
时间:2022-08-09 14:42:40 | 来源:语文通



Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" is an outstanding realist tragedy. It describes the prosperity and collapse of a bourgeois family with feudal colors.The story takes place in the old society of the half -sea built -up colonies in the 1920s.Because Cao Yu was in the old society, he grew up in a family with a strong feudal atmosphere. He had carefully observed the social reality at the time and was influenced by the May 4th.The depression of indignation has criticized the old families of the old China and the old society.And because of the real image in the play, the conflicts of conflicts between Zhou and Lu and Lu in the Zhou family were intertwined with the conflict between the working class and the bourgeoisie, so it became a sign of the creation of Chinese drama to mature to mature.Essence


"Thunderstorm" is a family tragedy and a social tragedy.It complays feudal rule in the 1930s in the 1930s. Workers generally summarized the important social reality of the capitalist's oppression and exploitation.The profound exposure reflected the struggle of the working class to a certain extent, and strongly criticized the ugly and dark feudal society.


"Book is the stairs of human progress." People say that "reading a good book" is the most important thing.In fact, the "thunderstorms" in our lives are everywhere.It may be a material lack, it may be emotional rarity, it may be the pain of life and death, but it may be just a criticism of the teacher's loved ones.All in all, it will come in various ways. When it comes, you have to meet it with a smile without sadness, but without experiencing it, there is no bitterness of life, so you cannot turn it into happiness!People often say that "Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, plum blossoms are cold and cold." We will experience the taste of hope after thunderstorm.


The "Baibao House" in the book is not wealth, power, but rich knowledge, but the truth of teaching people.It is an indispensable part of people! Knowledge changes destiny and create the future!



Reading "Thunderstorm" feels_Gungeance of high school reading 1500 words, one


Mr. Cao Yu once said, "I lost my mother since I was a child, and I was very lonely and lonely in my mind." This sentence made me know that his life was not smooth and flat. This also made me more convinced that it was these painful experience that made him have a great work, and the desire described from the sufferings he had suffered from life. Zhou Puyuan, selfish, cold, hypocrisy, old conspiracy, no humanity, but I am full of sympathy and compassion. A man can rush out of the house to the thirty year of the year, let him go out of his house, let him go out and destroy himself. How can he know how to love? Just those furniture, those furnishings, those habits, and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos and those photos. The memories of the old days. Has he had feelings? Have he loved Shi Ping? After seeing his miss, he was stabbed by his ruthless words; did he have love for his children? Have he rebuked! No love! Does he have any guilt to Fan Yi? Always give giving it to Fan Yi? He has always given him? She asked the doctor but did not understand her real cause! I despise his cold blood, especially for the woman who accompanied him for a lifetime, Fan Yi! In fact, he was just an ordinary man. He had a little conscience for the future. Have to be strong.


Zhou Chong, vitality, dare to love and hate.Although young, he is very responsible and dares to face the old feudal ceremony for love and life.When you love, you are decisive, even if you are rejected, it is generous.Especially his kindness is moving.He is a person who can warm his soul, makes people full of hope for life, yearn for the future, and believe that beauty is not afraid of the present.


Zhou Ping, what I gave me was boring, but just for him to be fortunate to meet girls like Si Feng.It is also a kind of sorrow for Lu Gui who has no other language except to despise no other language.Shi Ping, tenacity, independence, attitude.It is difficult to imagine an unmarried woman under such a rigorous hierarchical concept and feudal oppression with a courage to fall in love with a person who has a disparate status.She is like a flame burning for love, and her pursuit of love seems to be as if the moth is attached to the fire! I firmly believe that living requires courage and strength than death: she endured the contempt of the world, endured Lu Gui's blame, firmSurvey.The tragedy of the biological daughter and son fell in love, and her decision showed no selfless love and generosity of a mother without reservation.Let me see such a great woman.


Fan Yi, partial, unfortunate, beautiful, lonely, intelligent, helpless.She is such a wonderful woman like an elf, unfortunately teased by the most ruthless fate.Li Yi is the most compassionate woman. She does not repent. She is like a horse who is on duty, without hesitation walking on a difficult walkway. She grabbed Zhou Ping and did not let go.EssenceHer life was as hot as an electric fire, and she was a "thunderstorm" character.朵 蘩 is like a flower blooming silently in the night, indifferent, weird, and charming, passing through the burned eyes, leaving into your soul, looking for the resonance of the deep sea, she has oneForgotten by love, for eighteen years, accompanied by a irritable husband, he has long been like dead water.


Fan Yi, you are wrong.Zhou Ping's ideal wife is Si Feng, with good traditional virtues, innocent and kind, benefiting the vitality of youth, and obedience to save his fragile soul.Instead of you who have an independent resistance.


Fan Yi, you are right again.You bravely pursue freedom and happiness, dare to breathe free air, stretch your soul, and release the most true you.


Si Feng, I started to understand why she liked Zhou Ping, I thought Zhou Chong's personality was more attractive.Think carefully that Zhou Chong was young and dynamic, and he might feel more like a friend or just a younger brother with him.And thirty -year -old Zhou Ping, although he is weak and fatigue, he is trapped by life and destiny, and he is a bit decadent and helpless, but it is his melancholy temperament that arouses the mother's nature of Si Feng.Phoenix is more secure.Si Feng's vitality made Zhou Ping find the motivation of life, as if returning to the young years, with the motivation to move forward, and saw a beautiful future.I have seen love gently to wither, so I understand that the so -called innocent fairy tales are just when a trace of love passing through the field like a fine grass, and people's unhappy lies.In the world, the soul that is lonely pursuing is under the huge shadow of the city. Every night when it comes to the extremely dotted night, the loss of freedom of love hides in the corner of the corner.It is doomed.


"Floating" after reading


The beautiful face was aging in the sound of artillery fire, and the traces of the years brushed through her horns, plowing through her eyes. She had also had a bright youth, but the family changes and wars had to bear all the burdens of all her life. 19-29 years old, the transformation of 10 years into a troubled woman. Her name is Scarlett. When her father was dementia, when the Tara Manor was destroyed, and when the people were in the deep water, she stood out and supported the almost fragmented home in the suffering. I still remember the carrots in the manor in the setting sun, and swear to the sky: "I must let my family live a happy life!" When marrying to Ryde; and thinking of us now, when the simple workers poured the city's flowers day and night with their sweat, when they cut the most beautiful years in their own brocade, and then they met in their own hands. When the city's most beautiful coat, when they interpreted simplicity with silence, we have been grateful to them, and do we thank the current life? On the contrary, we give endless contempt or cold eyes; When the flowing youth is done in exchange for our happy life, when they are polished in the years, they quietly wrinkle their faces; when those plain flowers are dyed with green silk, and finally condense into a layer of enveloped autumn frost; when the heavy one is heavy, the heavy one is heavy. When sighing wrapped in infinite expectations and disappointment turned into a scolding of hate iron, is it just our body? We hurriedly walked in life with our complaints of complaints about the world.


Although Scarlett's life is filled with fame and fortune, she is still actively looking for the shelter of the soul.In that troubled world, you can make fun in the troubled times, and the pointers quickly dial to 2010. On the way to grow, we also have a gratitude, so I see the graceful scene.The scenery is a painting flowing outside the window. When the sunset is down, everything is not only quiet, but also a bit romantic.The glazed was fragile, and the scene was still lit out of the window.Time flows, elegant and eternal, one window is full of fragrance; years change, the world is stable, and the world is vicissitudes of thousands of years.Growing up in gratitude and wearing a gratitude glasses every day, we will find that peace and tranquility have become a family.


