
时间:2022-09-14 13:26:42 | 来源:语文通



《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇1《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇2放牛班的春天观后感 篇3《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇4《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇5《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇6放牛班的春天观后感 篇7《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇8《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇9

《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇1


The French film "Spring in the Bull Class" tells about the world -renowned conductor Piermo Anqi returned to the funeral of his mother. His old friend gave him an old diary and watched the music enlightenment of the year.The diary left by the teacher, the memories of the scenes of the scene also emerged from the deep pool of their memory.


In the French countryside in 1949, the unemployed music teacher Clemunded Matthew came to a boarding school nicknamed the "bottom of the pond".The "bottom of the pond" is the name of a boarding school designed for the "re -education" problem.As the name is, the school has the ancient architecture, a heavy and heavy door, a gray mottled classroom, and a dark occlusion atmosphere.Here, Matthew did not have the opportunity to develop his talents, and eventually became a substitute teacher.


The teachers of this school are all perceived and abominable, which is incredible.They forgot to laugh, because of this, students are hostile to teachers and form hostile barriers with teachers.For the first time, Matthew Matthew, who met the children for the first time, was also ridiculed by the children ...


Because the students here are a group of exiled problems, most of them are difficult for children.After he arrived, Matthew found that the principal of the school governed the problem of this group of problems with brutal high pressure. He was commonplace here. Matthew, who was quiet, tried to improve this situation in his own way.What surprised him was that the boarding school had no music classes. He decided to use music to open the students' closed minds.


Matthew began to sing how to sing, but things did not progress smoothly. The biggest troublesmate manufacturer was Pierre Mo Anqi.Pierre, a child of a single -parent family who loves to theft and has been fired from public schools, has an angel's face and singing voice, but has a naughty character with a headache.However, Matthew did not punish entanglement because of his fighting and fighting. On the contrary, he urged him to return to the choir.Pierre's unusual musical talent, under the careful protection and cultivation of Matthew, can often be vividly exerted and turned the dream into a miracle ... The seductive Matthew has discovered Pierre's musical talent.


"Spring in the Bull Class" is a movie that makes people cry because of joy.There are no beauty or violence here; no action, homicide and commercial elements.But the ordinary little man Clemen Matthew's broad love moved us deeply!Yes, there is no natural bad child, as long as our teachers can give children sufficient love and understanding, they will become more hopeful and confident!

《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇2


This afternoon, I watched a movie "Spring in the Bull Class".At the beginning, I didn't understand it. I was a little bit careless and confused, but I was very emotional and moved when I finished reading it.


oh!The word "letting cows" in "Putting Niu Ban" means "letting goat", which refers to those students with poor behavior.Faced with such a group of "sheep" students, usually teachers always shake their heads and sigh, expressing their powerlessness.But the new teacher Matthew created a miracle. He opened the children's closed mind with music and helped them enter their happy spring.


There are two places in this movie that moved me very much.The first time when the choir was performing, the lead singer Mo Langqi stood aside because of making mistakes. He thought the teacher would not let him sing, but after the first section of the first section, Mr. Ma Xiu suddenly turned to signalHe started solo, Mo Langqi was very happy.He sang the song with a kind of pride, happiness and a kind of satisfaction after forgiveness.From his eyes, Mr. Ma Xiu read Mo Langqi for the first time and learned to be grateful.


The second thing that moved me was that Mr. Matthew was fired by the principal, and he was sad.What I didn't expect was that a pair of small hands waved farewell to him in the window; a paper plane flying from the window wrote the children's sincere blessings. Matthew watched these paper planes and was no longer sad. He was moved.,happiness……


After returning home, I watched this movie again, and the children's angel -like smiley faces were always emerged in front of me. I heard their natural singing ...

