
时间:2022-08-03 13:38:34 | 来源:语文通



Grandma is in her sixties and is a very hard -working person.Her white hair was exposed to black skin, wrinkled eyelids, and a pair of turbid and dull eyes.But his eyes were full of firmness and courage.She also has a pair of hands that are dry and swollen due to overwork.


I still remember that during the summer vacation, I lived in my grandmother's house for many days. It feels like she always wakes up without light, and it is dark and she is still working. One day in the morning, I was awakened by the car and woke up very early. I saw that my grandmother had been washed by the pool early, and I was put on the wooden table for breakfast. Then she didn't seem to waste a minute and one second to go to the vegetable field to do farm work, and she was weed and fertilized. After seeing my grandmother cleaning up the weeds, I was so playful, and I wanted to help my grandmother. I claimed that my grandmother had poured the "fertilizer" -The rabbit's urine, and I joked with a bucket and said: "Grandma! I brought the delicious pearl milk tea!" Maybe I was not used to doing housework on weekdays, and I didn't pay attention to it. I saw a flushed and sweaty grandmother who hurriedly dropped the unplug the dishes and rushed over. I suddenly thought: miserable, the disaster, I couldn't help but add chaos. Unexpectedly, my grandmother couldn't get angry at all, pulled me to change my clothes, and then washed the dishes three or two times, and went straight to the shop. I understand that she is going to open the store close, because it will affect the business in the store early.


At that moment, looking at her wet grandmother, I felt that she was so hard.This is my hard -working grandmother, who has been busy with the busy grandmother.She is not only hardworking, but also so tolerant of me. I must be sensible and filial in the future.



My grandmother is not tall, with neat short hair, and there are several white hair.Grandma's square face, high nose bridge, big eyes looked very kind and kind.Although her grandmother frowned, there was always a smile on the corner of her mouth.Mom said that the young grandmother is actually very beautiful, but now because she is old, her face is full of wrinkles.外婆又勤劳又善良。外婆现在58岁了,但全家每天数她最早起床,为我们精心准备早饭,让我们吃得饱饱的,才有精神去上班、上学。等我们走后,她要买菜、洗衣服、打扫房间……样样都要她亲自来做,可忙了。下午放学了,外婆总是早早的就在学校门口等着接我,然后烧饭等全家人回来。

Grandma is hardworking and kind.Grandma is now 58 years old, but she gets up the earliest every day for the whole family to prepare breakfast for us. Let us eat enough to go to work and go to school.After we leave, she wants to buy food, wash clothes, clean the room ... She has to do it in the same way, but she is busy.After school in the afternoon, my grandmother always waited for me early at the school gate, and then returned from the whole family and other family members.这就是我勤劳外婆忙碌的一天。亲亲外婆,谢谢您!是您给我们创造了这样一个温馨的家庭,让爸爸妈妈能在单位专心的工作,让我在学校里能好好学习健康地成长。


My favorite grandmother, thank you!



My grandmother is not tall, with neat short hair, and there are several white hair.Grandma's square face, high nose bridge, big eyes looked very kind and kind.Although her grandmother frowned, there was always a smile on the corner of her mouth.Mom said that the young grandmother is actually very beautiful, but now because she is old, her face is full of wrinkles.


Grandma is hardworking and kind.Grandma is now 58 years old, but she gets up the earliest every day for the whole family to prepare breakfast for us. Let us eat enough to go to work and go to school.After we leave, she wants to buy food, wash clothes, clean the room ... She has to do it in the same way, but she is busy.After school in the afternoon, my grandmother always waited for me early at the school gate, and then returned from the whole family and other family members.


This is the busy day of my hard -working grandmother.Kiss grandma, thank you!You have created such a warm family for us, so that parents can work at the unit to focus on the unit, so that I can learn healthily and grow well in school.In my eyes, the hard -working grandmother is the most beautiful person!


My favorite grandmother, thank you!



1、勤劳:勤劳读音为qín láo,是指1.忧劳;辛劳。 2.引申为努力劳动,不怕辛苦。 3.犹疲劳。 4.指功劳。勤劳 qín láo词语解释:1.忧劳;辛劳。 2.引申为努力劳动,不怕辛苦。 3.犹疲劳。 4.指功劳。(1) [pains;toil]∶扰劳;辛劳此盖小事,何忍勤劳使君。——《隋书》(2) [diligent;industrious]∶引申为努力劳动,不怕辛苦人之勤劳。——清. 黄宗羲《原君》千万倍之勤劳。勤劳致富(3) [tired;fatigued]∶疲劳奔走可击;勤劳可击。——《吴子.料敌》(4) [contribution;credit]∶功劳多建勤劳未有勤劳分词解释:不怕:1.不畏惧;不害怕。 2.连词,犹言纵然,即使。功劳:对事业的贡献:汗马功劳。劳动:①人类创造物质或精神财富的活动:体力劳动ㄧ脑力劳动。②专指体力劳动:劳动锻炼。③进行体力劳动:他劳动去了。疲劳:1.劳苦困乏。 2.因运动过度或刺激过强﹐细胞﹑组织或器官的机能或反应能力减弱。 3.因外力过强或作用时间过久而不能继续起正常的反应。...勤劳怎么造句,用勤劳造句»

2、外婆:外婆读音为wài pó,是指1.外祖母。 2.旧时嫖客对妓院老鸨的称呼。 ∶外祖母(外婆家:强盗的黑话,指行劫对象)外婆 wài pó词语解释:1.外祖母。 2.旧时嫖客对妓院老鸨的称呼。[(maternal) grandmother] [方]∶外祖母(外婆家:强盗的黑话,指行劫对象)分词解释:称呼:1.叫。对人呼唤其身份﹑名称等。 2.表示被招呼对象的身份﹑地位﹑职业等等的名称。...外婆怎么造句,用外婆造句»