Scarlett is a beautiful woman breed in the troubled times. To some extent, she is unfortunate, but we are lucky because there is no drowned love, no shadow of war and death, and no gambling with youth and fate.In the era of peace, we enjoyed the fireworks on earth, and the people are warm and warm.What we lack most is to learn to grow in gratitude. When we feel that the world is bumpy, we think about Scarlett.——The learning to grow in gratitude, you will touch another wonderful world.



Reading Thunderstorm 1500 Words


I did not deliberately find it about "Thunderstorm". I came into contact with it because of the Chinese class in the first year of high school. There was a text about it in the Chinese class. The Chinese teacher also found its drama for us.However, it left me an indelible impression.

I did not deliberately find it about "Thunderstorm". I came into contact with it because of the Chinese class in the first year of high school. There was a text about it in the Chinese class. The Chinese teacher also found its drama for us.However, it left me an indelible impression.


Although there are not many characters in the play, only Fan Yi, Zhou Chong, Zhou Puyuan, Shi Ping, Lu Sifeng, Zhou Ping, Lu Dahai, Lu Gui, but the relationship between characters is extremely complicated.

Although there are not many characters in the play, only Fan Yi, Zhou Chong, Zhou Puyuan, Shi Ping, Lu Sifeng, Zhou Ping, Lu Dahai, Lu Gui, but the relationship between characters is extremely complicated.


Zhou Puyuan, the source of the story, as a capitalist of an old society, all shows that businessmen are profitable and insidious, because of his greed, his ruthlessness, which causes him to make everything and cause tragedy ... but heThe insidious cunning is also a little sad. From the old furniture that has been carried with him, he has kept the habit of closing the window in summer to the old shirts that have been wore for decades.In this family, the dignity of the parents could not enjoy the true feelings between husband and wife, father and son.Except for the empty body, there was nothing left.As a reader and audience, I still sympathize with him.

Zhou Puyuan, the source of the story, as a capitalist of an old society, all shows that businessmen are profitable and insidious, because of his greed, his ruthlessness, which causes him to make everything and cause tragedy ... but heThe insidious cunning is also a little sad. From the old furniture that has been carried with him, he has kept the habit of closing the window in summer to the old shirts that have been wore for decades.In this family, the dignity of the parents could not enjoy the true feelings between husband and wife, father and son.Except for the empty body, there was nothing left.As a reader and audience, I still sympathize with him.


In this drama, like many readers and audiences, it is also the most impressive impression on me.As Zhou Puyuan's wife, Zhou Ping's stepmother has a personal relationship with Zhou Ping.In our opinion, her relationship with Zhou Ping belongs to incest, but we think about it, which is not entirely her fault. On the contrary, his hate for Zhou Puyuan and the love for Zhou Ping can see that she is a dare to dareWoman who loves to hate.But her last end was crazy, but except for this ending, we might not havely ended a better ending. It was abandoned by two men and was injured by the love she wanted.What kind of pain is that.Or the madness of the mind is the best proof of her injury, which also reflects the cruel and ruthlessness of the hierarchical system and the deepening of feudal thoughts.Therefore, I have to admire Cao Yu.

In this drama, like many readers and audiences, it is also the most impressive impression on me.As Zhou Puyuan's wife, Zhou Ping's stepmother has a personal relationship with Zhou Ping.In our opinion, her relationship with Zhou Ping belongs to incest, but we think about it, which is not entirely her fault. On the contrary, his hate for Zhou Puyuan and the love for Zhou Ping can see that she is a dare to dareWoman who loves to hate.But her last end was crazy, but except for this ending, we might not havely ended a better ending. It was abandoned by two men and was injured by the love she wanted.What kind of pain is that.Or the madness of the mind is the best proof of her injury, which also reflects the cruel and ruthlessness of the hierarchical system and the deepening of feudal thoughts.Therefore, I have to admire Cao Yu.


Zhou Ping is the most disgusted role when I watched this drama.His hypocrisy, his ruthlessness, his selfishness ... He has a very similar character with his father Zhou Puyuan, but compared with Zhou Puyuan, I hate him even more.In the case, he didn't love Fan Yi at all, but he pretended to love her. When the appearance of Si Feng, his hypocrisy broke.In my opinion, he disappointed Fan Yi's love, and he was not worthy of the love of Si Feng.In the end, his ending was death or reasonable. I know that the author's intention is not like this. These are just my subjective views, or from a psychological perspective.Evaluate a person.

Zhou Ping is the most disgusted role when I watched this drama.His hypocrisy, his ruthlessness, his selfishness ... He has a very similar character with his father Zhou Puyuan, but compared with Zhou Puyuan, I hate him even more.In the case, he didn't love Fan Yi at all, but he pretended to love her. When the appearance of Si Feng, his hypocrisy broke.In my opinion, he disappointed Fan Yi's love, and he was not worthy of the love of Si Feng.In the end, his ending was death or reasonable. I know that the author's intention is not like this. These are just my subjective views, or from a psychological perspective.Evaluate a person.


For Zhou Chong, Si Feng, Lu Dahai, I attributed them to the same category, because they had essential differences with others in that era. However, they were innocent and were victims of that era. Zhou Chong, he has the imagination of all children, is the representative of a group of young people who grew up after the May 4th Movement. He was brave to resist feudal, hoping to accept new ideas, and simply imagined that "the world is always beautiful for him." Si Feng, like Zhou Chong, is a very pure child. The biggest difference from Zhou Chong is: Si Feng has not received education, and she cannot accept the impact of new trends. She will not resist, she will not stand up with feudal etiquette, so she can only have the simple virtue of the working people: kind and hardworking. Lu Dahai is a typical representative of the working class, and the Chinese working class is oppressed by multiple, and the resistance is extremely fierce. His personality is even more stubborn. He is full of energy. Young passion and enthusiasm are like the upcoming volcano, and his resistance spirit is completely demonstrated. Although they became the victims in the play, their appearance also brought a dawn to the dark age. They were representatives of new hope, and later developed under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and finally saw the light.

For Zhou Chong, Si Feng, Lu Dahai, I attributed them to the same category, because they had essential differences with others in that era. However, they were innocent and were victims of that era. Zhou Chong, he has the imagination of all children, is the representative of a group of young people who grew up after the May 4th Movement. He was brave to resist feudal, hoping to accept new ideas, and simply imagined that "the world is always beautiful for him." Si Feng, like Zhou Chong, is a very pure child. The biggest difference from Zhou Chong is: Si Feng has not received education, and she cannot accept the impact of new trends. She will not resist, she will not stand up with feudal etiquette, so she can only have the simple virtue of the working people: kind and hardworking. Lu Dahai is a typical representative of the working class, and the Chinese working class is oppressed by multiple, and the resistance is extremely fierce. His personality is even more stubborn. He is full of energy. Young passion and enthusiasm are like the upcoming volcano, and his resistance spirit is completely demonstrated. Although they became the victims in the play, their appearance also brought a dawn to the dark age. They were representatives of new hope, and later developed under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and finally saw the light.


