
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:55 | 来源:语文通



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看新闻的作文 篇1


Mom and Dad watch the news every day. Have you seen it?


You know what? If you want to know something about foreign countries, you can watch the news for 30 minutes. If you want to know what's happening in China, you can watch the news for 30 minutes. If you want to know something about Mengzhou, you can watch the news about Mengzhou.


News is our small world. If you want to know something, you can enter this small world. If you have a look and check, your small world will be full of knowledge. When you want to use it, you can use it. It is your thing.


You should watch the news when Mom and Dad watch it.

新闻的作文 篇2







新闻的作文 篇3


Big news! Big news! I don't know whether I was fainted by hunger or what happened. At 12:00 a.m. on July 23, 2006, the tortoises who had lived together peacefully for four years started to fight.


After lunch this afternoon, I went to the pool to visit two turtles. I saw that they were powerless and lying on the washbasin. I was very kind-hearted. I took some meat to feed them. As soon as I threw the meat down, the two turtles fought with each other. Then they each took a piece of meat and ate it. After eating, the two turtles swam around in the water. After a while, they looked up at me with eager eyes. There was nothing they could do, I had to take another piece of meat and feed it to them. I thought they would carry forward the virtue of "Kong Rong giving way to pears". Unexpectedly, the big turtle's behavior was far beyond my expectation


As soon as I dropped the meat, the big tortoise was quick in eyes and quick in hand. It caught the meat and swallowed it. However, it felt that it was not enough. When it saw the tail of its companion exposed, it took a vicious bite. At that moment, the little tortoise's tail was full of blood


Look at the little turtle's pitiful appearance of being bullied, and look at the big turtle's arrogant momentum. I can't help feeling angry from my heart, and I am afraid to show up.


After beating the big turtle, I was still worried. After thinking about it, I made a major decision: to separate them from each other.