
时间:2022-09-17 13:22:21 | 来源:语文通



关于中秋之夜的作文 篇1关于中秋之夜的作文 篇2中秋之夜优秀作文 篇3中秋之夜作文 篇4

关于中秋之夜的作文 篇1


Mid -Autumn Festival, moonlight ecstasy.


After eating delicious moon cakes, I have said interesting family affairs. The elderly and children have slowly drunk into the sweet dreamland. The inside and outside the courtyard look quiet. Only the stacked leaves on the upper vine from time to time are boring by breeze.Essence


The moonlight is like water, quietly spreading inside and outside the courtyard, between mountain villages.


At night, I went to the hustle and bustle of the earth, bringing a rare peace and harmony to the mountain village, but I was excited and insomnia.


Suddenly, a touch of moonlight slipped in silently, and the desk in front of the bed was on the table.Suddenly, the entire room was bright.


I like the moon, especially for the Mid -Autumn Festival.So I dressed again to find this wonderful moonlight.


Open the door, pass through the path, not far away.At this time, the whole month was in front of me.The moon of the Mid -Autumn Festival is beautiful, pure, the affection of carried the models, and the clear clearness of the ground.


In the autumn night, the moon is like water.A clear outline out of the dark ridges in the distance, it looked more and more.


The sound of the river looks very prominent in the silent night. Is the stream happy or sad?It's just that it has been flowing for thousands of years, and it has never changed. Maybe this is its original intention.


Calmly involved in the river, sitting on the rock in the middle of the river.I look up at the moonlight that makes me obsessed.Softly, gentle, there is no divergence, no mixed.


It's just a bleak, just a peace, which is enough.I can find such a realm in such a night, and my heart has been satisfied, and I don't need to go to the world to search for quietness.


Night, getting cooler.The dew was soaked in my clothes, but my heart was very happy and very happy.I felt so happy for a long time in my heart, so there was a different kind of emotions in my heart.


The moonlight flowed silently, and the river was flowing silently.At night, all the sounds were removed, and everything was immersed in peace.


I felt a coolness.It is said that it is not a very cold season. Why is it so cold in my heart?


During the day, the complex interpersonal relationship made me tired of cope and made me burnt.The continuation of the day often makes me unable to peace at night.I am often in the situation of insomnia, so I seem to be listless and drowsy.


The moonlight is justice, especially the full moon on the Mid -Autumn Festival night. It does not despise me because of my smallness. It does not because of my success.step.


I walked back slowly, and my heart was bright.


Mid -Autumn Festival Night的作文 篇2


Mid -Autumn Festival Night


Nung, moon and new moon.This may be the best wish I can make at this moment.


Today, Mid -Autumn Festival, full moon.I am alone, in the classroom, in school, in the huge towns.It's not that I am the only one in the classroom, school, and s towns, but there are no family members. No matter how many people, I am also myself ... I moved a stool and put it on the corridor.Looking at the lonely moon, pouring down the ancient loneliness.What kind of taste is this? The heart is rolling, but the soul is very quiet and quiet, like the outline of the surrounding of the mountains and the sky in the distance.Think about the people in the family one by one, maybe you will have you, the month will be more round ...


Mid -Autumn Festival Night,自己是承载了多少人的爱与期望,让我毅然决然的选择留校学习,让我惬意体会只有月亮没有月饼,更没有家人陪伴的中秋。或许我错失了美味的月饼,但我却收获了一个人的安静,好似“雁字回时,月满西楼”。


Dormitory.When the door was closed, the lights were off, I sat quietly on the bed, provoked a small lamp, continued, and continued to quiet ... The lights were not like moonlight, and the warmth, the cold, stagnant tip of the pen, is the tip of the tilt, is itI suddenly became lonely. Fortunately, the weakness of the insects outside the window made me not lose myself in the darkness, and let me maintain the only hope in my loneliness.Because the bedroom is carrying the moon, the moonlight cannot be reached, which dissolves this loneliness. Only the pen who is desperately grasping the pen in my hand, and desperately engraved on the paper.Native


Maybe, at this moment, falling asleep and dreaming is the best.Put away the self -determined mood and turn off the light gently.In the dark, in the paper, writing in my heart, silently, with you, the moon is more round ...

