Previously, when I lived in Shangrao everyday, I often went to a roast cake to buy barbecue.Over there, I can't forget it. I can't forget the dwarf uncle who is making barbecue.
Everyone rushed to the stall, there was a gourmet street over there, and the barbecue stall was at the forefront.I walked in the past, but I saw a large oven beside a tricycle full of vegetables, meat, and condiments.The oven and tricycles are already very old, especially those tricycles. The front and car are already rusty, and the tires are also damaged. The tire skin is already out of the tire skin.There is a wooden stick standing on the tricycle, and a light bulb is tied to it, and the light bulbs directly emit mild light.Under the effect of lighting, I saw the boss of making barbecue.He is a middle -aged man, but it looks a little aging.Maybe it is a little older in the alley where clouds and mists are lingering for a long time?Looking at him again, short is not much higher than me.He had a square face with thick eyebrows, his eyes were not large, his nose bones collapsed a little, and his mouth was strong.
I told him the type and total number he wanted to buy, and he saw it aside.
But seeing it with his hands, he took a large group of dough. The white dough is glowing under the lights, like a snow lotus waiting for bloom in the moonlight. However, the dough was quickly changed by a pair of strong and powerful hands. A pair of big hands knead the dough first, then flatten it, then pick it up, and then throw the noodle cake onto the board, with both hands like a shuttle. He continued to rotate with one hand, shaped the dough in one hand, and then kneaded into a round dough. When the convex noodle cake next to the management center, a large spoonful of fresh pork belly was clamped into the dough into the dough, and then grabbed a handful. The green section that is flattering is sprinkled up. The posture is simple and neat, and at first glance, he is a master of diligence. In the end, he stained the water slightly, coated a layer on the side of the cake, and held the cake, and quickly stuck the glass on the inner wall of the stove of the baking stove. The baking oven flashed by carbon, as if going out. I saw that the light reflected his face red, and even the delicate sweat on the forehead reflected like a clear natural pearl. Then the uncle twisted over, and the two hands began to start that skilled posture ...
Although he was not tall, although he had been deep in the middle of the night, although he had been busy for a day and was already exhausted, he was still so firm and meticulous to make a cake, which admired me!
1、烤饼:烤饼读音为kǎo bǐng,是指一种源于英国的快速焙烤食品,享有盛名。配料为大麦或燕麦面粉、苏打、糖和盐。 一种源于英国的快速焙烤食品,享有盛名。配料为大麦或燕麦面粉、苏打、糖和盐烤饼 kǎo bǐng词语解释:一种源于英国的快速焙烤食品,享有盛名。配料为大麦或燕麦面粉、苏打、糖和盐。[scone] 一种源于英国的快速焙烤食品,享有盛名。配料为大麦或燕麦面粉、苏打、糖和盐分词解释:苏打:即碳酸钠。也称纯碱。溶于水呈碱性,可作洗涤剂。用于肥皂﹑玻璃﹑造纸﹑冶金等工业。配料:1.烹调中作为辅助搭配的食物﹑调料等。 2.生产过程中,把某些原料按一定比例混合在一起。食品:可直接经口摄食的食物。包括可生食的和经加工后方可食用的食物。有时也泛指食物。...
2、绝技:绝技读音为jué jì,是指别人不易学会的技艺:身怀绝技。 独一无二、超群的技艺;极高的技艺;别人很难学会的技艺西人绝技。——清. 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》以李伶为绝技。—— 清. 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》身怀绝技绝技 jué jì词语解释:别人不易学会的技艺:身怀绝技。[unique skill;consummate skill] 独一无二、超群的技艺;极高的技艺;别人很难学会的技艺西人绝技。——清. 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》以李伶为绝技。—— 清. 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》身怀绝技分词解释:技艺:富于技巧性的表演艺术或手艺:技艺高超ㄧ精湛的技艺。不易:1.艰难,不容易。 2.不改变;不更换。别人:另外的人。学会:由研究某一学科或某个学术领域的人组成的学术团体。如语言学会﹑物理学会等。...绝技怎么造句,用绝技造句»
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