In the book I read, this book must be considered an unusual book.What it brings me is not expecting and sunlight, but more terrible and dim.In fact, it is difficult for me to understand "the courage, expectation and determination" written on the cover of the book.
The story of this book is derived from the assassination of Kennedy. This kind of exile story is often the protagonist exposed the picture, overthrow the tricks, and it is also white.But in this book, it is completely different. You will not find the true success of the protagonist in the book.
Dead and exile.When I was studying, I always waited for the ending of Qingliu. When I abandoned the flip ending I was waiting, I also hope that Qingliu can sometimes report to the public in Qingliu.This situation was also ruthlessly strangled.In my opinion, this book is really cruel and ruthless.
In front of the national machine, individuals only exist, and this is the deepest image left by this book.Whether you find a trick, whether you escape or not, whether you are trusted or not, you can't escape the great strength.The bottom of society is unable to let people go.On the other hand, the media gives me a sense of dislocation.I think that journalism practitioners must be reported as a responsibility, but in practice, it has violated this theme.The media can distort practice, some talents can suggest true and false, and even can control the public to a certain extent.At some time, the media uses bloggers as the selling point. This is the case in the book, as well as in practice.Some people think that the US election is fair, but is the media preaching and fund injection controlled by the votes?I used to think that the relatively objective turbulent news also appeared in the title party, but fortunately, the talks are all scolding this phenomenon.
Qingliu was assisted by many people in the process of exile. Some people trust him, while others were holding the mood of a spectator. Perhaps they couldn't help but help the society.Morita is the smartest one in the meantime. He said that Qingliu would become Oswald and urged Qingliu to escape, otherwise the whole story will no longer exist.
After all, Qingliu survived, but this was not successful.Someone can be cured from this book. What I regret is the depression.If you just read this book, you must trust it. There are still many good people in the society.
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