中秋之夜优秀作文 篇3


Feng'er blew away a cloud, and the moon was like a plate, which showed it, shining on the land of China ...


In the Mid -Autumn Festival, Chinese traditional festivals are on August 15th each year. It is said that it is to commemorate Chang'e, and it is also necessary to eat moon cakes, which represents a completeness.


Today is August 15th. I went to visit my grandma with my parents. When I arrived at my grandma's house, I picked up my grandma into the car and went to the lake on the west. At this time, Dad took out the prepared ovens, charcoal, materials, lamb skewers and chicken wings. The oven was made by his father. He ignited his father charcoal and baked it. My mother and I sat by the lake to play playing cards. Grandma watched her father grilled mutton skewers at the side, and asked how to make the oven while looking at it. Plasizing that Dad, Dad rolled the lamb skewers and sprinkled the material while roasting. The rich fragrance drilled into my nostrils and led me. I couldn't wait to eat a few skewers. It was so fragrant! I was a little panicked, so I took out the cup and poured the drink. I drank it with a big mouth, and my mother and grandma also ate it, but I didn't eat it fast. My hand was a little itchy, and I wanted to practice my hand, so I took a few string of chicken wings and put it on the grill. At this time, I thought of the cola chicken wings I like to eat before. Coke fell into the small bowl of the ingredients, and grilled chicken wings with a small brush dipped in a layer of wipe on the cola online. After baking, I tasted it, eh! So sweet! Then killed the other skewers.


When we were full, the sky was already very dark and dark, and Dad found some wooden strips, ignited some of the remaining charcoal, and became a fire pile to illuminate our family. I looked up.The moon in the sky seemed to be playing with me, when it was hidden in the clouds, it seemed a little shy. My father took out a few moon cakes, and I tasted it carefully. The fragrance was sweet ...

中秋之夜作文 篇4


Tonight, there is a moon and wind.In front of the window alone, my heart was posted on the dark blue sky like the tree shadow outside the window; it was blowing by a light wind, and my thoughts flew like birds in the whole month.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moonlight was like water, and the breeze was like flowing, which penetrated my placket and nourished my heart.On a quiet night, I invited a few friends to sit around the balcony, taste a moon cake, taste a cup of fragrant cake, and enjoy the intoxication of the wind touching the skin. The spirit immediately sublimated to an unmanned realm.This situation is like the sound of zither and string, and it looks like a flute rhyme, glowing with young power. Each feeling of use is born from the heart, plug in white wings, drilling between water and sky, flying between water and sky.Essence


The bright moonlight drilled out of the cloud seam, flowing on the wide ground, soft and jealous.It is on the ground, such as silver frost -resistant; if you are on the trunk, if you are wedding; in my body, if the pure spring is washed to the dust in my thoughts.What dances in the distance is the feelings of dancing girls, like the soft clouds flying in the wind; like the white moonlight and the eyes of bright eyes, a long love and sweet dream make you unknowinglyStep into the quiet night sky.Visar, there is a beautiful and gentle erhu song, I suspect that A Bing's "Erquan Yingyue"?The moonlight led to the trickle of his piano, crushed between the clear spring water, and felt a song of eternal singing!


On the ground, Huaxing moved with light dance steps with the Xu Xing of the moon, so that it was also a kind of beauty.Therefore, there are ancient people Yun: "The clouds are broken in the moon."


Gradually, Yue'er became brighter and brighter, and occasionally has the beauty of the rhythm of "Spring River Flower Moon Night".In the soft moonlight, the heart flies with the wind, and the ideal Yu Yin ...


The good scene is hard, the good night is rare, worship the moon, appreciates the moon, tastes moon cakes, and merge with friends and friends. This is my Mid -Autumn Festival night.