
时间:2022-09-21 13:41:04 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的团圆作文 篇1中秋团圆作文 篇2中秋节的团圆作文 篇3中秋团圆作文 篇4中秋团圆作文 篇5中秋节的团圆作文 篇6中秋团圆作文 篇7中秋团圆作文 篇8中秋团圆日作文 篇9

中秋节的团圆作文 篇1


Mid -Autumn Festival, a family reunion. Whenever at this time, the family will always be busy and run around.


I always see my parents when I get up in the morning, but today I do n’t see my parents today. I feel strange.


When I came to the table, I saw the food full of the table. When I had to eat it first, there was a roar from outside the door, "Don't eat!" I stopped the food sent to my mouth.It turned out that the food on the table was used to "worship". I heard that the food that had not been "worshiped" would go to decline.


At the same time, the food in his hand was grateful.


At night, I picked up the moon cake in my hand to eat, and after a while, my mother told me to worship the moon.Lifting the three fragrances in your hand, with your own wishes in your heart.


The moon is in the air, the clouds are floating, as if laughing at us.


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I love dinner. The Mid -Autumn Festival will always see hairy crabs and lobsters on the table in the evening.


On the reunion of the Mid -Autumn Festival, everyone in the world can reunite with their families.

中秋团圆作文 篇2


Today, Teacher Sun eats moon cakes. There are only four pieces of moon cakes, but it is divided into 40 yuan. There is no knife. How can this be divided!


Teacher Sun made a decision and said, "We won't eat it today. Teacher Sun will bring a knife tomorrow, and everyone eats it!" As soon as the words fell, the classmates screamed and called out: "I'll bring it, I'll bring it with! "Wu Yichen, who was chubby, said;" I'm here, I will bring, my family has a knife cutting moon cake. "I thought, hey, isn't this grabbing my line!Ji Yuanjie, who was tall and big, said, "I bring, I bring, I want to bring a knife to slaughter the cattle!" I was not willing to fall behind, and I must bring a knife to the moon cake tomorrow!


Although we didn't eat moon cakes, we still felt very happy!Essence

中秋节的团圆作文 篇3


"When the moon is the moon, ask the day to ask the wine." Another Mid -Autumn Festival is the Mid -Autumn Festival, which contains a rich culture.The customs, food, fairy tales and literary works of the Mid -Autumn Festival reflect Chinese elements.So what are the rich contents of the Mid -Autumn Festival?Let me introduce you.


The Mid -Autumn Festival, also known as the moon, autumn, chasing moon festivals, worshiping the month, reunion festival ... The Mid -Autumn Festival is on August 15th in the lunar calendar.The Mid -Autumn Festival began in the early Tang Dynasty and prevailed in the Song Dynasty.In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Mid -Autumn Festival had become one of the main festivals in China, the same name as the Spring Festival.


Just after introducing the history of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I will introduce the main customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival.The literati chanted poems under the moon, "Hai rises to the whole paradise." Folk and dancing in the moon.Second, enjoy Guangxi.Appreciate the moon, chant poems, and drink under the laurel tree.Third, worship the moon.Women worshiped the moon and the girl worshiped the moon and hoped, "It looks like Chang'e, it looks like a bright moon."


After introducing customs, of course, Mid -Autumn Festival food -moon cakes are essential.There are ten kinds of moon cakes in China: Beijing -style moon cakes, Guangdong -style moon cakes, Soviet -style moon cakes, Taiwanese moon cakes, Yunnan -style moon cakes, Hong Kong -style moon cakes, Chaozhou -style moon cakes, Huizhou -style moon cakes, Thai -style moon cakes and Guangxi -style moon cakes.These ten kinds of moon cakes have their own flavors.I really want to taste all the moon cakes.The round moon cake symbolizes the reunion and reflects people's good wishes for family reunion.


Well, I have introduced so many cultures about the Mid -Autumn Festival. I also wish Chinese children "hope people live a long life and travel together."

中秋团圆作文 篇4


In the past, people were indispensable for the Mid -Autumn Festival. First, they had to reunite with their families.Second, it is a moon cake that everyone will not forget.Third, to enjoy the moon with your family.Fourth, of course, it is smelling osmanthus.


But now people don't like to eat moon cakes, and they even forget to smell the fragrance of osmanthus.We don't like to eat moon cakes, so we are ready to eat outside. We sit outside to enjoy the moon together, smelling the scent of osmanthus, which is too comfortable.This year's Mid -Autumn Festival, my mother and I got out of class. When I remembered that today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, I want to reunite with my family.Although not as particular about the ritual in ancient times, the happy family reunion rushed to my heart. The Mid -Autumn Festival gave me this opportunity. My mother and I were sitting on the car while watching the moon, while discussing the holiday """Red words", "Big Future" and "Tragic World" Mom is usually very busy. After finally getting this opportunity, I can open this little reading with my mother.


We looked at the moon, and the jade rabbit on it was squatting under Chang'e's feet to pound the medicine Chang'e sitting under the osmanthus tree and gently stroking it. Watching Wu Gang chopped gold fruit on the tree, gently staring at us ...

中秋团圆作文 篇5

今年的中秋节是快乐的、难忘的、充满欢声笑语的,因为今年的中秋节我是在婆婆家过的。我和两个表哥玩了一整天,晚上还吃了一顿大餐。我们轮流敬公公、婆婆 、爸爸和妈妈酒,祝大家节日快乐,永远幸福、快乐!

