Last night, my mother took me to shopping.
Last night, my mother took me to shopping.
My mother took me to Pudong Bookstore.Pudong Bookstore is divided into two floors, which sells various books on it.The first floor is divided into three areas ------- one-selling learning utensils, the other selling toys, and one of them selling popsicles.
We came directly to the second floor, the bookshelves on the second floor one row, like a train.Alas, let's take a book for three seven and twenty -one.So, I found "Little Palm Fairy Tale", "Puppets", "Five Thousand Years of China" ... What happened, how can I read these books? Don't you think about it, continue to watch it laterBar.After turning a few books back, I found a "European and American Folk Story", which must be rich in the story inside.
We came directly to the second floor, the bookshelves on the second floor one row, like a train.Alas, let's take a book for three seven and twenty -one.So, I found "Little Palm Fairy Tale", "Puppets", "Five Thousand Years of China" ... What happened, how can I read these books? Don't you think about it, continue to watch it laterBar.After turning a few books back, I found a "European and American Folk Story", which must be rich in the story inside.
When I was fascinated, my mother said, "Yao Qiushi, it's time to go!" So, I reluctantly left Pudong Bookstore.
With the movement of electric vehicles, Pudong Bookstore became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the night.
With the movement of electric vehicles, Pudong Bookstore became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the night.
Last night, my mother took me to shopping.
Last night, my mother took me to shopping.
My mother took me to Pudong Bookstore.Pudong Bookstore is divided into two floors, which sells various books on it.The first floor is divided into three areas -one -selling learning utensils, the other selling toys, and the other are swelled popsicles.
We came directly to the second floor, the bookshelves on the second floor one row, like a train.Alas, let's take a book for three seven and twenty -one.So, I found "Little Palm Fairy Tale", "Puppets", "Five Thousand Years of China" ... What happened, how can I read these books? Don't you think about it, continue to watch it laterBar.After turning a few books back, I found a "European and American Folk Story", which must be rich in the story inside.
We came directly to the second floor, the bookshelves on the second floor one row, like a train.Alas, let's take a book for three seven and twenty -one.So, I found "Little Palm Fairy Tale", "Puppets", "Five Thousand Years of China" ... What happened, how can I read these books? Don't you think about it, continue to watch it laterBar.After turning a few books back, I found a "European and American Folk Story", which must be rich in the story inside.
When I was fascinated, my mother said, "Yao Qiushi, it's time to go!" So, I reluctantly left Pudong Bookstore.
With the movement of electric vehicles, Pudong Bookstore became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the night.
With the movement of electric vehicles, Pudong Bookstore became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the night.
1、妈妈:妈妈读音为mā ma,是指1.母亲。 2.称年长的已婚妇女。 3.称老妻。 4.称老年女仆。妈妈 mā mā词语解释:1.母亲。 2.称年长的已婚妇女。 3.称老妻。 4.称老年女仆。(1) [ma,mum,mamma] [口]∶母亲妈妈好妈妈回来了,妈妈来喂奶(2) [(of an old married couple) husband or wife]∶老妻;老伴两个孩儿和妈妈(3) [old woman]∶对年长妇人的称呼既是如此,妈妈引路。——清. 俞樾《七侠五义》(4) [old whore]∶鸨母相烦姐姐请出妈妈来,小闲自有话说。——《水浒传》分词解释:女仆:1.被迫去做困难、乏味或卑下的工作的人。如:分间出租房屋的女仆里外奔忙。2.女主人的贴身女仆;侍女,丫头。妇女:成年女子的通称:妇女干部 ㄧ劳动妇女。母亲:1.子女对生养自己的女子的称谓。俗称妈妈。 2.比喻养育人的某一群体或事物。 3.泛指生儿育女的妇女。...妈妈怎么造句,用妈妈造句»
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