
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:03 | 来源:语文通



欢乐的春节作文 篇1欢乐的春节作文 篇2欢乐的春节作文 篇3欢乐的春节作文 篇4欢乐的春节作文 篇5欢乐的春节作文 篇6

欢乐的春节作文 篇1


"Happy New Year, Happy New Year! Happy New Year to everyone. We sing, we dance..." Whenever the New Year comes, I like to sing this song.


the Chinese new year's eve

清早,我和爸爸来到奶奶家,奶奶已经调好了浆糊准备贴福字,爷爷把福字贴倒了,我说福到了,父子贴倒了是为了图个吉利,让人说句:福到了。爷爷把祖历挂好,并摆上了供品,让祖先保佑平安。傍晚,我已经要迫不及待出去放鞭炮了,可还要举办首届”家庭春节晚会”,我来当主持人,开场我就唱了《新年好》这首歌,大家给与好多掌声,中间还进行了互动问答。每个人都很开心,我也快乐我发出了礼物。奶奶还给我“特别奖”。因为今年取得了好成绩,八点了,春节晚会正式开始了。第一个开场舞曲《虎跃龙腾报春来》在我们的谈笑风中开始了,节目令人目不暇接 。九时整,奶奶下了饺子,厨房里好似有雾似的,还带着一股绞香味,一个个佼娃娃在锅里上下翻腾,我一眼就瞅见我包的那个在角落里已经哈哈笑了(破皮)。我们开始放鞭炮接年,“噼里啪啦”鞭炮声响开始了加上佳乐家的礼花 ,让人震耳欲聋。“开饭了。”随着爸爸的一嗓子,我们开始吃年夜饭了,桌子上有余、鸡和年糕,这是为什么呢?为了取谐音年年有余、吉祥、年高。饺子也下熟了,因为里面有花生、栗子和糖。,正在这时妈妈说:“我吃了好多栗子和糖。”我不服气,使劲吃。后来吃到了糖和栗子的饺子,可撑得不行了,妈妈笑我是小肥肚。正在这时,有人陆续打电话拜年了,我们便开春节联欢晚会在等待着新的一年的到来。

Early in the morning, my father and I came to Grandma's house. Grandma had prepared the paste for pasting the word "Fu". Grandpa had pasted the word "Fu" upside down. I said "Fu" was coming, and father and son had pasted it upside down for good luck. Let people say "Fu". Grandpa hung the calendar and placed the offerings to let the ancestors bless peace. In the evening, I can't wait to go out to set off firecrackers, but I also have to hold the first "Family Spring Festival Party". I came to be the host, and I sang the song "Happy New Year" at the beginning. Everyone gave a lot of applause, and there was an interactive Q&A. Everyone is very happy, and I am also happy that I sent a gift. Grandma also gave me a "special award". Because of the good results this year, the Spring Festival Gala officially started at 8:00. The first opening dance song, "Tiger Leaps and Dragon Leaps to Spring", started in the wind of our talk and laughter, and the program is too numerous to see. At nine o'clock sharp, Grandma had dumplings. The kitchen seemed to be foggy, with a stranding smell. The outstanding dolls were tossing up and down in the pot. I saw that the one I had wrapped was already laughing in the corner (broken skin). We started to set off firecrackers for the New Year. The sound of "crackling" firecrackers and the fireworks of Jiale Family made us deafening. "Dinner is ready." With my father's voice, we began to eat the New Year's Eve dinner. There was more than enough on the table, chicken and rice cakes. Why? In order to get the homophonic sound, it is good luck and high. The dumplings are also cooked, because there are peanuts, chestnuts and sugar inside., Just then my mother said, "I ate a lot of chestnuts and sugar." I was unconvinced and ate hard. Later, I ate dumplings made of sugar and chestnuts, but they didn't hold up well. My mother laughed at me for being a little fat belly. At this time, some people called to pay New Year's greetings one after another, and we held the Spring Festival Gala to wait for the arrival of the new year.


first day of the lunar year


At twelve o'clock, we set off firecrackers, and the year 20XX came. The sound of firecrackers fluctuated with each other. I also paid New Year's greetings to my grandparents and got the long-awaited New Year's money. I was very excited. It is said that New Year's Money is used to suppress evil spirits. Early in the morning, Dad pulled out of the warm bed and began to visit relatives, friends and neighbors. I got a lot of sugar. It seems that the sugar I got in New Year's greetings is especially sweet, which is happier than Halloween in foreign countries.


During the Spring Festival, I wish you all the best in the new year.