Shi Ping and Lu Gui are a couple in this drama. Although Shi Ping and Zhou Puyuan had a relationship thirty years ago, she lived strongly after she was abandoned by Zhou Puyuan.There are too many helplessness, she wants to resist, but her resistance is weak and incomplete, so she has become a victim of the feudal era.And Lu Gui is a greedy market.He didn't want to say too much.

Shi Ping and Lu Gui are a couple in this drama. Although Shi Ping and Zhou Puyuan had a relationship thirty years ago, she lived strongly after she was abandoned by Zhou Puyuan.There are too many helplessness, she wants to resist, but her resistance is weak and incomplete, so she has become a victim of the feudal era.And Lu Gui is a greedy market.He didn't want to say too much.


The script uses exciting plots, concise and implicit language, characteristic characters, and extremely rich subtext words.For example, the blade slowly slipped slowly on the reader's heartstrings, and the trembling Yuyin was still unbroken.In terms of natural scenery and portrait descriptions, "Thunderstorm" pays special attention to sound and color effects, and uses strong inks to perform.At the same time, pay attention to exaggerated treatment of the sound, odor, and eyes of the characters.

The script uses exciting plots, concise and implicit language, characteristic characters, and extremely rich subtext words.For example, the blade slowly slipped slowly on the reader's heartstrings, and the trembling Yuyin was still unbroken.In terms of natural scenery and portrait descriptions, "Thunderstorm" pays special attention to sound and color effects, and uses strong inks to perform.At the same time, pay attention to exaggerated treatment of the sound, odor, and eyes of the characters.


For the work of "Thunderstorm", it is necessary to understand the reason why all this was over in the night of thunderstorms after understanding the background of the times.Occasionally inevitable.Thinking ...

For the work of "Thunderstorm", it is necessary to understand the reason why all this was over in the night of thunderstorms after understanding the background of the times.Occasionally inevitable.Thinking ...


Reading Thunderstorm 1500 Words Two


After reading Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" plus the movie version, I feel very deep. The first is a script. The length is relatively small and it is more suitable for me.In the situation, there are Chinese characters of all strata. Each character is a certain social manifestation. It is Cao Yu's experience, which also reflects the distortion, depression, struggle, awakening, resistance, helplessness, various kinds of people in the society of China at that time.Personality and the performance of destiny, each character is so distinctive, the end of the fate is similar, and they are full of sorrow of the times. The sacrifice of the three innocent young people.The helplessness can only be blamed for you.


Every character in thunderstorms is very brilliant, and they are victims.


Thunderstorm seems to be destined to be a tragedy from the beginning.However, the cause of the tragedy is the male protagonist of the story: the young master of the Yuanxi Mansion -Zhou Puyuan.


Like many Chinese tragedies, a romantic teenager has seen his maid. This combination will not have good results since ancient times.If the man is affectionate and righteous, the two people elope to the two people, deviate from their parents, and go far away as a bitter life.How could the heart that only loved himself stayed with her? He finally gave up Shi Ping for his future.The lonely and unreasonable Suping Ping left sadly with the sick second son, and the original story ended. Who knew that it was to make people and the fate involved them together.The intricate relationship was staged again. It was just a mess, which eventually led to the love of the siblings of the same mother.As their mother, Shi Ping can only accept the fate of fate, and can only complain about the fate of himself to the child. It seems that everything should be over.Father's brothers and sisters.This incident killed 3 people ...


Under the shroud of feudal authority, people are struggling as if they fall in the marsh, and the deeper, the deeper falling into the swamps of death.The person in charge has also lost valuable truth.Zhou Puyuan lives in the faults of the feudal class and bourgeoisie.When he was young, he tried to jump out of the constraints of the feudal, chase freedom, and sincerely treated his favorite Shi Ping.Sacrifice of society.She has no power to love her love and hates what she hates, but to hold everything on herself. This is both a great mother and a surrender to feudal authority.


The atmosphere was so heavy that he was so angry that people seemed to be fiddled with emotions. What kind of poor animals, with a mood, should have dominated themselves, but found that they were often dominated by the environment.In such an environment, Zhoufu's mansion, Shi Ping's bad room, extreme pain and love have a strong collision in the day.As thunderbolt rolling, depression, despair, full of flooding in the air, the scenes were like waves in storms, and they hit people fiercely, and people had nowhere to escape.


The story began in the summer of the 1920s. The climate was sultry and aggressive. There was no sunlight outdoors, the sky was dim, and the storm was coming. It ended on a rainy night of lightning and electricity. In the end, Si Feng knew that she and Zhou Ping were brothers and sisters who were strangers.After the biggest bad news, it was rushed out of the rainy night. Zhou Chong, who loved her, was just a simple child. He died under the thunderbolt.Yan Yi was crazy, and the stubborn Lu Dahai ran away.


I am very glad that I live in a modern and civilized society that is relatively free and unsuccessful. We can choose the person you love, and will not lose your love for the ugly cricket system of the feudal society.It will not suffer from the loss of lover because of your fault, let alone fall in love with his relatives of his loved ones. The society is developing, and the people’s feudal thoughts gradually retreat, but the classic classic like thunderstorms, butLet ’s take a look at the social status of Chinese society in the 1920s and 1930s. You can better understand our motherland, and make us the flowers we are here more cherishing our current superior environment.The development is for your own freedom and gratitude. Isn't this the emphasis on education now? Educate us to be grateful.


Each line was finally out of the end, turning into a thunderstorm, which shocked everyone's soul.


The comments in the above two paragraphs are a bit esoteric, not original.Finally, I want to talk about my favorite character in it, Fan Yi. If this character is put in now, although it will be criticized, this is indeed a real woman who dares to love and hates freedom and ignores the secular vision of the world.She has the most distinctive and most resistant character.Pursuing the life I want to live freely, I feel like this when I read this script, so I have to cheer for myself from now on, otherwise it will waste the good environment given by society.



Read "Thunderstorm" with 1500 words


The word "rushing" is doomed to his destiny and has the obsession that breaks through the dirty world. His youth is burning from beginning to end in this battle, and his persistence until his life.He is always righteous for all of this, and his death is for a better life.


The author said Zhou Chong in the work: "His body is small, but he has a big heart, and he has all the children like a child." Zhou Chong's heart is extremely pure, and the lead dust like a child is not stained, Transparent like crystals, full of sympathy for the weak, the desire for true love, and hope for the future.He pursued his unremitting pursuit of his world, devoted himself to his dream with his life.


Unlike his father and mother, Zhou Chong's heart did not have the class thought of society at that time.He will think that Si Feng is simple, knows how to live, knows sympathy, and understands the meaning of labor.The best is that she is not a person who is used to raising it in the lady.


This is a big gap with the mother's view.下 蘩 believes that Sifeng is a lower -level person, has not been educated, and has no opinion. He even thinks that Zhou Puyuan's love for Sifeng will never accept it.And Zhou Chong also has his own understanding of love. He thinks that he will not force Sifeng. He will respect her and help her. He also hopes to make half of his tuition fees to learn to Si Feng.


