
时间:2022-09-06 13:42:52 | 来源:语文通



The three jump sports will be about to start! Every morning we have to practice downstairs in school teaching to prepare for the sports meeting.Early this morning, I got up early and came to school. Passing by the playground, I saw the students who worked hard on the playground at a glance.


The players who participated in the big rope race were mixed training. The pioneer was Tan Haokai. I saw that he kicked his left foot, ran his right foot, jumped in his right foot, and jumped into the big rope.Passing by the side.Immediately after Wang Xinyue, she tightly attached Tan Haokai and walked quickly behind her, and stepped into the big rope. The people behind, one after another, across the dumplings, and shook the rope to shake hard.With a big rope, the rope people condensed the eyebrows and shake the rope, the muscles are tight, one shouts "cheer", one shouts "enter", and you look at the big rope flying in the air, the sound of hitting the ground is like, the skilled piano, the skilled piano, the skilled piano, the skilled piano, the skilled piano, the skilled piano,The sound of the place of playing, the rhythm is neat and good.


Next week is the three -jump sports meeting. We must work hard to win the championship and add glory to the 13th class.



Every day when the sun is bright every day, we play the big rope on the playground.I like this game the most!


The jumping small rope is different from the jumping rope. For example, the jumping rope is two people shake the rope, and then the classmates behind jump, and the jumping rope is also a collective project.


It is difficult to jump the big rope. When we just started jumping the big rope, some students jumped like a small fish flexibly. Students' envious vision, some students were as awkward as a stupid bear, and they didn't understand.The classmates laughed.Even Mr. Lu laughed.Other students couldn't jump, she covered her head, bent down, drilling like a ball.


The teacher chose me and other classmates as a skipping rope: "Flying Tigers" this made me very happy! With the inertia of the two shake ropers shaking the rope, the front of the feet was lifted, and the back followed.The footsteps of the footsteps are like brisk music.We jumping the big rope cannot be grabbed or stopped.Because the person in front of the person is finished, if you do not jump to affect the grade of the class.


Every day at noon, the "Flying Tiger Machine" jumped more and more vigorously. I jumped up and landed gently, jumping so successfully, so free, so beautiful, so flexible.We skipped the mountains and rivers, the sea flew over the top of the mountain ...


We are full of happiness and excitement in our hearts! At this time, the broadcast sounded, and we never felt so fast, which left a deep impression on me ... I like to jump big rope!



The weather warms, and our outdoor activities have added a big jump rope.


At the beginning, I wouldn't jump, but when the teacher organized us to play, I still rushed up bravely.I remember that I was very scared at the time, because He Jinyang always pulled my neck when he shakes the rope.I saw Lu Liangyu jumping for forty -two, it was great! I thought in my heart that I would jump fifty in the future, surpassing Lu Liangyu.One night after "May 1st", because the homework was completed quickly, my mother and dad took me to practice together.Dad asked me to hear a "snap" and jump again. Don't move too fast.Gradually, I can jump four.In order to make me confidence, Dad told me that he would not have been from the beginning when he was a child, all of which were practiced.I understand that only if you practice carefully can you achieve your results.I have been able to jump for six now, but the upper rope action is still not proficient. I must practice more in the future, jump to fifty, and realize my dream.



Today is a very meaningful day. Our school's annual autumn sports meeting has begun.We only have one project in the sixth grade in the sixth grade.After a few days of hard training, the big rope of our class was purely green.All is ready except for the opportunity.


It is the day when we hold a sports meeting.Our classmates who watched the war stood together.At this moment, the other three classes also came down, and the four groups were waiting and seeing them.


