What kind of solution is it? Vaguely remember the teacher's explanation, but always could not clearly reproduce that scene. If you think about it, the remaining time is not much. Give up, isn't it just a question! It's not just that I can't answer it. Many people can't answer it. The mood of wanting to make the papers became urgent. Looking up, the corner of my eyes inadvertently put my old opponent in my sight, and saw that he was thinking. Is it okay? I have doubts that the experience of the previous test failed has made me lose confidence. It is the encouragement and expectation of my parents and teachers, letting me know that everything is possible. As long as you believe in yourself, there is no lack of special research in the hard work that can stop the pace of going forward. The expectations of my parents and teachers made me calm down, reviewed the questions again, and came again from scratch. Time passed by every minute, and in my meticulous calculation, my thoughts gradually opened. Kung Fu is worthy of care, and finally made the right answer.


Although it was just one test, because of a firm belief and because of the ardent expectations, I got out of the low emotions, defeated the difficulties I encountered in my studies, and gave myself a satisfactory answer to myself.


The sun is looking forward to the scattered Wuyun, the moon is looking forward to the companionship of the stars, and the flowers are looking forward to the beautiful bloom!Looking forward to letting the bumps dare to face us who are courageous to move forward, so that the flowers of our struggle blooms more brilliant!


Tears are not desperate, just because of expectations; night, not lonely.Because of expectations; dreams are not far away, just because of expectations.

以期盼为话题的作文 篇2


Waiting for the spring days of the next year, I hope you will bloom.



窗外,风起叶落,天空泛卷着乌云,泼墨似的笼罩着曾经的晴空。我望着手中的成绩单 ,哑言……

Outside the window, the wind rose, and the sky was rolled with black clouds, and the ink was shrouded in the clear sky.I looked at the transcript in my hand, dumb ...


I recalled the test scores of the test. Every time I thought, it was like sprinkling a nail, and then I stepped into my heart, making me shudder.My heart, falling, falling, almost despair.


There was a conversation with my parents just now, and the flickering pupils just emerged in their minds, Wen Ru sun, full of eagerness ... I looked out of the window, and saw a small potted plant on the window sill, but butNo flowers.I tried hard to think about it, and I remembered that I planted a flower species in it, but later, I gave up because I didn't see it for a long time.This time, I looked at it and had some expectations, looking forward to the moment it blossomed.


Later, I worked hard with my parents' expectations, and that grain seeds were growing with my expectations.


It was another year of flowering season, and it was another exam.However, this time, there is no bright red score on the paper.And that flower, the flower I thought I would never germinate, germinated.


The flow of time flows from everyone's heart field. Some people get an oasis, but some people only get a desert.But please don't despair, give up, you always have hope in your heart.Because when you have expectations in your heart, you will give you all you want, and your desert will become an oasis, which is just a matter of time.


In the long journey of life, some roads look close, but they are far away. People who lack patients will never go.Therefore, there are many expectations in life, supporting our expectations of going to go, towards our future efforts, and moving towards success.


It is precisely because of expectations that impossible things will become possible ...


That pearl, I am always looking forward to its flowering, looking forward to my success again.

以期盼为话题的作文 篇3


Is the fall of the leaves because of the chase of the wind, or the tree does not retain?


I was a leaf that drifted with the wind. That's it, I left him.Although, it is so helpless.I cherish the time with him, and I am used to his support, inseparable from his dependence on him.In the past, I bathed the sun with him every day. Occasionally, the thunder came back and followed the cold rain, but he could always protect me and was always lingering by warmth.But now, he does not belong to me.


I am a big tree full of wind and frost.So I know that time can destroy everything.Loneliness always accompanied me.To come, always come back, and can't stop it.I am used to protecting her every day.I was used to the days when I got along with her.Now, she is gone.How much I want to keep her, give her dependence, and give her the warmth he wants, but now, he does not belong to me.


I was a gust of wind, and there was a helpless wind.Actually, I don't want to see the separation of him and her.I know that this is the end of life.But I have to do so.She, she wants to turn into spring mud, go to the fertile land, and benefit human beings. This is her mission.And he would also leave her to welcome the challenge brought by the cold, and wake up better.


Although we cherish each other.But we can't hide the order of fate.


Although we cherish each other.But we can't escape the swaying years.


Although you cherish each other.But you are still too green.


We are desperately guarding and cherishing.


This is the years of us, warm and cold.

以期盼为话题的作文 篇4


As the saying goes: "The plan of the year lies in spring." Spring, this season that can nourish all things.I love it the most, because in this season, the grass is flying, the flowers are full of flowers, the red willow green ...


Today, winter is walking around, and spring is coming quietly.Is it far from us in spring?No, spring is beside the river, just on the grass, just in our dream hometown ... The river water is flowing out of the river, and the grass is accumulating the strength. It is ready to welcome the spring of spring. Even I dream of dreamed of spring.The girl is stroking us ...