放牛班的春天观后感 篇3


Open your face


Shining smiley


Buried fairy tale stories


Not forgotten


Those wings about angels


Not worldly


The exaggerated makeup of the graffiti


At the bottom of the pond


Encounter your singing


It's a small universe






Your dream


At the bottom of the pond,那一群孩子就这么在这个炎热的夏天走进了我的生活。一部小小的影片,不关乎很多的商业因素,没有爱情的渲染,但是就是一种淳朴,一种关于宽容、关乎梦想的。一群被世人厌恶的孩子,遇到一个天使一般的老师,从此他们的故事里有了更多的浪花。而那一群孩子,哪怕有一刻成了别人眼中的恶魔,在马老师的眼中便成了最美的天使。瞭望他们人生未来的路,被人遗忘的他们,终于有人愿意为他们伸出援手,音乐给了他们自由的灵魂,引领他们走向了更加美好的未来。这就是《放牛班的春天》,一部纯纯的影片。


At the bottom of the pond。马修见到的是一群调皮捣蛋的孩子,恶作剧的他们让学监进了医院。他像每一个新来的老师一样对即将接任的孩子们充满信心,他觉得没有什么无法改变。是马修老师的信任、宽容、坚持、激情、爱心让孩子们最终能够放飞自己的心灵,找到生活的希望。


In this film, what I want to talk about most is about education.


This group of children will never be recognized by the principal. Even if they have done it well, the principal will feel that they can no longer save them. In this movie, the school uses the "action-reaction" formula to imprison them. This is an educational system that lacks human care. Children use their further rebellion, naughty, and lonely to respond to this punishment. Regarding the problems of the students and principals of the problem, they always feel that they can only maintain discipline only through severe punishment. In fact, this is a behavior of violence. In our modern school management method, this is also a problem. Many of our teachers or parents also feel that it is the best way to use violence, and unwilling to walk into their hearts and unwilling to discover them. But every child is an angel with wings. They come with the aura of angels. As long as we are willing to approach them, they can go to the end. The principal did not do this, but Mr. Matthew did it. He always felt that he could influence them. He assumes responsibility for the children; puts the children in his hearts to his prank; he protects them and does not let them be punished; he gives them gestures during the exam; he accompanies them to sleep in the dormitory; The child takes care of the wounded, he keeps their secrets, he is willing to communicate with them, and he is willing to hope for them. Let the relationship between teachers and students so harmonious and make his classroom so attractive. Tolerance is his attitude towards faults. Repeated efforts to retrieve his dignity for him and the children, and also realized his dream. In fact, the negligence itself is not caused by the party's intention. A good -faith lie may save a sinking heart.


Each child is a unique individual, and every child has the flash point on them. Perhaps they are called "problem children", but their problem only is that their rebellion exceeds the tolerance of the people around them. They are not dead wood, but they have been abandoned by their loved ones in the wilderness of thought. The door of the school was locked, and the door of the banquet was locked. They were given up like this. But their light was always unavailable. Matthew saved them and found their flashing points and washed their hearts with music. When the command stick waved, you heard the most beautiful voice from the children. Their pure infection with everyone, and even the principal couldn't help but play with a paper plane. Infected him. The shining glory of the lovely children in music is so unobstructed. Their eyes are full of hope, that is what they give them, music lets them know that they are so different, let them know that they can also be the focus, they are not a child, but full of hope.


Teacher Matthew, always observe the children with his keen mind.Loneliness is in the hearts of each child, eager to be concerned but forgotten in the corner, but his best performance is always ignored.Eventually abandoned.Choose to attract others to attract others.Unruly is not the original intention of the letters.Knowing the fear of the children after making mistakes, let the child keep the injured teacher and take him to know the mistakes, instead of hate the world in the forbidden room; use euphemism without losing the child's face to join the music combination; use indifference to use indifferenceThe child's way to show him the opportunity to regain confidence.....Teacher Matthew forgive the children's past and let their dreams fly such simple and meaningful moves.Under the guidance of Teacher Matthew, the children came out of the haze, and the songs flying infected everyone, even the devil -like principal.


At the bottom of the pond,最终迎来了放牛班的春天。马修老师的行为让我对即将要选择的教师之路充满了指示意义,因为他让我们知道,孩子们的春天,一个也不能少。


At the end, Mr. Matthew took away the little bean, and the lush green represents infinite hope!

《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇4


It was Teacher's Day that day.


During the class, Teacher Shang greets all the classmates and teachers' Day, and we are an excellent music teacher in the future.In the first class, the conventional teacher told the importance of this course and related matters. We watched such a movie together.