"Dudu, Dudu" began. The other three classes quickly jumped. The people in our class did not respond at once. Fortunately, the teacher who checked the number of teachers in our class quickly responded quickly. His anxious eyebrows seemed to fly out of the two flying knives immediately. One step at night, is it going to lose? "It may be that the beginning is too panic, or it may be that the two students who dumped the rope have not reacted to the beginning of the beginning and a few mistakes and lost Maicheng. But for a while, the people in our class seemed to be awakened, as if they were in the air like a dragon. Look at Wade, he was the last jump in our class. His two watery eyes looked at the back of the person tightly. When a person is currently jumping, its hind legs are bent immediately. When a classmate first landed, he jumped forward. The action is beautiful, like a small cheetah. The students gradually entered a good realm, and the faster and faster reached the realm of people. The rope turned up and down like a hot wheel. The two students responsible for shaking the rope were uniformly in danger. Every time someone mixed the rope, they put down the rope almost in the same second, so that the person who stumbling stumbling immediately let the next person quickly jump. Forty, fifty, sixty. We persisted one by one. At the moment of this stone fire, yes! It's not good, some of our team stumbled and fell a dog and mud. This wrestling was not light. We really squeezed him in our hearts. The other party seized this opportunity and speeded up. "Oh my god! Buddha! Save us." Tian Gong's speed slowly slowed down, and it was a lot of people who made mistakes in mistakes. Our morale increased greatly, and the players with jumping ropes were like beautiful notes, and that rope was like a beautiful shining command stick next to the flashes of the silver light. The first potential of the grade is bound to get.


When Teacher Lei announced a hoarse voice that class 60 was the first place, I really felt that it was the sound of nature.



With the current development of science and technology, many people are obsessed with video games and began to become lazy and do not love sports.There is a team of small groups who like sports in our community, and they will gather healthy games during the holidays.


On Saturday night, after dinner, I didn't wait for the rice bowl to stabilize me. I tied the big rope together under the call of my partners.


The subtleties of jumping big rope are not that you have physical strength. You need to see the opportunity and keep up with the rhythm to jump more and better.The jumping rope can't hold the psychology of fortunateness, and you can't hit it. If you are lucky, you can pass it, otherwise, either you hit your head or hook your feet, and almost fall into a dog.


One of the little friends, his rhythm and timing are very good. Every time you enter the big rope, he can retreat all over the body.His head, this is also the only defect.In this way, we are happy.The clothes were soaked by sweat, and the sweat beads on my face fell like a broken beads, but we didn't feel tired at all. Our laughter rang throughout the community.


In fact, doing exercise will not only be tired, but more happy.And do more exercise can exercise the body, but also increase the reaction ability of thinking.Let's leave the video game and make the exercise a part of our lives.



Tonight, my parents and I took a walk and bought a new skipping rope in the Matsus House. It was a large blue rope. Because I couldn't jump the big rope, so I don’t like it.I was even more unwilling. After the beginning, my parents tanned the rope hard, and the rope patted the ground vigorously, as if saying: fast, fast, timid!Come and jump!I have been tanned very painful.


The jumping rope was my weaknesses. I didn't say anything, stood beside my mother and mother in a dumbfounded manner. Mom said, "Come, baby, jump! You must jump over!" I thought: Do one thing in my heart: Do one thingDon't always ask for success or worry about failure, even if you have a little confidence, you must persist.


At that time, my mind seemed to be settled. I closed my eyes and jumped up!Because of my confidence, this rope can be easily jumped by me. My heart is very comfortable. I also jumped over the next few times. I remember what I said to myself sweetly:Even if you have a little confidence, you must persist. Don't just ask for success. Life is like this. There are success and failure.


Focus on participating!



Our school is going to hold a big jump competition, and we start learning to jump big rope.This week, the teacher asked us to jump the big rope. At the beginning, I did not dare to go up. For the first time, I jumped to my head and hit my head. My head hurt.At this time, Teacher Qi taught us a good way. The rope hit the ground, and people ran to the middle, so I learned to jump the big rope.


We have been taught and trained by teachers. We have learned to jump big ropes.


Parents, please don't "push seedlings" to your child


"Polyinging" to promote "is a violation of scientific laws, and will deprive children of childhood happiness and cause spiritual damage.


There is a fable that "seedlings promote" in "Mencius Gongsun Ugly", which is said to have a farmer in ancient times. He suspected that the seedlings in his field grew slowly and pulled them up.quick.Unexpectedly, He Miao left the soil and died within a few days.


