
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:04 | 来源:语文通



我和奶奶的故事作文 篇1描写奶奶的作文 篇2我和奶奶作文 篇3奶奶的一天作文 篇4我和奶奶的故事作文 篇5描写奶奶的作文 篇6慈祥的奶奶作文 篇7

我和奶奶的故事作文 篇1


Winter is coming, and the north wind is blowing. The goose feather like snow danced in the air like a white butterfly, falling to the ground together, as if it had paved the earth with a white carpet. Whenever this time, I will think of a person - my grandmother. Grandma's kind face will emerge in front of my eyes, and her soft eyes will flicker in my mind. Grandma, you are the closest person in my life!


I remember one winter when I was lying in bed and sleeping, you quietly entered my room and touched my foot. My foot was like an ice cube. You found a hole in my sock. So you went to buy socks for me in the thick snow. When I woke up, I saw your face was blue and blue with cold. Suddenly, a warm current came out of my heart


Do you remember the tumbler? Once when I went out to play, I accidentally fell down. You helped me wipe away my tears, then took out the tumbler, looked at me gently and said, "Xuanxuan, you should be like this tumbler. You should not fall down every time you want to fall, but also stand up by your own strength. You should also have a spirit of perseverance!"


I remember another time, when I was watching TV and was enjoying watching it, you suddenly appeared in front of me, stroked my head with one hand, and said: "Xuanxuan, you wear too few clothes and are easy to catch cold." But I shouted at you impatiently: "Go away, don't bother me watching TV." You slowly said to me, "Well, put it on..." But I still didn't calm down. Instead, I blocked my ears and shouted in a deafening voice; "Go away and leave me alone!" In the afternoon of that day, I suddenly knew that I had made a mistake and decided to apologize to my grandmother, but I didn't have the courage to be afraid that she would ignore me. The next day, I summoned up my courage and came to Grandma. With apology, I said to her, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that yesterday." Grandma said kindly, "It doesn't matter. If you know your mistake, you will be a good child."


Grandma, you are my closest person. When I do something wrong, you will remind me, encourage me, and I will always love you.

描写奶奶的作文 篇2


In my childhood impression, Grandma is the best relative to me. She accompanied me through a happy childhood.


Grandma is over 60 years old this year, and her eyes are not very clear. But every day after work, she would come to my home to cook for us.


I remember once it was raining heavily and it was very dark. I thought Grandma would not come. But in order to buy my favorite lobster, Grandma was hit by a car on the way to the vegetable market. My father and I hurried to see Grandma when we got a call from Grandma. Grandma was lying on the ground with blood on her hands, but she still held on to the lobster. My tears burst out.


I grew up day by day, but my grandma grew old day by day. I thought to myself: I must be filial to Grandma, and I will earn a lot of money for Grandma when I grow up.

我和奶奶作文 篇3


When the sun went down, several white clouds were floating on the hillside one after another, which made me think of my wrinkled grandma. How much he loved me.


One day, when I came home from school, I found that I had not brought my homework with me. My heart sank and I cried. My grandmother, who was watching TV, came up to me and wiped my tears. She asked, "What's wrong? Hongpan." I felt very sad and said, "I... forgot my homework..." Grandma comforted me and said, "Grandma will accompany you to get it." My face immediately turned from cloudy to sunny. When I got my homework, Grandma was already sweating, and the wrinkles on her face made me cry uncontrollably. Grandma gently wiped away the tears on both sides of me with her hands, and bought a lot of snacks for me to eat.


Another day, I saw Grandma washing her hands in the bathroom. He wiped his hands with detergent in one hand and washed them with water in the other hand. He wiped his hands for dozens of times, and his hands were bleeding. I thought: Grandma must be afraid that I would dislike her dirty and rough hands, like pine bark, and dare not touch her. Why is Grandma so stupid? No matter how dirty Grandma is, she is still my grandma. After Grandma washed her hands, I cried again.


"The most beautiful thing is the red sunset." Grandma is like the sunset on that day. Grandma, how kind of you!

奶奶的一天作文 篇4


My grandmother is more than sixty years old. Her temples are gray, and under her dark eyebrows, she has a pair of bright eyes. Her face was full of wrinkles. Because she loved to laugh, the lines on her eyes were always like two open fans.