欢乐的春节作文 篇2


Today is New Year's Eve, and every family is preparing for the New Year. My family is no exception. Grandma and grandpa did their jobs: Grandma cooked fish and meat in the kitchen for days and nights; Grandpa posted a couplet on several doors of the house, large and small, and hung red lanterns in the yard. The whole house looked red and festive.


At night, if you stand high, you will find that the whole city has become a red ocean. Every house is brightly lit with red lanterns. No matter how busy everyone is on this day, they must go home to have New Year's Eve dinner. No matter children or adults, they can't sleep. Everyone should stay up and eat the New Year's Eve dinner, which is often the same for three generations. At dinner, everyone should drink to each other and say some words of blessing. The elders will give the new year's money to the younger generation at this time, and the younger generation will receive it in their pockets first, and will not open it until they are in their own room. The happiest thing for children in the New Year is to receive lucky money.


On the day of Yuanxiao every year, every family has to eat tangyuan. Usually, a large pot of tangyuan is first cooked and then placed on the table. A large group of people are not around the table, and then each person serves a bowl. It is not enough to be prosperous again. In addition, we also watch lanterns and guess riddles on the Lantern Festival. Generally speaking, there will be lanterns of whatever style this year is. The patterns of lanterns are amazing, and people can't finish watching them for half a day. This year is the Year of the Horse. There is a horse lantern. His feet soar into the air and his whole body radiates fiery colors. His hair seemed to be fluttering in the wind. I seemed to see the horse galloping forward against the wind.


Guessing lantern riddles also brings us a lot: it increases our knowledge and makes us feel very happy. The Spring Festival ended soon, and I returned to school. Spring Festival is a lively and happy festival, and we love it very much.

欢乐的春节作文 篇3


The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China. Every time the Spring Festival is celebrated, people always paste Spring Festival couplets, the character "Fu", firecrackers and fireworks. I like fireworks best.


During the Spring Festival this year, my parents took me and my sister to see fireworks. I was very excited along the way. Fireworks finally started to go off, only to see a bunch of fireworks "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" shot into the sky, and then "bang!" The ground exploded, and the dark night sky immediately became colorful, red, yellow, blue, green, colorful, beautiful! Then, several firecrackers like small cannons were fired out and rushed into the sky. In an instant, they burst golden lights and fell down like meteors. Soon, they disappeared in mid air. Suddenly, I found a special bunch of fireworks. The reason why I said it was special was that it was shot into the sky and exploded into a red cloud. I thought it was just a red fireworks, but what I never thought of was that there were several red lanterns floating out of the red cloud. Suddenly, the sky was a little more festive. The little lanterns gradually became bigger and bigger, and finally directly burned up, gradually, more and more blurred, Until it's gone. Later, there were some star shaped, love shaped and big foot shaped fireworks in the sky, which attracted cheers from people


The beautiful fireworks show gradually came to an end, and the noisy crowd also slowly dispersed, so I had to go home reluctantly. On the way home, I was very excited. The wonderful scenes just now just like a movie, kept emerging in my mind. It was really a great visual feast!


There are fireworks to celebrate the New Year. This Spring Festival is really very happy!

欢乐的春节作文 篇4


"The sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the spring breeze warms Tusu". Unconsciously, the new year is coming, and adults are busy pasting Spring Festival couplets and buying New Year's goods.


I look forward to the Spring Festival just to set off fireworks, collect lucky money and eat dumplings.


On this day, I got up early. My mother said that every time I eat dumplings for the Spring Festival, I have to wrap coins. Anyone who eats dumplings wrapped with coins will have good luck next year. So I said to my mother, "Can you tell me the coin dumplings so that we can eat them at night?" Mother smiled mysteriously: "No, even if you eat it, you will not have good luck." I said, "OK! Then my father and I will paste the Spring Festival couplets." Then my father and I went to the yard to paste Spring Festival couplets. My father is tall, responsible for pasting, and I am responsible for delivering. Soon, the red couplets were pasted. Take a look. It's very happy.


At this time, as night fell, our children could not stay and had already gone out to play. At about ten o'clock in the evening, firecrackers began to sound in the village. Our children could not help but begged grandpa to set off firecrackers quickly. At grandpa's command, father and uncle led us to the yard to set off firecrackers. Our children are responsible for setting off fireworks. In the twinkling of an eye, the small yard burst into flames. The beautiful fireworks cut through the night sky. They are very beautiful.