This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is happy, unforgettable, and full of laughter, because this year's Mid -Autumn Festival I have lived in my mother -in -law's house.I played with the two cousins for a whole day and had a big meal at night.We take turns to Jinggong, mother -in -law, father, and mother wine. I wish you all a happy holiday and always happy and happy!


We were ready to appreciate the moon at night, but the moon was shyly dare not come out, and we had to cancel the plan.I held us a guessing competition for us. All of us worked very hard, driving our brains, and fiercely competitive.But I still won, it is very interesting!


After guessing the riddles, we started eating moon cakes.We all like to eat the moon cakes I bought today. It was a double yellow moon cake, so I ate a lot with the two cousins, and I almost grabbed it.The adults laughed.


Is it unforgettable to say this Mid -Autumn Festival?

中秋节的团圆作文 篇6


When the fragrance of osmanthus permeated the entire quiet night sky, when the light moonlight gently spilled on my shoulder, I sat on the rocking chair and silently staring at the round of the night of the night in the night sky.


At this time, Grandpa, what are you doing?Do you appreciate the moon with me?I am in a foreign country, now I miss you!Are you missing me too?Moon!How many people have you been with so thousands of years!I can only say to you, "I hope people have a long time, all thousands of miles together!"


It's the Mid -Autumn Festival again


At night, the deep and deep, the moon, sprinkle a little glorious, moonlight through the branches, through the window screen, through the heart field, slightly warm, wrapped my thoughts.The raindrops in the Mid -Autumn Festival are tears of Acacia ...


It's the Mid -Autumn Festival again,忆起外婆心中的那份思念,思念我,还有她心中的那片故土。中秋的雨,是相思的泪。

It was the Mid -Autumn Festival, remembering the thoughts in my grandmother's heart, missing me, and the soil in her heart.The rain of Mid -Autumn Festival is the tears of acacia.


The long -awaited Mid -Autumn Festival has finally arrived.This day happened to be my uncle's birthday. Everyone gathered in the hotel together, celebrated birthdays, and spent the festivals.


At the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I looked up at the sky and saw a round of moon, but it was not a round of bright moon in the round. There were layers of clouds in the sky, like fog, Mi Meng in the moonlight.The moon halo is exactly the matchmaker of this circle and the clear clouds. With the two, the two are lightly dot.

中秋团圆作文 篇7


The Mid -Autumn Festival is also known as the autumn festival.


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival, our family and grandparents had grandparents.Mom and grandma made a delicious and rich dish.There are also various flavors of moon cakes and fruits.My brother and I looked at a delicious drool on a table. When the family gathered, we started to toast this beautiful festival, and my brother and I started with the roasted chicken.


After eating a rich dinner, we came to the yard and started to enjoy the moon. Grandma said, "The fifteenth moon is sixteen, why is this moon this year big and round?"Wuyuan, all reports in the news, saying that this year is a special year, it is rare. When this situation appears again, it has to wait until 2021. "Mom proudly said.Looking at my mother's proud look, I decided to tease her.I asked my mother: "Is there a Chang'e on the moon? Does Chang'e have relatives? Her relatives accompanied her?" The mother said a lot of unknown, and said that I was a small problem.Everyone laughed happily at our conversation.


We have been spending in laughter in this beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋团圆作文 篇8


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. My mother, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandma and grandma go to Longjing Wengjiashan for dinner together, and pass the Mid -Autumn Festival.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is also the reunion festival.Our big family sits on the balcony and drinks tea, and the cool autumn wind blows the aroma of osmanthus.We smiled at melon seeds. Grandma told me a few legends about the moon. I took out the moon cakes and shared it with you, and gave Grandpa Tai Grandma a carefully prepared Mid -Autumn Festival gift.The elders boast that I am a sensible child.


The night gradually darkened, and a round of bright moon was like a large jade plate, hanging high in the sky.I looked up at the moon carefully, watched it chatting with the stars for a while, and then went to hide and seek with Yun.


I watched the moon while eating moon cakes, "The moon is so round, but my dear dad can't reunite with us because of busy work group. I silently wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival in my heart!"


Time passed so fast, and at all the night, we had to go home reluctantly.

中秋团圆日作文 篇9


"The month to the Mid -Autumn Festival is clear, and another year reunion day."Today, I can't wait to go back to my hometown with my parents.


Every Mid -Autumn Festival, we will go to the uncle's family to reunite. Auntie and little aunt will go. We will spend more than a dozen mouthfuls of people in the Mid -Autumn Festival in more than a dozen mouthfuls of people, and this year we have increased from fourteen people to fifteen people.That's my little cousin who was just born half a year.


Grandpa is particularly happy this year, and each of us recite a Mid -Autumn Festival poem.Auntie and auntie took out the tricks, crabs, sheep chops, and donkey meat, sea cucumber, fish and other big cone ingredients bought by Dad to make deliciousness.You have to eat reunion meals and celebrate the Mid -Autumn Festival.


When I was eating, my elder sister who was far away in Chengdu called and said that I was crying at home. I think this is the feeling of "every festival"!


In the evening, we all made the moon cake together and enjoyed the moon with a smile. The moon tonight is particularly bright, round and big. The surroundings of the moon are golden yellow, shining like a layer of gold.Brightness, so simple that make people obsessed!This day is so fast. Looking at the bright moonlight, I said gently, "The family is really happy together!"