On weekdays, he was a little more afraid of his father's intimacy.Facing his own love, Zhou Chong still tried to communicate with his father after several contradictions, hoping that his father would allow his father to give him half of his tuition to the person who he had not learned by himself.Zhou Puyuan, a typical feudal parent, is the law of the Zhou family, and no one can violate his order.As the second son of the Zhou family, Zhou Chong could not get rid of this control, but for his own ideals, he still chose to try his hopes, try to communicate with his father, and obtain "legal" recognition through his own efforts.However, only half of this exchange was cut off by the mother's "medicine" problem, it also laid the foundation for Zhou Chong's disappointment.


What is different from Qian Yi's pursuit of love is that Zhou Chong faced Si Feng's rejection of his proposal on his proposal, and he did not have a hysterical madness, and he had no hatred. Instead, he had to respect Si Feng and help Si Feng.This is the love view of a young man who accepts new ideas.In his heart, it is not possession and love. Waiting and blessing is the best interpretation of true love in his heart.Until the moment I faced the cruel and chaotic scene, the heart of the scar full of sores still did not hate this abominable family. For the sake of the love in my heart, I still disregarded everything, and finally fell in love with her.A perfect love he expected.If he let him choose, he died in the face of this dirty family or the pure love, and he would still choose to die the same destiny as his own.


In the conflict of "Thunderstorm", there is a conflict between the strike workers represented by Lu Dahai and Zhou Puyuan.In this conflict, Zhou Chong naturally stood on the side of Lu Dahai very naturally, thinking that they were fighting for their reasonable demands. As a person who enjoyed a blessing, they should sympathize with them.Zhou Chong's resistance was regarded by Zhou Puyuan as the same as his mother, because he was not allowed to exist in his family.For Zhou Chong's sympathy for workers, there is no room for survival among this bourgeois power family.


"Sometimes I forgot now, (dreamy) forgot the house, forget you, forget my mother, and forget myself. I think I seem to be in a winter morning, very bright sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ...The boundless sea ... Oh, there is a small sailboat like sea swallow, which is tight in the sea breeze, and the air on the sea can be a bit fishy and a bit salty.The wings of the eagle flew on the sea, flying, and flying towards the sky. At that time, there were only two or three white clouds floating on the sky. We sat on the bow and looked in the front. The front was our world. "这个就是他向往的那个世界,可以与海子的面朝大海春暖花开相媲美。但是那注定是一个遥不可及的世界,因为他所面临的并不是一个家庭,而是一个社会一个制度的禁锢。单凭他自己,他无法冲破,即便是拼死奋战,还是无法动摇。

In this complicated life, Zhou Chong always maintained a pure heart. He outlined a beautiful world to him and Si Feng, and wanted to take Si Feng Shuang to fly, flying away from this world full of hypocrisy. "Sometimes I forgot now, (dreamy) forgot the house, forget you, forget my mother, and forget myself. I think I seem to be in a winter morning, very bright sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... The boundless sea ... Oh, there is a small sailboat like sea swallow, which is tight in the sea breeze, and the air on the sea can be a bit fishy and a bit salty. The wings of the eagle flew on the sea, flying, and flying towards the sky. At that time, only two or three white clouds floated on the sky. We sat on the bow and looked in the front. The world of yearning can be comparable to Haizi's face facing the sea of ​​spring. But it is destined to be an out of reach, because he is not facing a family, but the imprisonment of a society and a system. Based on himself, he couldn't break, and even if he fought hard, he couldn't shake.


Young and childishness are not sin, but under the system of the system, this has become the culprit that leads to Zhou Chong's death.Mr. Cao Yu has already said: "Zhou Chong is just a spring dream in this irritable summer ... With him, he set off the bright and dark of" Thunderstorm ". On this night of lightning, the darkness became the subject and died.After the theme, Zhou Chong became the only highlight. Although the author gave him the punishment of him one by one, he finally showed him all his dirty show, and finally discarded him in the thunderstorm and never could never be ableCome back, but he became the only pure person in this chaotic home. His death implied that the death of this feudal murderer, the disappearance of a declining system, and the birth of a bright and free new world.


Read "Thunderstorm" with 1500 words 2


I did not deliberately find it about "Thunderstorm". I came into contact with it because of the Chinese class in the first year of high school. There was a text about it in the Chinese class. The Chinese teacher also found its drama for us.However, it left me an indelible impression.

I did not deliberately find it about "Thunderstorm". I came into contact with it because of the Chinese class in the first year of high school. There was a text about it in the Chinese class. The Chinese teacher also found its drama for us.However, it left me an indelible impression.


Although there are not many characters in the play, only Fan Yi, Zhou Chong, Zhou Puyuan, Shi Ping, Lu Sifeng, Zhou Ping, Lu Dahai, Lu Gui, but the relationship between characters is extremely complicated.

Although there are not many characters in the play, only Fan Yi, Zhou Chong, Zhou Puyuan, Shi Ping, Lu Sifeng, Zhou Ping, Lu Dahai, Lu Gui, but the relationship between characters is extremely complicated.


Zhou Puyuan, the source of the story, as a capitalist of an old society, all shows that businessmen are profitable and insidious, because of his greed, his ruthlessness, which causes him to make everything and cause tragedy ... but heThe insidious cunning is also a little sad. From the old furniture that has been carried with him, he has kept the habit of closing the window in summer to the old shirts that have been wore for decades.In this family, the dignity of the parents could not enjoy the true feelings between husband and wife, father and son.Except for the empty body, there was nothing left.As a reader and audience, I still sympathize with him.

Zhou Puyuan, the source of the story, as a capitalist of an old society, all shows that businessmen are profitable and insidious, because of his greed, his ruthlessness, which causes him to make everything and cause tragedy ... but heThe insidious cunning is also a little sad. From the old furniture that has been carried with him, he has kept the habit of closing the window in summer to the old shirts that have been wore for decades.In this family, the dignity of the parents could not enjoy the true feelings between husband and wife, father and son.Except for the empty body, there was nothing left.As a reader and audience, I still sympathize with him.


In this drama, like many readers and audiences, it is also the most impressive impression on me.As Zhou Puyuan's wife, Zhou Ping's stepmother has a personal relationship with Zhou Ping.In our opinion, her relationship with Zhou Ping belongs to incest, but we think about it, which is not entirely her fault. On the contrary, his hate for Zhou Puyuan and the love for Zhou Ping can see that she is a dare to dareWoman who loves to hate.But her last end was crazy, but except for this ending, we might not havely ended a better ending. It was abandoned by two men and was injured by the love she wanted.What kind of pain is that.Or the madness of the mind is the best proof of her injury, which also reflects the cruel and ruthlessness of the hierarchical system and the deepening of feudal thoughts.Therefore, I have to admire Cao Yu.

In this drama, like many readers and audiences, it is also the most impressive impression on me.As Zhou Puyuan's wife, Zhou Ping's stepmother has a personal relationship with Zhou Ping.In our opinion, her relationship with Zhou Ping belongs to incest, but we think about it, which is not entirely her fault. On the contrary, his hate for Zhou Puyuan and the love for Zhou Ping can see that she is a dare to dareWoman who loves to hate.But her last end was crazy, but except for this ending, we might not havely ended a better ending. It was abandoned by two men and was injured by the love she wanted.What kind of pain is that.Or the madness of the mind is the best proof of her injury, which also reflects the cruel and ruthlessness of the hierarchical system and the deepening of feudal thoughts.Therefore, I have to admire Cao Yu.


