
时间:2022-06-20 14:00:04 | 来源:语文通



The four-year Olympic Games is over, our Olympic athletes have achieved excellent results.world.Su Bingtian won the 6th place in 100 meters with the results of breaking the Asian record in 9 seconds and 83. Although the ranking is not so loud, the sprint has always been the weak item of our Asians. It is already very powerful to enter the top 10.In the gymnastics competition, although we were treated unfairly, the athletes still played their level.


In the end, we won 38 gold medals.There are many old -fashioned players in the Olympic Games, but my idol is an inconspicuous Syrian athlete and the youngest player of this sports meeting -Zha, although she did not get medals, and lost to the first game.Liu Jia.But when you understand the story behind her, you know how difficult she is. The place where I trained is often disconnected, the racket is old cracking, and the training ground is hot.However, in order to save power, they tried not to use it. Due to the tight funding and visa restrictions, it was difficult for Syrian table tennis players to go abroad to train and lost a lot of opportunities to improve the technical level, and they did not give up because before that.Their country is as dangerous, shrouded in the shadow of the war, and cannot be trained at all. After the state is stable, they have a training ground. Although they often stop power, they can maintain 6 hours of training every day.Essence


From Zhaza, I learned the spirit of her persistence. When the country was destroyed by the war, she also hid in the bomb pit and insisted on training every day, in order to ensure that her technology was not rusty.His persistence deeply moved me. This summer, I have been practicing characters, and my words have made significant progress.


What is an idol? Idols are objects that can be learned, from idols to the correct outlook on life and values.I think you can chase the stars, but you must chase the star with positive energy, not the "traffic" star that has no talent.



My idol is not a star celebrity star who is beautiful, high, and worshiped by 10,000 people, nor the anchors in Weibo.Instead, the 33rd gold medal winner of our country in the Olympic Games held on July 23 this year-the diving champion of the diving champion Quan Hongzheng.Her family is very poor, and she is not very beautiful.But she has the quality and filial piety that many net celebrities do not have!


His diving to win the championship this time is not to make himself rich.In fact, there is a sad story behind Quan Hongyu.


Quan Hongyu's mother was hospitalized for her mother because of a car accident.Because there is no money at home for her mother, her mother can only take medicine every day to maintain good health.At that time, she was only seven years old and came to the stadium to practice diving every day.In order to get bonuses at the Olympic Games and cure mother.In order to make Quan Hongyi practice diving seriously, Quan Hongzheng's father did not tell Quan Hongyu's mother's illness.In the end, Quan Hongyu finally won the championship in the Olympic diving competition as expected.


After winning the championship, she was deeply remembered by a reporter in an interview with a reporter.She said, "It's the same as anyone, no matter what you want to jump well, think about every action, and jump your own movements." Quan Hongyi said how good! From this sentence, I know how to say itName: No matter who you are; no matter what age you; no matter how others evaluate you, as long as you do the best yourself.


What a good example of Quan Hongyi! She has a filial piety that many people do not have.We should learn from her.Be the best self.



My idol is the 33rd Gold of my country in the Tokyo Olympics.Sister Quanhong went to the Olympic Games at the age of 14, and won the championship with a high score of water without water and 466.2.


After the game, Sister Quanhong spoke: "She had never been to the zoo when she was a child, and she had never been to play. Because her mother was sick, she wanted to make money for her mother. She also wanted to share it for her parents."


She has been practicing diving since she was seven years old. After seven years of hard work, she had nearly 400 diving every day to better play in the game. Yes, she did it.She succeeded in doing no water flowers, and successfully won the "gold medal of the Olympic Games".Behind success, it is the hard training every day every night. It dives more than 400 times a day. Only by continuous practice, there are three genius girls who jump full of points at the Olympic Games.This gold medal is what she deserves, and is exchanged for daily sweat every night. She is in exchange for her determination to treat her mother, so that the family can live a better life in exchange forof.


