
时间:2022-06-28 13:18:25 | 来源:语文通



My hometown is the area where I grow and develop, which is the area where I grow.The beautiful scenery.


In the past, I still remember that the spring is here, and Ya Laihua has been open a lot.Sometimes I can hiding with cats with my friends in the oil field.Some people will take pictures to record this beautiful autumn scenery.


I still remember that in the summer, I could play with the pot friends and went to find some small bugs.Everyone also likes to play some mobile games about summer. When hot conditions, they will continue to buy some popsicles. It is simply "hot summer and sweet popsicles."


In autumn, the wheat is mature and fruitful, because I will be a kite in idle.Due to the strong wind, I took the paper kite out, and the wind would bring a little smile, as if I saw the paper kite fluttered with the wind, and was so happy.


In winter, it is my favorite season with my friends.Because we can pile snowmen and be able to fight snow fights here.Although the piled Snow Doll is not very beautiful, there is a sense of accomplishment that cannot be exported after the pile.


There are seductive floral fragrances in the hometown in spring, endless and endless results in the hometown in autumn, the hometown of summer is strong, and the winter has a strong sense of accomplishment.


I like my hometown, and it has the beauty that everyone does not notice, waiting for us to explore.



1、发现:发现读音为fā xiàn,是指①经过研究、探索等,看到或找到前人没有看到的事物或规律:发现新的基本粒子 ㄧ有所发明,有所发现,有所创造。②发觉:这两天,我发现他好像有什么心事。发现 fā xiàn词语解释:①经过研究、探索等,看到或找到前人没有看到的事物或规律:发现新的基本粒子 ㄧ有所发明,有所发现,有所创造。②发觉:这两天,我发现他好像有什么心事。分词解释:心事:心里所想的事;看法:欲将心事寄瑶琴,知音少,弦断有谁听|父亲现在的唯一心事是希望我继续深造。探索:探寻求索:用志不专,探索不精|我想用无言的话去探索她的心。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。基本粒子:构成物体的比原子核更简单的物质,包括电子、正电子、质子、中子、光子、介子、超子、变子、反粒子等。也叫粒子。...发现怎么造句,用发现造句»

2、故乡:故乡读音为gù xiāng,是指出生或长期居住过的地方;家乡;老家。 家乡,自己出生的地方愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。——《乐府诗集.木兰诗》故乡 gù xiāng词语意思:出生或长期居住过的地方;家乡;老家。[native place;hometown;birthplace] 家乡,自己出生的地方愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。——《乐府诗集.木兰诗》分词解释:家乡:自己的家庭世代居住的地方。居住:较长时期地住在一个地方:他家一直居住在北京。出生:1.胎儿从母体中生出来。 2.指事物的产生。 3.舍生。 4.分出。老家:①在外面成立了家庭的人称故乡的家庭。②指原籍:我老家是湖南。...故乡怎么造句,用故乡造句»