
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:21 | 来源:语文通

一次,有一个穷苦的人,他家的房子塌了,恰好,一个巴依老爷骑着小毛驴过来了,他见那位穷人的房屋倒了,心里暗暗高兴,于是,便假悻悻的对那位穷人说:"上个月我让你修一下房子,你却不听,现在是自食其果,吃亏了吧?"那个穷人说:"巴依老爷,您 能 不能。。。。。。"话还没说完,巴依老爷就忙说:"别这么说,我是一个穷光我是一个穷光蛋,"穷人道:"那我应该叫你穷巴依老爷喽!穷巴依老爷,我向您借些钱盖所房子,行吗?"巴依忙说:"别提作文迷的小编精心为您带来了阿凡提的故事小学生作文【精彩10篇】,在大家参照的同时,也可以分享一下作文迷给您最好的朋友。


阿凡提作文400字 篇1阿凡提作文500字 篇2聪明的阿凡提 篇3阿凡提作文400字 篇4我眼中的阿凡提 篇5阿凡提作文300字 篇6阿凡提作文600字 篇7阿凡提作文300字 篇8聪明的阿凡提 篇9阿凡提作文700字 篇10

阿凡提作文400字 篇1


I watched a classic story of "Afani" in the morning. This book tells a story about Avanti and a master of Bayi. I like Avanti, because he is very smart and kind. Help the poor. For example: In the story of "one thing and three eating", he met an old man on the street. The old man sat alone by the corner of the wall and silent. Afan thinks: What must be wrong with this elder brother. So asked: Brother, what's the matter with you? The old man said, "The king ordered me to find a food for one thing within three days, but it was the third day, and I still didn't find it. I think the king will be angry." Afanti heard it listened I quickly took the old man to buy a cantaloupe and entered the palace with the old man. The king saw a cantaloupe in his hand and was very angry. Afani saw it and said, "King, this big brother has met your requirements. You can eat melon, melon and sheep can be eaten, melon seeds can be eaten. From this story Smart and kindness. I also hate Master Bayi, because he wants to learn difficulty Avanti, but he has not succeeded every time. Because Avanti is clever! Master Bayi is also stupid.


When I grow up, I have to be a smart person like Avanti, instead of being a stupid person like Master Bayi, because it will suffer!

阿凡提作文500字 篇2


One day during the holidays, I was tasteless, so I took a book to read, it was "Avanti's Wisdom".This book tells me what wisdom is.


Opening this book, I saw a story of "Chicken and Chicken".Avanti gave the king a chicken, and they grilled the chicken, and then Afan ticked to the king's chicken head because "the head eats the head"; the back of the chicken is to the queen, because the queen is the housewife of the kingdom, the king's backbone;Two chicken feet were given to the two princes, let the princes walk on the king's footprint, considerate folk bitterness, and control the country; finally, the two chicken wings were given to the two princesses, letting them fly high and marry to a beautiful place.The chicken belly returned to Afan to eat, because it was a good speech in the stomach.Later, Bayi also came to send chickens and sent five chickens to the king. Bayi would not divide it, so he had to ask Afan to divide.Avanti said: "The number of chickens and the queen is three; the number of two princes and one chicken, the number is also three; the two princesses and one chicken, the number is still three."Dragged in front of himself, because Avanti and two chickens, the number added up to three.


This story reminds me of yesterday.When I met a word that could not be written, I thought hard and kept recalling that I was very irritable, but I didn't think calmly.After I was criticized by my mother, I knew that I would be empty first, and then check the dictionary.When I just wanted to check, I came up with another better way.That is to check "Avanti's Wisdom", because what I don't write is the word in this book.


Avanti did not panic when she encountered difficulties, but thought calmly.He did not suffer twice, but he made a lot of money because he would find a way.After reading this story, I know that calm thinking is equal to wisdom!We should learn more from Afan!

聪明的阿凡提 篇3


In the past, a Xinjiang Uyghur person was very, very smart. His name was Avanti, and he often rode a little donkey.


At that time, the big officials were very bad and often bully the people.Avanti often comes to intelligent ways to help the people.The big official sent someone to catch Afani, and the official said to Afani: "Avanti, some people say that you are smart. If you can't answer my question, I will kill you."


