
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:05 | 来源:语文通



Recently, I inadvertently saw such a news: A 5 -year -old girl was giving her father voice, "When will come back to accompany me?" But what she didn't know was that her father could no longer return her informationOnce ... The little girl's father was Zhang Ziquan. He was a anti -drug police. When he went out to handle the case, he suddenly fell to the ground due to overwork and was only 36 years old at the time of sacrifice.


After reading this news, my eyes gradually wet.Anti -drug police are a career walking on the tip of the knife and often pass by with death.What they shoulders are the mission of purifying society; they are facing every day, and they are poor and evil drug dealers; each time they go out of the task, they will compare with drug dealers with a mentality of death.


The most distressed thing about me is the most distressed thing about the contribution of the anti -drug police to this society, but live a silent life.They often appear on television, and they are often mosaic.Their identity cannot be leaked, and leaks means that they may be in danger of being retaliated by drug dealers.In order not to worry the family, they can't tell the family what they are doing, and when they go out, they can only say "I have a business trip."


There is no time to be quiet, but someone will go forward for you.When we were blowing the air conditioner in the house, a group of people trained under the scorching sun; when we played with our friends, there was a group of people fighting with drug dealers. When we were reuniting with our familyFamily.We must always remember these sacrificed anti -drug police, resolutely resist drugs, and pay tribute to all anti -drug police!


Lu Xun said: "Since ancient times, we have worked hard people, people who are desperate, those who have been invited by the people, and those who are looking for the law ..." Our country is always protected by brave people.In order to create an environment without drugs, anti -drugs have been moving forward.Let's pay tribute to these heroes walking on the tip of the knife, I hope they can return safely!



1、致敬:致敬读音为zhì jìng,是指1.表示恭敬;表达敬意。 2.犹致祭。祭必诚敬﹐故称。 3.极尽诚敬之心;极其恭敬。 4.犹致礼。向人施礼。致敬 zhì jìng词语解释:1.表示恭敬;表达敬意。 2.犹致祭。祭必诚敬﹐故称。 3.极尽诚敬之心;极其恭敬。 4.犹致礼。向人施礼。(1) [salute]∶向人敬礼举剑致敬(2) [pay one’s respects to]∶表示敬意有各种致敬方式,如信奉佛教的人用合十作为致敬的方式,有的人则用相互拥抱的方式分词解释:极其:副词,非常;极端:劳动是极其光荣的事情 ㄧ受到了极其深刻的教育。敬意:尊敬的心意:他让我转达对你的敬意。表达:表示(思想、感情):感激之情,难以表达ㄧ提高学生的口头表达能力。施礼:做行礼的动作,多用于古代的行礼形式:我这厢施礼了|老先生施礼为何?...致敬怎么造句,用致敬造句»

2、英雄:英雄读音为yīng xióng,是指①才能勇武过人的人;杰出的人物:江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。②具有英雄品质的:英雄的中国人民。英雄 yīng xióng词语解释:①才能勇武过人的人;杰出的人物:江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。②具有英雄品质的:英雄的中国人民。分词解释:具有:有(多用于抽象事物):具有信心ㄧ具有伟大的意义。人物:文艺作品中所描绘的人物形象。是作品内容的重要因素,也是组成艺术形象的主体。文艺作品大多通过人物和人物的活动来反映现实生活。品质:1.人的行为﹑作风所表现的思想﹑认识﹑品性等的本质。 2.物品的质量。无数:1.无法计算。极言其多。 2.没有限定的数量或规定的次数。 3.不知底细。过人:超过一般人:聪明过人丨他在工作中表现出了过人的才智。...英雄怎么造句,用英雄造句»

3、行走:行走读音为xíng zǒu,是指1.行路;走动。 2.犹言入值办事。清制,凡不属于专设官职,调充某项职役的都用此称。 3.北洋军阀统治时期,以此称额外派充的官。 行路;走动行走 xíng zǒu词语解释:1.行路;走动。 2.犹言入值办事。清制,凡不属于专设官职,调充某项职役的都用此称。 3.北洋军阀统治时期,以此称额外派充的官。[walk;go on foot] 行路;走动分词解释:走动:1.行走;走开。 2.出来;动身。 3.交往﹑往来。北洋:清末指奉天(辽宁)、直隶(河北)、山东沿海地区。特设北洋通商大臣,由直隶总督兼任。时期:发展过程中的一段时间。官职:官吏的职位:在封建时代,宰相是最高的官职。...行走怎么造句,用行走造句»