看完后几天 ,电影里的音乐以及故事一直在心里来回的萦绕, 在孩子们几乎灰色 没有希望,充斥混乱暴躁。校长老师刻板乏味条,谩骂和体罚是师生之间唯一的交流。通过暴力手段想制服学生。然而这些孩子在马修老师到来之后的命运改变,是不可想象的。有爱,我们都能感觉到。孩子们开始唱歌的时候,我明显的感觉到自己的毛孔都张开了。那是一种无与伦比的享受,很久没有听到如此动人的声音了,天籁之音完美的阐释孩子们现在的心境与改变。不再打架、不再搞恶作剧。因为心里有了善,有了感恩,有了爱和希望。马修老师的力量是巨大的,他或许从来没有想过自己的到来会给孩子们带来什么样子的变化,没有想过升级,只是想从心里最深处来保护,呵护这些孩子。只是因为他们还 是孩子。

A few days after watching, the music and stories in the movie have been lingering back and forth in their hearts. The children are almost gray and have no hope, full of chaos and irritability.The principal and teacher are stereotyped, and abuse and corporal punishment are the only communication between teachers and students.Want to subdue students through violence.However, the fate of these children after the arrival of Matthew is unimaginable.With love, we can all feel.When the children started singing, I clearly felt that my pores were open.It was an unparalleled enjoyment. I haven't heard such a touching voice for a long time.No longer fighting, no more pranks.Because of goodness, gratitude, love and hope.Teacher Matthew's power is huge. He may never think that his arrival will bring about changes to the children. He never thought about upgrading, but just wanted to protect and take care of these children from his heart.It's just because they are still children.

当爱的力量遇到音乐时候,这些孩子美妙的歌声从窗户飞出时,传到每位的心底,这些孩子从心底表达的感情,是以前任何时候 没有表达过的。

When the power of love encounters music, when these children's wonderful singing flies from the window, it is transmitted to the bottom of each heart. The feelings expressed from the bottom of their hearts have not been expressed at any time.


In this photo, Ma Xiu's thick expression, the warmth flowing in his eyes, and the children's smiles with happy sheets, the warmth in his heart, can't help but tears, the structure and music of the story put us our structure and music.When the soul was pulled away, when the teacher Matthew was forced to leave, when the paper plane was forced to leave, I looked back at the classmates in the class, and many of them were crying.Teacher Matthew's favorite younger son, when I left with him, my psychology was particularly comfortable, just like I had a child and could take care of him.


The film is a dream -making machine. It is a kind of force and liberation in a realistic society, and we get comforting on the road to move forward.Love will never be forgotten, but tolerance and understanding are the necessary quality of a qualified teacher.When we are full of love, we will have some kind of power, continue our path in love, and use music to purify us and children's souls.

《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇5


I have not watched the content of the movie with questions and started watching ...


What impressed me was that the owner Ma Xiu came to a problem of a child's school. Through his own educational methods, he paid attention to, inspired, appreciated, equal, and respecting every child. The children happened under the teaching of this kind teacher.The earth -shaking changes have become less rebellious and incurable!On the contrary, each child has a flash point, such as: Teacher Matthew asked each child to try to sing low and treble allocation, and even the most rebellious child Monan was found the best middle voice.


Let each child find their own value, let each child know that the meaning of this collective is allowed to participate in the music performance, and the children are very happy to be appreciated and sing together.


He is also very concerned about the child’s life. For example, the children have not taken a hot bath for a long time, so he went to the principal to report it. The principal was indifferent and he tried to solve it.Children's care!


When He was going to perform in front of the count in front of the count, he deliberately left Pierre to let him bear the setback education.Thanksgiving and cherishing!


Reflect that we are educating children ourselves, do we also teach our children with love, and use love to understand each of our children?It's better to show the children, the stars are glittering!Each child has a flash point. As a teacher, the teacher has to make a chance to make mistakes and guides the correct guidance.

《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇6


Because the film shows the emotions of the story to the fullest, the "letting cow class" is not unparalleled by the children, but it is also oppressed by this education system.Children have the nature of love, but the education system does not develop towards their trends. What kind of hope does "spring" get?


The story mainly tells that a talented but failed musician went to teach as a substitute teacher. Among them, he witnessed the strict punishment methods and management systems of the school.Matthew Matthew had an idea of changing the school discipline system. He wrote songs specially written for the children in the music score. Try to use pure music to call back the cold hearts of discipline and let their hearts let their heartsReplace it back to hope.


