
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:19 | 来源:语文通



那一次我长大了作文 篇1那一次我长大了作文 篇2那一次我长大了作文300字 篇3那一次我长大了作文 篇4那一次我长大了作文 篇5那一次我长大了作文 篇6

那一次我长大了作文 篇1


Native ——题记


At the edge of Gao Jun's steep cliff, a young eagle fluttered with wings. The sliding figure seemed to be a little clumsy, bumpy, and bumped, but it was the first time it flew into the blue sky alone.So I knew: After experiencing suffering, talents will grow up.


The word "growing up" believes that we are no stranger.


Many people think that growth is a very long process; but I believe that growth is sometimes only a moment.


It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was very clear. Mom and Dad went shopping together. The sister was going out to play by her classmates.There was only me left in the family. Looking at the messy look at the family, I suddenly felt a little unbearable, so I decided to clean it up.


If you do, do you do it first. It ’s better to start from the living room first. I wiped it and dragged it for a long time, and then the bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens were then organized.Occasionally look around whether the items are placed reasonably and whether each other is harmonious.When everything was orderly, he found that he had back pain and sweat.I involuntarily asked myself: Mom had to clean up like this every few days. Isn't she tired?


Suddenly, a kind of thanks to my mother came into being, and I really understand the mother. I think, that time, I grew up.


But, I have asked myself countless times, when can I grow up?For a long time, I searched for the memory of memory and sought answers from life.


Tell me, when I was first considerate and understood by the person who made mistakes, I grew up.


I told me confidently that I said to myself for the first time, "I can do it!" At that time, I grew up.


United told me that when I first completed one thing with my partners, I grew up.


Diligence told me that I grew up when I first saved my parents' hard -earned money for my parents.




With a wave of fingers, the train of time has carried me to the critical period of the second day, and there are many deeds in growth. The bit of life is always witnessing the moment when I grow up.

那一次我长大了作文 篇2


There are many "moment" in my life: I won that moment, and I learned at that moment ... this time the "moment" happened on a simple bicycle ...


That day, my mother carried my bicycle to the lawn. She asked me to go up first, but I couldn't go up too tall, and my mother took me up. This is the first time I rode a bicycle. Curiosity was a little embarrassed, but I fell as soon as I kicked. My mother's eyes were full of worry. I got up and jumped to the bicycle. Pour in the grass. I was sad, stood up slowly, and sat down the bench next to me. I felt that I must have a bad posture. After a while, I regained the fanfare and rode on a bicycle again. This time I asked my mother to hold a bicycle behind, overcome my inner fear, I jumped into a bicycle, my mother helped, I slowly rode, this time it was much better than the last time. Me! But when I looked back, my mother was already coming. I was very scared. I stopped the car immediately. After stopping the car, I regretted it. I think I can do it, "1/2 of the magic The protagonist in "does not believe in myself, and I think I can't be like him. I rode the car again and felt confident. Sure enough, I succeeded, and I cheered: "I succeeded! I succeeded!" My mother's face was so happy.


It turns out that growing up is not a simple age but my inner growth!There are many for the first time in life. I must learn to face and overcome it so that I can really grow up!

那一次我长大了作文300字 篇3


When I was 7 years old, I liked watching ghost films. I have watched any "Ghost Blowing Lantern" and "Mr. Zombie". I was afraid of two days, but I couldn't help watching it. Later, I made a ""At that time, I felt like I grew up.


One day, my mother asked me to sleep alone, saying that I wanted me to overcome my fear, and at first I went into my room with a strong sense.But after entering, it is okay to turn on the lights. I feel that there is no one everywhere. I carefully turned off the lights, and then drilled into the bed at a normal speed of lightning and blindfolded my head."The voice," Who is knocking on the window? Is it a ghost! Ghost really comes to me! "Thinking of this, I shouted in fright:" Mom, there is a ghost outside the window! "My mother hurriedly ran pastOpen the window and see, a strong wind blows in, my mother smiled and said, "This is the ghost you said, you are really big!" Then my mother "fluttered" with a smile."As soon as my mother left, I was scared again, and I felt that there were still people under the bed, bedside, and outside the door.At this time, I thought, "If there are really ghosts, then Taoist priests should have it." I fell asleep when I thought about it.


Since then, I am no longer afraid of ghosts. At that time, I felt like I had grown up.

那一次我长大了作文 篇4


One day, my mother suddenly became pregnant. My mother looked at her mobile phone all day to see if her situation was the same as her daughter. My mother hoped that she was pregnant.


