
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:56 | 来源:语文通


我家的竹园小学作文 篇1我家的竹园小学作文 篇2我家的竹园小学作文 篇3我家的竹园小学作文 篇4我家的竹园小学作文 篇5我家的竹园小学作文 篇6我家的竹园小学作文 篇7我家的竹园小学作文 篇8我家的竹园小学作文 篇9我家的竹园小学作文 篇10

我家的竹园小学作文 篇1


In the beautiful fields, there is a piece of verdant green) composition fan ● WWW.. CN (the beautiful bamboo garden, when the spring breeze has not yet melted down the winter, new shoots sprout quietly in the ground; when the spring rain comes, they break out of the ground, like small towers with black and green. This is my bamboo garden.


When I was young, I often played in this bamboo garden. In the morning, I will run, jump and exercise there. Day by day, I became interested in the growth of bamboo. In spring, the new goose yellow bamboo shoots drill out of the soil, and they are as beautiful as a chicken just out of its shell. After three or four weeks, they gradually become new black green shoots, and then become new green bamboo.


The three or four old bamboos surrounded Hsinchu, as if they were protecting their children. The little sparrows flitted around in the lush bamboo leaves, chirping as if to say, "This place is really beautiful!" When the bamboo grows to more than three meters high, it makes the spring wind blow away the layers of bamboo shoots and gradually change into a fresh green.


In midsummer, the bamboo garden looks more beautiful and lovely. The sun shines on the ground through the thick bamboo leaves. From a distance, it looks like pieces of silver on the ground. That's when bamboo becomes a forest. It stretched its long arms.


It seems to be waving to people and saying: "You are too hot, come here to rest!" Sometimes when you walk by the roadside, it uses leaves to cover the sun and relieve your extreme heat. In the autumn when the sky is high and the air is crisp, light yellow horsewhip shoots are drilled out of the ground, giving people a bowl of dishes. It also needs to replace its old leaves and make firewood for people. Sometimes it asks the autumn wind to take its leaves away, just like beautiful girls standing there playing "Tiannvsanhua", and countless "flower pieces" are flying.


In winter, other leaves fall and wither, but it is still beautiful and tall, and the dark green leaves smile to welcome the frost and snow. After the snow, the green leaves were inlaid with white lace and waved to greet us.


I love the bamboo garden, more like the tall and straight bamboo, love its tenacious vitality, and love its evergreen leaves all the year round.

我家的竹园小学作文 篇2


In the endless field of my hometown, there is a green bamboo forest, where I often play.


Spring is beautiful. The new goose yellow shoots peeked out of the ground, fresh and tender like chickens just coming out of their shells, with the fragrance of soil on them. After two or three weeks, each small bamboo shoot could not wait to drill up, and gradually became green shoots in the dark. Look! How the three or four shoots sprouting from the old bamboo tree look like children sheltered by their parents! When the bamboo grows to three or four meters high, the spring wind blows away the layers of bamboo shoots. The little bamboos change into green clothes, which are very fresh.


In summer, the charming sun is like fire. But the bamboo garden is very lively. Everyone came to the bamboo garden to enjoy the cool. They sat on the armchairs leisurely and talked about the harvest of this autumn with their home-made words, smiling on their faces. From their faces, you may have guessed that this year is a good year. Under the protection of this bamboo garden, even the sun can't help them. They can only cast little dots, like pieces of silver on the ground. It's very pleasant! A gust of wind blew, and the bamboos scrambled to swing their graceful posture. Even the pieces of silver were unwilling to be outdone, and they chased and played mischievously on people.


Autumn is bright and crisp. The farmland was full of people singing and laughing. The small bamboo garden can't stand loneliness, and the yellowish bamboo leaves are flying in the air heartily to cheer people up.


In winter, snowflakes are floating. The trees were withered and yellow, but the bamboos stood tall and bravely in spite of the cold, showing their true colors of heroism. They were still so energetic and smiled at the frost. Yes, when winter comes, will spring be far behind?


Ah, I love the bamboo garden in my hometown!

我家的竹园小学作文 篇3


Walking on the country road, there is a very prominent green place beside the golden wheat field, which is the happy land of children in our hometown - Bamboo Garden.


When the spring breeze has not taken away the remaining cold of the winter, the yellow bamboo shoots have drilled out the spring mud moistened by the spring rain, and opened a brilliant smile. A closer look shows that there are still a few drops of dew hanging on them! About three or four weeks later, the goose yellow bamboo shoots gradually turned into green new bamboos, and even the little sparrows were flying in the bamboo garden.


In midsummer, the tender green bamboo has turned into the green and straight bamboo in a flash. At this time, the bamboo forest is the most prosperous and young period. Children can also play happily. The sun shines on your face through bamboo leaves, which is cool and fun.


