
时间:2022-08-23 13:17:15 | 来源:语文通



I think that reading is very good for me. I read in joy and read in knowledge.


Once, I was watching "Journey to the West" at that time. The TV I watched in rural areas at a time, "Journey to the West" accounted for most of my childhood, accumulating words between the strokes and ink, and laughed at your nostalgic time.How rich.Therefore, that winter vacation, that night, the warm quilt moved me, the "Journey to the West" teased me, downstairs was a green party, and upstairs was a silent study.The king of Yinjiao just walked from my brain, and the red child came. The cattle demon king just hit with Sun Wukong. Princess Iron Fan would blow them out angrily!The endless imagination is so fascinating, this is happiness reading.


There is also the joy and movement of the protagonist's childhood.


"Squading Porom" is one of my favorite books. At that time, I only spent a day finished reading, refreshing my fastest reading process.Agui stole the meat pine of the shop, constitute his deepest memory of his childhood!How can the boy who shoots her ink be "educated" by her parents?The spring breeze blowing the willow. I sat in a small room and the window was on the side. I saw the children downstairs. Are they as carefree as Agui Gui?A sweet rush to my heart, I look forward to reading the content of the next chapter again. I lowered my head again, hurriedly flipped the next page, and concentrated on my look.


And the little girl in "The Old Things in the South" seeing a picture of the thief who was arrested for his younger brother to go to school.Cheng Da is like a sharp knife. When you sing "Farewell" for the sixth grade graduate, you will hear it soon.My inspiration is "rising", there are a lot of words to write in the composition, and I am also influenced by famous masters.


"There is a golden house in the book", classmates, we still have a lot of people who have not studied!



Book is a treasure of human culture inheritance. It is an indispensable spiritual food in our lives and learning. It is like a kind teacher, leading us to the temple of knowledge;, Bring us all kinds of wonderful enjoyment and endless aftertaste.The ancients once said that "the book has its own golden house and has its own Yan Ruyu in the book." It is indeed good. I draw a rich nutrition from the book, enrich myself, and enrich the spare -school life.


I was like a hungry little bee, rushing into the garden of knowledge, and I didn't know tirelessly to collect "honey".In the ocean of the book, I constantly draw sweet nutrition to improve my literacy.


"Bao Jianfeng came out of sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms came from bitter cold."The book is a golden key, calling me to open the door of the knowledge hall with a sincere heart; the book is a flat boat, which carries me in the ocean of the vast knowledge, letting me appreciate the interest of learning.The book is a good friend of my shadow; it is it that brings me wisdom and strength; it is it, giving me the marking marker when I was distressed ...


When you are distressed, what becomes a shiny light and illuminates the direction of life; when you are lonely and lonely, who becomes your loyal partner and soothe the helplessness of the soul; when you are sad and painful, what is it?It becomes a warm sunlight and dispels the haze of spirit; when you are timid and retract, what become a drumming point and a surging charge.The answer is -book.


The book made me learn how to face everything, let me understand the value of life, and let me know the nobleness of dignity, the vastness of tolerance, and letting me thrive and grow happily.



Unconsciously, I grew up, and gradually obsessed with reading, and reached the point where the belt was "gradually wider and never regretted, and I was stunned for Yi".I found: Books, only books are my soul home; books, only books can let me enjoy endless fun.


I love reading, regardless of poetry, prose, or novels, it also attracts me, just like the snacks I have always loved.I never refused to the book.I once dressed as Qiong Yao and Yan Qin's romance; I have worn the martial arts style of Jin Yong and Gu Long, and I persist in my dream of reading.Later, I came into contact with "Zhang Ailing's Prose Collection", "Life", "Ordinary World", "Mountain Residence Notes" ... I will get it, and often produces "seeing him thousands of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds, looking back, but the man is on the lights, but the man is on the light.The feeling of Shan Shan ".I found that there are tens of millions of fun ...


The fun of reading poetry is the beauty of music and the beauty of charm.I love the poem of gracefulness, "there is no colorful phoenix to fly, and the heart has a little bit of the rhinoceros."I also love the poem of the boldness, "living as a person, and death is also a ghost". This has the spirit of "not letting the eyebrows" and "who speaks women non -hero".