The film compares the principal to Matthew to depict. Their educational philosophy is very different. Matthew uses the child's nature. Their hobbies use another way to influence them and let them really learn a lot.Know from the mind.Teacher Matthew's love for the children is that he insisted on not abandoning or giving up, and reinstalizing their souls with music, so he could get the recognition of students and the recognition of colleagues.In the end, the principal was defeated, and it all reflected that the concept of Matthew's education was worthy of praise.The reason why Teacher Matthew can be recognized by the children is that he can succeed because he paid true love, and it can also be said that he used music to make the children happy. His careful education purified this group of students who let go of cattle class students.The soul saved the students of the cattle class also had a beautiful spring.


Although the child's psychology is developing, after all, it is immature, and its tolerance is far less than adults. Long -term tension and anxiety will inevitably cause their psychological dysfunction.The joy and sorrow affects its growth. Although it is necessary to cultivate its ability to suffer, most of them should be in a good state to facilitate thinking and play.Students are stubborn and rebellious. If teachers do not control well and handle them at will, they will be contrary to the healthy development of students.The pursuit of a person's life is not only learning, but also many, but we cannot find ourselves.


There are too many reasons for people to live. Everyone wants to make a difference, because we are unique, so we should have our own beliefs and have a spring -like sunshine.The education system is developing with the times, and we must follow the progress. When human education is restricted by rights, we can try to transform him from psychology, and we may see another light.People in a person's life are not just learning books. Do n’t miss it when you have another hobby. Seizing it may have another way to interpret a better life.

放牛班的春天观后感 篇7


Where is a child looking at you?


Look at it


That clear eyes


Even the glory that can't be covered even


He just stared at


Looking forward to you can enter him


Feel his joy


Understand his injuries


Until you embrace him in your arms


Integrate into his original life


Light up the star light in his life


When I first saw this name, I always felt that it was the story in the small ravine of our country. Maybe a child who did not go out of the mountain ushered in the first teacher in his life and took them to the sun step by step.But I never thought that this cattle class was abroad and in a group of "special children".


It is too much to say that they are "special". They are just too naughty. In the words of our old principals, they are just "beyond lively". I agree with this word to describe this group of children.Adults are welcome, but they have the same rights as other children, and they are just children.


Everyone may be their teacher, everyone who appears in their lives.Maybe a child is looking at you, looking forward to litting the light in his life.

《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇8


"Spring in the Bull Class" View Family Essays


When the light cuts through the dark dust, the rainbow -like scenery blooms a great movement. Children from the paradise stairs are silent in a swamp that recovers. When the night breaks through all the crickets, running towards the blue poverty.The movement of movement, rotating, drifting away from the warmest color in the world.

马修篇:我是马修,一个失败的音乐家,我带着我用心创作的音符,来到了这个狭小而阴冷的学校--池塘之底。那些本应在鲜花和掌声中成长的孩子,在这里用锐利的目关,残忍的恶作剧收拾他们所有他们要报复的人,他们在痛斥社会,在不满生存中曲折,他们的心灵在腐化,在扭曲,这里如同一个深渊,有着让人窒息的恐怖,这里是坏孩子的看守所,校长总拿至高无尚权威去痛斥或惩罚这些孩子,当校长的愤怒爆发,每个人都可能会遭殃,包括我在内,因为我从即日起将成为他们的老师。当我走进教室,我被这场面所震惊,他们是一个个不安分的狮子,有的在咆哮,有的在打闹,有的则慵懒的睡觉,我一不留神,被杂物所绊倒,我的公文包在这时被孩子抢夺,哎,看得出来,这不但是帮淘气的小鬼同时也是难以对付的,但我并不放弃,因为我懂,他们不是生来的胚子,他们是一群无助而寂寞的孩子,我决定教他们音乐,用动人的音韵教会他们成长,用爱的真谛去感动他们内心的春…作文迷 .cn…天,因为我相信,音乐是令人向往的,音乐是净化人心的,我发现了他们的好音质,即使会走音,但我看出他们的用心是无可替代的,每一个孩子在这时刻,多么像一个精灵舞动着那轻薄如翼的翅膀,这时,我发现了他,一个音乐的奇迹。