Zhou Ping is the most disgusted role when I watched this drama.His hypocrisy, his ruthlessness, his selfishness ... He has a very similar character with his father Zhou Puyuan, but compared with Zhou Puyuan, I hate him even more.In the case, he didn't love Fan Yi at all, but he pretended to love her. When the appearance of Si Feng, his hypocrisy broke.In my opinion, he disappointed Fan Yi's love, and he was not worthy of the love of Si Feng.In the end, his ending was death or reasonable. I know that the author's intention is not like this. These are just my subjective views, or from a psychological perspective.Evaluate a person.

Zhou Ping is the most disgusted role when I watched this drama.His hypocrisy, his ruthlessness, his selfishness ... He has a very similar character with his father Zhou Puyuan, but compared with Zhou Puyuan, I hate him even more.In the case, he didn't love Fan Yi at all, but he pretended to love her. When the appearance of Si Feng, his hypocrisy broke.In my opinion, he disappointed Fan Yi's love, and he was not worthy of the love of Si Feng.In the end, his ending was death or reasonable. I know that the author's intention is not like this. These are just my subjective views, or from a psychological perspective.Evaluate a person.


For Zhou Chong, Si Feng, Lu Dahai, I attributed them to the same category, because they had essential differences with others in that era. However, they were innocent and were victims of that era. Zhou Chong, he has the imagination of all children, is the representative of a group of young people who grew up after the May 4th Movement. He was brave to resist feudal, hoping to accept new ideas, and simply imagined that "the world is always beautiful for him." Si Feng, like Zhou Chong, is a very pure child. The biggest difference from Zhou Chong is: Si Feng has not received education, and she cannot accept the impact of new trends. She will not resist, she will not stand up with feudal etiquette, so she can only have the simple virtue of the working people: kind and hardworking. Lu Dahai is a typical representative of the working class, and the Chinese working class is oppressed by multiple, and the resistance is extremely fierce. His personality is even more stubborn. He is full of energy. Young passion and enthusiasm are like the upcoming volcano, and his resistance spirit is completely demonstrated. Although they became the victims in the play, their appearance also brought a dawn to the dark age. They were representatives of new hope, and later developed under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and finally saw the light.

For Zhou Chong, Si Feng, Lu Dahai, I attributed them to the same category, because they had essential differences with others in that era. However, they were innocent and were victims of that era. Zhou Chong, he has the imagination of all children, is the representative of a group of young people who grew up after the May 4th Movement. He was brave to resist feudal, hoping to accept new ideas, and simply imagined that "the world is always beautiful for him." Si Feng, like Zhou Chong, is a very pure child. The biggest difference from Zhou Chong is: Si Feng has not received education, and she cannot accept the impact of new trends. She will not resist, she will not stand up with feudal etiquette, so she can only have the simple virtue of the working people: kind and hardworking. Lu Dahai is a typical representative of the working class, and the Chinese working class is oppressed by multiple, and the resistance is extremely fierce. His personality is even more stubborn. He is full of energy. Young passion and enthusiasm are like the upcoming volcano, and his resistance spirit is completely demonstrated. Although they became the victims in the play, their appearance also brought a dawn to the dark age. They were representatives of new hope, and later developed under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and finally saw the light.


Shi Ping and Lu Gui are a couple in this drama. Although Shi Ping and Zhou Puyuan had a relationship thirty years ago, she lived strongly after she was abandoned by Zhou Puyuan.There are too many helplessness, she wants to resist, but her resistance is weak and incomplete, so she has become a victim of the feudal era.And Lu Gui is a greedy market.He didn't want to say too much.

Shi Ping and Lu Gui are a couple in this drama. Although Shi Ping and Zhou Puyuan had a relationship thirty years ago, she lived strongly after she was abandoned by Zhou Puyuan.There are too many helplessness, she wants to resist, but her resistance is weak and incomplete, so she has become a victim of the feudal era.And Lu Gui is a greedy market.He didn't want to say too much.


The script uses exciting plots, concise and implicit language, characteristic characters, and extremely rich subtext words.For example, the blade slowly slipped slowly on the reader's heartstrings, and the trembling Yuyin was still unbroken.In terms of natural scenery and portrait descriptions, "Thunderstorm" pays special attention to sound and color effects, and uses strong inks to perform.At the same time, pay attention to exaggerated treatment of the sound, odor, and eyes of the characters.

The script uses exciting plots, concise and implicit language, characteristic characters, and extremely rich subtext words.For example, the blade slowly slipped slowly on the reader's heartstrings, and the trembling Yuyin was still unbroken.In terms of natural scenery and portrait descriptions, "Thunderstorm" pays special attention to sound and color effects, and uses strong inks to perform.At the same time, pay attention to exaggerated treatment of the sound, odor, and eyes of the characters.


For the work of "Thunderstorm", it is necessary to understand the reason why all this was over in the night of thunderstorms after understanding the background of the times.Occasionally inevitable.Thinking ...

For the work of "Thunderstorm", it is necessary to understand the reason why all this was over in the night of thunderstorms after understanding the background of the times.Occasionally inevitable.Thinking ...



Because of the guidance of students' graduation thesis, he re -read Mr. Cao Yu's script "Thunderstorm".This is a non -easy reading process.The script is not long and there are not many characters.Slowly expand the script, sink in, and read slowly.80 years ago, in the old Shanghai, in the hot summer, an old house, the two generations encountered the thunderstorm of fate in the underworld.For a moment, the painfulness was released, releasing the grievances of the dust for 20 years, and the endless regret was opened.


There are a lot of emotions to cover up, and there seems to be a sense of enlightenment, but I can't tell more new things.


Those who like "Thunderstorm" mostly like to talk about the main characters of those older generations: the incarnation of thunderstorm -Zhou Fanyi, the original creator of the sin -Zhou Puyuan, the mother in the contradiction -Lu Shiping.They occupy most of the stage and attract most of the attention.Especially Zhou Fanyi, this woman who makes people love and hate is the central character that many students like to discuss.


I read it over and over again, and my emotions over and over again.Behind the glory of those major characters, I started to notice more and more young people: Si Feng and Zhou Chong.I am more and more emotional to the fate of these two young people, and I feel that their dreams are like a dream.


After reading the script, I often think of a word: character is fate.In this tragedy, the cowardice chose Zhou Ping to commit suicide, and tolerated Lu Shiping became a silent mental patient. The outbreak caused Zhou Fanyi to become a maniac mental patient.Zhou Puyuan became the only normal spirit after this calamity.Two young people, two young people who are full of dreams in the future (although their dreams are very different, it is undeniable that they are all young people with dreams) -Sifeng and Zhou Chong, both fell on that thunderstorms in that thunderstormnight of.Is it accidental? Is it inevitable?


Among all the disturbances around Zhou Gongguan, it seems that only the young Zhou Chong is outside the world.Sometimes, sometimes I am really weird to watch the script. How can a gloomy mansion such a gloomy man in Zhougang described him in the stage prompt: "His body is small, But have a big heart and all the children like all children. He is young, only seventeen years old, and he has imagined many many impossible facts.A child living in dreams.The dream is beautiful, but once the dream is awake, it is time to leave.


Zhou Chong was awakened by a hysterical mother in a stunned dream.At that moment, Zhou suddenly discovered that his mother was no longer a mother, her father was no longer a father, the elder brother was no longer the elder brother, and the lover was no longer a lover.After waking up, Zhou Chong rushed into thunderstorms.Perhaps death is his most peaceful and most eternal dream.