The interest of reading is the beauty of artistic conception, and there is no lack of thoughts.I love prose, because "her lofty tempering my will, her frank stretching my mind, her rigorous inspiration of my mind, her mystery inspires my pursuit ..." Prose is like a gentle and gentle and gentle.Title music is like a clear folk song.From the rhythm of prose, I feel the true meaning of life.


Reading novels in the beauty of suspense is also rich.I love the novel, amazed by the twists and turns of the novel, sorrow for the tragic life of the characters, and I am happy to spend a good moon for the lover.Although the human feelings are warm and cold, although I am so emotional, after all, the world of novels has a broad mind and a beautiful heart, moving the heartstrings of my kindness.On a happy day, listening to "Yangchun White Snow", and Su Shi groaned "When is the moon, ask the wine to ask the sky."On the sad days, Li Qingzhao's words "Flowers Self -Fluttering Water" were recorded in the diary, leaving the marks without tears.On the rainy days, sitting on the window, reading Zhu Ziqing's "Qinhuai River in the paddy sound lamp", let the beautiful text hit my heart, and then taste the eternal grievances of Meixianglou in "Peach Blossom Fan".At night, the lone lamp was alone, and the heart traveled through the Sahara desert with San Mao, read Xi Murong's "Written to Happiness", communicated with Roland "The feeling of loneliness", and tasted "The Perception of Life" with Bingxin ...


I temporarily got rid of worldly disturbances, immersed my soul into the book, read all kinds of magic, read countless bumps, read the philosophy of the world, and read thousands of mysteries ...


The days of studying will not be boring, will not be embarrassed, and will not be confused.The book is accompanied by the quiet and water -like me, and tastes the meticulous and exquisiteness of life in a bland day.


In the flower season, I strolled in the gardens of Shuhua, wandered in the palace of Shuxiang, and found that there were thousands of interesting reading, the joy of reading ...



Rich travel brings me easy.A rich trip enriched my soul.The ancients once said that the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu.A journey of language meetings, a wonderful journey of various stories, I like this person a book journey.


Reading is to pick morning flowers in picturesque places to find life trivia.After reading "How to make steel", you can feel how to stand up like a pine tree in the cold wind with bone spurs.An indomitable and hard -working place allows us to feel the meaning of life and realize that the time of life should not be wasted.


Read it!Reading more can make your whole body polite, allow you to meet the teacher and say that the teacher is good. When you meet a friend to embrace your classmates, reading more can enrich your imagination, increase extra -curricular knowledge, and read more.composition.When everyone is struggling with thinking, you can speak naturally.Reading more can make you smarter and more sensitive.Reading more can regulate your blood flow and let your physical and mental health.


Perhaps different people have different feelings about reading.Some people say, "Book is a key, it opens the door to wisdom, so that we can roam in the ocean of knowledge." MayMore from middle school.However, this is not the first time I read it.At first, I didn't have much complicated ideas, just simple because I like it.I like to read what I brought to me, as if the whole world is quiet, but it happens that the warmth and tranquility taste triggered my endless reveries, accompanied by the mood of love with me.


In my opinion, it is the most suitable to choose Sanmao's "The Rain Season".Sanmao's works are not so elegant, but full of beautiful words and expressions.Her works are bland and real, and there is a rare real temperament in the line.When I started buying a book, I hurriedly browsed them and put them aside, ignoring it.However, it was not until later that I realized that since I was studying, I had to read it carefully.I picked up "No more rainy season" and chewed carefully.I realize what I did not discover before: there will be a continuous rainy season in life, from the least three days to five days, or even more.However, no matter how long the rainy season is, we must always have hope and firmly believe that the sun will not be too far away from us.In this way, in the long rainy season, we can keep our hearts complete and clear.This is also interesting.


This is the joy of reading.



Books can bring fun and joy.The book is a bright lamp that fingers, and it illuminates the journey for us.The book is a key to help us open the door to wisdom.It can also help you solve many small things in life.


On one occasion, my father and mother went to the streets to buy vegetables. When I stayed at home, my mother said, "Zhang Ziyao, steamed rice on the pot, and looked at it." I said absently, "Okay," continue to watch "Three Kingdoms".Ma Chao's heroic, Zhuge Liang's cleverness, Guan Yun's loyalty ... All this made me see."Why is it a smell?" I rushed into the kitchen with a "ah". It turned out that the rice was burnt.Looking at this pot of rice, I was anxious to turn in the kitchen. What can I do?


