
时间:2022-08-19 12:14:58 | 来源:语文通


夏,永远是高温的代名词。但这时, 就会有许许多多的“高温救世主”出现,有了它们,人们对夏天的担心就烟消云散了。

Xia, always synonymous with high temperature.But at this time, there will be many "high temperature saviors" appearing. With them, people's worry about summer disappears.


Everyone, in the summer, treats the air conditioner as a life -saving benefactor. From morning to night, the air conditioner is constantly, and the air conditioner is not turned on, which is equivalent to the ruthless "Guan" of the switch of life.

开着空调,吃着解渴的冰西瓜,无疑是最享受的事情了。但是我却发现了一种新型的防暑武器:冰球。夏天,除了吃冰西瓜,冰爽可口的饮料当然必不可少。可是冰箱那么小,哪里还放得下那么多水果呢?那就得冰球来帮忙了。倒上一杯果汁,放上几颗冰球,插上吸管 也是凉爽至极的。喝上一口,眼睛都忍不住享受得闭起来,凉凉爽爽的甘甜液体一路从口腔到喉咙再到胃里,全身的毛孔都激动地打开,细胞都感觉到了凉爽,原本焦躁不安的心立刻冷静了下来。

It is undoubtedly the most enjoyable thing to eat the air conditioner and eat thirsty ice watermelon.But I found a new type of heatstroke prevention weapon: ice hockey.In summer, in addition to eating ice watermelon, ice and delicious drinks are essential.But the refrigerator is so small, where can I put so many fruits? Then I have to be ice hockey to help.Pour a glass of juice, put a few ice hockey, and insert a straw to be extremely cool.After drinking a sip, I couldn't help but enjoy it. The cool and refreshing sweet liquid all the way from the mouth to the throat to the stomach. The pores of the whole body opened excitedly. The cells felt cool.Calm down.


This is the ice hockey of summer. I think the most necessary and favorite!