"Give, help Dad go to the bowl of rice."
"no problem."
After a while, I handed the bowl to my dad. He looked at the rice in the bowl, and the look and moved look on his face appeared alternately.
As soon as I heard this, I stunned: I am his son!He went to school for me, for me ... I made money everywhere, and I just gave a bowl of rice for my dad, and he said to me "thanks". This is love!
At this time, I suddenly recalled a song that I sang during the kindergarten: "Thank you dear parents, give me the wind and rain home. Make me incense for me, accompany me to grow up ..." This songLet me gain full love, and let me understand that love is the most innocent and selfless thing on the world.
Love is you, me, my parents, and even more — the language that will never disappear and will never wear out!
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