Until one day, when she went to the toilet, my mother felt a stomachache, and my mother felt that she should be born. She immediately asked my aunt to drive her to the hospital. After my father learned, he rushed to the hospital like a rocket.Waiting in front of the door.Grandma and I waited at home by myself, I am very worried about my mother.


On the third day, my aunt took me to the hospital to see my mother.There are a lot of paths in the hospital, and I am almost lost.Mom looks very weak.The little sister slept positively, her face was very red and ugly.


I can also fully understand that my mother can't see the scene outside the window, because I have had such a thing.


When my mother was discharged, I saw that my sister was much more beautiful than when she was born.I also saw that Dad only ate instant noodles in the hospital, and did not eat anything else.


When I saw my mother at the hospital that day, my nose was sour. When I was young, I sat on a blanket. My mother fed me a noodle with chopsticks and chopsticks. At that moment, I felt that I was growing up.Brother, I want to take care of my sister in the future. It turned out that being my brother is so hard. Although I am tired of going home from school at noon every day, I am very happy, but my mother is more hard, my mother takes care of her sister for a long time, but I grow up.Big, I will experience the mood of my parents.

那一次我长大了作文 篇5

那一次我长大了幼儿园的时候,我快乐的风筝,在天空中翱翔着。 冬天的一个早上,我坐在公交车上,透过车窗往外看,发现玻璃上的水气模糊了我的视线, 我用手掌把水气擦掉,看到了外面。原来世界是那样美丽动人,我这样想。

At that time, when I grew up in kindergarten, my happy kite soared in the sky.One morning in winter, I was sitting on the bus, looking out through the window, and found that the water on the glass blurred my sight. I wiped the water and gas with my palm and saw it outside.It turns out that the world is so beautiful, I think so.


Suddenly I found that I was observing the world so carefully. Maybe I really grew a lot, more troubles that trouble myself, and less carefree in the past.


That time I grew up because I found that I knew how to hate.In my studies, I hate myself and hate myself without working hard.That time I grew up because I was no longer as naive as before.I was very painful. When I was a kid, everything became a book, which was a thick and exquisite record.It records my dusty past and records the happy memories when I was playing with my friends when I was a kid.


The process of growing is not as relaxed and happy as I imagined. It not only has twists and turns and bumps, but also has troubles and sorrows.Just like I can't laugh forever, I can't live in happiness forever, and life is sweet and bitter to lose meaning.


Although there are fewer happiness, this is the most memorable.I should think: at least I can see the beautiful and beautiful world in that window.At least I have grinned and laughed, at least I haven't given up myself.


I no longer be a naive self, no longer let my life lose glory ... Although I can't be as carefree as a child, my life becomes colorful.

那一次我长大了作文 篇6


The pursuit of golden autumn is the pursuit of sails, the rising sun is the pursuit of dawn, and a gorgeous life is my pursuit.Grandpa often said to me: "People have to experience suffering before they can grow up, and they will have a chance when they grow up."


At that time, I learned independence and learned how to deal with difficulties.At that time, I also understood that "the help of someone else is just a moment. If you want to go out to play, you must open the door; if you want to succeed, you must work hard.


When I was young, my parents took me back to my grandma's house for the New Year, and got off the taxi. Grandpa and grandma were waiting for us at the door of the house. After saying a few words with their parents, they went out with their parents. I was curious. Then asked Grandpa: "What do they do?" Grandpa only answered me: "Go out and go to the door, you stay at home, come back, then go away, insert the door from the window sill, and then put the door at hand and then put the door at hand. I inserted it on the door, but I left a seam, which was just enough for me to stretch out my hand, but I only had a little toes, and sometimes I could touch the door insert. After a while, I felt boring. The door was stupid. It was locked from the outside. I could n’t open it if I wanted to try it. I still did n’t open it with the power of nine cows and two tigers. But at this moment they are gone. I squatted in front of the door for a while, maybe because I want to go out too much, I stand up again and learn the lessons, I put it in front Take a shot, touch the tiptoe upwards, use the power of nine cows and two tigers, finally touch it, hurry up, then move the door a little bit, and finally open it. I pushed the door. Get freedom, rush out.


The road in the future is still long, and there may be more difficulties in front of me. No matter how difficult the road will be, I will smile in my life and show my style. I will not be afraid to shrink back when I encounter difficulties, because I am ready to be ready, because I am ready to be readyEssence