
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:55 | 来源:语文通



以梦想为话题的初中作文 篇1为了自己的梦想700字作文 篇2以梦想为话题的初中作文 篇3以梦想为话题的初中作文 篇4梦想初中作文 篇5梦想的作文 篇6初中我的梦想作文600字 篇7

以梦想为话题的初中作文 篇1


William Wallace once said, "Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives". At the end of life, people often fear not death, because it is already a doomed thing, but in retrospect of the journey of life to find that they have never lived.


The greatest happiness in life is that all dreams have been realized, and the greatest frustration in life is that dreams have been missed.


A foreign hospital has done a research and statistics. They interviewed more than 100 dying elderly people and asked them to recall what their biggest regret was in their life. Almost all of them answered not what they had done, but what they had not done, what they had not taken, what they had not dreamed and what they had not realized.


A person without dreams is no different from a salted fish. People without dreams are like walking on the road all their lives, never thinking about running or chasing. You can go as far as you dream.


In many cases, it is not people who choose dreams, but dreams choose people. But there is no regret medicine in the world, and life will not start again. What you can do is to grasp the present and find a better life you want to live.


We can't change the cards that God gave us, we can only choose how to play this hand. Don't think that just living this life is good, but lead life with dreams. So there must be some dreams, in case they come true someday.


Dreams are not just based on imagination. You can't just pursue them. You must pursue them with your life if you want to achieve them. There is no flat mountain in the world. If you want to reach the top of the mountain, you must climb the steep ridge first. Although the process will be difficult and there is no shortcut, the life with pain is perfect. You can't refuse pain, but you have the right to choose the way of pain. The pain of success, regret the pain of life


All our dreams can be realized if we have the courage to pursue and persist. Maybe today is nothing, but it doesn't matter. Every moment in the future is a new self. Time will not stop, so we should grasp every minute and every second of the present, rewrite the ending of life, and never waste living in this world.

为了自己的梦想700字作文 篇2


Spring is the time to breed life, and dreams also show great respect here, like sending invitations to butterflies and bees to participate in open concerts; Summer is the time for all things to thrive. The expedition team of dreams also sets sail here, carrying green feelings and young thoughts, to explore the sea of the future. Autumn is the harvest season, and everything shows the joy of success from the bone. In winter, everything is quiet and we are saving strength for the new development of the next year.


Dream is a good partner for success. In the spring, everything is reviving. The small tree grows new leaves. He must be thinking, "I must be as tall as my grandfather." This is the ideal of small trees. A corn said, "I must grow the largest corn in the world." This is its dream. The brook said, "I must throw myself into my mother's arms." Oh, this is the dream of the brook.


A dream may always be a dream and may become a dusty memory, but we must dare to think that with a dream, we have a goal. With a goal, we have the power to be a monk every day. With power, we can draw a starting line for the long run of life.


Dream should have behavior, as the saying goes: just talk, not practice. The first step is better than all the brave words before the expedition. Some people's dreams are very high, while some people's dreams are only at this stage. Everyone's dream is different. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't want to be a scientist or an astronaut in the past, nor did I have the dream of what to do when I grew up. My dream now is just to be admitted to a good high school, and I find that I have been wandering between doing and not doing. There is a big difference between saying before doing and doing before saying. The first step towards the dream is the first whistle of the fleet before departure. Although the journey will not be smooth, the most important thing is that we have taken practical action for our dreams.


Action is the best language for a person to express his thoughts. The meaning of dreams is not to realize them, but to explore them.


I may not be as tough as a pine tree in a cliff, or as strong as a stream in a winding river, but I will work hard. I firmly believe that one day, I will find myself on the high ground of success.


My dear friends, what are you going to do for your dream?

以梦想为话题的初中作文 篇3


Grit our teeth, insist on not giving up, and the road to pursue our dreams will not be without storms and frustrations. However, as long as we are firm in the direction of our dreams and unremittingly set out towards them, we will certainly be able to realize our dreams.