When I was smart, I remembered that I saw a sentence in the book: Add the onions and milk together into the burnt rice together, and I can remove the paste in the rice.I immediately found a onion in the kitchen and cut it into a bar, inserted it into the rice, and poured a little milk.I covered the pot for a while.I opened the lid for a while, but I didn't expect that the smell was really gone!Dad and mother said that the rice was delicious after returning home.Haha ... They don't know that today I helped me!


Through this incident, it made me understand: reading is really fun and can solve many problems in life. Books are really the stairs of human progress!



There is a saying, "The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu", which is right.


Qianqiu's sentence is like a beautiful little flower. When writing, it is used in it as if inlaid the flowers on the composition, which looks more unique and beautiful.


Fairy tales are the wings of children's growth; novels are the root causes of children's joy.The book is a fantasy wings.


I love books because I treat it as a kind of enjoyment; some people do not love books because they treat books as a kind of torture.


How many times, I integrated into the ocean of the book, sad, happy, sad, and worried with the author.


The book gives me a rich knowledge, kindness and good morals and down -to -earth people.It fragrant my study, influenced my life, and gave me rich imagination.


Reading is fun. If you lack reading in life, you are lacking fun.Books can bring knowledge and joy, and make laughter to the world; without books, there is no laughter, but it will bring loneliness and loneliness.


There are crying and laughing, joy and sadness, this is the joy of reading.



The ancients said that "ten years of cold windows are bitter", it can be seen that reading is not happy.But that is the hard -working reading of learning, boring and boring, of course, it is miserable.Really realizing the joy of reading should be lazily opened a interesting book in a leisurely time, reading occasionally, I can't help but make a laugh, or my heart is sore because of my movement.Next.Of course, you also know that you do n’t have to worry about the ancients, and listen to the commentary to cry, but the good books are always sad.


I understand that when the book is used to use it, "the age of" the boss is sad ", so the book is to me, it has nothing to do with fame and fortune, and there is no cold window.Appreciating the realm of Yi Anjushi's "Poor Poems on the Pillow", I was so proud of the comfortable and crooked side, so I read the books and read the book at randomly in front of the bed.It's not tired.Sometimes I think maybe books are the best sleeping pills-sleepy and without side effects; it is the best eye medicine, heart medicine-nourishing the heart and eye.Therefore, to some extent, the book is a good medicine-Jishi Liangfang, which makes people justified right and wrong, insight and wisdom.The good book urges people to be good, so the ancients said, "I do n’t read the sage books on three days, and the mirror is often abominable."Of course, "the belly has poetry and the qi is self -self" is also the best evidence of the scholarly raising people. May wish to try it.


I do n’t find a common problem for reading. It ’s almost the same, and I feel very open -minded.I have no time to study, and I did n’t have the patience.Leave the rigorous hard work to study the exams, and we will enjoy the fun of reading some books.The joy of reading is to enjoy the calmness of the quiet and peaceful and thoughts in the book.In the book, I will enjoy the different time, different customs, and different things in the outside world. They feel that the horizon is open, and sighing "Reading Wanjuan Books and Wanli Road" is nothing.It is very cost -effective to read books. The essence of the past and even the life of the past, and even after a lifetime, "searched" into your mind in a few days. You can see the joy of reading.Wonderful scene.The author's efforts for decades will be worshiped.There are too many books that are worth filming. I especially like the Ming and Qing novels. They have a good voice, and everything is in sight. The characters are living vividly.


I wanted to write about the book about the book, and I felt that I was really not worthy of a book.But love books do not have to be divided into the depth of learning. I just read it-I read it. Fortunately, there is no book marking a person who is not learned. It can be seen that everyone in front of the book is equal.Also thorough.



"Books are the stairs of human progress." This sentence is also good at all, especially for me.


I am a girl who loves reading. From the book, I know the truth, kindness, beauty, false, ugliness, and evil of the world. From the book, I met the great inventor Aidsheng, the author of "Andersen Fairy", Andersen,Big thinkers Confucius and Lao Tzu, etc., not only enriched my extra -curricular knowledge, but also increased my knowledge; because I love to study, I also made some trouble!


