
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:30 | 来源:语文通



渴望春天作文 篇1渴望春天作文 篇2渴望春天作文 篇3渴望春天作文 篇4渴望春天作文 篇5渴望春天作文 篇6

渴望春天作文 篇1


Spring is the season when everything recovers. The earth, which had been sleeping all winter, woke up. In spring, the big area that has just got up and is still stretching gets colorful.


Spring gives the earth a bright red. The seeds have been covered with a thick quilt of soil since last year. The beginning of spring, they can't wait, break through the ground and become a red flower, blooming this happy smile. Red is striking and dangerous, but it is more warm because it dispels the cold weather in winter and turns it into a vigorous spring.


Spring gives the earth a soft yellow. The wintersweet fairy can't wait for the beginning of spring, so she can't wait to come to the earth. Spring is like a mother, chasing after her anxiously, but she can't catch up with her. After the Immortal Chimonanthus came to the world, she woke up countless small wintersweet flowers and made the earth fragrant and intoxicating. Yellow is fragrant.


Spring brings blue to the earth. The sky is no longer snowing. Instead, it is a blue sky. The clear sky brings people an excellent mood. Sunny days are the best weather. They represent pure and beautiful blue. Blue, is cold, but it is more pure!


Spring brings tender green to the earth. Grassland no longer carries the white of ice and snow, nor withers and yellows. It has become the unique green in the world. Deep green, light green, and red to green. Green symbolizes vitality, freshness and fragrance. It is always excellent for people, because when it comes, it means that Spring Girl has come to the world.


Spring brings the earth solemn and sacred black. The land changed from white to healthy black. After the sting, unknown insects woke up. They were loosening the black soil to prepare for another busy year for farmers.


Desire for the color of spring, red, yellow, blue, green, black... Desire for these is a desire for the continuation of life


Let's hope for the color of spring together!

渴望春天作文 篇2


"Beginning of Spring" is the prelude to a season. As soon as a corner is opened, spring is like a ghost, carrying color, smell, energy, rhythm, wisdom and feelings, wandering around, no distance, no place, no comfort, no nothing. At the same time, all things in the world do not lose time, open the interactive program, know spring, feel spring, and finally make themselves integrated with spring.


Spring is the season of hope germination, and my inner hope has already been upgraded to desire. I long for the joy, indulgence and carefree of childhood


How naive and happy I was when I was a child. I never had to worry about exams, grades, or competing with others. Because everyone is an innocent child, they don't care about anything. Their hearts are always just playing. When they are tired of playing, they can sit down and have a rest before continuing to play. What a happy time it is. Now that I have entered junior high school, I am overwhelmed by homework and study. I am afraid of my grades every day. I have to study hard before every exam, but I am still nervous after the exam. I can no longer be as happy as I was when I was a child.


I am eager for my childhood relatives and parents' greetings. When I came home every day, my parents kindly asked, "How was your kindergarten today?" "Are you hungry?" "Did you have fun with the children?" Wait, wait. Time flies. In a flash, we grow up. Every time we come back from school, the first sentence our parents ask is: "Have you finished your homework?" "How was the test?" Or a lot of accusations and complaints, without friendly care, are replaced by cold answers. Gradually, our estrangement became more and more. Every time we asked, we always felt that there was a door between us. We wanted to open it, but we couldn't open it


Every spring, as long as I have time and am ignorant, I will follow my parents to the mountain to play. But now I don't know why. I always like to play with my classmates. There is less common language with my parents. In retrospect, it seems that all the impressions have been eroded into sand by time. They will be scattered and nowhere to be found. But even if everything could not be retained, that period of time was also unique. We were all ignorant of our youth and could wilfully spread wild in the arms of youth, singing the youth ballads that only belong to us.


Spring girl came to this world gracefully with a touch of green skirt, which reminded me of my childhood memories and my desire for childhood.


Childhood is like a dream. I don't know how long it will take. Reality has replaced dreams, and the pieces of paper scattered in the wind have quietly passed away. The days have passed quietly, and everything is changing quietly, including me. This spring I am eager for that carefree and happy time

渴望春天作文 篇3


Somehow, I always feel that this winter is particularly long. And spring always comes late.


Therefore, I yearn for spring and the days full of spring. I am eager to stand in the spring, bathed in the spring wind, looking at trees, flowers and the sun.


The body that has been wrapped for too long needs to stretch freely without thick winter clothes; Feelings that have been depressed for too long also need to be released and vented.


I want to walk on the ridge of spring and enter my dream hometown. I wantonly think about a handful of soil, a bay of water and a group of people, and integrate myself into the thick countryside; I want to take the most vivid and original pastoral photos among the rape flowers, so that I can truly return to nature; I want to invite three friends and four friends to see peach blossoms and appreciate cherry blossoms, and wander in the beauty; I also want to enjoy a leisurely afternoon by the old book stand in the warm spring sun. I also want to hand in hand with my lover, and print each other's palmprint in each other's palm, so that our love will be long and happiness will be long.


Long for spring. I hope that spring can fulfill my many wishes.