Someone once called Zhou Chong as the "Midsummer Night" in "Thunderstorm".Sweet, warm and short -lived, eventually swept away by the thunderstorms of Xia Ye.


What touched me the most moved by "Thunderstorm" was not the recognition of Zhou Puyuan and Lu Shiping twenty years later, nor was the outbreak when all the truth was white, but the confession of Zhou Chong to Si Feng:


"Sometimes I forgot now, (dreamy) forgot the house, forget you, forget my mother, and forget myself. I think I seem to be in a winter morning, very bright sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ... in the sky ...The boundless sea ... Oh, there is a small sailboat like sea swallow, which is tight in the sea breeze, and the air on the sea can be a bit fishy and a bit salty.The wings of the eagle flew on the sea, flying, and flying towards the sky. At that time, there were only two or three white clouds floating on the sky. We sat on the bow and looked in the front. The front was our world. "


"By the way, I can fly with you, we can fly, fly to a really clean, happy place, there are no disputes, no hypocrisy, no inequality, no ... as if there is such a place in front of the eyes, suddenly there is such a place, suddenly suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly it is like that, and suddenly it is like that, and suddenly it is like that, and suddenly it is like that, suddenly it is like that, suddenly it is like that, suddenly it is like that, and suddenly there is a place in front of the eyes. Sudden) Did you say okay? "


That pure heart, unobstructed dedication in front of Sifeng, but could not attract Si Feng's eyes that was confused by the secular.Si Feng couldn't feel it, but I faded the sound of the crystal heart.


However, I can't blame the four phoenix.I can't blame this seventeen or eight -year -old girl from the perspective of Mr. Morality.I always feel that she can't simply say that she is worldly or snobbish.


Lu Sifeng, a seventeenth and eighteenth girl, healthy, sincere, laughing.She knew that she laughed very beautifully.The mother was not around, and Lu Gui, who followed a liquor, gambling stick, and snobbish father, was a maid in Zhou Gongguan.It is undeniable that Lu Gui took her into Zhougang House, and it was likely to be like this.This really happened.Although Si Feng thought everything was silent, what did it escape from Lu Gui's savvy drunken eyes? Si Feng did not understand what women's liberation, human rights, labor exploitation, etc.Want to get your own happiness in a down -to -earth manner.Our Dao Xue, design a future for her from the perspective of this child. Is there a better way to liberate her once and for all? Especially this young master looks so sincere, so thenWhen she attacked her, did she have other choices? Is she wrong? Is she wronged to pay the price of life?


Lu Gui needed her daughter to climb the dragon and attach phoenix.


Zhou Ping needed a sincere heart to get rid of the power of love.


Si Feng needs to get the greatest affirmation of his life from the Story of Cinderella.


As a result, with the dream of the girl pink, Si Feng attached to her mother's old way.


Tragedy is irreversible.


I missed Zhou Chong's crystal and pure heart. From the perspective of outsiders, we all saw that Zhou Ping stared at Si Feng's eyes with too many things other than love, only she could not see it.


Act it.Lu Xun pointed out for us when he was very sharp and cruel that after Nara left, it was nothing more than returning or falling.Falling from the dream of dreams to reality is always a painful thing.Let's imagine it.If Sifeng was lucky enough to avoid the thunderstorm and go away with Zhou Ping without knowing the truth of his brothers and sisters in love. Will she really get happiness? There will always be an amazing coincidence in history.The love of this Si Feng was just a life -saving straw that Zhou Ping got rid of his post -mother love.Except for the gap between identity, this is a love inadequate love at all.When we get rid of Zhou Fanyi's threat, when the economic crisis of survival is in front of us, we cannot sigh for the four phoenix tomorrow.


With 20 years of suffering, Lu Shiping waited for a half of his life to pay for his young dream.


Lu Sifeng painted with his life as a youthful dream.


On the thunderstorm night, under the bright lights of Zhou Gongguan, everything was distorted.Four Feng Chong, who was shocked by the truth to go to the night.Death opened the wings to accommodate the young man, and also took away the young dreamer, Zhou Chong.


Let's go, there is no place for their reality.


Leave that dream of youth.



"Even if the sky can't see the cracks, the brows are still full of dense clouds. The ending of the story is like a huge thunder, hitting his head naked, heavy, but unexpected."


Recently, Cao Yu's work, "Thunderstorm" again.There was also a further understanding of "Thunderstorm", which also reminded me of some phenomena in real life.


"Thunderstorm" tells the tragedy of a bourgeois family with a strong feudal nature in the 1930s.It is the author's ruthless criticism of the old social system.


There are not many characters that appear in the story. In fact, the story happens to the family in the sense.The special thing is that the story writes the story of a small circle, but it shows the social situation of an era.Its ethics is not only a family ethical tragedy, but also a topic that causes people to think deeply.Although the plot is climax, I feel that the story that happened on each character was unexpectedly hidden, and I found that the ending is self -evident.Regardless of the ruthlessness of Zhou Puyuan's ruthlessness with his old habits, from the breakthrough and compromise of Fan Yi under the feudal ritual, from the ruggedness of Shi Ping's fate, from the unfortunate incest of Zhou Ping and Si FengRecklessness and strong resistance seemed to be virtually or unique to indicate a big outbreak of thunderstorms, so shocking, so panic, so aggressive.


In "Thunderstorm", my favorite character is Zhou Chong. I appreciate his innocence, appreciate his pursuit of knowledge, the pursuit of freedom, and the bravery of love ... If he lives in today's society, I believeHe will definitely be a successful scholar.


However, I don't like Zhou Ping's character very much. I don't think he is as brave as Zhou Chong. He is a person who dares not face reality. When he knows Si Feng is his sister, he chose to swallow his gun to commit suicide himself.EssenceOf course, maybe this is also the best ending!


The story of "Thunderstorm" happened in 24 hours, and the weather in the thunderstorm even focused on the atmosphere of the story.The whole story is also over in thunderstorms, and it also symbolizes the collapse of a family, and it also indicates the demise of the feudal bourgeoisie!

故事中各个人物都是一部鲜活的剧集。我比较对故事中的三个女人感兴趣。当年很多女人的命运都与当时社会的男女价值观、思想观念息息相关,甚至决定了其一生的命运。在侍萍、繁漪、四凤三个人的身上有三种不一样的体会。四凤,一开始便预示着死亡的结局。本是一个可爱的女孩,有着美满的家庭,更预见了自己的爱情,在当时看来,已是一个女孩最圆满的结局。但她偏偏活得那样令人心酸与难过,而最终的死亡又那么可惜与哀怨。而另一方面,四凤又是有活力,勇敢的,正是这样,她深深地吸引着周萍和周冲,更加成为周萍的依赖,与他形成了一个性格上的互补。我愈发觉得四凤真是一个无辜的角色。侍萍,也是一个悲剧的象征。从她被周朴园抛弃带着大海离开的那一瞬开始,命运对她就是如此的不公。正是她与周朴园这段悲剧爱情的发生,牵引出接下来的一连串悲剧。很难想像一个未婚女人在那么森严的等级观念和封建压迫下与一个和自己身份地位悬殊的人恋爱并未婚生子所需要的 勇气。年轻的她是一个热烈追求幸福的女人,她忍受世人的蔑视,忍受鲁贵的责难,坚强地活下来。在她重遇周朴园的一刻,她的内心又会有怎样的迸发呢?她是否预见着一场暗涌的发生?再说说繁漪。听说这是曹禺先生觉得塑造得最好的角色。我也觉得她是一个可怜的角色。首先,她与周朴园就是一个悲剧。其次,与周萍的乱伦到最后被抛弃,活在深度的妒忌与仇恨之中,她要反抗,却又被压制着,她一直都在忍受。也许三个女人的命运更多的不是她们故事的本身,而更多的是我对现今女性的思考。对比之下,现代的女性可以不再受传统封建的约束,起码大多不用。故事中的三个女人的命运,是否引起了你我的思考。