Once, my mother had something to go out. When I left, I told me: "Zhou Fang, my mother has something to go out. After a while, you can see if the water on the stove is burned.Um, my mother went out.Shortly after my mother left, I had nothing to do with it, so I took a copy of "Bronze Sunflower" and looked at it with great interest. At this time, I seemed to become a character in the book, as if I was not in real life; "Ah -! "A scream pulled me back to reality. It turned out that my mother came back. I saw that my mother shouted in the room and shouted in anger:" Tell you to turn off the fire, why don't you listen!Dry! "Suddenly, my mother saw the" Bronze Sunflower "in my hand, and suddenly her face turned cloudy, and she sighed to me," Oh! You little book worm, really can't help it."I'm embarrassed and laughed embarrassedly


The ancients said: "The book has its own golden house, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book." Reading can not only increase knowledge, but also get a lot of fun a good book, which can not only bring us knowledge, but also bring us fun!Reading is really an interesting thing!



The book is the ladder of human progress.People should read more books, optimize books, and be a learned reader.Reading, smelling the scent of books, is a beautiful enjoyment.Let's sink into the beautiful world of the book and see the scenery all the way.



Entering the bookstore, there is a fresh and elegant scent of books; stepped into the sea of books, scattered the brilliance of wisdom and intelligence, entered the world of the book, giving birth to my desire for knowledge, and longing for life.what!Reading is nice!


Between roaming books, sorrow or joy, or sorrow.The sound of spring, the sparrow sang on the branches, and the frog screamed beside the pond.Looking at it again, the spring breeze blew her long hair; Xia Dance, the branches and leaves were lush, the flowers were full of flowers, and the butterfly dances, clusters of clusters of messy flowers fascinated your eyes!The joy of autumn, the sky is high, the clouds fly south, and the joy of the paddy field shows the joy of harvest.There are four seasons in the book, and each song is a gorgeous movement.


"I love books, I often stand in front of the bookshelf. At this time, I think I started a vast world, a vast ocean, and a vast universe." What a metaphor.Since ignorance, we have entered the palace of the book.From the book, we look at ancient and modern, and taste the taste of people from the book.We understand the vast minds of ancient famous sages, vast and righteous, and the ambitions of Hongli;The book is a blind medicine, self -cultivation, and cultivating temperament.I love to read, read society, read life, read life, have books, have wisdom, and have a dream of flying.


"Books are still medicine, and you can do medical stupidity." When we walk into the bookstore, we no longer worry about it. We are no longer naive children, no longer died, and they are dead.When we wander the way forward, the book makes me understand "the mountains and water are doubtful, and there is no way for Liuyan Huaming." When we achieve excellent results, the book makes me know "it will be the top of the mountain, and the mountains are small".; When we are frustrated, the book makes me understand that "the sideways of Shenzhou passed by, and the sick tree was in front of Wanmuchun." I no longer lonely, and there were friends and calls from friends at any time; I was no longer afraid of the night.I lit a bright heart lamp.On the vast sea of people, there are suffering, thorns, and bumps. We will be painful, helpless, and despair, but we must not forget. We are not alone. We have the best friends.I am accompanied.


Shakespeare once said: "Books are nutritional products all over the world. There are no books in life, as if there is no sun; there is no book in wisdom, as if birds have no wings."In the middle of our product, we read human customs, and we persevere and strong in the book.Books bring color to life.When you chew carefully, it is a trace of sweetness.what!Reading is nice!



Reading is very important for my human beings, because reading can make people grow knowledge and make humans progress.


Gorky said that "books are the stairs of human progress", reading can improve, Zhou Enlai said "reading for the singing of China", so each of us has to read.


In life, we must read books. Reading is very important to me, because reading can increase my knowledge and improve my writing face power and improve my grades, but reading is not important for others.Because they are all to make money, I want to read and read to make money, without making hard work.


In fact, reading is also a kind of ability. This ability is not available for everyone. Some people do not understand the truth, and it is useless to learn the truth.Some people can read the taste that can be read, not only gaining knowledge but also enriching themselves.


Everyone should treat the book as a good friend. Our teacher said such a sentence: "You don't know it, but it knows you." So we have to treat reading from the eyes of friends.After reading or reading for a few days, I won't read it.Some people are very obsessed with reading. It can read the realm of abandoning and meal, so we have to learn their spirit, keep reading, and constantly enrich ourselves.