Grandma gets up at five o'clock every morning to make tea. Grandma first made a pot of boiled water and scalded the tea set. Then she picked up the teapot, opened the lid, put a bag of tea leaves in the teapot, poured some boiled water, and put the lid on it. Soon the color of the boiled water changed from white to dark yellow, with a strong aroma. I like the tea made by Grandma best!


There is a small garden upstairs at my home, where there are lemon trees, red crests, roses, sunflowers... Grandma goes there every afternoon to water the flowers and tidy up the garden. Grandma pulled up the weeds, sprayed some pesticides, fertilized them, cut off the dead branches and withered leaves, and finally watered them. After pruning, the beautiful flowers are full of vitality, like a fairy in a puffy skirt.


Out of this, Grandma will do many things in a day, such as reading the news, chatting on WeChat, taking a walk, reading books... What a colorful day!

我和奶奶的故事作文 篇5


Whenever I see the tumbler at home, and then push it a few times with my hand, the way it wobbles makes me think of the story of my childhood and my grandmother's life together.


Once, a big dog chased me and barked at me. I cried out in fear: "Don't come here!" He was so scared that his legs were weak and he cried loudly. At that moment, Grandma took a small stone and hit the big dog's head. The big dog had to run away in fear. Grandma came up to me with a tumbler and said, "Xuanxuan, is it all right? This tumbler is a talisman. Here you are." Then Grandma put the tumbler in my hand, and I shook the tumbler and smiled happily.


Another time, on a snowy day, Grandma said, "Children, go outside and play, OK?" "No!" I shook my head and said, "I'm going to play around Grandma!" "Look outside first." Grandma said. So I ran to the window, looked out and said, "Wow! It's snowing!" It's white outside, just like the fairy tale world, so beautiful. I hurried out and jumped happily outside. Suddenly, I tripped over a stone. I cried. Grandma threw the tumbler beside me and said, "Actually, the tumbler is very powerful, because it can always stand up after being tripped, so it is very powerful. I hope you can do the same." After hearing this, I stood up bravely and played happily outside for a while.


Now, Grandma is no longer with me, and she has returned to the countryside. But when I saw the tumbler, I would think of what Grandma said, and I became brave and strong.

描写奶奶的作文 篇6


I love my grandma best. When I was very young, Grandma told me stories every day, taught me to say songs and sing beautiful songs. Grandma suffers from severe asthma. She coughs constantly when she talks too much. Every time, I help her take medicine and carry water.


Grandma likes me very much. When I was in kindergarten, she taught me how to make paper folding, make small animals with plasticine, and count... My name was written by Grandma.


I will also tell Grandma what happened in the kindergarten, and Grandma often laughs with me.


Grandma left me when I was three and a half years old, but I always think about Grandma. Last Saturday I bought flowers for my grandma and grandpa. I went to see them.

慈祥的奶奶作文 篇7


My grandma is seventy-six years old today. She is kind and flexible. He is a devout believer.


Because my father works outside all the year round, my grandmother knows how hard it is for my mother to take my brother to work alone. She often comes to my home to help us. Grandma loves her grandson more than anyone else. She always brings delicious food to my brother and me, and occasionally secretly gives me an allowance or two. The fourth aunt knew that Grandma liked persimmons, so she bought them for Grandma. But after the fourth aunt came home, grandma brought it to my brother and me. She also said: I'm old and I don't eat well. I don't grow bones. Do not grow meat. Let's eat it and grow up quickly. Eating the persimmon brought by Grandma, I felt a little happy and a little sad when watching Grandma's aging during the day.


Grandma did not go to school and could not read any words, but she insisted on raising her daughter and became a public servant. In Grandma's words, it is: to have a public meal, you will always be well-off, and you will not suffer losses. So Grandma attached great importance to her granddaughter's study, and her cousin lived with her. Grandma didn't want her cousin to work. She said that as long as she studied hard, her cousin would live up to her expectations and her academic performance would be outstanding. Grandma asked me to do my homework as long as my handwriting was not good. She said that although I could not read, I could be ugly and handsome. It was always right to write well.


There are many things about Grandma that I can't enumerate. This is my grandmother, an old man with progressive ideas. I love Grandma and admire her.