On this day, I came to "Bayi Lake".I saw that the cheerful green waves were glowing in the lake, and the weeping willow lowered her head on both sides.I stepped forward, stroked the dry branches, and said to it, "Willow tree and willow tree, why are your branches so hard? Will you come in spring?" Willow nodded and let me look at the lake.I looked at the lake and only listened to the sound of "quack". It turned out that a group of wild ducks swim in the lake.I hurriedly beckoned to the wild ducks and asked them: "Wild duck, you should know the news of the spring girl! All said it was the" Prophet of the Chunjiang Water Warm Duck ", you are the messenger of spring, please send her a text message! Tell herWe all look forward to her. "" No problem, Chun will come soon, you have to prepare to welcome her! "The wild ducks said.


As soon as I heard it, I quickly told Liu Shu about the news, the birds in the air, the clouds in the air, the red sun, told the river, and told the bud that wanted to release ... tell all people who look forward to spring.


I look forward to the coming of spring.

以期盼为话题的作文 篇5


Because of expectations, the green leaves are even more green.Because of her expectations, the young eagle flies high.Because of expectations, the mountains are towering.Because of his expectations, the rivers never stopped.There are always some small expectations in the depths of everyone's hearts, and they are like spiritual mentors to lead us forward.They are the source of vitality, the support of the faith that never give up in frustration. When it is successful, the higher the more ideals.


Before and after the Qingming, a delicate spring rain, with affectionate blessings, sprinkled Ganlin a little, Xiaocao spit out the tender green, and the flowers were stained with red red.In the dead leaves, I often think in front of the window. This spring, it won't pump buds. The wind whistle, the small tree seems to be unwilling, against the strong wind, greeting up.Don't want to, its dead leaves have faded.This full of fragrant spring.Only it, lonely standing in that silently looking forward to its rebirth


When I went home in a day after school, I felt that it did n’t know when it started. The branches and stems had already been green, and it seemed to be full of strength and eager to break through the cold. I think it is looking forward to it.I also look forward to it and look forward to it.Taking time, its green is increasingly precipitated one day, and it eventually becomes strong dark green. It seems that it is so shocking and great. I look forward to its rebirth.


The scenery was just right that day, and it was full of spring. It pulled out the bud that it was so weak. Even the color was not as clear, white -green, but so great, showing unlimited vitality.Xiaoya was straightened and swayed with the wind.It did not fall with the remaining bird's fragrance to reborn with the other bird's fragrance!With full expectations, rebirth!


Perhaps, in the gap between the two buildings, it is not great to grow in the adversity of the sunlight; but its unyielding and endless expectations are shocking.What a great vitality, let it reborn!


Looking forward to the key of the success door, if you have the key on your hand, you will want to pursue the corresponding lock.And his diligence is like the road to success.


All things are willing to work because of expectations.The world is willing to be exciting because of expectations.

以期盼为话题的作文 篇6


A child, because of her expectations, became a golden flower, which made her mother live a warmer; a spring rain, because of her expectations, the messenger of spring brings a blessing to the earth ...


I, a small saplings, a small saplings that no one can notice, because of expectations, trying to grow every day, whether it is hot summer or cold winter, I am growing up.


Now, I have become a small tree that can withstand the testence of the storm, but my expectation is not here.I am still growing, even if I still encounter a more difficult and worse environment in the future.


Life passes day by day, and I will eventually grow into a towering tree.Now, I'm not afraid of any wind blowing.Because of her expectations, I will dedicate to this land.Since then, I have become a new guards on this land. I fight against wind and sand every day, watching a row of trains from here, day by day.


Until now, because of expectations, I am still standing upright, not afraid of hardships, not afraid of difficulties.


Because of my expectations, I dedicated the last force to this land, and I fell down, but there were many new saplings around me.


Because of his expectations, a big tree became a guard, dedicating a thick shade for this land.

以期盼为话题的作文 篇7


Because of her expectations, a child became a golden flower, which made the mother live a warmer.A ugly duckling transformed into a white swan because of his expectations, blooming the beauty of life.A spring rain turned into a messenger of spring because of expectations, full of affectionate blessing children, and I, because of expectations, I had the hope of life, and rushed forward to the light.


Looking forward to being a must -have for a person's life, because with expectations, the world becomes better and life becomes colorful.Looking forward is a kind of motivation. It takes us to victory, because of expectations, we have a joy, sorrow, and laughter.


In terms of learning, we will also encounter many problems, and there are countless times to give up, because of expectations, so we have been working hard and we have not given up our dreams.In our lives, because we are looking forward to, we can go through countless bumps and succeed.


Because of expectation, learning.Life has motivation and no longer feel boring.tedious.Because we look forward to the future of life, we can move forward and say "no" to difficult and danger.