If we master many beautiful sentences and words, we can try writing, so that we can improve the results in the future exams. We should read more famous books, such as "Childhood", "Scream" and other books.Great help, read with heart, read their true feelings, and do not blindly read.


Reading a good book is like making a new friend. It has countless knowledge to give us. We must accept it.Books can be used as our spiritual food, but they cannot be used as a nutritious ingredient we need. Books are a need for each of us. Not many people do not need it. It is not just a book. In factThis memory is happy, sad, painful, and joyful. From China for 5,000 years and foreign friends, countless poets have been born, creating countless works. They are great works are sacred.


We have to cherish the time of reading, because many people can't read it before!Reading is important.It can make humans progress.


Author: Grade Nine · Xu Cheng


Instructor: Lu Yuanlei



Youth is a symphony, with passion and hope in the notes; youth is a impression painting, and the dyeing room flashes vitality and unrestrained.Youth is a river flowing water, and it is rippling under the glory of the rising sun; youth is a colorful boat, and it is voyage in the baptism of wind and rain.Youth, you need to dress up with classics.


When my exam was frustrated, Mencius's famous saying flashed in front of me: "Therefore, Tian will be reduced to Sri Lanka, and he must first suffer his mind, work hard, and lack his body, and to break his act."It made me understand that failure is not terrible, as long as it goes forward, it will eventually win.It is the classic to make me cheer up again!


When I had a dispute with my friends, Confucius' teachings sounded in my ears: "I don't want to do anything, don't do it." It enables me to understand the existence of different sounds and push myself and others to get friendship.It's a classic to make me re -happy!


When my campaign failed to be pessimistic and frustrated, Wang Bo's "old and strong, would rather move the heart of the white head; poor and strong, not falling into the blue clouds" inspired me.pace.It is the classic that keeps me strong.


In the youth, we started planning life, and classics were our spiritual teachers; in the youth, we began to enrich emotions, and the classics were also the beneficiaries of our soul.


Among the pre -Qin sons, Confucius asked me to read a benevolent heart, which was expensive; Mencius made me good at qi and calm the world; Mozi let me pour blood and help the suffering; Han Fei let me see it.To a pair of cold eyes, face life; Lao Tzu asked me to first know the concept of artistic life; Xunzi asked me to read science and mind.


With these good teachers, youth is no longer confused.


There are not only golden houses and Yan Ruyu in the book, but some of them are a deep and quiet world.With the book as a companion, he was able to stand on the "giant's shoulder" to view the peaks of thoughts."The Analects of Confucius" has given me the etiquette of behavior and philosophy of life; "Zhuangzi", which makes me swim in the world, is free, and; "Book of Songs", let me have a sense of affection and ideas;The dynasty changes ... Each book condenses the wisdom of human beings, carries the achievements of civilization, and conveys the fire of culture.


Here I want to mention Li Qingzhao, her home -based home, Shu Xiangmen's capital made her read poetry books, the girl's "struggle, fighting! Start a pool of gull heron" and the young woman's "people comparisonHuanghua's thinness "made her unique as plum blossoms, proudly standing in that special era.Like plum blossoms, her wind was dazzling when it was cold.Worried the country and the people, "how a worried word is so worried" and "being a person who lives as a person, and the death is also a ghost male" by a weak woman, the peerless style of plum blossoms is self -evident.Li Qingzhao was very lucky. Because of the tolerance of her family and husband, she had the freedom that many women had never owned at that time-reading.The accumulation of years of long -term accumulation, breeding of the talents of the world. At the time of the wind and clouds, the name was left in history.



Gorky once said that "books are the stairs of human progress." But in the face of increasingly diverse types of books, not any book can make people progress.In today's society, reading has become a trend. More and more people are reading, and more and more people have fell in love with reading.


Today, we are facing more and more reading options. What should we read? In my opinion, reading a good book is the best choice.But what is also called reading a good book? Looking at the history, how many talented people have left the ages.Besides, how many celebrity writers are better than blue because of blue, leaving many immortal works.These are all good books. Tao Zhi ruled sentiment and enriched his own knowledge. Why not? But, not all people like this kind of knowledgeable book. They like storylines.book of.This book feels interesting and can pass boring time.Such a book is a good book in a sense, at least you are interested in it, and it can help you improve your writing.We need to read it selectively. You must read carefully and carefully.


