
时间:2022-09-19 13:22:22 | 来源:语文通



家乡美景作文 篇1我的家乡美景作文 篇2我的风景作文 篇3美景作文 篇4关于美景作文 篇5

家乡美景作文 篇1


My hometown is a city that is not very prosperous in Baoji. Unlike big cities such as Shanghai, Xi'an, and Beijing. In fact, I like my hometown and prefer the river in my hometown.

I like my hometown very much, and I like the river in my hometown.


Spring is here, and when Feng's mother -in -law comes, the calm river jumps happily and runs. The grass on the river also sings the song happily.Laughing.


Summer is here, in the reeds in the green river next to the river, hiding, a number of ducks screaming, listening to fluttering.It turned out that there were still people who swim in the river, but they swim in a happy swim in the river, and I can't help but get intoxicated.


Autumn is here, I follow the river.To a orchard with fruit trees.I just started the good apple that fell on the ground.After I washed it in the river, I washed a few sips of seeds and gave Xiaoyu for my son.Let them thrive, and suddenly a breeze blowing across the river by the river fell down, floating on the river, as if wearing a cotton jacket for the river.


Winter is here, and I am very sad.Because Xiaohe was imprisoned by the ice, he could no longer see his past joy. Someone skated on him. It was very angry and deliberately made some ice very thin, like some people fell down.


I like my hometown very much, and I like the river in my hometown.

我的家乡美景作文 篇2


There are many beautiful scenic spots in our hometown, Siming Lake, Liang Nong Ancient Town, and Siming Mountain Geological Park ... But my favorite is the Siming Mountain National Forest Park.


In an afternoon of wind and sun, my father, mother, and grandma went to the Siming Mountain National Forest Park together.As soon as I entered the door, a fresh air rushed to make my body feel very comfortable. Looking at it, I saw a large green grassland. Here, some people catch dragonflies on the grass, some people are playing games with friends, and some people are still people.Lie quietly behind closed doors.


We walked along the path. The trees here are lush, with many strange stones. In the jungle, there are various birds.There are also a lot of woods, and there are many types of trees. We are in this beautiful forest park, admiring the eyes full of greenness, breathing fresh air, and sniffing the fragrance. It is really intoxicating.


When we walked out of the jungle, we came to the suspension bridge. The entire suspension bridge was lifted from dozens of ropes, walking on it, shaking, and shaking, while my mother followed me to take a picture of me., I'm still jumping in my heart, so dangerous!It's really exciting!


There are not only tall mountains, lush flowers and trees, but also clear spring spring.The beautiful Yansan Waterfall is even more spectacular. The silver -white waterfall seems to be thousands of soft silver gauze, floating on the cliff, and the water droplets splashed out of the waterfall are as thin as smoke, permeated in the air, and permeated the air.It turned into a mogic, putting a thin layer of light gauze on the trees of the mountain.At the moment when the waterfall was injected into the water pond, a small white wave flower rose into the air, and the splashing jade was like "flying down three thousand feet, it was suspected to be the galaxy for nine days."


This forest park is too beautiful. It has not only colorful flowers, but also with thousands of trees. It is also a picture of picturesque waterfalls.

我的风景作文 篇3


Scenery generally refers to the magic of natural creation, or the crystallization of human unity and cooperation.The scenery I understand is just a person's, meager power, and this power is enough to change my life.


This person is my mother!She worked hard for her trivial matters and work every day.The body that was not very strong was exhausted all day.I have seen her hand and experienced years of training. These hands have long been not like the hands of a woman.But these hands are in line with the admirable mother of a admirable mother.The back of the hand is a bit red, probably has a lot to do with the whole day of getting along with the pots and pans; the nail wear is very severe, the surface is one edge and the edges, and the end of the end is grinded because of the hard objects such as pecans peeled.These nutrients have all become my supplies of "fighting on the front line of the exam", and she didn't eat it.


A pair of people who are ordinary but very important to me, support the world of my family.I have only learned that I have been playing in this world and to ask for it.But he did not pay attention to the hand that supported the heavens and the earth trembled slightly.Mom's hands became a scenery in my heart.


Recently, the climate is abnormal, and sometimes it will suddenly cool down at night.Living on the first floor can be said to be the same temperature indoor and outdoor.This is really miserable.


One night, I was frozen because I only covered a towel.There was no thicker bedding around him, so he had to shrink into a ball, and he cried secretly in his heart.At this time, there was a hurry from the opposite bedroom, and it was obviously lighter when it was approaching my door.Mom hugged a quilt and walked in anxiously.In the darkness, when she saw me shrinking there, she sighed anxiously.Cover the quilt gently on me.When I was warm, I naturally stretched my body, and then I was a little hazy, and I fell asleep again.I don't know how long it takes my mother to stay.


Still those hands, added a warm quilt to me in the middle of the night.Regardless of her hard work, as long as her son lives healthily, it is the greatest comfort to her.These hands stay in my heart and become a scenery.


On Sunday evening, the moonlight was still on the streets, the street lights were still bright, and pedestrians still laughed while walking; I was in front of the computer on Sunday, directing the virtual subordinates, transferred the soldiers for a while, raised food and grass for a while, "busy"It ’s very happy; the mother of the Sunday was sitting in the bathroom, the roar of the washing machine in her ears, but tolerate the pain of the school uniforms, especially the white pants.


Once, I went to see it secretly, but I never wanted to see the "secrets" of white pants so clean: in the roar of the washing machine, my mother sat on a small bench.The body is together with his arms.The sound of the roar and rubbing was gathered into a symphony that I had never understood.


