At dusk, the twilight slightly stained the clear sky. The orange red sunset did not disappear, and the lone goose was stunned above the shade.In the room, the light effect of yellow halo, the clean porcelain surface, and the handicap of the operation, continued to accompany the quiet passing of the years and slowly calmly disappeared.Just at that moment, I stayed eternally in my mind, as if the night was as good as the night.
I often mention her when talking to others.She is unique and even in my heart that is in an unspeakable influence.She was amiable and the impression was very deep.
The first touch of our two was on the fifth day of the new military training.I still remember that at that time, everyone was already on the indoor stairs of the stadium. I would not step on her shoes. She hurried back, froze, hurriedly said "sorry", and smiled shyly.Since then, I have felt her innocence even more: the smile is so bright and no time, as if the first bundle of Chenxi after the rain after the rain -made me have no place to make me compatible.
That night, everyone conducted the first discussion.Even if the content is a bit boring, I am extremely excited.I love her very much, as if virgin blood loves Qiulu deeply.But people will change after all, because I will get tired of it, getting more and more words, strange and indifferent -no matter how happy the scene is at this time, it is more nostalgic.This is like the green leaves withered in a blink of an eye, falling into an unknown land.
I am a weird person.For more than ten years, no one has me in line with me -after all, the difference is recognized.Waiting for me, there is always only the clouds shrouded, and the sun is only a moment.
I feel stunned because of this.I don't want to talk to the vulgar people who talk about vulgar people: I think of my friends as ignorant and ignorant people.But I was even more reluctant to pretend to be cold and disdain on the surface layer.I'm clear, this is very different.
And she is the turning point on the road of growth, although the time for each other is very short.
She is my first ray of sunshine: Zhaoyang District, and late Huihui.Surrounded by her, there is only no lofty and respectful.Even the clear moonlight of the twilight, the refreshing autumn rain in the early autumn, the blue sky on the morning, the clear Qinghong of the bamboo sea, and the crystal clear and pureComparison of glory.
Remember her, I encouraged me when I was not confident, and the driving force of my life never stopped.My thoughts, just begging for her smile and teased -her look back, her euphemistic smile, her details.
At the dusk, when the light orange sunset was soaked in the water and the sky, the blue and blue rendered the vast sky, quiet but no loss of ancient fragrance.She leaned on the side of the fence stained by the sky, her eyes opened slightly, and she had a slight smile, and her refined words like nursery rhymes caused a burst of restlessness in my heart.She speaks--
"You're really the best."
For a moment, her eyes were burst into tears, and the girl was wearing warm yellow that day in her mind, and she was wearing warm yellow.
I had planned to sit down and give up in this long dark tunnel, but when I thought of you, I decided to pat the soil on my body and continue to walk down.
When I was very young, I was always sticking to my neighbor's brother. Once, my brother called me and went to a fun place to tell me a lot of stories and jokes on the road. I just walked in front of me, I followed her, like a "fart". My brother and I walked next to a stone. He said, "You take a break first, I'll go there first, you follow up." I nodded and sat on the stone with a big tree. There were several birds on the tree stopped. On the cricket, you yell, as if you are talking about it, your brother should have come to see you without leaving. I followed up, but I turned to an alley. I didn't seem to have been here. I knew nothing about it. I ran and ran, but I didn't see a person. When I was going to give up I said, "Children, what's wrong with you, are you unhappy? Why cry? What happened?" I looked up and saw a beautiful big sister. Like a fairy. I replied: "I'm getting lost, I can't find the way home." He smiled, she stretched out her slender fingers, and touched my head again: "I will give you home." Give me along the way After speaking a lot, he told me a word: "You are so gentle and cute, good luck will run to you to be treated by the world gentle, really can't do your world. I hope you can keep your tenderness forever, and don't throw yourself into the dark world in your heart, enlarge your emotions infinitely. Go to bed on time, eat well, take a hot bath, drink sweet milk tea, look at the long river sunset sun , Flower and trees are frustrated and running hard, and life is full of glowing stars. "She was like a beam of sunshine in my heart.
I just know him like this. I often find him to play, but she moved, and we didn't contact anymore. We saw someone on the street like you, and I was very nervous and desperately.It's not you, I'm glad not you, but regret not you.Sister, you are the sunshine in my heart, you helped me when you were most helpless, and I would also send you a sentence: the future is like a brilliant, and the future is expected.
1、阳光:阳光读音为yáng guāng,是指1.闪电之光。 2.日光。 3.指太阳。 日光阳光充足阳光 yáng guāng词语解释:1.闪电之光。 2.日光。 3.指太阳。[sunshine;sunlight] 日光阳光充足分词解释:闪电:云内、云际或云地间的放电现象。常伴有强烈电光。按形状分,有枝状闪电、叉状闪电、带状闪电、火箭闪电、片状闪电、串珠状闪电和球状闪电等。最常见的是枝状闪电。闪道长度短的2闪电3千米,长的达20千米。直径约几十厘米。日光:1.太阳发出的光。 2.时光。太阳:太阳系的中心天体。银河系的一颗普通恒星。与地球平均距离14960万千米,直径139万千米,平均密度1.409克/立方厘米,质量1.989×10^33克,表面温度5770开,中心温度1500万开。由里向外分别为太阳核反应区、太阳对流层、太阳大气层。其中心区不停地进行热核反应,所产生的能量以辐射方式向宇宙空间发射。其中二十二亿分之一的能量辐射到地球,成为地球上光和热的主要来源。...阳光怎么造句,用阳光造句»
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