The big officer was not afraid at all, and asked a difficult question: "How many stars are there in the sky?" Avanti replied immediately: "The stars in the sky are as many as your beard."


The big officer asked, "So, how much is my beard?" Avanti grabbed the tail of his little donkey with one hand, and pointed at the big officer and said, "Your beard is as much as the hair on the tail on the little donkey.If you don't believe it, you will count it. "


How can the hair on the tail of the little donkey be clear?The official would not be able to kill Avanti, and when he was bad, he would kill Avanti.Afan was not afraid at all, and laughed.


The big official was very strange, so I asked Afani: "I'm going to kill you, why do you laugh?" Avanti said, "I know, I died one day, and you would be more than me one day later.Will definitely die. "


When the big official was scared when he heard it, he immediately put Avanti. He said, "Avan can never die, you can live long, I can live longer."


After Afan put it out, he rode a little donkey every day to help the people.The official was very angry, but there was no way. He dared not send someone to catch Afan.

阿凡提作文400字 篇4


The story of Afani tells the country where Avanti breaks into the country and the bad guy is punished.


I like Afani.It was because he was very kind, and he helped everyone who had encountered difficulties. He was brave. He always dared to challenge evil and hegemony.He was very clever, and he made good people return and punished the wicked.


He has helped the king of a country to treat a fat -changing disease. He first passed the test of the king, and then began to use his clever mind to look at the king. It's not good. " The king then asked: "I sleep well, eat well, why is it bad?" Then Afan asked a prime minister in that country to change his eyes and called him out, and then gave the prime minister a piece of paper. I cried, because how long it can be lived above, and it is very short. Then, he read it to the queen, the king, and others. When the queen fainted, the king couldn't sleep, could not eat it, and slowly became thinner. And Afani began to understand the feng shui of this country. Later, because Avanti saw a very poor old man, because of poor, he could only sell only one broken knife. Avanti saw her uncomfortable, so she told her to sell it to the king. Only when the king could buy, the king bought the broken knife after knowing it, and then found that he was much better. He called Afan to ask him why he was better than before. Essence The king of that country thanked Avanti very much.


This is the character I like, do you like it?

我眼中的阿凡提 篇5


A bunch of playful bearded, wearing a white hat, often riding a cute little donkey on the side, leisurely shuttled through the lively market, guess who he is?Yes, he is Avanti I just met from the Chinese Folk Story.


Avanti is wise and humorous.Once the king called Avan, he said to him, "Avanti, today you tell a story that I have never heard of it.I have heard of it, then you have to hear me from now on. "Afan pretended to be very embarrassed after hearing, and he frowned and started to" make up ".He told the king to the king with no public morality.The more the king listened, the more angry, and the interruption of Avanti: "I have never heard that there are such abominable people, I want to severely punish these people!" Avanti listened and said, "The king said," The king said, "The king said," The king said, "The king said" KingHis Majesty, you have never heard of this? Then I can get two hundred and two silver! "At this time, the king suddenly realized, but dumbly ate Huanglian full score composition network -I gave Avanti two hundred or two silvers according to what I said before.Afan was proudly holding the silver and was assigned to poor people as soon as he went out.Afan is really smart and smart!


Avanti is smart and brave.There is a bully in the village who often bully others.Once he asked Avanti's house, he would hit Avanti if he didn't give it.Afan told the beard and said to the bully: "You can do a house, but do you dare to test it slowly than trying it first? You win, my house belongs to you;Other people. "Bully agreed with a sip.It is conceivable that the bully lost.Because the bulls thought, of course, it was faster than the rowing boat, and he scratched the ship to the end.Avanti won the game slowly.Afan used his wisdom to defeat the bully and made the bully dignity, and never bullying others since then.


This is Avanti in my eyes, a "good gentleman" who is witty, kind, brave, and helpful.

阿凡提作文300字 篇6


Today, I will use the method of "Comb with a Comb" to introduce the book "Avanti's Wisdom Travel".Maybe you wondered: "What is the reading method of a combing of the chapter?" In fact, it is to see the directory.


Open the catalog, the first article of "Avanti's Wisdom Travel" is "Moonlight".When I first read the title, I think this story should tell the night view of the moonlight.After reading the book, I realized that the story did talk about what happened in the moonlight, and Mrs. Machi lost a expensive emerald ring in the oasis.She found the clever Afan tribute, but Avanti not only did not have an idea, but asked Mrs. Ma Qi to accompany him to walk in the moonlight.The puzzling Mrs. Maqi did not know until the end that the moonlight could make the ring out of light, and walking in the moonlight can find the ring.


