
时间:2022-06-20 14:00:05 | 来源:语文通



The Yellow River is still galloping, and the sun and the moon still take turns alternately, but the people around them are no longer like that year.I tried to find the trace of time, but found that it was gone, leaving, just endless sighs.


When I was a kid, I always like to ride on my father's shoulders. The wide and hard arms gave me a full sense of security.I played and made trouble with him on his shoulder.Our laughter penetrated the wall, crossed the field, and precipitated into my heart.This hearty laughter is my deepest memory when I was young -I would always be on my father's shoulder."Hee hee!"


Time, hiding on his father's shoulder.


On the chair, closed your eyes and enjoyed the golden sunlight at dusk, his father's face was shined in gold.He can no longer move me, and his body is not as good as one day."Hey, his father is old!" His father's words were significantly sad and sad.I looked at the sun that was about to fall. I wanted to stop it. I didn't want my father to grow old, but the sun was finally about to fall.I comforted him: "In the future, you will enjoy the blessing at home, I support you!" My father laughed, and in the laughter, there was a clearness and a hoarse.


Time brought his father's strong physique.


When I was a kid, I liked Grandpa to hold me.He gently hugged me and told me his story when he was a kid. Sometimes, I asked him a few naive questions. He smiled and answered my question with fun.I like to walk around on the short, hard and black beard, itching.I touched my cheeks, light and slippery. I asked my mouth to Grandpa's ears and asked gently, "Why don't I have a beard?" Grandpa squinted and laughed, "Waiting for you, too, too, too, tooPresident's beard ... Hey! "


Time was hidden in Grandpa's beard.


Now, I have a tender beard, but Grandpa's beard has made time white! I can't hold me."People are old, can't do it ..." Grandpa was very emotional.He confidently mentioned when he was young, but he was unwilling to mention it.


Time, dyed Grandpa's beard ...


Time, when it goes forever, it is just endless sigh.I lamented the flying of time, and I lamented the ruthlessness of the years.It made it once, and pointed out that the teenagers of the thousands of households were now faltering.So, people, I hope you seize the good time and take it in time!



1、忍不住:忍不住读音为rěn bù zhù,是指...忍不住怎么造句,用忍不住造句»

2、感叹:感叹读音为gǎn tàn,是指有所感触而叹息。 有所感触而叹息感叹一番与其感叹光阴似箭,不如从每一分钟做起感叹 gǎn tàn词语意思:有所感触而叹息。[sigh with feeling] 有所感触而叹息感叹一番与其感叹光阴似箭,不如从每一分钟做起分词解释:叹息:①嗟叹;叹气:未尝不叹息痛恨于桓灵也|不闻机杼声,唯闻女叹息。②赞叹:石虔跃马赴之,拔冲于数万众之中而还,莫敢抗者。三军叹息,威震敌人。感触:跟外界事物接触而引起思想情绪:他对此事很有感触ㄧ旧地重游,感触万端。● 叹(嘆) tàn ㄊㄢˋ◎ 因忧闷悲痛而呼出长气:叹气。叹息。悲叹。叹惋。长吁短叹。◎ 因高兴、兴奋、激动而发出长声:叹赏。叹服。赞叹。叹观止矣(指赞美看到的事物好到极点)。◎ 吟咏:咏叹。一唱三叹。● 感 gǎn ㄍㄢˇ◎ 觉出:感触。感觉。感性。感知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。感官。◎ 使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:感动。感想。反感。好感。情感。敏感。感染。感召。感慨。感喟。感叹。自豪感。感人肺腑。百感交集。◎ 对人家的好意表示谢意:感谢。感恩。感激。感愧。...感叹怎么造句,用感叹造句»

3、时光:时光读音为shí guāng,是指1.时间;光阴。 2.日子。时光 shí guāng词语意思:1.时间;光阴。 2.日子。(1) [time]∶时间;时候别浪费大好时光这是什么时光,还说东道西。——杜鹏程《保卫延安》(2) [life]∶日子我们的时光越过越好分词解释:日子:1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。光阴:①时间:光阴似箭丨青年时代的光阴是最宝贵的丨一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。②〈方〉日子③。时间:①物质存在的可用钟表来量度的属性。某一过程的发生、发展、终止,既反映了过程的持续性也反映了顺序性。过程的持续性表现为时间间隔,顺序性表现为日期和时刻。②见“时间与空间”。● 时(時) shí ㄕˊ◎ 一切事物不断发展变化所经历的过程:时间。时不我与。◎ 较长的时间:时代。古时。◎ 泛指一段时间:时光。时令。时分。◎ 现在的,当前的:当时。时下。时务。时宜。◎ 常常:时常。学而时习之。◎ 一年中的一季:时序。四时如春。◎ 旧时的记时单位,一昼夜十二分之一为一“时辰”,深夜十一点至次日凌晨一点为“子时”,中午十一点至一点为“午时”。◎ 现在的记时单位,一昼夜的二十四分之一:时钟。时差(chā)。◎ 某一时刻:按时上班。◎ 不定时,有时候:时而。时阴时晴。◎ 机会:时机。待时而动。◎ 姓。● 光 guāng ㄍㄨㄤˉ◎ 太阳、火、电等放射出来耀人眼睛,使人感到明亮,能看见物体的那种东西:阳光。月光。火光。光华(明亮的光辉)。◎ 荣誉:光临(敬辞,意含宾客来临给主人带来光彩)。光顾。光复。◎ 使显赫:光大。光宗耀祖。◎ 景物:春光明媚。◎ 光滑:光滑。光洁。光泽。◎ 完了,一点不剩:杀光烧光。吃光用光。◎ 露着:光膀子。◎ 单,只:光剩下一口气。◎ 姓。...时光怎么造句,用时光造句»