
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:22 | 来源:语文通



开学第一天写一篇作文 篇1开学第一天的感受作文 篇2开学第一天的感受作文 篇3开学第一天的感受作文 篇4开学第一天感想作文 篇5

开学第一天写一篇作文 篇1


In a twinkling of an eye, the full and happy summer vacation has passed. We ushered in a new semester.


In the morning, I got up early and looked forward to meeting teachers and students. After breakfast, I carried my schoolbag and flew out of the house like a happy bird. Walking on the way to school, I couldn't help getting nervous: I heard that our class has changed teachers again. What does she look like? Long hair? Or big eyes? Have the students changed? Are there any new students? I went to school with a lot of doubt and curiosity.


When I came to the school gate, I saw many teachers working responsibly. Some are taking temperature measurements, some are escorting students across the street, and others are greeting new students. Looking at their busy figures, I want to say: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"


Entering the teaching building, I came to the online class of composition with full marks in the second year of the fourth year. The new classroom is much larger than before, both spacious and bright. I also saw my new head teacher, Mr. Sui. Her big eyes flashed a ray of wisdom. Under her tall nose, there was a red lips. She was very kind.


"Ding Lingling..." The bell rang. I took out my Chinese book and began to preview the text. I found that there are many Chinese I can't speak this semester. It seems that I need to redouble my efforts to achieve excellent results at the end of the term.


A new semester, a new beginning. I am already a senior sister in the fourth grade, and I want to set an example for those students in the first grade. In class, I should concentrate all my energy on listening to the teacher, seize the opportunity to exercise myself, improve my ability, and make myself more and more excellent! Come on in the new semester!

开学第一天的感受作文 篇2


"Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling, Gu Chengwei gets up, and the sun is going to barbecue his ass!" "Oh..." I opened my hazy eyes and yawned a long time to get up from the quilt, but the quilt was like a heavy iron quilt. I looked at the alarm clock and saw that the red hour hand and minute hand formed an angle that I didn't want to see. "Mom, it's seven o'clock!" I immediately kicked out the quilt and rushed out of the house like my butt on fire.


Finally, when I got to school, I looked at my watch and said, "How come it's 7:05? Is it the alarm clock at home that is broken?" I sat down indignantly. Time flies. In the afternoon, this is the PE class. The students lined up and came to the PE classroom. But the PE teacher was not polite to us at all. As soon as he came, he left and right the test. The speed of 001 seconds turned to the left. "Turn back" The teacher seemed to speak a foreign language, "WC". I could not distinguish between the left and the right. I could only watch the students turn around. After finishing the test with difficulty, the teacher threw us another "unreasonable" devil training - to do twenty push ups. I was numb and sighed in my heart: "How can you be so miserable on the first day?" But I had no choice but to do it reluctantly. I heard a terrible voice "start", and everyone started to do it "one, two, three..." Just when I reached the eighth, I was exhausted, and my back was sore. I couldn't continue to do it, but I thought to myself: What mud? The first day the teacher was like this. It was too cruel! After five minutes, the push ups were finally completed. It seemed that I had undergone a "major operation". I heard a "plop" and I was "paralyzed".


Alas, on the first day of school, I was so happy!

开学第一天的感受作文 篇3


In the second day of the junior year, we went through the high school entrance examination of biology, information and geography. At the same time, we said goodbye to biology and geography, and welcomed physics and chemistry. After this extended summer vacation, we finally started school.


New weather in the new semester. With the arrival of new students, Shiyi Middle School has become lively from the cold. Someone once said that if there is no goal in life, what is the difference between it and salted fish? So we must learn to set goals for ourselves. In this new semester, we have entered the life of the third day of the junior year, met new teachers and set new goals. I didn't do well in the final exam last semester. The goal of this semester is to enter the top 400.


I deeply understand that the passage of time does not make us sigh and regret yesterday, but let us learn to use tomorrow. The passage of time day by day, sunrise and sunset, and the alternation of day and night are the eternal laws of nature. Unfortunately, the pace of time is too fast, the day and night exchange is too fast, and the clocks on the wall also turn too fast. So if you want to achieve and exceed the goal, you can only work hard, make some achievements, and create a blue sky.


As for the third day of junior high school, we should study hard, consciously make progress, be self disciplined and confident, and also... As the saying goes, "A lot of hard work is a lot of gain. Only by using our own hands to cut through the thorns, step by step, down to earth, and hard work, can we make a qualitative leap in performance, stand out, and have a place in this competitive grade.".


There is a long way to go for the third day of junior high school. When the new semester begins, we will inevitably face new opportunities, new challenges, and setbacks in learning. We should build confidence and believe that we can overcome all difficulties with the help of teachers and classmates.


In the third day of the year, we lost the childishness of the first day and could not find the confusion of the second day. For the third day of the year, we should defeat the pride in our hearts with the scorching sun, and the continuous rain can not extinguish our enthusiasm. Life is alive, and the world is flashy. You should pursue excellence while drifting with the tide. You should work hard and pay without regret!

开学第一天的感受作文 篇4


At the beginning of school, nearly two months of summer vacation separated, and the students had endless words. Teacher Liu gave us more than an hour to chat, take pictures of us, and so on.


When we finished changing seats, Mr. Liu said that the new semester had begun. The fifth grade was a new journey. There would be more challenges and surprises when we formally embarked on the senior journey. Concert, resolve, love, perseverance and heart. First, take it easy. After a summer vacation, take it easy; Second, make up your mind to study hard, otherwise the road ahead will be difficult; Third, love others and help children; Fourth, perseverance, persevere in doing what you like to do, and develop a specialty; Fifth, be careful. I must be careful in everything I do. I must be serious and not be careless. I also need to keep my mouth under control.


In the new year and new journey, we have entered a new Xintiandi, and I will try my best to do so.

开学第一天感想作文 篇5


This is a special and beautiful day. Facing the fresh morning breeze, I stepped into the familiar but unfamiliar campus with great emotion.


Everything was the same as before. The familiar bell rang in my ear again at 8 o'clock. It was another long semester when I opened a new book.


The first day of school is always fresh in memory, and the excited heartbeat has not been calm yet. This day is always beautiful. It means that we have grown up again and should strive for new goals. When I saw the smiling faces of my classmates and teachers, I couldn't help rippling in my heart. Looking at a strange book, a sense of curiosity sprouts from the bottom of my heart. My interest in learning is somehow stronger than black coffee. On this day, we did not see any uncivilized behavior in the school. We all followed the rules, perhaps trying to protect the beautiful flower in our hearts! The sound of reading reverberates over the campus.


The first day of school was also sour. When I thought of waving goodbye to the happy holiday, the sour taste suddenly came to my mind. Yes, when you carry that heavy schoolbag on your shoulder, and when you enter the campus, freedom and joy disappear like smoke and clouds. During school, you may often hear praise, but more criticism. People are vain. Who doesn't want to be recognized by everyone? But the more it is, the more you need to pay. The more. It is not surprising to go out early and come home late every day and read at night. The hardest thing is to go to school hungry every day.