
时间:2022-08-05 13:30:02 | 来源:语文通



When we are making a choice, what we need to think about is whether we really want to choose like this, is it from the heart, or is it because of various external pressures, or to find some of the for whom for whom and whom in our hearts.Excuse.


If it is the first one, then you can be responsible for your choice. In this way, no matter what the result is, you will be self -affordable to yourself, even if you are not as goodBut self -digestion will be faster.


If you take it from the beginning, you are forced to make a decision for which person you are, then if the harvest is not as perfect as expected, you will largely shirk your responsibility to shirk your responsibility to a large extent.To others, then that sentence is annoying: I am still for you.


There is no doubt that the latter people are unpopular. Over time, even you will despise yourself.


Therefore, when we face a choice, we still need to think and analyze why it is selected, even if it is really for the perspective of others, we must also sort out ourselves in our hearts.No matter what kind of brainstorming, at least the last choice is submitted by yourself, and the determination is to be responsible for yourself.


As long as a person often cultivates his own mentality, it is also a way of thinking that is more responsible for himself, which is also a kind of growth.



Responsibility is more important than Taishan, light than Hongmao.Each of us has the responsibility they should bear, so the responsibility of students is to learn well, achieve good results, live up to the expectations of parents, and become the pillars of the motherland.Because of the dragging person, the task of one day during the holidays is always over. Drag to the middle of the night, otherwise it will be made up tomorrow, so my task will be more and more.Play well and learn well, you are too dedicated! "From these things, you can see that I am not focused.


When writing homework, I always go to play dogs to play. I do n’t focus on it at all. The time slipped away quietly. I did n’t know until the afternoon. After eating, I did n’t finish it. I can only make up at night.So I often stay until midnight. One day, my mother asked me to calculate the time for learning and eating. I had six hours to play!After that, I worked hard for a moment. Although it was almost, there was another drag.


The aunt who cleaned up and cleaned these days was too tired, so when I didn't come, I finished my aunt's work when I didn't come. Although my aunt praised me, there were two things at night.midnight.


Besides that time, I was carrying words. Auntie came, because my aunt was originally a teacher, so I taught my aunt to teach me words again. Unconsciously, my aunt and I picked up., Where are you back?Why!I have to stay up late again. This is what I should have. I can't be trapped every night, but I don't have long -termness the next day.


But when I have done it, I will complete my homework early. I am very happy in the afternoon.Happy day.


The mantra of our dragger is: "Wait a while." As soon as we said "waiting for a while", I forgot to turn back, and there are more and more things. After more, I do it together.Essence


That time, after eating, my mother told me to practice Guzheng. I said, "Wait a while, I will rest!" I played when I rest, so, I did n’t practice it, and I said it.Have to stay up late and practice the piano.This is what I asked!


Besides, that time, my stomach hurts, I took a book in hand, and went to the toilet to read it. I read it with taste. I heard my mother shouting outside, "Okay?" I answered it casually: "Wait a while,Immediately. "My mother was impatient, and suddenly my mother found that I was reading and said to me," If you read a book in the toilet, confiscate it! "Mom said, scaring me to read a book in the toilet again.


Another time, my things fell to the ground, my mother asked me to pick it up, and I said, "Wait a while." As a result, I still didn't pick it up. My mother said me again, and I picked it up reluctantly.



In the future, I will work hard to overcome the bad habits of dragging and rubbing, and strive to play more time to play. I will not let my parents worry in the future.

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Haruki Murakami once wrote: "Gentlemen just do it by themselves, not what they want to do." Shi Ru's words may be contrary to our self -development, but they are not adults, but they are not adults, but they are not adults, but they are not adults.We can bloom our lives only by taking a certain responsibility.


It is true that people should pay attention to the shaping of themselves and swim in their own ocean.There are also such hermits in ancient times, such as Xu Yi's ear washing, the nest father drank cattle, Zhuxi Liuyi was singing in Mangosteen, Lai Lai, and Dirad lived in Lingke Creek as a "pilgrims of Tingkexi",They are independent of the world, beyond Fanchen, pay attention to the development and comfort of themselves.


