
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:34 | 来源:语文通



平凡的伟大作文 篇1平凡的伟大作文 篇2平凡的伟大作文 篇3平凡的伟大作文 篇4平凡的伟大作文 篇5平凡的伟大作文 篇6平凡的伟大作文 篇7平凡的伟大作文 篇8

平凡的伟大作文 篇1


Last semester, I had severe pneumonia because of a small cold. At night, I could not sleep because of my cough. My father immediately poured water and prepared medicine for me. The medicine was very bitter, but it was sweet when I drank it, because there was my father's love for me.


The next day, my mother took me to the children's hospital. After a series of examinations, I got left lung infection. The doctor told me that I had to be transfused. I cried and begged my mother not to let me be transfused. But my mother said to me, "Xia Xia, now that you are ill, you must follow the doctor's advice, otherwise you will get more and more ill." After listening to this, I was willing to go to the emergency room with my mother. When it came to the infusion, the doctor wanted to give me an injection. I obediently extended my arm and asked the doctor to give me an injection. Unexpectedly, it did not hurt at all. Since then, I have no fear of infusion. However, the doctor asked me to infuse the liquid for five days, "Oh my God! My life is too hard. I can't stand it!" I said to myself. However, I can't object to the opinions of the doctor and my mother. The fluid should continue to be infused. During the days of treatment in the hospital, the bed was very tight. In order to make me have a bed to lie down every time I was infused, my mother would go to the children's hospital to occupy a bed for me at 6:00 every morning. My father also queued up at the pharmacy to buy medicine for me early. Because the children's hospital has stipulated that patients can only prescribe medicine for infusion day by day, my father My mother has such luck and hardship every day. I spent five hours on infusion. I ate lunch in the hospital. My mother also bought F meals and fed me one mouthful at a time. Sometimes during the infusion, my blood vessels would swell and ache. My father told me stories and jokes to stabilize my mood. During this time, my father and mother were tired and thin.


Through the careful care of my parents these days, I slowly got better. My parents saw that I was getting better and showed a happy smile. I realized that my parents' love was like a cup of delicious green tea, a sweet candy, a bowl of thick porridge, a thick chocolate, a delicious biscuit


Mom and Dad, I love you!

平凡的伟大作文 篇2


Mother was born in the famine era of 1940. Therefore, it is natural that the capable mother did not go to school for a day in that wasted time. At the age of twenty-three, he saw his father and became his father's bride without a long time. She has become an elderly, sick and disabled mother-in-law who is filial to her daughter-in-law and a mother of five starving children. At that time, when he was young, his father worked on the ship and suffered from rheumatism because he had eaten and slept in the open all day, and he did not receive timely treatment. The pain of his illness made him very grumpy. When his father lost his temper, his mother would not say a word. When his father calmed down, her mother would comfort him in a quiet voice, and she would always go around to ask for help from folk medicine.


I remember one summer when my mother was cutting wheat in the field under the hot sun, and my father could not do heavy work to help cook at home. However, he burnt the meal because he didn't do much housework. An unpleasant smell of paste wafted all over the room. The second sister said, Dad, the meal was almost on fire. But my father became angry when he heard this. He poured out a pot of rice and beat the second sister. He also said, "Don't eat any more. If you want to eat, do it yourself.". Frightened, our sisters all hid and wept quietly. Later, when my mother came back, she silently prepared the meal again, and gently said to her father, who was sitting smoking, that it would be fine if he didn't do well. Next time, he would have experience. Let's eat quickly. In this way, the troubles always subsided in the mother's gentle tone. In this way, the mother's gnashing of her teeth day after day, year after year, has shouldered the burden of life for the eight members of the family.


In that hard time, my mother never blushed with my parents in law, never complained about my father, and never asked any of our sisters to leave school to help her with the housework because she was too tired or the family was too poor.


Today, my mother finally brought up our sisters. The years have also shamelessly covered her once delicate and ruddy cheeks, making her youth pale; Let her roots become white. The wheels of time had already bent her flat and straight back. And those hard and persistent hands that planed life in the loess fields have already been polished into thick cocoons. This, perhaps, is the commendation that life left to her for her diligence.


Whenever I saw my mother's thin body trembling about in the wind, our sisters would have a sour and astringent taste in their hearts, and we couldn't bear to let her work and farm again. Our sisters advised her to stop working. She worked hard all her life. Besides, she is so old. Although it is not enough for you to enjoy the happiness, at least we will not let you hungry if we have enough to eat. Mother always smiled and disapproved; It's OK. I can do some work while I am still busy. I feel uncomfortable when I am free. This is the mother. My mother who worked hard and stayed on this affectionate land.


Oh, mother, my ordinary and great mother.