I often hear what "Yan Ruyu" in the book. "In the book" in the book "own golden house" to inspire people to read.However, some people are still obsessed with the Internet world. They think that those "Yan Ruyu" and "Golden House" are all in the game, so they are unwilling to spend the slightest time to read.Nowadays, the society is so advanced and the technology is so developed, but there are still many illiterate existences. Leaving some black spots on the dazzling light, dragging the development of society.They are pests of society without knowing them. They do not love reading, and they have no knowledge in their heads, so their fate is that they finally stay at the bottom of society and have nothing to do.


There is no good choice during reading, and it will cause yourself to fall into the abyss.There are often some unhealthy books to disrupt the readers' hearts, and there is no road sign on the road to move forward.Excellent choice and good interest can have good reading.We must not abandon books because of a moment of loss.The wounded Zhongyong's father made him give up reading because of the poor talent of Zhongyong, and finally lost the opportunity to become a talent. This was a loss.


Reading is like a clear stream, moisturizing the dry heart field; reading is like the ray of sunlight, warm and cold heart; reading is more like a bright lamp in the night, illuminating people's way forward, helping the lost peopleRetrieve the direction of continuing to move forward."The disorderly flowers are getting fascinating", the more people will give up and lose their interest in reading.Let's start from now, start from ourselves, learn to read, and love reading.



I have a hobby, that is running.Run brings me a lot of fun.


Once, I only took 89 points for the exam. When I saw this bright red score, I was stunned.That's the first time I took so few scores.I returned home and threw the schoolbag to the ground. Regardless of my mother's question, I ran out of the house like me.I thought about this mistake, the more I wanted to understand, the more I ran farther and farther ... running and running, I slowly calmed down.


I ran home a few steps, and my mother understood my thoughts and knew my troubles.During dinner, my mother spoke: "Child, mother knows your troubles, knowing that this method can help you reduce pressure, but you have to calm down ..." Through these words, I understand that my mother's heart is good.


I think running can help people release pressure, understand the reason from the calmness, understanding it and wrong, and make people sober and calm from this.


Running, let me learn to be calm, strong, calm, let us all love running!This pleasure will let us know everything in this world, running, giving me great fun.



Mom often said to me: "Reading can broaden our horizons and gain rich knowledge; reading can guide us to be reasonable and learn how to be a cultivated person; reading can also improve our reading ability and develop good onesLearning habits. "I keep in mind my mother's words and read every book I bought by my mother carefully.


I remember from my first grade, our family restrained each other and supervised each other, and walked into the state of companionship and reading.It is said that accompanying is the longest confession. For the development of my parents' reading habits, my mother and dad have been brewing the atmosphere of reading.


1. Reading and reading excellent habits


Dad said that I have been interested in books and words since I was a child. Every time I took me to the bookstore, my eyes were swept around in the book. When I came into contact with the books on the table and the words on the wall, my eyes were bright and stared, for fear that others would grab. After seeing my hobbies, Mom and Dad have consciously guided me since childhood. I remember when I was in kindergarten, because I had too little literacy, I could only get some phonetic books, and my parents accompanied me to read. In this way, I can not only improve my pinyin spelling ability, but also encounter the words that I do n’t understand to get the patient counseling of my parents, which greatly enhances my understanding of the story. Remember to read "Wild Fairy Tale" at a time. I don't know a lot of words in it. My mother is cooking, and my father sort out some work supplies in the living room. Seeing my frowning face, I couldn't show it. Dad put down his trivial matters and helped me literate, and read it for me. Dad watched me when I read the meeting before I got up and left, but every time I left, I needed him again. And he never disgusted, sending tireless help to my serious reading.


2. Reading, increase the number of literacy


By the second semester of the second grade, with the increase in the amount of literacy and the encouragement of the teacher, I started to slowly turn passive reading as active reading. Under the reminder of my parents, I gradually began to record good words in books.I often read a book, and I will take the initiative to tell the story on the book to my parents, and I will leave a colorful reading mark on the book, and write the records of densely ebicing on the book.Seeing my book full of markers and thick extracts, my mother always gives me a praise language for my hard work.I remember once, after reading "Little Red Hat", I wrote down the language of the big gray wolf and the little red hat on the book.My father and I played the story of the little red hat and the big gray wolf, and gave my mother a wonderful performance.Dad looked at me to read the excerpts in my hand loudly. I was very happy. I held me into my arms and raised my head.Excermation in reading, literacy in the excerpts, make my reading gain quite abundant.


