I have a pot of plants in my family named aloe.
Aloe vera is always green in the four seasons, and the leaves are fleshy. They grow upwards. There are triangular thorns on the edge of the leaf. The team is neatly arranged. It seems to say hello to the sun.
In spring, aloe vera will extend a stroke from the center, with a string of pink buds hanging on it, and a small green hat on the head of the flower buds.Some flower buds are full of rupture, and some buds can't wait to look at spring, open the petals, and expose the pale yellow stamens.
With a breeze blowing, the pink flowers danced with the wind, and I seemed to smell a burst of fragrance.
I couldn't help but touch the leaves of the aloe, isn't it said that there is a thorn on it? In fact, the thorn is very small, so I don't feel so much when I feel it.
The function of aloe vera is too large. It can reduce swelling, medicine, purify the air, make glue, and be a decoration that can also be a home ...
Aloe vera is my favorite plant friend.
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