The golden autumn is the harvest season. Of course, there are fruits in the bamboo garden. Look! What are those people digging for? It turned out to be Ma Bian Ma. It tastes crisp and fragrant. It is an indispensable delicacy on people's dinner tables in autumn.


In the snow-white winter, when other trees have lost their last leaves, the bamboo garden is still a unique landscape. The dark green bamboo leaves are holding their heads high in the snow. Winter bamboo shoots are also a delicacy. To tell the truth, they taste as good as horsewhip hemp!


I love my hometown's bamboo garden, and I love my hometown even more!

我家的竹园小学作文 篇4


My hometown is in Dehua, Quanzhou. I can't forget every tree and grass in my hometown, especially the "bamboo garden in the world". All around the bamboo garden are bamboos, which are evergreen all the year round, showing the vitality.


Finally, I went home for the Spring Festival. Once I got home, I went straight to the bamboo garden I had long lost. Although it is winter, the bamboo garden is not inferior at all. The green and yellowish world is like a watercolor painting. I took a deep breath and looked at them silently, feeling my whole body dissolved in the silence. "Maybe we can dig winter bamboo shoots!" Not far away came my father's voice. He still had a hoe in his hand. My father could not wait to come to the bamboo garden. As soon as we heard that, we began to search for winter bamboo shoots like treasure. Because winter bamboo shoots are buried in the soil and are not easy to find, we should look for them carefully. Although we only found a few winter bamboo shoots in the end, we found the happiness we had long lost. Dad said: "It's not about digging bamboo shoots, but the fun of traveling in the bamboo garden. Only in the bamboo garden can you really feel the atmosphere of your hometown and the friendliness of your hometown." The bamboo garden in my hometown is not only fun in winter, but also charming in summer.


In the bamboo garden in summer, when the fish belly is still white in the east, there is dew on the bamboo leaves. At that time, the moon had not yet gone down. When the breeze blew, the dew gently swayed on the bamboo leaves, which made me think of the poem "The dew is like a pearl and the moon is like a bow". In the evening, the adults moved the bamboo beds made of bamboo into the bamboo forest, and we talked together. Some of our children ate, some played and chased, and we could enjoy the evening breeze. How nice! Of course, the spring and autumn of the bamboo garden are also not to be outdone. This is the "Extraordinary Bamboo Garden" in my hometown. It is not only beautiful, but also permeates the hearts of those who are far away from home with a strong sense of hometown.

我家的竹园小学作文 篇5


My grandmother lives in a beautiful and lovely village. All around are bamboo gardens, like a tall green city wall.


My favorite is the green bamboo garden.


When spring hasn't come yet, small bamboo shoots grow silently underground. At this time, people call them group bamboo shoots, also called winter bamboo shoots. Because the bamboo shoots are delicious, all major cities use big trucks to buy them from us. Before and after the Spring Festival, there must be no shortage of delicious bamboo shoots on the table. All men, women and children like them. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, the new goose yellow bamboo shoots come out of the ground like chickens just out of their shells, like small pagodas. Its top whiskers are black with green. At this time, there is obviously a layer of fluffy hair outside the bamboo shoots, so people call them hairy bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots have tenacious vitality. No matter how many stones are pressed on them, dozens of kilograms, bamboo shoots can break them. People choose according to the quality of the bamboo shoots, leaving the strong ones and cultivating them into bamboo.


In late spring, the bamboo shoots grow into tender bamboos and take off their coats - the shells. People pick up bamboo shoot shells to make paper or pull them into silk to make upholstery for sofas. The shelled bamboo is light green, and there is a circle of white hairs at the knots. The tender bamboo first grows into bamboo silk, and then grows tender leaves, which are more green than the old bamboo. This tender bamboo is a good raw material for making paper.


In the hot summer, there is a strong wind, and the bamboo forest is rolling green waves, roaring and surging. My friends and I often play in the bamboo forest. Some children wear hats made of bamboo branches on their heads. Sometimes we catch bamboo poles and swing on swings, which is very interesting.


In the crisp September of autumn, there are long and thin whip shoots growing underground. We went up the mountain and dug bamboo shoots to add a bowl of delicious bamboo shoots soup to our dishes.


In winter, the flowers wither, but the bamboo is still so beautiful and straight, with more or less snowflakes on the bamboo leaves, white as jade, very elegant.


The spirit of bamboo is valuable. It contributes silently to human beings, such as bamboo beds, bamboo chairs, baskets, craft bamboo weaving, etc. Bamboo products can also be exported for foreign exchange, serving the construction of the four modernizations.


I love my hometown, and I love Grandma's bamboo garden.

我家的竹园小学作文 篇6


"He grew up on a green hill and became the king of the world. He has seen many beautiful girls through many silks and satins." This is an activity class. The teacher tested our riddle. I guessed it first: a clothes pole made of bamboo.


