
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:57 | 来源:语文通



《我飞了》读后感 篇1《我飞了》读后感 篇2《我飞了》读后感 篇3

《我飞了》读后感 篇1


It is said that the protagonists in I Fly, Shan Mingming and Du Xiaoya, seem to have different personalities, but they are both as lovely as angels.


Shan Mingming is righteous, brave and enthusiastic, but his mother and grandmother died prematurely, which made him a little depressed about life. Always looking forward to the adventure.


It was Du Xiaoya who attracted me most. He was very smart, but his fate was unfair to him, which made him suffer from terrible leukemia. Due to leukemia, Du Xiaoya frequently transferred to Changhong Road Primary School. Under the guidance of fate, he and Shan Mingming became inseparable partners. In order to help his partner, Du Xiaoya overcame his physical pain and helped Shan Mingming go to the bookstore to find a tutorial book. He used pillowcases to make sandbags. What a pure friendship! For the sake of his partner, he will be desperate and make love like an angel!


Du Xiaoya has many dreams in his heart. He wants to have a strong body and run on the playground; Compared with the boys... However, in the tenacious struggle with leukemia, he fell on the hospital bed. When people mourned for him, Du Xiaoya became an angel. He no longer had the bondage of his body. He could do whatever he wanted and realize his dreams and those of others. He came to Shan Mingming and guided him to a correct life. How can people become angels when they die? Du Xiaoya is pure. His clothes are white, his face is white, and his heart is clean. At the same time, he is optimistic. Never despair when encountering something. Try to realize your dream with action. Don't be afraid of illness in your body or in your heart. Never forget to smile, smile after success, smile after failure, smile before danger


Du Xiaoya is not only an angel guarding Shan Mingming, but also an angel guarding our hearts. Let's fly in our dreams!

《我飞了》读后感 篇2


Today, I finished reading the book I Fly. The author of this book is Huang Beijia, and the name is very familiar to me. I like her books very much, but every time I read her books, I feel different. Although this book is very long, because I like it very much, I read it at one go. In fact, this is the sixth time I have read it.


There are two main characters in this book, one is Shan Mingming, the other is Du Xiaoya. Shan Mingming, a senior boy in primary school, is enthusiastic and loyal. He loves middle and long distance running, but he lost his mother's love too early. Living in depression, he hoped for miracles in the life of cattle. He and the new boy Du Xiaoya inadvertently become neighbors and friends, and the story begins here. Their friendship grew day by day, but Du Xiaoya left him because of illness. I thought the story should end here. However, what surprised me was that the author turned Du Xiaoya into an angel with two wings. What is more amazing is that the next breathtaking and exciting things happened to them, but each time they were saved, I felt like someone was helping them secretly. The end of the book is so thought-provoking and matches the title. I sincerely hope that the author's Shan Mingming can "fly" higher and farther! Although Shan Mingming can only share happiness alone, he is also very happy. Du Xiaoya will always accompany him and will not leave. This is what Shan Mingming believes!


There are many wonderful fragments in the book, each of which is not long, but it is never boring to read. What I like most is a paragraph at the end of the book: "Shan Mingming suddenly and truly feels that the invisible Du Xiaoya still has weight. He will always stand on his shoulder and watch what he has done in his life." The friendship of a friend is eternal! This makes me value friendship more.


Of course, in life, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we should face them bravely, frankly, and with a smile. We should make ourselves happy and enthusiastic, and embrace a better tomorrow together!

《我飞了》读后感 篇3


During the summer vacation, I benefited a lot from reading the book "I flew" written by Aunt Huang Beijia. In this book, I understand the profound friendship between people. Yeah! The friendship between the two heroes in the book, "Shan Mingming" and "Du Xiaoya", is really touching! Even after Du Xiaoya died, she became a little angel that only Shan Mingming could see, and always guarded by his side. The two people help each other and are close to each other, regardless of you or me. They are really bosom friends!


The characters in this book are fictitious, and so are the stories. But the impression it leaves is real. After reading this book, I think of my friends around me, and I think none of them are my "bosom friends". Either this person speaks ill of you secretly, or that person is neither hot nor cold to you. In a word, among my friends, there is no friend whose friendship is as pure and lasting as that of Shan Mingming and Du Xiaoya. If only I could have a bosom friend! When I am sad, she will accompany me to cry bitterly, when I am happy, she will jump around with me, when I am sick, she will accompany me with an eager heart to cure my illness.


But why don't I have intimate friends? I pondered the question quietly. By the way, I am capricious and sometimes I don't listen to others' good words. Because of this, many former friends have left me, which makes me sad. But it's all my fault! I think: if someone wants to be friends with me, I will not be capricious and treat them well; If someone wants to make a suggestion to me, I will not wave my fist like before, but listen to them patiently. I believe that the advice given by my friends must be good for me! Or, I am not good enough in their mind. I may become better and better with their suggestions!


How many bosom friends can I meet in my long life? If you want to be a good confidant, you must start from the friends around you. You and her have been together for a long time, treat each other sincerely and trust each other, and then you will find your confidant?


Friend, friendship and bosom friend are more meaningful than each other. If you have a friend, you will have friendship. When friendship deepens, friends will become confidants.


I was suddenly enlightened. Now what should I do