But this does not mean that we must indulge in ourselves and forget our responsibilities.Lu Xun once said: "Infinite far away, countless people are related to me." Indeed, as a person, we will eventually be difficult to get rid of various identities, and after all, we will face it all.What's more, in ancient hermits, how could there be no hot heart in their hearts.Seeing that Huang Zongxi still thinks about the world, the composition is awakened, and it is "complete personality, but there is no regret"; as well as the Sulor living beside the Lake Valden, enjoying the tranquility of himself, but still writing the "Walden Lake" orderSeeing it in the world; Charatola in Nietzsche's pen is also "becoming a child" in loneliness, saying "I love humans" frankly, and set foot on land to wake up "those who fall asleep."They reflect the value of their development to society. It is not just the same as those who are separated from the world.Therefore, our self -development may not be the thorough self -ization of the "peach blossom source" style, but to improve the society with the improvement of ourselves.


What's more, the responsibility for your responsibility is more sublimation to yourself.Wilson once said: "The sense of responsibility is directly proportional to the opportunity." Similar to this, the responsibility for responsibility will also bring self -improvement.Recalling the past and galloping between the princes, he constantly improves his doctrine; Liang Shumi is rooted in the countryside, and constantly tried the theoretical attempt for his own rural construction to become a pioneer.Also insert them "Icaros's wings".Therefore, take responsibility and use this as a lack of self -digging, making the back of my back more gorgeous.


On the other hand, how many people are indifferent to the "small funeral", and how many people have become "absolute and exquisite self -reliance" in Qian Liqun's mouth, and how many people have become Lu Xun's writing.people."There is no snowflake in the avalanche." There is no one in the society that can completely get rid of the identity binding, so why not take on social responsibility without their own growth, maybe it is just a shallow stroke on the huge scroll.Is the blueprint of society?



1、自我:自我读音为zì wǒ,是指1.指自己。 2.谓自己对自己。 3.自己肯定自己。 4.相偶;相依。自﹐犹相。自我 zì wǒ词语解释:1.指自己。 2.谓自己对自己。 3.自己肯定自己。 4.相偶;相依。自﹐犹相。(1) [self;oneself]∶自己自我吹嘘(2) [ego]∶与现实有关的个性的意识部分分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。相依:互相依靠。肯定:1.对事物持确认的或赞成的态度。与“否定”相对。 2.有把握:无疑,有信心,有理由确信。 3.确定。相偶:1.亦作“相耦”。 2.男女婚配;结为伴侣。 3.成双,成对。 4.共处;在一起。 5.相对。...自我怎么造句,用自我造句»

2、负责:负责读音为fù zé,是指①担负责任:~后勤工作ㄧ这里的事由你~。
②(工作)尽到应尽的责任;认真塌实:他对工作很~。负责 fù zé[conscientious 尽职尽责 他对工作很负责负责 fù zé(1).失职。《文子·上仁》:“人君者,不任能而好自为,则智日困而自负责。” 唐 皇甫湜 《醉赋》:“为疹为毒,为狂为醨,负责人道,阴阳戾违。” 元 王恽 《荐台掾赵文昌事状》:“某今当去职,有见不言,实为负责。” (2).担负责任。 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·博喻》:“量才而授者,不求功於器外;揆能而受者,不负责於力尽。” 唐 徐浩 《谒禹庙》诗:“负责故乡近,朅来申俎羞。” 鲁迅 《坟·论雷峰塔的倒掉》:“‘水满 金山 ’一案,的确应该由 法海 负责。” (3).(工作)认真踏实;尽到应尽的责任。 毛泽东 《新民主主义论》一:“我们民族的灾难深重极了,惟有科学的态度和负责的精神,能够引导我们民族到解放之路。” 巴金 《中国作协第三次会员代表大会闭幕词》:“作为作家,就应当对人民、对历史负责。” 负债;欠债。《史记·周本纪》“ 周君 、 王赧 卒” 张守节 正义引《帝王世纪》:“﹝ 王赧 ﹞虽居天子之位号,为诸侯之所役逼,与家人无异。名负责於民,无以得归,乃上臺避之,故 周 人名其臺曰逃责臺。”《南史·褚彦回传》:“家无餘财,负责数十万。”《续资治通鉴·宋仁宗皇祐三年》:“蠲冗赋及民负责不能偿者数百万计,而官用亦饶。” ...负责怎么造句,用负责造句»