This fable is often used to satire those who are eager to achieve.They violated the development law of things, which led to the separation of subjective desires and objective effects. As a result, good intentions became bad things.


It can be said to be abound in modern family education like this.Some parents are looking forward to cultivating their children into "prodigy" or "genius", so when the child is very young, he or her (he) will pressure them all in the morning: reading English in the morning, learning dance in the morning, and playing the piano in the afternoonAt night, the ancient poems ... After the child was in school, the task was already heavy enough.Parents also have to buy a lot of tutoring exercises, forcing their children to do it.On Sunday and holidays, it was originally the time for students to rest and play, but parents invited their children's teachers for their children, or asked their children to go to various cultural tuition classes and strengthen counseling classes.Full of fame.In order to encourage children to grow fast, money stimulus, material temptation and other means are all used ...


As parents want their children to have a good way, this is a common sense."Looking for the dragon" and "looking at the girl into a phoenix", it is unique.Of course, all of this must be based on the actual situation of the child.If your child is not the material of "Jackie Chan" and "Chengfeng", you have to force your child to achieve such goals, and you will go against your wish.



A sport that I like is jumping big rope! Our school will use the time to use the time during class exercises to let us jump the big rope.In the process of jumping the big rope a few days ago, I understand a truth.


That day, the classmates came to the playground to jump the big rope, and the weather was a bit cold. I saw that many students shivered.The two students of our team stood on both ends of the rope and shook the rope.The classmates lined up and jumped one by one.But it was broken before jumping.Try it again, and it's broken again! The classmates didn't want to play anymore, and felt boring.


At this time, Director Zhang came over. She watched next to our team for a while, and said with a smile: "The classmates who shake the rope are very important. When the rope is shaken, the rope must be completely smashed ', and she cannot float.And the two people must cooperate with the tacit understanding and shake the rope at the same frequency. And the speed of shaking the rope must be changed according to the changes in the speed of the team members. "Director Zhang said that I suddenly thought of these words: think about it, I think about it, I am energetic, I am energetic.To make it.Then, Teacher Zhang said: "Students who skip rope should pay attention to the first classmate, he must dare to rush forward, and rush to the front of the rope, so that every classmate will jump forward in space, and he can quickly quickly finish the jump.Leave the rope, so it is not easy to break. "


We practiced in accordance with Mr. Zhang's method.This time, we were nervous all over, and the rope hit the ground and slammed, and the students seemed to jump over the rope.The better, the better, the more excited, and when the bell sounded, we were sweating.


Through this incident, I was thinking that we couldn't use brute force to do things, and we must think of it with our mind first.It is important to do anything. The method is found, and it will be more effective when you do things.



On a sunny morning, piglets and monkeys are playing "jumping big rope" games by the river.The little rabbit passed by the other side of the river.The little rabbit was happy to see them, and made a silver bell -like laughter, and was envious.


After a while, the piglet turned back and saw the lonely bunny, and said to the little monkey, "Do we want to call the bunny to play together?" The little monkey said, "Okay, we are missing a person here.Throw the rope! "But soon, they thought of another question. How did the little rabbit come? The little monkey moved, and moved a wooden board, one raised in front of it, and stretched to the side of the rabbit.The rabbit on the other side of the river raised his hand to put the wooden board on the grass.After the wooden bridge was set up, the careful little pig stepped on and stepped on it. After determining that the wooden bridge was strong, let the little rabbit come with confidence.


The bunny who passed the bridge was extremely moved.Monkey and piglets are also very happy.Because they helped the little rabbit.



Last Friday, the teacher organized us to jump the big rope.For the game, we played 8 -word jump, but really happy!


The contestants include Li Boliang, Zhao Yize, He Jinyang, Wang Yizheng ... they jump well, one faster than one.Especially for boys, they have only one action -jump quickly.They shouted, "One two, three, three, and five, go up the mountain to hit the kangaroo, the kangaroo didn't hold it, and met the big tiger." Teacher Qi saw their strength, really happy.