Each character in the story is a lively drama. I am more interested in the three women in the story. At that time, the fate of many women was closely related to the values ​​and ideas of men and women at that time at that time, and even determined the fate of their lives. There are three different experiences on the three people of Shi Ping, Fan Yi, and Si Feng. Si Feng, from the beginning, heralded the ending of death. It was a cute girl, with a happy family, and foreshadowed her love. At that time, it was the most successful ending of a girl. But she was so sad and sad, and the ultimate death was so unfortunate and sorrowful. On the other hand, Si Feng is energetic and brave. That's it. She deeply attracted Zhou Ping and Zhou Chong, and became the dependence of Zhou Ping, forming a complementary personality with him. I feel that Si Feng is really an innocent role. Shi Ping is also a symbol of tragedy. Starting from the moment she was abandoned by Zhou Puyuan with the sea, her fate was so unfair to her. It was her tragedy and love with Zhou Puyuan that led the next series of tragedies. It is difficult to imagine an unmarried woman under such a rigorous hierarchical concept and feudal oppression with a courage to fall in love with a person who has a disparate status. She is a woman who is pursuing happiness. She endured the contempt of the world, endured Lu Gui's blame, and survived strongly. At the moment she met Zhou Puyuan, what would she burst out in her heart? Do she foresee a dark occurrence? Let's talk about Fan Yi. I heard that this is the best role of Mr. Cao Yu. I also think she is a poor role. First of all, she and Zhou Puyuan are a tragedy. Secondly, the incest with Zhou Ping was abandoned in the end, living in deep jealousy and hatred, she wanted to resist, but was suppressed, and she had been endured. Perhaps the fate of the three women is not more of their stories itself, but more about my thinking about today's women. In contrast, modern women can no longer be subject to traditional feudal constraints, at least not. The fate of the three women in the story has caused you and me.


I am fortunate to live in a society where peace, no grades.


Now we may not have the richness of Zhou Puyuan, no high social status, and no power.But we are lucky than Zhou Ping and Si Feng.Because as long as we do not violate moral law, we can pursue our own dreams.We will not be bound by the feudal system and etiquette. We can burn our youth and gallop in the world that belongs to us!


However, why does "Thunderstorm" not reflect some phenomena in real life? Although, it is now a new era of reform and opening up, people’s living conditions are getting better and better, especially in material life.We choose.However, today, when material life is constantly enriched, it seems that for spiritual life, we always feel that what has been missing ...


We no longer have families in the feudal system, but we still have those parents who are busy making money and ignoring their children.In many TVs, although those rich children are on the surface, they lack care in their hearts, so they always do some rebellious things to attract the attention of others.Although this is just a TV, it also reflects real life.Imagine that if Zhou Puyuan can care about the family, maybe the ending will not be so miserable.


Similarly, if Zhou Puyuan did not abandon Lu Shiping at the time, maybe Zhou Puyuan now has a happy family.The current society is becoming more and more materialized, and some girls play the slogan of "non -giants without marrying."In the TV show, when a boy asked the female guest, wouldn't he want to ride a bicycle with him? The female guest's answer was "I would rather sit in BMW and cry, and I didn't want to sit on a bicycle and laugh!"What a sad thing to hear this.Naturally, this remark also makes people think deeply ... The first condition for many young people to get married now is whether there is a house at home. If there is no house at home, then the marriage object must be re -considered! Maybe, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life, in real life,After all, love can't be reality!


However, life is always beautiful.We can't deny the existence of true love because of these!


The feudal system no longer exists, we must cheer for our current freedom!


Perhaps the ending of the story ended like a thunderbolt, but maybe it is a liberation of their time.A sighing tragedy ended.It was death, saying for their tragedy.Perhaps, the dead has since owned, but those who did not die seem to lose everything.


This is a visible surge.It was this thunderstorm, which brought relief to their respective souls.



The most difficult text is the drama. This is not. At the end of the semester, I came to the four first units.Every time I read "Dou'e's Extraordinary", I felt shock and admiration. When I read "Thunderstorm", I was frightened and doubtful.


It is said that when Cao Yu wrote this classic immortal masterpiece "Thunderstorm" was only twenty -three years old. I guess that it was such a bold and enthusiastic idea of being young and full of youth.Meeting, the next generation repeated the emotional story of the previous generation. Zhou Puyuan, a person like Zhou Puyuan who worked successfully in the society, has such an unbearable family! Is the author highlight the theme of "Destiny Tragedy"? But this tragedy is too heavy, fourThe young people died on the spot, leaving only a reckless Lu Dahai.Both Lu Shiping and Fan Yi were crazy, and the unexpected emotional entanglement of the young people instantly crushed the kingdom that Zhou Puyuan had worked hard for decades.Zhou Puyuan can control career and society, but can we control family life? Especially emotional life? This is because career and society are material, and there is the law of wisdom and control. Is there no emotional? Is this the tragedy of the fate of Zhou Puyuan?


Many years ago, I heard the drama "Thunderstorm", but because of the preference for novels, I did not go to see it.Later, I learned this drama.Although it is short and the relationship between the characters is very complicated, there are many intriguing places.


Four Feng is undoubtedly unfortunate.As her status, she fell in love with the master's young master, which was not allowed at the time.And Zhou Ping once and his stepmother Fan Yi incest, and Fan Yi would not easily let go of Zhou Ping who abandoned herself.In addition, she has to face the pursuit of Zhou Chong, but she cannot make a decision without harming him.In the end, she learned from her mother's mouth that she and Zhou Ping were brothers and sisters of the same mother.This is undoubtedly a thunderbolt, not to mention the child of Zhou Ping in her belly.And the ending to her is an electric shock, and the young life ended like this. Fortunately or unfortunate? In my opinion, this is a good ending for her. Compared to these intricate relationships, from each of them, from each of each, from each of each, from each of each, from each of each, from each of each, from each of each.Fang's various pressures, her future must be a road that is all over the thorns, and even more, there is no way to go.Zhou Ping was born with a young master and a cowardly man without perseverance. I don't think he has the ability to get rid of the family to give Sicfeng happiness.


Lu Shiping is tragic.Since she had two sons for Zhou Puyuan, the relationship she invested should not be fake, but in the end, she could only be kicked out of the house with the three -day -old younger son.After that, she should hate Zhou Puyuan for a long time.When she knew that her daughter did not know what it was when the Zhou family helped the commission, but felt that it was the arrangement of fate, and felt that she owed them the Zhou family. There was a strong feudal thought here, and the lower waiters have been in the lower position.conscious.When she knew her daughter fell in love with her son, she would really be surprised, more regrets.Of course, the heartache is indispensable. He cannot recognize his son and begged by his two children.The contradiction between the eldest son Zhou Ping and the son Lu Dahai could not reconcile. It was a contradiction between the two classes, and she was just a poor man who had no status.She was a typical representative of the lower -level women of that era.