Since childhood, he has witnessed the fatigue and hard work of his parents.This also allows Sister Quanhong to work harder. Daily practice, the careful teaching of coaches, and the obsession to allow parents to live a better life to let Sister Quanhong's sister embarked on the Olympic Games.


After reading the story of Sister Quanhong, I made a lot of money on Sister Quanhong's sister.I also have to work hard to travel for my dream like Sister Quanhong.This spirit of hard work and perseverance of Sister Quanhong is worthy of our learning.



14-year-old Zhanjiang sister, the name of Quan Hongyi sounds throughout the country, jumps into the world knows, steady as the first fault, the 14-year-old who will "disappear water" is 14 years old.The little girl Quan Hongyu asked people all over the world to remember her name. In the finals of the Tenki Ten Meta platform just after the end of the Tokyo Olympic Games.Quanhong, from Zhanjiang, Guangdong, won the Tokyo Olympic Championship with a high score of 466.20.


In the end 466.20 this score was also successfully refreshed. The woman's ten -meter -jumped platform, Chen Ruolin, a high score record of 447.70 created at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Quan Hongyu won the championship with excellent results with five diving and three full scores.Essence


Quanhong's family is very poor, and Quan Hongzhang has never been to the playground. I want to play some games such as caught dolls.She likes to eat spicy bars. The kind of seller sells five cents and a pack. She also said that she wants to open a small sales department after growing up, because she can eat more spicy bars.


Quan Hongyi's mother, due to a car accident.A lot of funds are needed, so Quan Hongyi wants to work hard to make money for her mother.It is reported that the parents of Quan Hongsheng are farmers. The family lives on farming. The family conditions are not very good.He has seen such a big scene, and why he has endured the grievances that have been scolded by others. This spirit of all red orders is worth our learning.



My idol in our country is-Quanhong Cicada, she is a member of the Chinese diving dream team. She is 14 years old and comes from Zhanjiang, Guangdong.The full red cicada was born at the age of seven. At the age of 11, he entered the Guangdong Provincial Diving Team. At the age of 13, he entered the national team. It has not been one year. It is only nine months. I really can't believe a 14 -year -old.The child took the first place in the Olympic 10 dive.


The Quanhong Cicada family is very poor. *** Mom is seriously ill, and her father has cultivated fields in the field. Quanhong Cicada has entered the national team at the age of nine to train diving.He also trained diving. If it wasn't for her patience and achievement, and a clear gold card goal, he would not be so hard.


On August 5, 2021, the Tokyo Olympic Games diving women's single -player 10m Taiwan finals, only 14 -year -old teenager Quanhong Cicada leaders all the way, the second round, the fourth round and the last round are full.In the end, he won the gold medal with 466.20 points. This result defeated Chen Ruolin's previous 447.70 points.


Quanhong Chan also won 3 championships in Guangdong Province in 2018, and in 2019, he won the National Single Ten Meta Championship of the National Diving Championship.On March 14, 2021, 424. 25 points won the 2021 Chinese diving star women's ten -meter -jumped troops.I have to say that she may be the most harmful girl at this age. When she dives, it can be said that there is no splash.


So we have to learn from Quanhong Cicada. Her perseverance, strong, filial piety, serious and hard work impressed my all red cards is my most admired Olympic idol in the Olympic Games, and it is also the pride of the Chinese people.We are also congratulating Quanhong Cicada to win the gold medal.



officially opened on July 23, the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan, and held a 16-day sports competition. Our Chinese sports athletes achieved proud results in the Olympic Games. Let us let us.People across the country encouraged them.


In this Olympic Games, there were many post -00 teenagers in our Chinese athletes, which surprised me. These younger brothers and sisters won a gold medal with a strong spirit.One of the most admired stars for me is all red.


Quanhongzheng is only 14 years old, but can win a gold medal for the country at the Tokyo Olympics.Quanhongzheng won 466 in the 10 -meter -jumper final of the Tokyo Olympic Games for 466.2 points.Although she won the championship at the Tokyo Olympics, she was not enough to worship her.