Wang Sirui and the teacher shook hard, the students jumped hard, they were painful, but they couldn't say nothing.At that time, I felt the honor of the two classes in three years.


I have no enough comparison with them. I have to work hard to practice, strive to surpass them, and practice sports ...



I have played many games since childhood, including "one, two three wooden people", "eagle grabbing chicks", "jumping square", etc., but what impressed me most is today's game -jumpingBig rope.


The weather was clear and sunny on this day, and a few clouds on the blue sky seemed to smile at me.When school was about to get out of school in the afternoon, Teacher Fan organized our class to jump the big rope. When he heard the news, everyone immediately changed from a frowning face to a smile.


When the teacher went to get the big rope, we rubbed his palms one by one, and couldn't wait to start immediately.


The game began. The teacher and Yi Zijie first picked up the big rope, and the rope hit the ground to the ground "slap" straight. Liu Haoxuan first rushed to the middle of the big rope.When he hit his head, he went to line up very annoyed.


It's my turn, because I haven't played it before, so I was a little uneasy and my heart was sweating.However, when the rope was about to land, I rushed over with a thunderbolt, and jumped up sharply, jumping easily, like a dexterous swallow.


It turned out that I was not as difficult to think of the big rope.At the beginning, the students jumped out of the world, making everyone laugh, but they could make a coincidence. After a while, everyone jumped better and better.


Happy time is always fast. Just as everyone played the sky, this event is about to end.But we haven't played everything, and we want to continue playing again.Teacher Fan said: "We can write this event into a composition."


Teacher Fan's method is so good. Not only let us learn to jump the big rope, but also leave a good memory."I have to feel shallow on the paper, and I know that this matter must be done." Through this activity, I understand: I must dare to try and be brave to challenge to succeed!



Today, our school held a two -year sports meeting, and there were many projects in the Games.


What impressed me most was jumping rope. The long rope project was one of the characteristics of our class.We are full of confidence in this jumping rope competition. The first place is bound to get it. The students came to the field with an extremely excited mood.I saw the long rope on the field and couldn't help but show the scenes of our usual training. I remember that I just started to learn the jumping long rope in the fourth grade. At the beginning, we never came into contact with the long rope.Starting, Teacher Huang taught us the annoying hand, after we worked unremittingly, practiced uninterrupted practice, and carefully observed, at the same time pondered how to jump cleverly in my mind.Finally found a formation that is both fast and smooth suitable for each of us.In this way, from the original to one, two, ten,,,,,,,, finally reached the level of closed eyes.I followed the spiritual teammate to the long rope, holding my fists and secretly determined to be careful, this time it represents our honor of Class 5.1.


The game started, one, two, oops, the classmates behind me stepped on my shoes. I stopped a little and the skipping rope was interrupted. At this time, my heart was banging.With exit, the two students who shaken the big rope threw the big rope at the same time, and we quickly adjusted the formation, one after the other, and then jumped up continuously, as if it had never happened.Eight, nine, ten ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Papapa" passing through from us.EssenceOne hundred and eighty, our class far exceeded more than 150 in other classes, and stabilized the first place in the local area! The students' faces showed a joyful smile.


One point of hard work and a harvest, the hard work of dozens of days has made the students get satisfactory. The achievement of this score is not only the result of hard work, but also in our unity and cooperation.Difficulty and achieved excellent results.



The school is ready to hold a winter sports meeting.The teacher asked us to go home to practice skipping. I went home and told my mother quickly that my mother said, "After a while, let's find your dad." As soon as I went out, my father came back.Dad and mother shook me a big rope at the door of the house, and I came to jump.At the beginning, he was a little afraid to look at the rope and didn't dare to jump; suddenly, a aunt beside him pushed me in with his hand.I was a little nervous after I went in. I slowly jumped up with my father's encouragement.When I was happy, my foot hooked the rope and fell.I said to my parents as desperately, "I won't jump!" Mom said, "Don't give up before."I heard this sentence and wiped my tears and started to jump again.