This scenery is still in every morning. A pair of hard -working hands have a glass of warm water, so that I start from warmth every day.


In the past two days, I flipped through "Greek Mythology" several times, and found that her mother was as powerful as Titan God Atlas, who was carrying Tianyu.She supported the Tianyu of my family with her shoulders and hands.The reason why I have such a great strength is because -she loves me, I am her child.Even if you have seen a lot of famous mountains and rivers, these hands will always be the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

美景作文 篇4


Tagore once said: "There are no traces of birds in the sky, but I have flew." In life, we worked hard to advance to the goals we want. Sometimes, the wings of our dreams may be plundered to a hint of clouds, but the blue sky quickly returned to the sky again.Calm, but can we say that we have passed all the way?No, the beauty of this way is more important than destination.


I flew, so I was satisfied; I walked, so I enjoy it.


There is also such a story of the famous Wei and Jin scholars Wang Huizhi: One day of heavy snow, Hui Zhicheng suddenly started. If he wanted to find a friend Dai Yi to share the elegance, he took a boat one night to the door of Daijia, but returned.Come here and come back, why should you see you! "


Yes, maybe on the way, Hui Zhi saw the sky rubbing, snow hidden white plums, two or three fishermen in the boat, red mud fire furnace, and he was happy; maybe he stands on the head of the boat, and he sees the water and the sky., Transparent and vast, and you are refreshing ... At this time, when you see it or not?


Our life is also like this, but we may not even reach the original destination. We may also see that the scenery is more pleasant and transferred to a boat, but as long as we see, the sun is moving along the way.Light, shining with infinite beauty of life, can be reported happily to sing.In this way, this trip is not false!


This is not just the romance of literati.Frenchman Fema is a genius of mathematics. He has studied too many pioneering mathematical theories, but he still claims to be "amateur mathematicians" because of mathematics, just his hobby, not his glory.He was even too lazy to prove to the world: he was inspired by inspiration when reading, one of the most important themes he found under the blank edge of the book page, but only wrote it: "This theory and proof process is really interesting.! But the blank is not enough, I won't write one by one. "


I think if Ferma is still alive, see how people today describe his stories and achievements, he may only smile gently and continue to be intoxicated in those wonderful numbers.He still can't help but say, "This is really interesting!" But he was still not busy writing, publishing, and winning a prize. After all, he should enjoy the process of discovery one by one. ThenIt is better to leave the time to fight for glory.


The road of life is so long, maybe it is not the end, so why do we also put our energy on a longer journey, we will also marvel: "It's so beautiful!" Then he kept discovering and enjoying it.Life is also richer and richer.


So in fact, the value of life lies in the process.Myanmar Democratic Fighter Aung San Suuchi has been struggling for non -violent democracy in Myanmar for the past 27 years.What did she win?How many years of prison?Is it a long time from family?Tortured pain?If she just wants to win a name, she has already given up; but even if she has so many unfair treatment, she is still struggling -she has never asked too much of the great ending, but she has struggled by herself and let it be moreMany people fight with themselves, and then see that the motherland becomes more beautiful -this may be the most beautiful scenery she sees -enough.


The beautiful scenery allows us to fight for it, let life burn and bloom, and then life becomes a beautiful scenery.


There are many emblems, Fema, Angshan, and us in this world, and we have taken it seriously, and carefully feel each step. For example, there are two ways in the woods, one is flat, and one is flat.Easy to go, a thorns are full of thorns and do not know where to lead, but some people still choose the second, because it is very charming, the grass is 萋萋.


We seriously appreciate every scenery, even if we bear thorns, cold, and loneliness, but beauty has been engraved in our hearts.No matter where the road is, no matter what the ending.


Because the most scenery along the way!Let the soul enjoy, make life rich, and make life worth it.

关于美景作文 篇5


Mountain is a poetic scene.Mountain is a scene without specifications.


Today, our family went to Xiamen to play together.Want to appreciate the sea of Xiamen.However, the road from Hangzhou to Xiamen is not ordinary, and it takes at least 8 hours by car.On the way we went, we saw a lot of interesting things, as well as beautiful scenery.What makes me most unforgettable is the continuous mountains.


I heard that Wenzhou is particularly rich and there are caves everywhere.After our family drove out of the cave, we were stunned by the scenery in front of us.


Here are all uneven and rolling peaks.There are mountain peaks that go straight into the sky, there are hills shorter than mountain peaks, and some small fields are inserted into it.These scenery constitute a beautiful landscape.


Looking at the mountains from the high speed, there are some clouds and fogs wandering on the mountain peaks.Let me look like I am in a fairyland.The sound of "card wiping card wiping" rises and falls, and everyone does not want this beautiful scenery to slip away from their eyes.


The weather on this day was clear, and the sky was blue, and occasionally drifting through some white clouds. The scene really made me want to insert their roots on my body, and then enjoyed the combination of blue and white and green while soaring on the sky.I thought beautifully: The taste must be very enjoyable and comfortable!


Looking at the countryside, the green plants are covered with the entire pastoral.Green vegetables, radishes, cabbage ... they are everywhere, they are covered with layers of ladder, coupled with the lush and lush trees on the mountain.People who live in it will definitely feel that this is a lush forest!


Soon, the "forest" was dropped by us, and we quickly drove towards Xiamen.We believe that there must be better and fun things in front of us waiting for us!Mountain, goodbye!