When we got home, a large table of delicious food was put on the table, and a dozen people of our family sat down to eat. Our children try our best to eat dumplings because there are coins in them! Soon, the New Year's Eve dinner was over, and now it was time to collect lucky money. Say a few words of blessing to the elders, and you will receive a big red envelope.


The day of the Spring Festival is so happy and short. How I look forward to the coming of the next Spring Festival!

欢乐的春节作文 篇5


The Spring Festival in my hometown is very busy, but in my opinion, there is a lot of happiness.


New Year's Eve is my favorite day. Watching the Spring Festival couplets and wearing new clothes, I heard firecrackers popping up one after another. Unless it was absolutely necessary, no matter the relatives who were ten miles away, they must come back to have New Year's Eve dinner with their families that night. After the New Year's Eve dinner, our children all ran outside to set off fireworks. All kinds of fireworks burst into the sky, just like giant flowers. They are very beautiful. From eight o'clock, the family sat in front of the TV to watch the wonderful Spring Festival joint evening show, and the street seemed much quieter. However, at midnight, the firecrackers started to make merry again, which is a happy welcome for the new year!

大年初一才是真正的春节。早上起来,我们一家就去给附近年长的亲戚拜年祝福,这时大人总会给我们小孩压岁钱,拿到压岁钱别提有多高兴了。可以买学习文具,还可以和小伙伴去玩耍,或者逛街在小摊上买点小玩意。最有意思的要数套金鱼了,桥头、街边都有摊点。看着小朋友把一个个圈圈扔出去套中小鱼缸时,那快乐劲就别提了。 瞧,春节多热闹啊!

New Year's Day is the real Spring Festival. When we got up in the morning, our family went to pay New Year's greetings to the elderly relatives nearby. At this time, adults would always give our children New Year's money. How happy we were to get the New Year's money. You can buy learning stationery, play with your friends, or go shopping and buy some gadgets at the stalls. The most interesting one is a set of goldfish. There are stalls at the bridgehead and on the street. Don't mention the happiness when watching children throw out circles to cover small and medium aquariums. Look, how lively the Spring Festival is!


Throughout my childhood when I was a sensible boy, the thing I looked forward to most every year was the Spring Festival. We have finished the whole five month study life, which is not nervous, but we start every day. It is not a long but enjoyable winter vacation. Because only the Spring Festival, we may get a new set of clothes. We can taste the food that we dare not expect but now looks very ordinary. We can enjoy the warm quilt in winter morning without scruple. We can play with some things that we have no time to care about and are strictly forbidden by adults. We can enjoy the daily movies that are rarely owned by rural children. Therefore, we in our childhood were full of reverie about the Spring Festival.


Opening the dust laden memory, the Spring Festival time between me and my partners was happy and full, joyful and naive.

欢乐的春节作文 篇6


There are many happy things in the Spring Festival, such as setting off fireworks, making dumplings... What impressed me most was helping Aunt Su sell things.


We used to only play in "Guojia". This time, I am very happy and excited to be a real salesperson.


Aunt Su works in a small supermarket. There are so many things in the small supermarket. There are so many kinds of things.


On that day, I went to Auntie Su's small supermarket early and waited for Auntie Su to assign "tasks" to Qiuqiu and me.


In order to facilitate the selection of customers, first of all, we go to the shelf. Ah ah! What a mess here! Qiuqiu taught me how to place the shelves: "We should put things of the same brand together. If the brands are the same, but the goods are different, we can put the goods with the same net content together and put the different goods separately." Good! Just do it! First, I empty the things on the shelf, and then put them in order by category. Ten minutes, half an hour, an hour... more than an hour later, it was finally finished. YES! I cheered. When I finally finished the placement and was ready to go to the next shelf, my hand was bleeding from a sharp object on the shelf. Although it hurt, I understood the hard work.


After a while, Aunt Su asked Qiuqiu and I to collect money. After a while, I collected money from several customers. Because those customers buy few things, it is very fast and easy to calculate the bill. The guests also praised our quick settlement! Just as I was feeling a little ethereal, several customers came to me and said they wanted to buy cigarettes. I asked them what kind of cigarettes they wanted to buy. They said they wanted stars all over the sky. I had never heard of this brand. What shall I do? I couldn't find it anywhere and finally had to turn to Aunt Su. Alas! It's a bit of a failure this time! However, we also won their praise.


After a busy morning, some praise occasionally reverberated in my ears, but more of it was silent


When I was a "supermarket salesperson" in the morning, I had a deep feeling. I learned that it is not easy for my parents to earn money, but also to train me to study. I must study hard and make progress every day! Although this day is very busy and tired, my heart is very happy. It is really a happy day!