I was once infatuated with a taste, a taste of grass, which was the taste that accompanied my growth as a mountain girl; I am also intoxicated with a feeling, a feeling like spring, and a feeling of narcissism, which is enough to reject the noise and irritability of the city and have my own shade of trees. I am also grateful for the land and water on the other side, which nourishes my life and soul and enables me to live a healthy and happy life.


Long for spring. Longing for the taste of spring, the taste of mountains and rivers.


The landscape I want is the landscape I can chew, the landscape I can annotate, and the landscape I can think of for a lifetime.


The spring I want is the spring I can embrace, and the spring I can be spoiled by.


"The morning dew flows, and the new tung begins to attract". Spring is beautiful enough for people to enjoy everything.


Long for spring. Spring is good.

渴望春天作文 篇4


The weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining softly; The little flowers began to bloom; Bees and butterflies also flew out to feel the beauty of spring. But we can only bury our heads in the work pile, which is annoying.


In addition to sports, almost every day is English. But what is more sad is that sometimes when you have a PE class, the teacher will call you back to the classroom to change your homework.


The stuffy air in the classroom made people not breathe well, but they had no choice but to correct their mistakes according to the teacher's requirements.


The teacher didn't let us go except for PE class. Once after class, we ran in the corridor while breathing the fresh air outside, chatting. The teacher came to the corridor and looked at us sternly and said, "What's crazy in the corridor? After class, if you have nothing to do, you can copy the full text of" Dad Takes Me to Climb Trees ". Do you hear me?"


Reluctantly and angrily, we were chased back to the classroom by the teacher, took out Chinese books and began to copy them.


After school in the afternoon, I returned home. I started to do my homework at my desk and looked out the window at the birds flying around in the trees in the dusk. Can't help sighing: If I were a bird, I would fly freely in the trees in spring. How wonderful it would be to breathe the fresh air in the air, smell the faint fragrance from the flowers and enjoy the beautiful evening!


When I came to the balcony, I looked at the flowers and grass of various colors and the flesh under the afterglow and thought: "Teacher, can you spare me some homework? Because we are eager for spring. I would like to roll on the lawn and enjoy flowers in the flowers.


If I were a bird, I would like to fly to the green tree tops to sing; If I were a bird, I would like to fly, fly to the river under the sun and play in the water; If I were a little bird, I wish I were a bird, flying in spring

渴望春天作文 篇5


Spring has parted from the flowers, but now I wait and linger.




Spring is coming, it comes silently.


The morning of spring is quiet and remote. Everything is full of life.


The river, imprisoned for a winter, roared. The singing of birds shook the last snow off the branches. The willows have sprouted new green shoots. The sound of rivers, birds, laughter... interweaved into a symphony. The spring rain is falling and the spring wind is blowing gently. Take a deep breath, and an intoxicating fragrance of flowers comes out. Ah! Spring is good.


"A year's plan is spring, and a day's plan is morning." Although spring is beautiful, how many such springs are there in life?


Pinch your fingers, there is only one flower season in life, that is youth.


Youth is both precious and short. It cannot be like the spring of nature, which can be repeated year after year. Youth is only for once in life. If it is lost, it can never be replaced. Time is fleeting. We must not waste time!


Tzu said in Kawasaki, "The passage of time is like this, day and night." The Song of the Bright Moon once said, "Tomorrow will come again. How many tomorrow will be? I brought the bright moon with me, and everything is wasted. " Yue Fei also said, "Don't wait. The young man's head is white and he is empty and sad." These ancient people all told us that time will never return, and that we should not wait until we are young and white to repent.


Therefore, we should cherish time and not let time pass in vain.


I long for spring and its eternity, but the reality is always the opposite. Although we can't live forever, we can at least shine unlimited light in our limited youth Postscript

渴望春天作文 篇6


Somehow, I always feel that this winter is particularly long, and spring always comes late. Therefore, I yearn for spring and the days full of spring.


Spring is a season of hope and beauty. Maybe everyone hopes that their life will always be spring, but winter will always come when you don't expect it. At the beginning of the new semester, the pressure of study, the expectations of parents, and the relationship between classmates all overwhelmed me. So I decided to go to the outside world to find the traces of spring.


Alone, with countless perplexities and troubles, I wander aimlessly in the street. I don't know where my direction is at this time, but I always walk towards the impression in my mind. Unconsciously, I walked to the Linjiang Park near the river in the county seat. I suddenly thought: I'd better make a bet with myself: if I can find the footprints of spring in this park, I will forget all the unpleasant things. If I can't find them, I can only continue to be dull.


I began to observe carefully: every tree, every piece of grass, every corner, just to find a piece of green hope. I took one step to look at the land, but the result was not satisfactory. I had found half of the park, but I didn't find any green. Suddenly, I felt a sense of loss. Maybe Miss Spring hasn't visited this southern town yet. I walked on, gradually, I was a little tired. So, I want to sit on the wooden chair and have a rest. I'm going to take out my mobile phone and listen to music to relax. But, unexpectedly, my phone fell into the grass behind me, and I picked it up in a hurry. Inadvertently, a flicker of green suddenly flashed before my eyes. It is true that it is the footprint of spring.


Spring is coming. I am breathing the breath of spring and walking home with joy. The plan for a year is spring. I still have a lot to do!