What attracts me most in the directory is "Silver Coin".At the beginning, I thought this was the story of the secret thief secretly silver coins. I only knew after reading the book. It turned out that Avanti helped catch the thief who stealed silver coins.


Afan Ti is too smart.I can't wait to look at this book carefully from scratch!

阿凡提作文600字 篇7


This week I read the book "Avanti's Wisdom". This book mainly talks about Avanti's use of his own wisdom to help everyone in difficulties.


Among them, my favorite is the priceless treasure. It is said: Buck gave a small wooden box to Avanti and said, "Never open it, otherwise people will land." I should go abroad.On this day, the three sons of the king came to Afan with noisy.


The prince said, "Father king has a ruby, but he was stolen. Afan Ti found an excuse and came to the kitchen and brought the small wooden box. Ah, there was a ruby inside.The three princes set off to the palace. On the road, Afan thought: "What is going on, who stole the ruby, why did ruby fall into Buck's hands?"At this time, Avanti called everyone and said," Let's sit under the tree and take a break."They all agreed, and Afan Ti told you a story. After telling, Afan asked:" Who do you think is a man? ""The second prince said:" I think the robber is a man."Avanti said," The second prince is you stole the ruby."The second prince was angry and said," I didn't."The second prince and Afanti came to the palace, and the king said," After one month, Afan Ti can prove herself with only evidence."


After a month after this, Buck also returned. Avanti said to Buck, "Do you discuss with the second prince to steal rubies?" Buck said, "I don't, but he asked me to take me overseas to buy a high price, That is, buying rubies. Because of my afterwards, the ruby is unparalleled, but the price is priceless, so I hid him and came overnight to keep you in custody. "The two of them came to the palace.In my hand, I should leave. "After that, Afani was gone, and after a while, the second prince ran out and cried for one fifty -one to say the plan to steal the ruby.You, "the king said.So he sent the two princes to Avanti.


My feeling is that we want to be a person who loves to help others like Afani. Do not be like a two princes. On the surface, there is a correct person, but behind it, it is sneaky.

阿凡提作文300字 篇8


In the past, there was a small village, where the environment was very good: the birds sang on the tree, and the flowers smiled at the villagers. Sometimes when the wind blows the baby, it will make the leaves of the big tree dad's leaf sound!


One day, a person named two generations came to the park.He is strong and clever, and he is also a craftsman.


One day, the volcano behind the small village suddenly broke out, and the hot air dried the rain in the sky.The fiery magma flowed quickly, and the villagers were shocked, and even the mayor was scared to escape by plane.At this time, the brave two generations came forward, and he had a clever move and thought of a way: he must write a composition immediately to gather all the magma in one place.So the two generations dug a long way with their shovel on the ground, allowing the magma to flow into a small river.


The wise Afan rescued everyone with wisdom. At this time, the timid mayor came back and stammered: "This is our self -confidence, so he saved you!" As soon as the voice fell, the villagers toward him to him to himThrowing the garbage, the hateful mayor ran away like a cunning fox!


The brave Afan tip here has become a hero, and the villagers recommend him as the mayor!


In this way, under the guard of the two generations, the villagers lived in peace and happiness.

聪明的阿凡提 篇9

阿凡提生在一个贫苦的家庭,母子俩相依为命,苦度日月。阿凡提长大了,关于妈妈作文说:“儿子,你应该出去打工,挣钱养活你己”。 阿凡提离开家,来到集市上,一个富翁雇佣了他。

Avanti was born in a poor family.Avanti grew up. Regarding his mother's composition, "Son, you should go out to work and earn money to support you."Avanti left home and came to the market, a rich man hired him.


For two days, the rich man did not arrange any job for him. Afan was anxious and asked, "Master, what do you need to do?"


The rich man said, "There are work, but wait until tomorrow."


The next day, the rich man asked Afan to slaughter a cow, peeled the cowhide, and took two camels to bring four big pockets.They walked far and far away, and finally reached a mountain. The rich man asked Afan to unload his luggage from the camel's back, spread the cowhide, and lay up.