Quanhong's family is not as good as we are now. Quan Hongyu's parents in rural areas are ordinary farmers.They rely on a few acres of small orchards to support the family, and the mother of all red crickets was not good in a car accident.Only her father was supporting the whole family, and Quan Hongyu was also trying to train to improve his results. She also helped the family to make a force.Now Quanhong's brother is already working, and her brother and sister are also practicing diving and striving for helping the family.


Quan Hongyu has made a lot of effort for the future diving career.Persist in diving on land every day to practice diving 400 times.With that effort again and again, she finally succeeded and won the 10 -meter diving sports championship of the Tokyo Olympic Games. The efforts and natural talents made by Quan Hongyu for the entire family cannot be copied by anyone.


She paid a lot for her home, just for diving competitions.His hard work that year after day was moved.The children in the town are too much to her. I should reflect on myself and take the full redness as an example.



The arrival of the summer vacation has also ushered in the Olympic Games once every four years.Worked hard to get sweat, and there are four "hardest" gold medals. It is full of sadness and joy of the poor children, including our diving champion all over red.


At the age of 14, she participated in the diving project of the Olympic Games. Five actions, three full scores, with a total score of 466.2 to break the world record, but the interview after the game deeply touched my inner heartEssence


During the reporter's interview, Quan Hongyi said that her mother was sick. Because she didn't have any cultural courses, she didn't know what disease it was, but she needed a lot of money to treat it. At this time, she felt that she was a member of the family.Learn to make money for the sharing of the family.At a young age, she supported the entire family. In order to earn more money, she made a sullen voice and tied into the pool. Even the coach said that she was the best training among the same -age players, and each timeTraining go all out.


At the age of 14, there may be many peers who are still nestled by their parents.


Quan Hongyi has this condition, but she is not a genius, and she is exchanged by hard training.Although she was born in the poor, the moment she was standing on the Olympic stage, her destiny changed.As long as you work hard, I will learn from Sister Quanhong, learn her unremitting, focused, and learn her strong perseverance.



Quanhong Cicada, the youngest Chinese player, only 14 years old, won the gold medal in women's Tokyo diving 10 meters, successfully won the thirty-three gold in my country, There is no experience in the event before the game, it is a dark horse in the diving industry in the Olympic Games.Why is this a dark horse? Because Quanhong Chan was born in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, not only can parents get a gold medal in the two trials, but she also gets a gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics.


Quan Hongchan, her dream is to open a small sales department in the future, so that there are endless snacks.I think the personality of Quanhong Chan is very optimistic and perseverance. In August of the same year, Quan Hongyu was sent to the diving college in Guangdong Province.Genius for seeking.


In 2018, she was sent to the Guangdong Diving College. This year, she won three gold medals in the diving championship. One year later, she won 5 championships in the event.737.75's excellent results won the championship of the project. Three months later, the full red cicada, which was given high hopes, dived in 10 meters. Due to the mistake of the 207C action, this jump only scored 44.45 points.But after that, she did not give up, insisted on breaking the 207C action, and obtained a high score of 94.95 in the subsequent competition, and successfully achieved a gold medal for our country. This is why I think she has perseverance.


The reason why I think she is optimistic is because her family is poor. Her parents have never been to entertainment and other entertainment areas such as amusement parks, but she is not frustrated, but she said happily that she does not want to spend her parents.Money, want to work hard to practice diving and repay parents.


This is the idol in my heart all red cicada, a genius diving teenager.



The Olympic Games has ended. In the Olympic Games, we met many Chinese athletes. Among themChina is the youngest person in the Chinese team.


Quan Hongyu won a gold medal in the Olympic diving competition, because this gold medal made Quanhong get angry. After winning the gold medal, all major media netizens went to the hometown of Quanhongzhang Guangdong to visit. Some developers passed in the past.Her family would give her a house for her and put down 200,000 cash to ask for a photo. Her father said very clearly, "Where is the house? How?It ’s okay to leave a flower." Many netizens said that Quan Hongyu was a "genius diving girl". His father said clearly: "It's not that genius is not talented, she is trained by hard work."