平凡的伟大作文 篇3


Motherly love is like a cup of thick fragrant tea, which brings us fragrance when we are hungry and thirsty; Motherly love is like a colorful rainbow, which brings us hope when we are lost; Motherly love is like a fiery red sun, which brings us warmth when it is cold; A mother's love is like a bright street lamp, which shows us the direction when we get lost.


I am ten years old this year. Over the past ten years, you have been accompanying me, taking good care of me and taking care of me in every way! Dad is very busy every day to earn money and support his family. He seldom goes home and has no time to accompany us. Looking at your tired body every day, how I want to talk to you from the bottom of my heart! But after looking at your tired face, I took back my heart.


I remember when I was five years old, I suddenly had a fever at night. You quickly took me to the hospital, and you stayed with me all night. When I got up in the morning, I found that your eyes were covered with blood, and there were dark circles around your eyes, which showed your tiredness. I said sadly, Mom, are you tired? But you said that I was not tired. Then you touched my forehead and said that it was good to have a fever. My eyes are wet. I said I'm sorry, but I've given you trouble again. You smiled and said, "Silly girl, you are my mother's baby. How could you be in trouble?"


I'm a snack. I sneak into the kitchen every day when I come back to see the delicious food you prepared for me. You always prepare delicious food for me in advance, so that I can always find something delicious when I get home.


Mom, you work very hard every day, but you will check the homework assigned by the teacher patiently. I can't do my homework. You will explain it to me patiently. Before the exam, you asked me to review carefully, but I didn't listen carefully, so I got 85 points. I thought you would criticize me, but you told me the questions one by one. After you finished, you would ask me if I understood? I asked you if you were angry after you finished the topic, but you said it was OK. The test results do not represent your future results, but you should refuel in the future. I nodded hurriedly. You looked at me and smiled. You know, your eyes were as crooked as the crescent moon. It was very beautiful.


Mom, although you are very busy every day, you always take the time to accompany me. Washing clothes is your daily job, just to let me wear clean clothes to school. I listened to the rumble of the washing machine and smelled the faint fragrance of the washing liquid. I felt very warm. I think it was because it was full of love.


Motherly love, tender as water, quietly infiltrates every day of life. Mom, I will always be your good daughter, and I will be more considerate of your hard work in the future. Mom, I love you!

平凡的伟大作文 篇4


My father is an ordinary man. He has never done anything important in his life, but he can be said to be extraordinary ordinary, even vulgar.


My father's face is covered with beard, which makes me feel prickly. His skin is also rough and dark, and he can't help feeling that he harbors some dirt. His father's back is hunched, and he walks very funny.


Although my father is an ordinary person and his appearance is so mediocre, his love and concern for me are not ordinary at all, which can be said to be great and even beyond himself.


My father is a standard Chinese father. He is very strict with me. He often fights and scolds. He usually doesn't talk much. A little mistake will make me introspect and think about my mistakes.


I was in adolescence that year, and the rebellious mentality was increasing with my height. My father thought that I would stop when I grew up, so he didn't interfere with me. But once I really irritated him.


I made several so-called good friends and went to play together at any time. After having fun, I gladly forgot to learn the assigned studies. I have put them in other places, and even played truant from school. I missed classes for countless times and even went to Internet cafes. I went out that night and told my father that I would come back on time to play. I forgot everything I contacted. I drank and gambled with those so-called good friends outside, When we played together, we would forget everything. I didn't go home that night. The next morning, I was so drunk that I even lost my shoes. My father was very angry when he saw such a situation. He picked up a stick and hit me. After waking up, he threw water at me. I was completely awakened. At this time, I found his eyes were swollen with blood, I am black, and then he said that the stinking boy had finished playing. He gave me back. He dared to drink outside without going home at night. After drinking, you can see who will collect your body. He only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. Who do you think you are? Is it easy for me to earn money? Is the money floating in water? Do I earn money for you to eat, drink and play? Do you deserve me? Are you worthy of * * *? None of you is worthy of you. Even you are sorry. You can't even support yourself. I'd better save money to support myself. Then he took the stick in his hand and hit me. The stick was broken in diameter. At that time, I hated him very much and thought about his bad behavior. But since then, I have studied hard. I learned just because I hated him and didn't want him to beat me again. He never beat me again and our father son relationship became estranged.


By now, I have become mature. At that time, my father was only impulsive and he was all for my good. It was my fault. My problem led to our father son relationship to this point. Slowly, I became sensible, our relationship was repaired, and our relationship became better.


Ah, my ordinary father, although you are ordinary, you are great.

平凡的伟大作文 篇5


Despite hard work and cold inkstone, peach is ripe and elixir is flowing, and plum is ripe and its branches are broken. It is easier to plant flowers than to cultivate people.


They worked hard and let the falling chalk ash spread all over their black hair, and their frosted temples covered their former beauty. They are a group of ordinary and great people - teachers.


