
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:54 | 来源:语文通



传统节日清明节作文300字 篇1清明节的作文300字 篇2清明节的作文400字 篇3清明节优秀作文400字 篇4传统节日清明节作文400字 篇5六年级清明节作文400字 篇6清明节优秀作文400字 篇7

传统节日清明节作文300字 篇1


The misty rain quietly sprinkled down from the gray sky, one after another, along with people's sorrow and yearning for the departed relatives.


Step by step closer to grandpa's tomb, the gradually falling sadness in my heart fluctuates again, and it is uncertain that it will break out before it arrives.


My grandpa left when I was three years old, so I have little impression of him, just the image in the photos of the ancestral house. But when the pen tip "rustles" on the paper, the inner sorrow has been torn. Tomb Sweeping Day - Today, when I arrived at the tomb, I didn't do anything. I didn't know what to do or whether it was difficult to express my feelings in front of adults. I just frolicked beside my young cousin Zhou Kai and listened to his "babbling" speech. I felt a sense of joy, but I couldn't let go of my guilt about my grandfather.


When my father was talking to my grandfather about something that he could never save, I listened sourly. I should have said it!


I can't feel happy at all. The clear and bright soul is broken, which is beyond the sadness of the past. It turns to be a long time


Somehow gloomy, quietly behind my dripping, "Grandpa", turned around and disappeared.

清明节的作文300字 篇2


Spring is a good day for outing.


During the Qingming holiday, my mother took me to the Agricultural University for an outing. The first thing I saw was white lilac and purple lilac. They do not know when they quietly bloom. One after another, small, white and purple flowers are trying to send out fragrance. I couldn't help coming up and smelling: it's so fragrant!


When we sat on the stone bench to rest, we saw peach blossoms all around, one after another, in clusters, red and light pink. Why are there three colors? My mother asked me to go to see the sign on the tree. I hastened to see that it was not a peach flower at all: rose red, string after string, called double elm leaf plum; The pink is green peach blossom, and the light pink is mountain peach blossom. A closer look shows that there are many petals in the plum blossom and five petals in the peach blossom; Their stamens are different! The elm leaf plum is dark red, while the peach blossom is light yellow. It seems that I have learned a lot of knowledge and gained some insight when I went hiking.


Looking to the distance, the yellow forsythia is blooming one by one; There are also some unknown flowers


At the foot, there are pieces of green grass, like a plush carpet. I can't bear to tread on the grass for fear of hurting and crying


My mother and I felt very comfortable sitting in this beautiful and pleasant place.

清明节的作文400字 篇3


On the afternoon of Tomb Sweeping Day on April 5, our fourth grade students went to visit the Martyrs Cemetery.


From school, we formed a long line. I am the leader of the class, holding the flagpole, leading our classmates along the street to the martyr cemetery.


At the foot of the mountain, I saw that the trees on both sides were flourishing and the flowers on the ground were bright and beautiful. Soon we came to the gravestone of the hero. The teacher told us not to make too much noise. Then we observed a three minute silence to the heroes. In these three minutes, I think they are really great heroes who sacrificed for their motherland. Three minutes later. A student representative talked about the heroic deeds of the heroes who fought tenaciously for the motherland. They bravely advanced in return for their death and expressed their patriotism. The other is to sing and lay garlands for these heroes. Finally, we presented white flowers to these martyrs and heroes to express our respect for the heroes. After the white flowers, we came to the Memorial Museum of Martyrs and Heroes. I saw Huang Jiguang and Zhao Yiman here. All these were sacrificed for the peace and liberation of our motherland. That is why we are today.


After the visit, we reluctantly left the Martyrs Cemetery. On the way back, I was thinking: Without these heroes to defend our motherland, we would not have a happy life. Therefore, we should cherish the good life now!

清明节优秀作文400字 篇4



爸爸妈妈和几个亲戚摆好蜡烛,香台 https://www.d8qu.com/ ,以及等祭祀用的点心、水果,爸爸还把鞭炮、烟花放在墓旁,妈妈也默默地把一包包用黄袋子装好的纸钱点燃,刹那间熊熊烈火燃起,我轻轻地上前抚摸着姥爷的墓碑,想起以前姥爷那粗糙的大手为我盛饭盛汤;慈祥的眼睛关注着我每一天的成长,心里像倒翻了五味瓶似的,阵阵酸痛,眼泪在眼眶里滚动着热热的泪珠,最终泣不成声,任由泪水尽情的流淌下来!


传统节日清明节作文400字 篇5


Today is the Tomb Sweeping Day. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is not the "rainy day" described by the great poet Du Mu, but a sunny day! Because of the weather, we feel much better. However, we still want to pass the Qingming Festival.


Early in the morning, we went to Grandma's home to do the Youth League and visit the tomb. I like eating green dumplings with bean paste best! The green dumpling skin is wrapped with purple bean paste. You can bite it at once, and your mouth is full of fragrant, sweet and hot bean paste. Do you know where bean paste comes from? Ha, it was washed by my father and me!


We washed the red beans and boiled them in a pot. When it became four times the size of the original, the color became more purple, and the place where the bean umbilicus was originally exploded. We put it in a large basin with water and knead it until the cotyledons and bean skins are completely separated. After the cotyledons become mud, pour them into a drain basket, separate the juice from the residue, put the juice into a red barrel, and throw away the residue. I reached into the bucket and found a thick layer of sediment at the bottom of the bucket. Dad said, this is the bean paste. We poured the juice into a big bag and squeezed the water hard. The rest was bean paste. Grandma put it into the pot again, put lard and brown sugar into it, and fried it together, and it became sweet and delicious bean paste.


The dumpling wrapped in bean paste is sweet, glutinous and delicious.

六年级清明节作文400字 篇6


As the saying goes, "It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die." This festival has come, but there is no trace of rain in the clear sky, but I still carry a heavy heart to worship my dead ancestors and visit them.


It was a sunny day, but my heart was as heavy as a stone, because I had never visited them before, just listened to Grandma every time, and I always wanted to visit him. At that moment, my wish came true. On the way, I was absent-minded and occasionally answered my cousin's question. I thought to myself: What kind of person are you, Grandpa? Do you hear what I think of you?


Along the way, we picked many flowers for grandpa to make her happy and know that her granddaughter has come to see her; We went to Grandpa's graveyard silently, but the stone in my heart fell down when we really got there, but the air seemed to solidify all of a sudden. My eyes were fixed on the gravestone all the time, and I saw Grandpa.


But when I was going to offer flowers, my impulse on the road suddenly disappeared. It was just a simple timidity and escape. Finally, I just looked at Grandpa and left.


This Tomb Sweeping Day let me know a lot of truth, and let me see grandpa.

清明节优秀作文400字 篇7