I have a dream, which may be the same as many people. I want to be a teacher in the future. I will do this job well with my greatest enthusiasm. In my eyes, this is not only a job, but also a position for me to realize my life value, which is my dream all the time.


I have this dream in my life, and I have also made my dream clear. Now, the first thing I need to do is to work hard towards my dream step by step.


In class, I will listen to the teacher twice and understand every knowledge point. If I really don't understand something, I will go to the teacher's office to ask for advice, or go to the students with good academic performance in the class to ask modestly. After class, I will continue to do related exercises and try to draw inferences from one instance. I will pursue my dream with practical actions. My dream is the driving force of my efforts and the guiding light for me when I want to give up.


On the way to pursue my dream, I tried to stop many times, but I stuck to it. I believe I can stick to it in the future. My dream is like the sun in my mind. It constantly conveys warmth to me and encourages me to move forward. Even in the dead of night, my dream will still bring me light. Dreams seem to have a kind of magic power. Every time I think of them, I feel happy. Dreams are my hope for the future. We imagine that we have successfully realized our dreams, and our lips will smile.


For my dream, I must run.


Dreams are like flowers in the sky, beautiful people yearn for, and only when we hold this flower with both hands, this flower will not be illusory, chasing dreams, let us keep beautiful.

以梦想为话题的初中作文 篇4


Dream, everyone has it. Different dreams will lead to different lives, and different lives will lead to different ends.


Looking up at the sky, I want to know what the dream is. The dream is an unreachable dream, but it is really near at hand.


Mr. Ma Yunfeng said, "Dreams can't be said, but broken;"; Dream can not touch, will hurt; Dream is not ahead, but in the past; Dreams are not on the surface, but buried deep. "Sometimes dreams are not material, but spiritual; sometimes dreams are not to show off, but to stay away from the crowd; sometimes dreams are not your own, but the people you love; sometimes dreams are not before life, but after life. At the end of the song, when people break up, dreams appear. When you wake up, your heart breaks, your dreams become clear; when you persevere, your dreams will come true; when you have been there, you will see, your dreams will become larger. Dreams are not memories, they are Effort is to create the meaning of being alive; The dream is not to endure, it is to roar, it is to decide not to wait from today; Dream is not surrender, but struggle, and then live a more natural life; The dream is not conservative, but willing to pay any price and then share it with everyone. The original dream is not filial piety, but to have time to accompany; The original dream is not to spoil, but to have the ability to care; The original dream is not a debate, but a knowing smile; It turns out that dreams are not all driven by light, but often inspired by gloom. Dream is not on paper or mouth, but in drawer or heart; Dreams are not endless, but focused, focused, temporarily silent; Dream is not more flowers and applause, but the people you respect can shout your name. The dream is not to get more and do it, but the person who loves you is proud of you from the heart. Dream, don't talk about it.


Looking back on yesterday, did you do it. Have you insisted on today? Looking ahead, what do you think of?


On the way to realize your dream, it is impossible to be smooth. There will always be ups and downs, but after the storms, there will always be rainbows, right? Dream → WWW.. CN ← Thinking is not out of reach, as long as you brave to pursue your dreams, you will always succeed. The stars all over the sky, there will always be one for you.

梦想初中作文 篇5


There must be more than one dream in one's life. Maybe some people will stick to one of them and realize it. Maybe some people are busy all their lives.


Inaction. Just like me, I had many dreams.


When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a people's teacher. Imagine teaching my students patiently and lovingly on the platform of three feet every day! At that time, I thought that teachers were the greatest work in the world, selfless and unknown. These great words were all used to decorate the gardener. However, later, I gave up. Because we felt hard, we only saw their bright side, but we did not know that they would also go through countless vicissitudes of life, green hair and white hair. So I gave up.


Later, he dreamed of becoming a host. Because on an accidental occasion, I participated in the speech contest. Unexpectedly, I finally won! Therefore, I aspire to be a famous host. It is also a good idea to support a warm harbor with a small income. But in the end, I gave up.