Matthew: I am Matthew, a failed musician. I took the notes I created with my heart and came to this narrow and cold school-the bottom of the pond. Those children who should have grown in flowers and applause, here with sharp eyes, cruel pranks to clean up all the them they want to revenge. They are scolding society and twists and turns in dissatisfaction. Their hearts are corrupted. Twisted, here is like an abyss, with suffocating horror. This is the detention center of the bad child. The principal always takes noble authority to reprimand or punish these children. When the principal's anger erupts, everyone may suffer, including me Inside, because I will become their teacher from now on. When I walked into the classroom, I was shocked by this scene. They were restless lions, some were growing, some were making trouble, and some were sleeping lazily. Starting, my briefcase was snatched by the child at this time. It is a group of helpless and lonely children. I decided to teach them music, teach them to grow with moving sounds, and use the true meaning of love to move their inner spring ... composition fans .cn ... God, because I believe that music is desirable Music is purifying people's hearts. I found their good sound quality. Even if they would go, I can see that their intentions are irreplaceable. At this moment, how can it be like a elf danced and thin as light as light as if it is as thin as the light. Wing's wings, at this time, I found him, a miracle of music.


Mo Hangzhi: I am Mo Hangzhi, ha, a bad child, so bad that my mother is desperate, and I can't bear it. I am stolen and troubled by private schools.In restless, I hate the feeling of being abandoned, just like my mother left me here, although I know she was reluctant, the air here makes me disgusting, here I am afraid of me, I hope I can escape the cliff,Just like I hope that Guangming will break through the veil of dawn, this hopes to pierce the seeds, until this teacher recovers all my warm memories, Matthew-this special mentor, he made my life exuding colorful, so that I have me.I felt happy, I joined the choir. My high -quality voice was inspired by my music, which made me scattered the eye -catching fragrance.


Ma Xiu: My choir has a smart color. Mo Xing knows the pure and slow voice, which moves me. Here I seeks real music. All the children are full of energy.Sincere child, I believe that when they are awakened by love and cherished by others, they will soothe the devil in life and become pure and beautiful crystals, just like Pipino, he is a kind child, he is a kind child.He should get more love, but he is an orphan. He does not want to believe this fact. He will simply think that his parents will come to pick him up on Saturday.The child is pity, I want to protect him, like his child, love every little life here, because they are so lonely and need to take care of me.

《放牛班的春天》观后感 篇9


The school -based course of the school on Thursday afternoon, Teacher Liang, who read the house, let us watch an educational movie.


"Spring in the Bull Class" mainly about a music teacher named Matthew came to a school- "bottom of the pond". This school is some students with "problems".At the beginning of the movie, two elderly people were watching a diary and recalled the past. A teacher named Matthew came to the "bottom of the pond"., Hurting the side of the eyes, and the principal Hashan, the method of punishing the students is four words "action -reaction".


Teacher Matthew was always bullied by students when they first came to this school, but Teacher Matthew did not tell President Hashan. Later, Mr. Matthew established a choir. A boy named Mengdan came to this school a day. When I saw it, I felt that Mengdan's eyes were full of murderous eyes. Meng Dan and a little boy said that he had killed a teacher with a knife before. When I heard him say that, he was afraid he would kill Matthew Matthew? One day Uncle Ma Sang found a sum of money and a harmonica under the wooden board of a student. Teacher Ma Xiu understood it at a time. This money was the money lost in the school. The boy's, so he found the little boy to ask the reason. It turned out that the little boy wanted to buy a hot air balloon with money. Teacher Matthew did not scold the little boy after knowing it. Soon after, Mr. Matthew and Uncle Ma Sang took the children to the small woods next to the school to play, but at this time no one knew that the school was on fire. Teacher Matthew was fired by the school. The students said goodbye to Teacher Matthew in the way of origami planes. When I saw it here, I couldn't help crying. I thought that I wouldn't want to leave by Teacher Ma Xiu.


After watching this movie, I deeply felt that the teachers' intentions and kind education methods of each student, "the direction in the night, the light of hope, the enthusiasm of life, the lane of glory, the joy of childhood", Accompanied by singing the movie.