Quanhongxiang's family is very poor. Mom is seriously ill and hospitalized. Dad grows in the field. Quan Hongzheng went to train the team at the age of nine to train and dive.Diving 400 times, if there is no perseverance and perseverance, and a clear goal, I believe that few people can persist in this training intensity.


In addition, Quan Hongyi said after winning the championship, "She is poor in her family, her mother is sick, she needs to take the gold medal bonus to see a doctor for her mother." When the reporter asked Quan Hongyu what he liked to play, she said that she liked to play. She said that she liked to play.I also like to play, but I have no money at home and have never been to the zoo and amusement park.Her future wish is to open a small sale in the village, because when she is selling things, she can eat the spicy bars she always wants to eat, because poverty, so snacks are also a luxury for her.When she was eight years old, because of the poor reading grade, his father listened to the teacher's suggestion that he had talented in this piece, and simply asked her to participate in training to try diving. With her persistence and efforts, after her persistence and hard work, she experienced various calendar experiences in large and small competitions.Along the way, I finally got a valuable gold medal at the Olympic Games.


So, sometimes it is not necessary to follow the way of learning, or you can go other ways.In terms of learning conditions, we must work hard in learning, of course, we must also learn from Quan Hong's hard work.



This year's Olympic Games is really amazing. Just one 14-year-old girl will make everyone open, so who is this little girl?The 10 -meter diving champion is full of red.


Quan Hongyu won the championship with 466 points in the five scores of five actions in the diving women's 10 -meter -jump final. Her whole set of actions was 477 points.Therefore, Quan Hongyu's championship brought glory and hope for her family who had not wealthy.


After the first contact with diving in 2004 in 2004, Quan Hongyu was very hard -working. In 2018, he entered the Guangdong Provincial Team in 2018. On October 4, 2020, the 13 -year -old Quan Hongyu was at the Olympic Pre -Election Saijiazhuang Station Women's Single Single 10In the Midai final, he played courage and defeated many famous players. He won the championship with 28 points ahead of the runner -up, becoming a dark horse in this game.On May 3, 2021, in the Tokyo Olympics Shanghai Tournament, Quan Hongyi once again dedicated the perfect performance. With the absolute advantage of two championships and one runner -up, he took the lead in obtaining the qualifications of the Tokyo Olympic Games!


A little girl changed from a flat little girl to a 10 -meter diving champion. In the middle, she has experienced how much suffering and pain. We have to learn from her and learn her unremitting spirit.


Regardless of the final ending, we must face it bravely, overcome any difficulties, and move forward.



In the women's ten-meter-jump final, the diving is close to the full score.The 14 -year -old teenager Jin Hongyi seal the gods.


Many people on the Internet say that Jin Hongyi is a genius girl, but her coach said: Do not put the label of genius girl on Jin Hongyu too much. Anyone has undergone hard training.Hard training has gained what you want, worthwhile.When the reporter asked the coach Jin Hongyi if he could suffering, the coach said very certainly: "She is very able to endure hardships. Her attitude towards training is the most invested among the athletes of the same age.Your own ability is expressed. "In order to prepare for the Olympic Games, you must strictly control your weight.Because the weight gain, you can't jump. You need a lot of muscles to support it for three and a half weeks.They need to have a strong perseverance to overcome their desires in front of food. In the morning, noon, and evening, we must measure a better weight to ensure better participation in the Olympic Games.


The most wanted place I want to go after the competition is the playground to clip the doll, go to the zoo, and eat spicy strips ... because my mother is seriously ill, but I don't know how the disease should be read, sevenI did not take much cultural courses to go to the national team to go home.At a young age, she said, "I want to earn a lot of money and send it home to see a doctor." It can be seen how filial she is!


"One minute on the stage, ten years of merit under the stage" has gained the results I want after my own efforts.As long as you persist in unremitting efforts, you will definitely achieve the results you want!



Everyone has their own idols. Of course, I have their own idols, that is, all red.