I can get close to bamboo since I was young, because there is a bamboo garden behind Grandma's house. When I was young, this bamboo garden was my paradise. I often play games with my friends in the bamboo garden, climbing bamboo poles, chasing through bamboo nets, tying ropes to several bamboos and swinging on them.


In spring, after a spring rain, from the loose soil in the bamboo garden, a sharp, tender little head emerged, and thick clothes were worn. These are bamboo shoots. When it is not seen for a day, it will grow a little taller. When it grows to one person's height, it will not be afraid of the cold. The bamboo coat will fall off automatically, just like the thermal insulation foam material after the rocket takes off. Grandma will pick up these clothes and spread them on the rice bed to dry and make shoes.


The bamboo garden in summer is very shady. The cool wind seems to like bamboo and always runs under the bamboo leaves. At noon, when it was hot for the family to work, they went to the bamboo garden to enjoy the cool. The bamboo garden is our natural "air-conditioning room". Our whole family put the cool bed under the bamboo forest, or sat or lay down. The wind blew through the bamboo groves, bringing us cool and refreshing. The sweat on his body disappeared like a rabbit in the forest.


In autumn and winter, some bamboo leaves begin to miss the mother of the earth and rush to the earth. There is a poem that says, "Falling red is not a ruthless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers". Isn't falling flowers like this, and bamboo leaves like this? After the bamboo leaves have offered the beauty of spring and the shade of summer, some of the old dead leaves do not hesitate to drift from the bamboo branches and turn into soil to supply nutrition for the spring shoots of the next year. Therefore, bamboo rarely "bother" humans to fertilize, and they feed themselves. This is the magic of bamboo.


It is said that Su Dongpo, a great poet of the Song Dynasty, liked bamboo very much and would rather not eat meat than live without bamboo. He also planted some bamboo trees beside his residence because with the company of bamboo, his mind would be fresh and refined. Grandma's small bamboo garden made me feel the quiet and elegant of rural life when I was young.

我家的竹园小学作文 篇7









我家的竹园小学作文 篇8


My hometown was named Zhuyuan Village, which is really worthy of the name, because bamboo forests have been around the village since ancient times. The largest bamboo forest is just outside the back door of our Zhuyuan Primary School. This piece of bamboo has been propagated for many years, and it has become a continuous piece in some years, forming the present garden.


Green bamboos, fearless of wind and frost, are evergreen all the year round, reflecting a unique landscape. The mottled bamboo forest is dense and lush, with pleasant charm. In particular, all kinds of birds in the bamboo forest add some dynamic beauty to the bamboo forest. In the evening, it is the most lively time. Some of the birds hiding in the jungle shake their bodies, some shake their wings, and some play their small mouths and chatter to attract friends.


Bamboo is not grass or wood, and belongs to a peculiar species in the plant kingdom. It is not only unique in attributes, but also different from other categories in personality. It has a beautiful and graceful appearance, combining hardness and softness. With its natural beauty and outstanding character, it has become the favorite of students in the plant industry. Even the motto of our school is condensed from the character of bamboo: "integrity, modesty, tenacity and upward".


The bamboo garden behind the school is a paradise for my classmates and me to do extracurricular activities. We read books, played games, conducted labor skills training and natural science experiments in the park. Because of the precious natural resource of bamboo, our school has set up a scientific interest group called "Home of Bamboo Garden". Teacher Li Xinyuan, who has just retired, was re employed as the counselor of this group.


The bamboo here is not only abundant, but also full of varieties. Zizhu, Fangzhu, Fengwei Bamboo, Luohanzhu, as well as the rare Qilin Bamboo, Jinxiangyu Bamboo, and Huangpi Gangzhu. Among them, Phyllostachys pubescens is the most widely distributed, because it is the best raw material for bamboo weaving. Its skin is smooth, clear, and has beautiful colors. The bamboo ware woven with it is the most beautiful and eye-catching. Mr. Li Xinyuan, who is an amateur in bamboo weaving, can be said to be the inheritor of bamboo weaving. He is famous not only in our school, but also in our surrounding villages. In the eyes of students, Mr. Li can be called a master of bamboo weaving. Knitting is dexterous, and his knitting action is highly artistic: the strips in his hands fly up and down with the rhythm of his fingers, and the patterns are repeated. Each bamboo pole was cut and scraped in his hands, and then woven into a top hat, a bamboo mat, a delicate bamboo basket and a bamboo basket after being inserted and hooped. Under the careful guidance of Mr. Li, the "famous teacher", among the members of the scientific interest group of the "Bamboo Garden Home", bamboo weaving experts who can be called "experts" are constantly emerging.