Finally, I also want to be a volunteer, because I witnessed the helplessness of those homeless people who suffered from natural disasters. Being enlightened, I also dream of wearing orange camouflage clothes and hanging volunteer signs to help the poor people, help them, and contribute to the world! But I still gave up, not because it was hard, nor because I wanted to give up so easily, but because I had so many dreams in the past and in the future, I should feel relieved.


So, now, do yourself well first! Study hard and serve the motherland. Put those impractical aside for the time being! Working towards your own goals, those empty ideals are only illusory. What's the use if you don't realize them?

梦想的作文 篇6


Today I read an article - The power of dreams.


This text mainly tells about a boy named Ryan who heard from his teacher that life in Africa was very hard. Thousands of children died because they could not drink clean water. Ryan decided to dig a well for African children. Through his unremitting efforts, Ryan gave up his spare time to do housework, a small dream that became a reality.


Ryan not only has a dream, but also has the determination to realize it. It can't be done by ordinary people. In this case, six year old Deryn did it. When the whole family went out to see a movie, he sacrificed his precious entertainment time and stayed at home to clean the windows. If I were him, I would definitely not stay at home, because I think two yuan is insignificant. I think Ryan must feel tired in the process of cleaning the windows, and he must have the idea of giving up. But in order to let the African children drink clean water, he dismissed the idea.


Why isn't Ryan's persistent spirit moving? A six-year-old boy has such a big burden. What makes him have such a big dream? Yes, it's the Lila ING of dreams! At this time, it reminded me of a famous saying: "No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without stepping on your feet."


So long as you have the belief that you are successful no matter how you persist.

初中我的梦想作文600字 篇7


Perhaps we were taught that scientists are omnipotent when we were children. Most of the children at that time wanted to become scientists themselves, but I was one of the few. It's not my mother's influence that makes me want to be a teacher, but there is a teacher in the kindergarten who treats me badly. I feel that she is like the evil queen in Snow White, so I am determined to be a good teacher and never bully children.


When I was in primary school, I was fascinated by computers. I heard that helping people make money by practicing in the game, and the better one can sell six or seven hundred. I was elated. It's really beautiful to decide to be a POPO, who can stay at home and work day and night! Looking back now, I don't think it is possible. Now children's game cells are relatively developed and smart, while I am just a novice.


When I was in junior high school (the third grade of primary school, to be exact), I had a lot of extracurricular books, including comics and novels. In addition, I also engaged in some arts. I was open minded and quite an editor. But once when I wrote a composition, I wrote at the beginning: "It is said that my father was the lover of my daughter in her previous life..." and was crowned as "bad". I vaguely felt that this sentence was the beginning of a composition with full marks in the college entrance examination. Alas, my little heart was covered with a shadow.


On the third day of the last day, there was a candy shop on the street of the 11th Middle School. The room was full of candy (nonsense). I really liked it. I also want to open my own shop, and then prepare a notebook to record the stories of those who buy things in the shop, about friendship, family and love. Then I went to contribute, and I was happy to die. Now think about it, do you think it can really support you?


Shanggaoyi wants to open a department store, build it into a brand store, and open a chain store. I went to the company three times a week, and spent the rest of my time at home as a free cartoonist and writer, surfing the Internet and playing games. Well, I'm daydreaming.


Now I have a great dream: to create a new school of painting, make great achievements, and then after my death, my ashes will be placed in the National Museum, while my head will be copied by my alma mater and placed next to the white marble. My friend kept silent after listening, hehe.


Maybe, when I get to college, I will have new dreams. Maybe, none of these dreams can be realized. Then I became an ordinary citizen, shuttling among the crowd, and was soon overwhelmed by the crowd. However, I will never forget these beautiful dreams, because they have always accompanied my growth, and now I am still working hard. When I graduate next year, I will take these beautiful memories to participate in the Golden Dragon Award. Maybe I will become famous overnight. Maybe I am still a person who loves art, but these are no longer important.