阿凡提刚刚躺到牛皮上,富翁就将牛皮和阿凡提一块卷走了,再用绳子 捆好,然后,他却躲到巨石背后去了。

As soon as Avanti was lying on the cowhide, the rich man rolled away the cowhide and Afan, and tied it with a rope, and then he hid behind the boulder.


After a while, there were two large and large raptors flying from the mountain, and picked up the cowhide with a sharp mouth and flew into the hill.The raptor pecked the cowhide with his mouth and ate it bite, and finally pulled Avanti out of the cowhide.They were surprised, and they picked up the cowhide and flew away.

阿凡提站起来后,富翁朝他大喊:“快呀,把你脚下的宝石给我扔下来。” 阿凡提捡起脚下的宝石,一块一块地朝下扔,富翁很快地将宝石装满了四条口袋。富翁丝毫没有让阿凡提下山的意思,他将四口袋宝石让两头骆驼驮了,然后离开了山岗。阿凡提这才看出了富翁的黑心肠。阿凡提想找到一条下山的路径,可是找来找去,找到的却是好多好多死人的骨头,他知道这些死人都是富翁从前的雇工。

After Afan stood up, the rich man shouted at him: "Hurry up, throw me down the gem under your feet." Afan ticked up the gem under his feet and threw it down one by one.Filled with four pockets.The rich man did not mean to let Afan's down the mountain. He put the four pocket gems with two camels of camels, and then left the hills.Avanti saw the black heart of the rich man.Afan wanted to find a path down the mountain, but found it, but found the bones of many dead people. He knew that these dead people were hired by the rich man.


Suddenly, a goshawk flew towards him.In the hurry, he grabbed the goshawk's claws, and the goshawk flew around in the air. He was tired, and finally fell beside a small river.Avanti finally kept this little life.

阿凡提作文700字 篇10


The Gurbon Festival is the grand festival of Xinjiang Uyghur people. On this day, everyone has to hold a grand song and dance assembly.


The annual Gurbon Festival has arrived. Look, the town is full of goods everywhere.The happiest is fruit merchants who have made fresh apples, grapes, Sydney ... and they come out, hoping to sell a good price.


Avatar, who was clever and capable at noon, also rode a donkey.Suddenly heard someone shouting his name, Avanti looked back and looked at, the boss of the fruit shop owner, Ai Shan, and the bad guy hated by his individual.Afan came up with the opportunity.


At this time, Aishan was in front of the two baskets of apples, and a basket of red apple was priced at 2 yuan 500 grams; a basket of green apples were priced at 1 yuan and 1 kg, and only people asked no one to buy.


Ai Shan Yang begged Afan to help him propose a good idea to sell Apple, and was embarrassed to say.Afan tested a way to ask him to lose money, and also made everyone exported, saying, "Although the red apple is sweet, but the price is expensive, the green apple is cheap, but the taste is sour.3 yuan 1500 grams for sale, isn't it easy to sell and save trouble? "Ai Shan smiled immediately when he heard it, and quickly sold it according to Avanti's method. Many people came to buy it.


The apple was sold out, and Aishan Leiced the money, but he frowned with counting it. If it was sold at the original price, the red apple should sell 2 × 2 × 30 = 120 (yuan), and the green apple should sell 1× 30 = 30 (yuan), a total of 120+30 = 150 (dollars) should be sold, but now it is only (30+30) × 1000 ÷ 500 = 120 (yuan). How can it be 30 yuan less?He stared at his waist and turned around in front of the stall, looking for every corner, and no 30 yuan to go, and finally realized that Afan ticked to tease.


Red apples are 2 yuan 500 grams, green apple 1 yuan and 1 kg, mixed together to sell 3 yuan 1500 grams. At first glance, it looks reasonable.Think about it: mixes together, 3 yuan 1500 grams, an average of 500 grams of 1 yuan, 2 yuan per kilogram; if you do not mix it together, the average can be sold per kilogram (2 × 2 × 30+30) ÷ (30+30)= 2.5 (dollars). In this way, the average losses per kilogram were lost by 0.5 yuan, and a total of 0.5 × (30+30) = 30 (yuan) was lost.No wonder 30 yuan can't find it!


It was too late when he wanted to understand, and Avanti had no trace of riding a donkey.