In the end, I finally learned to jump the big rope; although the jumping is not as good as the senior seniors, but my parents are very satisfied, but I believe: as long as you can practice carefully every day in the future, there will be one at the sports meeting.Very good performance.



Today, the sky is clear.Pig and Monkey went out to play together.


They found a long rope and played with jumping ropes.They tied the end of the rope to the big tree, the piglet dumped the rope, and the little monkey jumped.


At this time, the little rabbit shouted on the bank of the river, "Can you take me to play?" "Okay!" The little monkey said.The piglet saw a piece of wooden board, which put the wooden board on the river bank.The little rabbit came carefully on the wooden board, and then the pig and the little monkey dumped the rope, and the rabbit jumped.


Today is a beautiful day.



Today, the teacher told us that we will jump the big rope competition next week.


We rushed out of the classroom like flying.But the rope has not come down, it is really effort.Although I have been shaking the rope before, I am a little bored with shaking rope now, because my arms hurt when I shake the rope.


The most interesting person is the skipping person. The female classmates are dexterous like elf mice, and male classmates are stupid like Vani Bear.Zhang Leyao and Li Jiahua all jumped well. Looking at Han Zhe again, he jumped up before the rope landed. When the rope fell, he was tripped and almost fell, making everyone laugh.


You said, can the jumping rope competition in our class win the championship? I see, as long as we unite, we can win the championship. I believe that our class will be successful. Yeah!



On the day of wind and sun, the piglets and monkeys jumped the long rope by the river.The piglet blessed one of the long rope on the tree and the other end was on the hand.The little monkey dumped his long rope while throwing his flower skirt.Only the rabbits on the other side of the river are unhappy. It is envious of the piglets and monkeys, and they want to jump the long rope with them.But there was a small river in the middle that blocked its way. The rabbit couldn't swim, so he had to squat on the lawn in depression.Seeing the piglet and the little monkey, he shouted loudly: "Bunny, come and play with us!"


The little rabbit was anxious to turn around the river.At this time, the little monkey had a clever machine and thought of a way.He and the piglets worked together to move a piece of wood that was long and wide, on the endless river.


The bunny stepped on the bridge bravely and jumped to the other side of the river. It finally could jump the long rope with the friends.The little rabbit was excited and smiled, dancing, and a satisfactory smile on the little pig and monkey's face, as sweet as eating honey.



Today is the annual school game, and the next competition is a jumping rope.


The contestants have entered the field and prepared for time. Some of them drink water, some take off their thick clothes, some bend over, pull their legs, do relaxing exercises, and some whispering.Everyone was eager to try, showing his skills.


"Dud" whistle, the game began.Two students who dumped the rope, clenched one end of the rope, straightened their arms, threw the big rope in a clockwise force, and the big rope made a light sound in the air.Twisted like a snake back and forth.Students with skipping ropes ranked in a row, and I saw the first classmates who took a small step in their left foot, curled the right foot slightly back, kicked the ground, held their fists with both hands, the eyes followed the rhythm of the long rope, looking for a jumpopportunity.


I saw him seeing the opportunity. When the long rope was thrown to the high point, he rushed in like a cheetah. The long rope fell to the ground. He jumped gently. The long rope was thrown away.The other side stood in line; the second classmate also rushed into the long rope with his rhythm, jumped agile once, and rushed out immediately;A flowing "8".Some of the onlookers were holding their fists and cheering, and some were following the rhythm "58, 59, 60 ..." and staring at each other motionless.The long rope dance is fast, we jump up, the faster the long rope dances, like an unprepared arc.We accelerated their pace, rushed in, "slap", ran out, just like the colorful butterflies dancing in the flowers.


"Dudes-" The end of the whistle sounded.Our class jumped under "118" for three minutes and ranked second.The students were a little lost and unconvinced, and they must fight for the first place next time.



When I was young, there were not so many toys. Everyone gathered together.We often lose anything hard to catch people, but we still like to jump the big rope.


