
时间:2022-07-04 13:32:10 | 来源:语文通



After returning home after school, I unintentionally glanced, and suddenly I saw a small box on the table in my dad's house. I took a look at it strangely. What was the gadget that was slightly larger than the video pen. What was it?Just when I was holding it scientific research, my dad pushed in and laughed: "Hehehe, Dad bought it newly, okay!" Mobile phone? "I looked at the items on my hand -beautiful shells and exquisite volumes, let alone, it must be for me!Dad is awesome, I remember it like that.


"Okay!" Dad was anxious to tell me."Well, uh ..." I nodded with a strong place, and my eyes were shining."Dad, give me!" I asked pleasingly, and I didn't think of my dad's face immediately, and dissatisfied: "Children's house, love vanity so strong! How do dad teach you, do homework." AhIntersectionwhat's going on?I was surprised. When I came back, my dad had long cared about to listen to the song with his mobile phone.snort!Pretend to be!I wouldn't glance at Gandhi, and I could only stop it temporarily.


After a few days, I have been hitting the phone."Well! What music do you listen to for dining!" My mother glanced at his dad, and he reluctantly gathered his product!I really envy me.After the meal, I quietly got together to my mother, "Mom! Mother!" I pulled her sleeves, "What?" "I ... that one, that one! Come and talk to my dad!"I asked carefully."Okay! I'll talk!" My mother went to find my dad as a "lobbyist".


After a while, "Two Old" came together. What is hateful is that Dad is still wearing headsets!"Dad ..." Before I finished speaking, he trained me: "Didn't Dad tell you! You can't admire vanity! You can see your cousin, entangle your uncle to buy them for them to buy them for themMobile phone, play the game all day long, online! The test results are not the same, you ... "I sat on the sofa sullen, turned my head, and talked about such a Chaotong, did I not agree with it!


At this time, my dad handed a gray -black "Nokia" to my eyes. I glanced at it, although it is also a well -known brand, but this style -it is really a "big tractor" in the mobile phone!"Well, ugly!" I murmured, and my eyes kept staring at the mobile phone in my dad's hand. I was very reluctant, and my eyes were staring at the bones.Dad didn't move with me."What do you want to do? You can't be so vanity ..." God!This sentence again!Can't stand it!I got my teeth and received the "ugly eight monster" mobile phone, and returned to the room with anger!


dad!Don't give me any sunshade caps that admire vanity, don't help me help my phone. Isn't you always showing off your new mobile phone?



1、手机:手机读音为shǒu jī,是指手持式移动电话机的简称。 电话的口承、耳承和相应的话筒、听筒都装在单个把手上手机 shǒu jī词语意思:手持式移动电话机的简称。[handset] 电话的口承、耳承和相应的话筒、听筒都装在单个把手上分词解释:电话机:完成话音和声频电信号相互转换的装置。由送话器、受话器、感应线圈、极化铃、叉簧等组成。呼叫时用户拿起送、受话器,叉簧弹起,接通电路,发出呼叫信号。自动电话机通过号码按钮发出呼叫信号,控制交换机自动接通受话方,并具有重发和存储多个常用号码等功能。移动:1.改换原来的位置。 2.调动。简称:①较复杂的名称的简化形式。如中专(中等专业学校)、奥运会(奥林匹克运动会)。②简单地称呼:化学肥料简称化肥。...手机怎么造句,用手机造句»

2、虚荣心:虚荣心读音为xū róng xīn,是指追求表面上荣耀的心理状态。属于剥削阶级的道德意识。爱虚荣的人,往往不顾社会的道德原则和规范,从个人主义出发,斤斤计较个人荣誉得失,甚至不惜以弄虚作假、投机取巧、欺骗说谎来美化自己,骗取荣誉。也指在生活中讲排场、摆阔气、只图表面光彩的思想行为。 对虚荣的渴求心理;对自身的外表、学识、作用、财产或成就表现出的妄自尊大;对表场或赞美的渴求这个女孩的虚荣心驱使她常常去照镜子虚荣心 xū róng xīn词语解释:追求表面上荣耀的心理状态。属于剥削阶级的道德意识。爱虚荣的人,往往不顾社会的道德原则和规范,从个人主义出发,斤斤计较个人荣誉得失,甚至不惜以弄虚作假、投机取巧、欺骗说谎来美化自己,骗取荣誉。也指在生活中讲排场、摆阔气、只图表面光彩的思想行为。[vanity] 对虚荣的渴求心理;对自身的外表、学识、作用、财产或成就表现出的妄自尊大;对表场或赞美的渴求这个女孩的虚荣心驱使她常常去照镜子分词解释:虚荣:表面上的荣耀;虚假的荣名。不顾:1.不回头看。 2.不顾念;不照顾。 3.不理会。 4.不考虑;不顾忌。属于:归某一方面或为某方所有。荣耀:1.亦作“荣曜”。 2.花木茂盛鲜艳。 3.富贵显耀。 4.美好的声誉。...虚荣心怎么造句,用虚荣心造句»