In the past two years, in order to further build this bamboo forest into the "back garden" of our school, Mr. Li Xinyuan led the students of the "Home of Bamboo Gardens" scientific interest group to make an in-depth investigation and comprehensively renovate the environment, layout, supporting facilities and other aspects of the park.


First of all, we excavated a drainage ditch around the bamboo forest to divert water in case of drought and drain water in case of waterlogging, so as to protect the bamboo from drought and waterlogging. At the same time, we planted a ring of thorns around it to prevent livestock and pedestrians from trampling on it at will. Later, a large reservoir was built with cement and bricks on the four sides of the bamboo forest to drain sewage. In the gaps between the forests, fine sand is transported to pave several winding forest paths, and stone tables and stone benches are placed at the end and intersection of the paths. Finally, the students respectfully asked Mr. Li Xinyuan to write slogans praising bamboo character and environmental protection, such as "There will be integrity before excavation, and Lingyun is modest", and carefully made billboards to stand in several prominent positions. As a result, a small park with bamboo forest as its main part has begun to take shape.


The name of the small park was approved by the students as "Home of Bamboo Garden" - everyone's green home.

我家的竹园小学作文 篇9


Although our bamboo garden is not as colorful as Xiao Hong's garden, nor as thrilling and refreshing as Feng Jicai's garden, it has its own unique flavor.


The area of my bamboo garden is not so big as three or four square meters. Don't think it is small. It can bring me many good memories. For example, once I went with my friends to dig "ginseng". After a long time of digging, two of them were dug up, one for each of us. When I returned home, I hid Tibet in the east. I didn't know whether it was good to hide it. Finally, I decided to plant it in my bamboo garden, because I thought it was safe and not easy to find it in the bamboo garden. Before I knew it, I had forgotten the "ginseng" thing. But one day when I came to see the bamboo leaves, I found that the "ginseng" I planted before had grown into a small sapling. Later, I realized that it was not "ginseng" but a "small root".


The following is interesting: In summer, many bamboo shoots sprout in the bamboo forest. At that time, I didn't know it was bamboo shoots. I thought it was a treasure. I also pulled out a bamboo shoot to show my friends. My friends do not know that it is bamboo shoots. They all say that it is the fruit of "immortality". When I heard the fruit of "immortality", I thought, "Will you be immortal if you eat it?" No matter how much it is, eat it first! So I washed the bamboo shoots with water and took a bite. What's the taste! So hard to swallow. I really wanted to vomit it out, but thinking of "immortality", I insisted on eating the bamboo shoots. After eating, I also showed off to my mother that "I am immortal". Mother asked, "Why do you live forever?" I told her the whole process. After listening to this, my mother smiled and said, "Silly children, it's not that they produce immortal fruits, but bamboo shoots! They can only be eaten after stir frying, and they are also nutritious." After hearing this, I suddenly realized.


This is my small bamboo garden. Although it is not colorful or thrilling, it has its own unique style and brings me many good times


I like the small bamboo garden in front of my house.

我家的竹园小学作文 篇10


When I was young, I used to play, run, jump and exercise in the bamboo garden of my hometown. Day by day, I became interested in the growth of bamboo in the bamboo garden.


In spring, the new yellowish bamboo shoots drill out of the soil, and they are as beautiful as chickens just out of their shells. In three weeks, they become dark green shoots, and then they become green bamboo shoots. The three or four old bamboos surround Hsinchu, as if they were protecting their children. The little sparrows were flying around in the lush bamboo leaves, chirping as if to say, "This place is really beautiful." After a few days, the bamboo suddenly grew to more than three meters high. It let the spring wind blow away the layers of bamboo clothes and put on a new set of green clothes. The leaves danced in the wind and made a rustling sound.


In midsummer, the bamboo garden looks more beautiful. Lovely. The sun shines on the ground through the dense bamboo leaves. From a distance, it looks like pieces of silver sprinkled on the ground. The bamboo looks greener against the silver. That was when bamboo became a forest. He stretched his long arms, as if waving to people, and as if saying: "This weather is really hot, come here to have a rest!" Sometimes, he uses leaves to cover the sun and relieve your heat.


In the cool autumn, some small yellowish bamboo shoots stick out from the ground and their heads greedily suck the fresh air, which is called horsewhip shoots. He added a bowl of sweet and delicious dishes to people. The horsewhip bamboo shoots are treasure all over the body. Their meat can be used to stir fry vegetables, their juice can be drunk, and even their old leaves can be used as matches for people. When changing leaves, they look like beautiful girls performing "Tiannv Scattered Flowers".


In winter, the leaves of other trees are withered and yellow, but it is still so beautiful and tall. The dark green leaves smile to welcome the cold.


I love bamboo garden and bamboo, but I love its tenacious vitality and evergreen character.