
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:11 | 来源:语文通



2022欢度国庆作文 篇12022欢度国庆作文 篇2欢度国庆节优秀作文600字 篇3欢度国庆的作文 篇4欢度国庆作文 篇5

2022欢度国庆作文 篇1


The annual National Day is coming again. Today is the 59th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up, the successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, the heroic feat of the Shenzhou 7 manned spaceship, and a major victory in the fight against the historical rare snow and rain disasters and the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan.


It has greatly inspired the spirit of the Chinese nation and significantly improved China's international status. All these make this National Day especially exciting and exciting. On October 1, I got up early and went to the Citizen Square with my parents to watch the flag raising ceremony. Along the way, I saw lanterns and festoons on both sides of the street and five-star red flags hanging at the entrance of the shop, which was a festive atmosphere. When we arrived at the Citizen's Square, many people were waiting. Soon, soldiers of the National Flag Class of the Jiaxing Detachment of the Armed Police escorted the national flag to the Civic Square to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with a simple and solemn flag raising ceremony.


In the evening, the community held a gala to celebrate the National Day. More than 20 families signed up to participate in the performance, among which I also signed up to sing a song. Each program is wonderful and interesting. After each program, there will be warm applause. It was my turn to sing. My heart was not a bit nervous, but full of joy. I finished the song cheerfully and easily, and received warm applause in return. Everyone gave me a look of appreciation, and applause echoed in my ears for a long time... The gala went on smoothly until more than ten o'clock. Although they are residents of our community, we all feel very kind and happy.


After the event, people still stayed for a long time to greet and wish each other and immerse themselves in happiness.

2022欢度国庆作文 篇2





欢度国庆节优秀作文600字 篇3


The National Day is to commemorate the official establishment of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949. In order to make the people all over the country celebrate this beautiful festival, the National Day is a seven day long holiday every year, which is also a good time for everyone to rest, go out for tourism, and visit relatives and friends.


I enjoyed the National Day holiday this year. My parents took me, my grandparents and my brother to Shennong City, flew kites in Yanling Square and toured around Shennong City. On October 3, I also went to the Funte Happy World, where I had a good time and had a wonderful and happy day.


Early in the morning of October 3, my father drove me and my brother, as well as my grandfather and a party of four to Fangte Happy World. When we came to Fangte, there were already many people queuing to buy tickets. When we walked into the amusement area, we found that it was really big and there were many fun items. As soon as my brother saw the thrills of many amusement projects, he was shocked. Seeing that he was more timid than I was, he couldn't help laughing.


We toured 11 events in total, the first of which is the "Hurricane Flying Chair", which everyone has played. I don't need to say more. The most thrilling and exciting event for me is the "Vesuvius Volcano", the first large-scale volcanic exploration project initiated by China, which is very thrilling and exciting, but in fact, it is the same. When we got on the exploration car, the car started and took us to explore. When the car went down the mountain or turned, it was very fast, and only heard screams and shouts. It was very exciting when the car went up and down. Those who are timid and have high blood pressure can't take this kind of car.


The harvest of this trip to the happy world of Fangte is to see the large-scale film Light of Life. From the film Light of Life, I know that life is a miracle in the vast universe, and human beings are favored by the Creator. The film also let me know the rise and fall and changes of our earth in nearly 5 billion years.


Time passed quickly. The seven day National Day holiday was about to end, and we had to devote ourselves to the intense and busy study. I had a happy and fulfilling National Day holiday.

欢度国庆的作文 篇4


Today is the National Day on October 1st. We had a holiday. It was particularly sunny that morning. My parents said that they would take me out to play on the National Day. After breakfast, we set out when we were ready to drink. I jumped and jumped all the way and was very happy.

当我们来的大街上时,发现这里可真热闹,到处都喜气洋洋,人山人海,个个脸上都笑盈盈的,各大商场的门上也张灯结彩,有的挂满了五颜六色的气球,有的挂满了鲜艳的小彩旗,还有的挂上了红红的大灯笼,上面写着“欢度国庆”四个大字,非常漂亮,有许多商店正在搞文艺活动,在商店门前敲锣打鼓,他们一会儿表演唱歌,一会儿跳舞,一会儿介绍自己的产品,真是太精彩了。我看的正入迷时,爸爸突然说要带我们去东方世纪公园玩 。

When we came to the street, we found that it was really lively. There were a lot of people everywhere. Everyone was smiling. The doors of major shopping malls were also decorated with lanterns. Some were filled with colorful balloons, some were filled with bright colored flags, and others were hung with big red lanterns with the words "Celebrate the National Day". It was very beautiful. Many shops were engaged in cultural activities, In front of the store, they beat gongs and drums. They sang, danced and introduced their products. It was wonderful. I was fascinated when my father suddenly said that he would take us to the Oriental Century Park.