In June, lilacs bloomed and fainted with faint sadness, as if they were tracing back to the past. Time seems to return to the sunny morning


At that time, I came to my primary school for the first time and played with some familiar friends. Suddenly, a happy and crisp greeting came, and Miss Cheng, the English teacher, walked onto the platform with a brisk step. Mr. Cheng is not tall. His big eyes flicker, and his hair is tied up in a ponytail, giving a feeling of sunshine and kindness. The moment I saw her, I fell in love with this young teacher like my sister. Also secretly looking forward to her English class.


Teacher Cheng's class is also very wonderful. Every word, expression and action of her gives people a gentle feeling. Soon, I was like being enchanted by Miss Cheng's English class. I have no doubt that Mr. Cheng must be an excellent teacher.


Sure enough, our class got good results in the first English exam. Instead of saying to us, "Don't be proud" or "Be modest", Teacher Cheng smiled and encouraged us: "You did a great job in the exam. You are really good. Some students who didn't play well should not lose heart. You are all working hard. If you don't understand the problem, you must come to me." After listening to teacher Cheng's encouragement, I felt as if there was a warm sunshine in my heart.


Teacher Cheng not only cares about us in study, but also in life. I remember one time when I was in an English class, my stomach suddenly hurt. It seemed that I had a blender installed in my stomach. I couldn't straighten my back. I didn't even have the strength to speak. The whole person was like being pulled out of a bone and spread on the table. Seeing this, Mr. Cheng rushed over, frowned and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Does it hurt badly? Do you want to drink some hot water? If you can't stand it, let Mom and Dad take you home for a rest." I looked up weakly, and found that Miss Cheng's eyes were full of worries and anxieties. In an instant, I was moved as if a steady stream of river water was flowing in my heart


Teachers, not the greatest people, have devoted their lives to education in obscurity. They not only make us more knowledgeable, but also teach us how to behave. They taught us how to be grateful, how to learn tolerance, how to understand, and how to have a heart of love. Here, I want to send a word of gratitude to my beloved teacher: "Hello, teacher, my good teacher, thank you."

平凡的伟大作文 篇6


My grandpa, he lived as I wanted to.


He is different from others' grandparents, but they are all the same. They are so simple and innocent. They have their own little fun and ordinary life.


Unlike other grandfathers, my grandfather can shop online, drive a car, and draw pictures on the computer. Sometimes, when several old friends want to travel in a group, my grandpa is always the first person they think of. Then, Grandpa would be very busy - booking tickets, looking at the itinerary, everything was "taken care of" by Grandpa alone.


I have asked my grandfather more than once: "Why should I learn to do these things? Why don't young people just have to do them? Why bother?"


In my eyes, elders should go to the yard to bask in the sun and spend their old age safely under their own gatehouse, blowing the wind with their wives and waving the palm leaf fans, or on a pleasant afternoon.


My grandpa's answer surprised me: "It's never too old to learn. The times are advancing, and people are also progressing, even people like me. Although I have the appearance of an old man, it's good to have a heart full of energy and youth."


I deeply admire my grandfather's words, and can't help thinking of his contributions to the family in recent years: my brother and sister who just graduated from college came out to take a driving test, and my grandfather helped them find a good driving school to teach them how to drive; When I have difficulties in my study, my grandfather always cares about me; When my aunt was in trouble, my grandfather did not hesitate to take out his savings


When we went back to our hometown to visit Grandpa, we took a VIP special delivery car from Grandpa again. On the bus, Grandpa recalled: "I remember that one day you were all busy and asked me to help you. There was nothing I could do. I worked on the first boss in the morning, the second boss in the afternoon, the third boss in the afternoon, and the fourth boss in the evening."


After listening, everyone sighed, "I can't help it. Grandpa is too powerful."


Grandfather is very ordinary, but he has never been mediocre. He has lived his own wonderful life, become what I want to live most, and become the pride of the whole family. He has taught me a lot, and some things have benefited me all my life. I also finally understand that what made grandpa learn these things was not only the need of life, but also his never failing love of learning, which also added a lot of colors different from his peers in his life.


Grandpa had three women and one man in his life. He lived an ordinary and happy life. He is the "new man of the times" of the older generation and always inspires me to move forward.

平凡的伟大作文 篇7


Is it ordinary or great? On a sunny afternoon, I sat on the balcony and read Luyao's "Ordinary World"


The author of Ordinary World is Lu Yao. He was born in a poor rural family. At the age of seven, he adopted to his uncle in the countryside of Yanchuan County. In 1980, he published a thrilling scene and won the first national novella award. In 1982, he published a novella, Life, and completed the Ordinary World in 1988. In 1991, the Ordinary World won the third Mao Dun Literature Award.


What does ordinary mean? Is it in this colorful world, facing the current situation safely, or trying to change your life with your own strength? Lu Yao gave me an answer in his book.