I won't jump at the beginning. Watching my friends next to each other, and I can only watch silently there. Every time I call me, I say that next time, they have to play with me.I was helpless, so I had to go up, but only listening to the sound of the pops, I dare not go. They said that you would jump and be pumped and did not hurt. I really believed it.After the genius is good, I jump better and better.


Today we have a skipping rope competition. The students are ready to go, and they are always preparing, but the people of the building are scattered, but we still find a place to start a learning.After a while again, the teacher told us that it would be us in a while. We were still practicing. When we arrived at the venue, we started to skip.People can also jump up for a long time. After a while, we started to be impatient, and I am also inside, but we are still not satisfied with our own results, which is too different from the last time.


After these, I learned that people still have to rely on teams to complete.



"Ding Ling Bell" is over get out of class, and the jumping rope king of our class -Xiao Tang is ready to start a skipping performance show.


Xiao Tang walked towards the corridor confidently.He unbuttoned the rope and threw the rope behind him, "slap", the rope fell behind his feet, and then took the rope a few laps to prepare for work.


"Preparation -start!" Everyone shouted in unison, and the words did not fall, and Xiao Tang drew a large circle in the air with his hands, and the rope obediently scratched a wonderful arc in the air.Quickly, when the rope was about to touch the ground, Xiao Tang mammated himself and jumped over. The naughty rope originally wanted to "hit" Xiao Tang, but was avoided by Xiao Tang, so he had to leave it reluctantly to leave.Essence


Listen, "Huhuhu", this is the sound of the rope dancing in the air, listening to "噔噔 噔", that is the sound of intimate contact with the ground ...


In this way, Xiao Tang jumped quickly, once, two times, three times ... I really feel that he quietly wore spring shoes, the rope flew freely, weaving into a protective cover for him, and like a dense wheel wheelQuickly turn in place.


Although Xiao Tang's body is as light as a swallow, he is like a lightning, but he doesn't have a long time. He jumps slower and more tired, and the rope is not as obedient as before. It becomes very wayward.Several times, Xiaotang panting with "snoring and snoring" at this time, and his face became flushed.I silently cheer for Xiao Tang in my heart: Xiao Tang, you must hold it up, you must not be defeated by the rope!


"Time is here!" The teacher said in surprise, "You jumped 168, it's great!"


Learn from you! "" How do you jump so fast, teach me! "...


"Ah? I heard right? Too ... great! I finally broke my own highest record!" Xiao Tang jumped three feet high.


Xiao Tang is really a well -deserved jumping rope king!



In the autumn of gold and autumn, autumn is high, and a sports meeting is held in the school.


On the day of the sports meeting, the colored flags on the campus exhibited, and people were surging.There are many competitions in the Games, including skipping rope, 200 sprints, long jumps, high jumps, and so on.I signed up to participate in my strength: one minute skipping competition.


The rope skipping competition is ranked in the last project. I feel that the previous time is particularly long.Wait, look forward to it, I finally looked forward to the skipping competition. I quickly took the rope and rushed to the playground like a rabbit.The players are all jumping ropes in each class. They have prepared for a long time for this game. They couldn't wait for a long time. Everyone lined up and waited for the referee to issue orders.At this point, I was very nervous and suddenly wanted to go to the toilet.


However, as the referee order: "Start!" I immediately threw up the rope, and I felt that the students next to it jumped like a ball one by one ... I also jumped up and down like a spring on my feet.Essence


The referee began to count: "Three, two, one, stop!" Great, I jumped 197! I am the first place!


The principal broadcast the competition in the broadcast: "The first place in the second grade: Huagan Cheng!" I heard it, it was my name, and immediately laughed and ran to the podium immediately.When the golden medal was hung on my neck, I was very happy. I ran to the classroom with it and felt it shaking around my neck, as if the eyes of my classmates were attracted by it.


The head teacher also rewarded me a piece of chocolate.Ah, this piece of chocolate is so delicious! This is the best thing I have ever eaten.