The conditions of Quanhong's family are more difficult. Her parents are ordinary farmers. They support the family by a few acres of small orchards. Her mother is not very good due to a car accident. The entire family is supported by her father.It is equivalent to helping her family to reduce part of the burden. Quan Hongyi has a brother who has already worked. Her brother and sister are also practicing diving.Jump, five jumps and three full points, with incredible high scores, winning the championship in one fell swoop, that is, this jump, breaking the world records, and creating a new historical record. Since thenDo n’t worry about money. The hospital stated that what money does not have money will provide her mother and grandfather with a full range of medical security services. The weeds of weeds are not worried about Ye Hei ’s fear of snakes, and the local government alsoCare was given, and the night took advantage of the night to give her hometown a thorough renovation and transformation.


Whether it is Quanhongzhang or the Olympic Games.They must learn from them. No matter how difficult the environment, they always give up, continue to struggle, insist in the predicament, wait for one fell swoop, and these things they experience during the period are normality on the world. ThereforeHe helps, and don't laugh at their hometown friends and relatives who think they are poor and love the rich. In fact, this is the natural nature of the people who have raised a daughter who has a good way to win the country. Since then, the fate has changed.It has won the respect of others. In the process of the interaction of people, we can be grateful for the goodwill of others, but do not expect the goodwill of others. There are always few people who send charcoal in the snow, and the icing on the cake will never lack.Art>



On August 5th, at the Tokyo Olympic Games diving women's ten-meter Taiwan finals, the moment jumping down, witnessing the world, 14-year-old Quanhongzhang played in the world.Perfect and strong championship, won the 33rd gold medal for the Chinese delegation, and broke the record of ten meters in the world.


In 2007, Quanhongzheng was born in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province. His parents were farmers. The family conditions of Quanhongzhang were relatively difficult. In 2014, Quanhongzheng began to practice diving. In 2018, Quan Hongyu was transported to Guangdong Province toThe diving team, this year, was all red, and won three awards. One year later, she once again won the five championships like the match. In October 2020, the National Diving Championship was also the first stop of the Tokyo Olympic Games.Quan Hongzheng stood out in Taichung, ten meters, and won the championship with 447.45 points.After that, I was not so lucky. In March 2021, the second stop of the Olympic Games, due to mistakes, 44.45 points missed the podium.Jumping into the sky, Kung Fu is worthy of the people. At the third stop, Quanhong has a high score and won the third stop championship.In the end, Quan Hongyu's impeccable technical actions won 440.85 high scores, becoming a woman's ten -meter platform champion, and directly defeated the Tokyo Olympic Games.


After the game, I was all red after the game. In the face of the reporter's interview, I said that I had never been to the amusement park and had never been to the zoo. Because there was no money, this sentence was moved.Hongyi, he won the championship with his own efforts. If he has no money, he must earn it with his own efforts, instead of relying on his parents to find a way, how to earn others 'money, and how to earn others' money.It is not to earn my parents' money, and Quan Hong Chan is really my idol.



After I watched the Olympic Games, I think the most amazing thing is Quanhong Cicada. She was only 14 years old and had to dive the championship, or the first place.The interview with Sister Quan Hongzheng last time made us sad. Quan Hongyu's house was very poor, so I haven't been to the amusement park, but I still face life with a smile.


Although she looked at her very easily to make a perfect diving action, no one knew that the perfect back was endless and repeated exercises.Jump 300 times, although she runs off in the water, or she encounters difficulties, she does not give up, in order to win a good result and refuel us in China, so she is not afraid of it, even if she is hardworking, she has no hard work and no hardship.There was no regret, and I was very happy to return.


In the exciting Olympic Games, Quan Hongzheng conquered every player and every referee present with carefully prepared actions. After winning the game, American players lost the game. They looked at Quanhong with envy eyes.Chan.


Although China ranked second in the end, we are still very happy, because we are obtained by the efforts of sports athletes, and each player has made great efforts and persistence.


I am grateful to them. The spirit of the Olympic Games is worth learning.