3. Reading and reading beautiful memories


Now is the second semester of the second grade. I am more fascinated by reading and reading. When I read a good book, I often didn't want to put down the book until I read it because of touching the plot and wonderful sentences. Not only reading, I also prefer to write. After reading the ending of the story and the fate of the protagonist, I will record my understanding and feelings. A few days ago, my mother bought me the latest version of the book "Wonderful Holiday 5", and the mother said that this was Shang Xiaona's latest work. I was thinking, who is Shang Xiaona? Seeing the two words during the holidays, my reading addiction expands, and I have grabbed the book lying on the writing desk without hesitation, and started my "holiday exploration" journey. What impressed me most in the book is Chapter 18 -the trouble brought by the beautiful mask. The little king invited Kong Dongdong and Constali to take a walk in the castle garden, and a complaint broke the tranquility of the palace. Kong Dongdong and Kong Xixi were surprised at watching the mask of the reporters. What is even more surprising is that people who have seen the sue and the crime also wear the same mask. That is, the mask makes the king unable to break the case, so that the criminals can get rid of the sanctions. At this time, I was very angry with the incompetence of the king. I started to think about how to solve the case. Since the mask just covered her face, there was a criminal human body and physical smell that could provide clues to solve the case. Looking at me frowning and thinking seriously, my mother asked me what new gains did I have? I told my mother 1510. My mother smiled happily and gave me a new nickname -the little detective.


"Reading a lot of books, walking thousands of miles" is the praise of my father's reading.Mom and dad create the environment for me, and I have to make full use of the environment.Bath in the ocean of knowledge, and work hard in the elegant family of Shuxiang.



When I was a kid, I often saw Grandpa sitting on the large vine wooden chair in front of the window, or when the sun shines or the breeze, a book or a newspaper in her arms, and she paid an old flower mirror.Read and look.At first glance, it was a few hours. I really didn't understand what fun was. It was worthy of his elderly people.


When I grew up, I started to understand the love of reading.When I was holding a beautiful prose poem, I sat quietly on this large rattan wooden chair and read carefully, in the book, I understood some things that I could not experience in the past -the Vienna ForestsGrowing, the dark blue of the Aegean Sea, the fiery redness of the thorn bird, and even the horrible black bag of Deep Valley ... unconsciously entered a kind of intoxicating state. Previous troubles and busyness had disappeared at this moment.Go, at this time, there will be a sense of "all kinds of grades, only reading high".


Descartes once said: "Reading all good books is to talk to many noble people." A few days ago, my brother read the book "Stray Dog and Stray Cat" written by Yang Hongying.After reading, I asked my brother what the book said, and his brother looked moved, saying that there was a stray cat who sacrificed his life, and finally let the stray dog and Xishi dog live happily.My brother likes this book, in order to be the rare loyalty and friendship between cats and dogs.The book tells me that the happiest, most free, and happiest mood that people can get is to love others and contribute to others.


Zhu Xi said, "If you are not here, you don't see it carefully. He is neither dedicated, but you can only read it at will. You must not remember it. Remember. In the past, the heart is the most urgent.There is no one who does not care about it. "Reading is like Pinba, a trace of hardship, a trace of sweetness, and someone needs to use his soul to contact intimate contact to find the traces of life that you have passed or passing by.


Bacon said, "Reading makes people a perfect person."Indeed, falling in love with reading is not a momentary impulse, because people who are not stable in their hearts will never realize the peace and freeness brought by reading; fall in love with reading, not to talk to others, because people who do not know silently, I won't read deeply.Reading requires you to invest wholeheartedly.Falling in love with reading is a kind of gift from God, a dedication to your own, and a purification of thought ...


I can't help remembering that the saint Kong said, "Those who know are not as good as good, good ones are not as good as those who are happy."I think, life is short, what else is happier than reading?Benevolence Leshan, wise, and wise, grandpa may be the kind of person who is happy in the words.



What to read for? This question is a question that each of us should think.The ancients read books for the "Golden Bangtan Title, Guangzong Yaozu". In modern times, Premier Zhou Enlai "read for the rise of China", and modern people read a lot.Everyone has their own dreams, some want to be a scientist, some want to be a teacher, and some want to be a police officer, doctor, astronauts, etc. all kinds of various, variety.These are all reading for their own ideals.I think we study well for the motherland to have a better tomorrow.