Sun Shaoping and Sun Shao'an are brothers living in a poor rural family. In order to reduce the burden on his family, Shao'an dropped out of primary school after graduation, and Shaoping also left school after reaching high school. Shao'an chose to stay in his hometown, while Shaoping went out to work. They all have a favorite girl, who is a senior cadre in the city. In order not to encumber Runye, Shao'an took the initiative to leave, but in order to work hard with Xiaoxia. Finally, Shao'an married a rural girl and opened a kiln in his hometown. Shao'an went to the coal mine to fight and fell in love with Xiaoxia. Although Xiaoxia died unexpectedly in the end, Shaoping was still optimistic about life, and her life became prosperous day by day.


My favorite person in the book is Sun Shaoping. Although he came from the countryside, he did not feel inferior in front of the city people. He exchanged his labor for money and used books to dispel his troubles. He earned his own living and was loved by Xiaoxia. In the face of Xiaoxia, unlike his brother Sun Shao'an, he always evades, but works harder and harder to improve his dignity and status. Although he knew that everything might be futile and that they might not be together in the end, he was willing to use his own efforts to try to change the reality and fight against the fate. A person's destiny is not predestined, everyone will encounter difficulties, but some people will only compromise to the fate, a few people will not easily give up their dreams, Shaoping is one of the few people, his position in the society is not high, he is an ordinary person, but also great!


I admire his persistence and perseverance, which is not willing to give in to the fate. He did not love Xiaoxia with flowers and sweet words, but worked hard to gain her appreciation. He is a hero in my heart!


It is people like Shaoping who turn frustration into motivation, live a great life in ordinary life, and interpret the meaning of great with their own lives. They are not only ordinary, but also great!

平凡的伟大作文 篇8


Confucius once talked with his disciples about his ideal: "The old should be at ease, the friends should believe in it, and the young should cherish it." The three seemingly ordinary goals, when constructed, are great ideals of benevolent government. If such an ideal can be realized one day, it will not be far from the day of social harmony.


There is greatness in mediocrity.


What can make great and ordinary is not only the accumulation of little things, but also the realization from quantitative change to qualitative change. People appreciate the Preface to the Lanting Collection and are impressed by the elegant calligraphy. Wang Youjun learned calligraphy when he was young. Every stroke and painting was ordinary, and every research and polishing was ordinary. The accumulated insight made him finally win the praise of the calligrapher for his brushwork "floating like a cloud, and moving like a startled dragon". In the eyes of others, what he does every day is just to copy the inscription, but once he has devoted himself to ordinary work, there will be extraordinary achievements, and ordinary naturally generates great.


In this world, ordinary people will always be the majority, but the thoughts of all living beings are different. Some people think that they have no illustrious background, no rich family property, and even hard work can not change their lives, so they choose mediocrity and do nothing in life; Some people are full of soaring ambitions, thinking day and night about how to become famous overnight and get on the cloud. However, there is no free lunch in the world. Even if you become famous overnight, you will pay a painful price, and you may learn more from it. There is a group of people who see their own ordinary, but do not lament that God is unfair to them. They have an ordinary job, but can face it with the most dedicated spirit. There are so many great people in the world. No wonder Zhang Ruimin, the president of Haier Group, who has made many miracles, sighed: It is not simple to insist on doing simple things well, and it is extraordinary to insist on doing ordinary things well.


Wallace, the host of the American talk show "60 Minutes", is a world famous journalist. What he did, as he said, was "to know the truth and pass it on". When Nixon was in power, he asked Wallace to serve as his press secretary, but Wallace declined politely. "To be a journalist all my life" is always Wallace's motto. But it was this ordinary persistence that gave him the courage to face Qaddafi, put forward sharp questions about dictatorship, and dared him to use facts to force President Johnson to answer the brutal questions of the Vietnam War. It made him stand out from many journalists who wanted to talk to Deng Xiaoping, becoming the second journalist in the world and the first reporter in the United States who had the opportunity to interview Deng Xiaoping. Because only he insisted on passing on the most authentic China to the world. If he does not adhere to and believe in his ordinary work, he may just be a tabloid entertainment, an ordinary editor, and a government press secretary. It was his insistence on ordinary work and his pursuit of the style of "non surprise interview" that made him a monumental figure in the history of world news, and the ordinary gave birth to the great.


Guo Mingyi, an ordinary worker in my family, Yuan Sumei, a school worker who has been serving students wholeheartedly for 43 years, Liu Jinguo, an iron willed general, and Yang Shanzhou, the secretary of straw sandals... They are all ordinary people around us, but they are also great people. It is their persistence and belief in the ordinary that make them great, and it is also their deeper understanding of the ordinary that makes their names shining.


The accumulation of innumerable ordinary quantities constitutes a great qualitative leap, and there is great in the ordinary.

There is greatness in mediocrity.