In this seven -day National Day holiday, I want to go to Simon, the "Little Guilin City" I have always thought about it.
When I woke up in the morning, I was also very excited, urging my parents to consider it quickly.After half an hour of journey, everyone arrived at Simon, standing on the mountains, and looking far away, I couldn't help screaming: Ah!So green water, ah!Curious mountains, ah!So beautiful Simon.
Everyone rushed to the lake, and there were many tourists standing by the lake. Originally, they came to play by boat. I went in the past and asked an uncle: "Big Uncle, where are you going to play?" "We are going to Taoyuan Dongtian to play"".I have heard of the garden landscape of "Taoyuan Dongtian", and now I must see it with my own eyes.
Go to Taoyuan Dongtian to take a boat.In the boat, I appreciated Simon's water.so beautiful!The green river level is like a mirror. The sun sprinkled in the river, the water waves are rippling, and the cool river breeze slowly blows, making people feel refreshed.I couldn't help but knock on the river, and the calm water flowed up the microwave heating, and the reflection surface was glory of the sun, just like a broken silver.
After a while, my mother said, "Look at it, there are five mountains here, which is the legendary five Foshan. The larger mountain in the middle is a bit like Rulai Buddha?", Along the position of my mother, ILooking at, "Ah, the curious mountain! It's really like, this mountain is different in shape, some of them are like elephants, some are like overlord dragons, and some are like monks' bald ...
At this time, the boat stopped on the shore.Some people say that along this mountain road, you can see Taoyuan Dongtian.I was excited to the ground, ah!This mountain road is so beautiful!There are green lawns around the surrounding area, with bouquets blooming on the ground, and the green shallots that are funny. The gas is very refreshing and refreshing.What a magnificent scenery, beautiful!This is simply the scenery of the napkama and the west!Taoyuan cave is arched. We can see the scenery outside from this great arch. The side of the cave seems to be the other side. The red flower wild fruits are brought in the green green, and the starlight is very good!
Simon is pretty!When you come back, the lyrics will definitely make you have endless aftertaste.
1、美丽:美丽读音为měi lì,是指1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦美丽 měi lì词语解释:1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。[beautiful] 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦分词解释:美好:好。好看:①看着舒服;美观:这花布做裙子穿一定很好看。②脸上有光彩;体面:儿子立了功,做娘的脸上也好看。③使人难堪叫做要人的好看:你让我上台表演,这不是要我的好看吗?美女:美丽的女子。艳丽:色彩明亮美丽:那富于色彩的连绵不断的山峦,像孔雀开屏,艳丽迷人。...美丽怎么造句,用美丽造句»
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