Our beloved Premier Zhou's article "Reading for the rise of China" inspired a lot of aspiring youths. They (them) are the masters of the revolution, for the people, work hard, and work hard.touching stories.We are elementary school students in the peaceful age. They may not think so deeply.


If you can find a good job, some students may think that reading is useless to complete the task arranged by teachers and parents.Dad also talked to me why I was reading. He said that reading did not ask who you would compare with the score scores. After reading the book, you will have more choices when you enter the society.Being more dignified in society.I want to say that we are the flowers of the motherland and the future of the motherland. I want to learn from Premier Zhou.We read more books, and we can learn more useful knowledge to read a good book so that we can make us stronger.When we grow up, we can dedicate our own strength to the country in all walks of life in the motherland.


Let's study hard, study hard, for the beautiful tomorrow of the motherland.come on!



Reading, you know that this word contains infinite happiness.


Reading can allow us to travel in the ocean of knowledge; reading can make us eye -opening; reading can cultivate our moral sentiments.Before going to bed, I always go to the ocean of knowledge.Before going to bed, I opened the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In the "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhuge Liang's magical power was vast, and the magical machine was amazing.He reads thousands of volumes and knows the world's affairs. The perception he gave me is: with wisdom, that is, wealth.Whenever you are studying, you go out of your heart, enter the heart of another person, and listen to the voice of another person.Whenever I am troubled, I just start a book, watching the sadness and joy of the story of the story, as if one person pulls me, takes me to a river, and keeps sobering me with water.For a long time, the trouble disappeared from my annoyance without a trace.Some people don't like reading. They feel that reading is useless, and I don't think it is so reading, but I don't think so.I think reading is to open up my horizons, improve knowledge, and improve writing ability.


They don't like reading, but when they use it, they regret that they have not read books.So we need to read more and read more books.The book is a good friend of human beings and a teacher who can't speak.I remember Grandma Bingxin said a word: good reading, reading more books, reading good books.As long as we read with our heart, we will definitely feel the infinite happiness given to you by the book!



Throughout the ages, there are countless books to write Tang poetry.Only this book- "Six God Lei Lei Reading Tang Poems" particularly attracts my attention.After repeated study, I couldn't help thinking about it, so I solemnly recommended it to everyone.


Wang Xiaolei, the author of this book, is named Lei Lei, a pseudonym.Famous self -media.He has won the 2016 China New REM "New Media" (individual) and other awards.


The content of this book spans the 400 -year history from the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the end of the Tang Dynasty.Along the historical trajectory of the Early Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Middle Tang, and the Late Tang Dynasty, the ins and outs of the dragon born of a poem was reproduced.The poets' sadness and joy, the pride of the career, can learn a lot in their poems and the funny and humorous narration of the author.


The author tells the story of Tang poetry today, letting you understand the history of Tang poetry.He ingeniously broke the restrictions on space and time, and told the poets as a lively modern person.They also brushed the circle of friends, drank skewers, liked the stars to sign for signatures, and from time to time they also updated their works on the WeChat public account, engaged in poetry clubs, and galloping in the world.When reading this book, you don't have to put a book "Tang Poetry Award" and "Poetry Law Study", and you don't have to save a book "The Tang Poems".Help you over the dwarf wall with Tang Shi, there will be countless beautiful scenery in front of you.


The author uses witty and humorous and unique, as long as you pick up the book, there is no urine point.He used the funny and humorous "Six Gods" to make the whole article interesting and attractive; he was from the Tang Dynasty's "scum" and "Kao Ba", the great poet circle of the Tang Dynasty, several "Interesting angles such as Huashan's Sword ", the rotation of poems, swords, and hates and hatred of poetry, showing us the wonderful poetry and lakes of the Tang Dynasty, let us relive the most elegant Tang poetry in the end ofmemory.


The author's details describe the vividness, making you feel like the Tang Dynasty breathing the same air with the poets.His details are described from life. The subtle expression and actions have been captured, and then they have their own opinions. Some virtual psychological descriptions are virtual.Bai Juyi, "playing the worst candidates" Meng Haoran, etc., seem to appear in front of you.