我们做26路公交车去,来到车站,等车的人真多,一会车来了,再看车里面的人,都挤到车门口,只好等下一辆吧 。5分钟车就来了,好不容易挤上车,在车里你拥我挤的闷得透不过气来,终于到站了,下车后我们来的公园,心情一下轻松多了,空气清爽,景色迷人。公园可真大呀!里面种着各种各样的花草树木,高高低低,错落有致的排列着,有许多种鲜花盛开着,有白色的、有粉色的、有紫色的、色彩斑斓。我们沿着小路往前走可以看到一条用石头砌成的小河流,水流很急,由上而下淌下,有时水珠还会蹦到我们身上,不时还有小孩发出欢快的喊叫声。多么美丽的景色,不能错过爸爸用相机给我们拍照,留下这美好景色 ,把这美好时刻都整个拍摄下来作纪念。

We took the No. 26 bus and came to the station. There were so many people waiting for the bus. When the bus came, people in the bus crowded to the door and had to wait for the next bus. The bus arrived in 5 minutes. It was not easy to get on the bus. You hugged me in the bus and were suffocated. Finally, we arrived at the station. After getting off the bus, we came to the park, feeling much more relaxed. The air was fresh and the scenery was charming. How big the park is! There are all kinds of flowers, plants and trees, high and low, arranged in an orderly manner. There are many kinds of flowers in full bloom, including white, pink, purple and colorful. As we walked along the path, we could see a small river made of stone. The current was very fast, flowing from top to bottom. Sometimes the water would jump on us, and sometimes children would shout happily. What a beautiful scene! Don't miss Dad taking pictures of us with his camera. Leave this beautiful scene and take the whole beautiful moment as a souvenir.

今天玩的真是开心、快乐 !国庆节给大家带来了无比的欢乐、喜悦 !

What a happy day! The National Day has brought us great joy!

欢度国庆作文 篇5


This National Day, my father and I went to Beijing. In the rainy evening, we took the subway to Tiananmen to fly the national flag.


The railings on both sides of the Chang'an Street are golden, which reminds me of the military parade held in early September for the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War, and gives me a sense of expectation for the national flag.

天安门城楼下,人头攒动,我挤进人群,看见天安门城楼和人民英雄纪念碑中间的旗台,五星红旗在空中迎风飘扬,旗杆下有许多解放军叔叔,像一棵棵松树一样挺拔地站着。10分钟,20分钟过去了,我们一直在静静地等待着。 这个时候,天色也慢慢暗下来了,前方的人民大会堂和毛主席纪念馆都亮起了彩灯,最威严壮丽的当属天安门城楼了,八盏大红灯笼高高地挂在城楼之上,两旁彩旗飘扬,毛主席画像悬挂在天门楼正中间。降旗终于开始了,首先出来的是仪仗队的士兵们,穿着墨绿色的军装,戴着白色的手套,手持带着刺刀的枪,迈着整齐划一的步伐,队长指挥着他们的每一个动作,起脚,落脚——唰唰唰。经过天安门城楼的金水桥,交警叔叔拦截了在路上行驶的车子,仪仗队的士兵们顺利来到了电动旗杆下面,队伍分成两列,所有的士兵把枪放在身边,抬头瞻礼五星红旗,行军礼。队长亲自按动电动旗杆,五星红旗一起一落正好是三遍国歌。许多叔叔阿姨掏出手机,录下降国旗这神圣的时刻,回过头来细细品味。降旗结束了,队长扛起国旗,仪仗队护卫着国旗,把它带回了天安门。 许多人还站在长安街上望着这时五彩缤纷的天安门广场。我觉得国旗永远在我心中。我为祖国的国旗自豪和骄傲。

At the foot of Tian'anmen City, there were a lot of people. I squeezed into the crowd and saw the flag tower between Tian'anmen City Tower and the Monument to the People's Heroes. The five-star red flag was flying in the air. Under the flag pole, there were many uncles of the People's Liberation Army standing tall and straight like pine trees. 10 minutes, 20 minutes have passed, and we have been quietly waiting. At this time, the sky also slowly darkened, and the Great Hall of the People and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in front were lit with colored lights. The most majestic and magnificent one was the Tian'anmen Tower. Eight red lanterns were hung high above the tower, and colored flags were flying on both sides. Chairman Mao's portrait was hanging in the middle of the Tianmen Tower. The flag lowering finally started. The first people to come out were the soldiers of the honor guard. They wore dark green uniforms, white gloves, and guns with bayonets in their hands. They walked in an orderly pace. The captain commanded their every move, starting and stopping - Shuoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshosh. After passing the Jinshui Bridge of the Tiananmen Gate tower, the traffic police stopped the cars driving on the road. The soldiers of the honor guard came to the bottom of the electric flagpole smoothly. The team was divided into two lines. All the soldiers put their guns beside them, looked up and saluted the five-star red flag. The captain pressed the electric flagpole personally, and the five-star red flag fell together just three times as the national anthem. Many aunts and uncles took out their mobile phones, recorded the sacred moment of lowering the national flag, and looked back to savor it. When the flag lowering was over, the captain carried the flag, and the honor guard escorted the flag and took it back to Tiananmen Square. Many people still stood on Chang'an Street and looked at the colorful Tian'anmen Square. I think the national flag is always in my heart. I am proud of the national flag of my country.

夜幕下,长安街恢复了晚高峰的繁忙。 这次参礼降国旗,给我北京之旅画了上最精彩的`一笔。

At night, Chang'an Street resumed its busy evening peak. This time, I flew the national flag at the ceremony, which was the most wonderful part of my trip to Beijing.