
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:06 | 来源:语文通



童年趣事作文400字 篇1写童年趣事作文400字 篇2童年趣事作文 篇3

童年趣事作文400字 篇1


A sunny Saturday morning, the composition teacher, Mr. Luo, took us to play a game named "Jiazhuzi".


The rules of the game are: divide us into two groups. There is a cup before and after each group. The students are clamped in the first row of the cups in the first row according to the ranking number.The team won.


As soon as I heard that it was playing games, I had been happy for a long time. Not only was it me, but my classmates were eager to try.I saw that the teacher took out the props and let us start the first round. I saw the two players of the two teams stood up.inside.At this time, the No. 2 of our group had already received the chopsticks, and I saw that he caught a bead carefully, and then flew to the cup like a gust of gust.EssenceAfter doing it, he immediately passed it to me. I rushed out, and a bead was pinched, and the cup was successfully put into the cup.


At this time, I saw the fifth classmate of Group A, and he picked up a bead. As a result, the naughty beads suddenly escaped his magic palm like a child who deliberately missed.Khan beads finally put the beads into the cup, but our group had already won.


Through this competition, I understand that only team cooperation can succeed.

写童年趣事作文400字 篇2


Looking back at the way of growing up, there are always some things that make me often think of, no matter laughing and tears, right and wrong, it is as wonderful as a child's childhood life!Today, I want to open my box and take out the most shiny pearl for you.


That summer.Mom and grandmother went out, leaving me and my sister at home.There are many vampire -mosquitoes, come to suck our blood, I rack my brains how to destroy them.Hey, yes!I can't help but think of a good plan: Isn't adults drunk often when drinking?Then we drink, mosquitoes come again to bite our blood, wouldn't they also be drunk?As soon as I thought, she told her sister, and she agreed very much.I rolled a bottle of red wine from the cabinet.My sister and I drank it without hesitation.My sister and I also said with confusion: Successful!The two of us fell asleep.


When we wake up, see the whole family next to us.My sister and I happily told them that they laughed.One said, we are "silly children".I also scratched their heads and laughed with them ...


I put this shiny pearl back into the box, and I will definitely keep this beautiful box, because some of the pearls in it are my colorful and happy childhood.

童年趣事作文 篇3


Life is like a piece of white paper, we need to use colorful brushes to depict the magnificent scrolls.And childhood, like the most bright one in the brush, is eye -catching and extraordinary.


My childhood spent at my grandmother's house.At that time, my sister and I had nothing to do all day, so we did a lot of things that made people laugh.


The one that made me remember the most was that time: at my grandmother's house, my grandmother pays attention to "nutritional matching."A glass of milk, an egg ... In short, there are countless.That morning, my sister and I were enjoying nutritional breakfast, and I carefully peeled a piece of eggs as jade.But the accident came, just when I admired this "artwork", a "evil" hand stretched out and squeezed my "artwork".


I yelled "ah", and turned to see my sister smiled proudly because of conspiracy.Suddenly, I walked towards her angrily, "Why do you squeeze my eggs?" I asked with no anger.


"I want to pinch, can't you?" The sister didn't convince.So we started to fight, and the noise was dark.Grandma heard it, hurried over, and saw that we blushed their necks and asked us what happened?We refused to say, "hum".


and after?Of course, my grandmother reconciled to us.After listening, others said that we were careful, laughing and angry.When we grow up, whenever we think of it, we will laugh at each other's innocence, but this is our interesting childhood, and now I am afraid it is difficult to find this feeling again.