
时间:2022-08-16 13:22:06 | 来源:语文通



When I was a kid, I was very picky, and I was not very strong. My mother looked in her eyes and was anxious.In order to let me eat better and eat more, my mother worked hard and tried her best.


That day, my mother made a fragrant meal, and wanted me to eat more. I put it on the table and asked me to come to dinner. When I got to the dinner table, I saw a lot of food to make me delay.At first I was delicious, but after eating two, I didn't want to eat it anymore. My mother fed my third mouth, and I covered my mouth with my hands and said that I would not eat it. My mother said: The baby can grow this.More sturdy!After I heard it, I opened my mouth immediately.I pointed my fingers with my fingers and asked my mother to feed me. I ate some this time, but I didn't eat much. After taking a few mouthfuls, I won't eat it. I don't eat what my mother says.


When my mother saw me like this, she was in a hurry and said, "In the last bite, you can not eat it after you eat it, and you can play casually at home.I didn't hesitate after listening, and immediately agreed. After I finished eating the last bite, my mother suddenly gave me a bite and caught me off guard. After eating, I told my mother: Mom is a big liar!After that, I lay on the ground and motionless.


When my mother saw it, I quickly said: Hurry up, you see your clothes are dirty, and you can eat.When I heard it, I said that I would not eat it, I just do n’t eat it, I do n’t eat it!Seeing the mother, she immediately took a stick from the room and hit it twice in the air, scaring me and cried.I just finished eating obediently.



My mother is a veritable "big scammer" because she always has a lot of warmth.


I remember that year, we didn't have much money in our family, and I wanted to buy roller skating again.My mother really wanted me, and I bought it.When we got home, my grandma asked how much money, obviously more than 900 prices, and the mother said it was "two hundred".Seeing my face full of doubt, my mother squeezed my eyes and said, "It's a discount."

I remember that year, we didn't have much money in our family, and I wanted to buy roller skating again.My mother really wanted me, and I bought it.When we got home, my grandma asked how much money, obviously more than 900 prices, and the mother said it was "two hundred".Seeing my face full of doubt, my mother squeezed my eyes and said, "It's a discount."


Another time, I went to buy a sweater with my mother, and my mother fancy a sweater of 680 yuan.Not to mention, grandma still likes it! Mom is afraid of grandma asking the price, so she said, "0 more." Grandma nodded with satisfaction.


This is my mother, a "big liar."

This is my mother, a "big liar."



My mother is a veritable "big scammer" because she always has a lot of warmth.


I remember that year, we didn't have much money in our family, and I wanted to buy roller skating again.My mother really wanted me, and I bought it.When we got home, my grandma asked how much money, obviously more than 900 prices, and the mother said it was "two hundred".Seeing my face full of doubt, my mother squeezed my eyes and said, "It's a discount."

I remember that year, we didn't have much money in our family, and I wanted to buy roller skating again.My mother really wanted me, and I bought it.When we got home, my grandma asked how much money, obviously more than 900 prices, and the mother said it was "two hundred".Seeing my face full of doubt, my mother squeezed my eyes and said, "It's a discount."


Another time, my mother and I went to buy a sweater for my grandma, and my mother fancy a sweater of 680 yuan.Not to mention, grandma still likes it! Mom is afraid of grandma asking the price, so she said, "More than 100 yuan." Grandma nodded with satisfaction.


This is my mother, a "big liar."

This is my mother, a "big liar."