Zhou Puyuan is a negative character in it. Many people say that he is hypocritical. In the face of Shi Ping, who hasn't seen him for thirty years, the first sentence is to ask her what to do. She also hopes to use money to leave Sicfeng.Will recognize my son.He also deliberately told Shi Ping that the furnishings in the house were still like that year, in order to miss her.But I think my nostalgia should be true.Because if he did not have true feelings for Shi Ping, he could not maintain everything.And if he fell in love with his wife, then Fan Yi would not be incest with Zhou Ping.What's more, he also ordered the maid's mother to be Zhou Ping's mother.I think he should have not forgotten Shi Ping for so many years.Although his behavior was cowardly at that time, it was determined by the environment of the society at that time. At that time, he was only a young master who had no rights. Everything was naturally ordered to hear his parents. This is also the traditional Chinese filial piety.Excessive blame.


Many people like Fan Yi, saying that she is "bourgeois women who liberated after the May 4th", "anti -feudal autocracy's personality liberation color", "she illuminates all darkness and sin", etc.It's beautiful! New women in the May 4th period, such as Bingxin, Ding Ling, Lin Huiyin, etc., that is the same as the construction of a new era. Compared with them, the difference between a dew and a star!The woman in the "Liu Lanzhi, Fan Yi is not worthy of compared with them! Fan Yi has no thoughts, only one consciousness -she is a woman, she relies on Zhou Puyuan's material, she is extravagant to Zhou Ping's sex, and her love for Zhou Ping? That is an excuse! Even Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu have common interests and pursuits. Fan Yi and Zhou Ping only lived under one roof. Fanyi was at least five years older than Zhou Ping.At that time, Zhou Ping was still a child. She dared to do the prisoner's affairs. The feudal women did not dare, and the new bourgeoisie was even more teether.


Besides, Fan Yi's resistance: Drinking medicine at a time, and seeing a doctor at a time, this kind of family trivial matter that is not even more skinny, you can only ask for any blindness, drinking medicine, you can deal with it early without drinking and drinking.Can be found by Zhou Puyuan not to drink? It was seen as a sick doctor and was invited to the house but did not look at it. This is the anti -anti -anti -bearing. Besides, even these things must be worried about Zhou Puyuan.If you are not respectful, from the perspective of Freud, Fanyi is selling well in front of Zhou Puyuan.The two so -called resistances are similar to neuropathy, which accelerates the annihilation of Zhou Puyuan.


It can be said that Zhou Puyuan's tragedy is the tragedy of marriage. Fan Yi is an ignorant woman. She can't see a little era and society. Sin and darkness gathered in her.Sooner or later, this kind of woman will destroy Zhou Puyuan.She is a beam for the author's construction of a story building. She lacks her story and cannot be built, and she shaped her, but she did not have typical significance at all.


In addition, Zhou Puyuan's image was too facial. "The police called the police to kill 30 workers on the mine", "deliberately called Jiangdi out of danger and drowned 2,200 small workers."His existence in Zhou Gongguan seems to be similar to Lu Shiping, the story of thirty years ago, today's thirty years.And a person like him who has a strong feudal parental style actually ignores Zhou Ping's marriage in his thirties.


"Thunderstorm" is a great tragedy of life, and it is the cruelty of fate to people.This script is undoubtedly successful.The character image is full, the story is twisted, and the characteristics of the characters are well expressed in conflict treatment.It can be said that "Thunderstorm" is really a talented work.



"Boom", a thunderstorm sprinkled from the sky, shocked, and could not help but remind people of the shocking work "Thunderstorm", thinking of Cao Yu, who left the valuable spiritual wealth for us, and thought of it with gratitude.Read it.


Four scenes, climax undulating, ups and downs.


In the first act, the dialogue between Si Feng and Lu Gui, Zhou Puyuan's conflict with Zhou Fanyi was particularly wonderful.Only greedy money, and Lu Gui, who was light personal feelings, was just for the dozens of dollars to make trouble with his daughter and forced Si Feng. If he did not give money, he would say what he pursued money with the young master.The author successfully shaped a lively character image of Oriental Grandai


Although Zhou Puyuan and Zhou Fanyi, although they are husband and wife, they have no feelings. Fan Yi took medicine for many years and was tired of eating.family.The author successfully shaped the image of a oppression person and the oppressed person.


In the second act, Zhou Puyuan met Lu Shiping.Zhou Puyuan met Lu Shiping at home. He did not know that he was Shi Ping, but just inquired about Shi Ping. Later, when he was dialogue, he knew that when Lu Shiping was standing in front of him, his attitude changed immediately.What do you do? "Later, she wanted to use money to send her away, but Shi Ping torn a check.The author successfully shaped a tragic image of being abandoned.


The third act is mainly about the conflict between Lu Gui and Lu Dahai in Lu Gui's house.


The fourth scene, the most exciting scene.Si Feng and Zhou Ping wanted to leave together. Shi Ping knew the truth and disagreed. With their hardship, Shi Ping had both hands and prayed that if he was punished by punishment for the morality of people, he would punish himself.Just let them go.Zhou Fanyi rushed out. Zhou Ping's conversation was crazy and called Zhou Puyuan. In the end, Zhou Puyuan said the truth. Zhou Ping stayed there, Si Feng rushed out, Zhou Chong followed him, accompanied by two screams screamingThe two died of electric shock, and Zhou Ping also drank himself.


The tragic ending gives people shocking and infinite imagination. It was a good love that developed to the ultimate death. This can only blame this decaying old system.It is the people born of this old system that leads to all this. People's hearts have been blackened by their interests. They only have money in their hearts. They are regarded as Lu Gui and Zhou Puyuan regardless of others.It is because of this that Lu Shiping and Si Feng, who have created tragedy, crazy Zhou Fanyi, and innocent Zhou Chong.


The author Cao Yu's book reveals the historical fate of the old system that will destroy the old system and entrusts deep sympathy for insulted and damaged people.Some people commented: The author's pursuit is the realm of "large integration", and he includes the essence of human drama.It is Shakespeare, Iboson, Chekhov, O'Neal's fusion, which is the fusion of Eastern literature and West.


We remember "Thunderstorm", and we must not forget his great author. We should read books with gratitude, and more than this, we should read millions of books with gratitude and be grateful to these great authors.



After watching "Thunderstorm" made me feel like the hot weather in August, it was very depressed. It seemed that something was as uncomfortable as if it was blocked on the chest.There are many thoughts, but they cannot be remitted into language.I am not qualified to comment on its own good or bad, I can only say that I read each chapter carefully like a taste life.Because it is life, it is full of contradictions and dramatic nature, and my analysis will appear pretentious.


I have seen the gentle withering of love, so I understand that the so -called innocent fairy tale, but it is just a trace of love passing through the heart like a fine grass.The soul that is lonely pursuing is under the huge shadow of the city. Every night when it comes to the extremely dotted night, the loss of freedom loves to hide in the corner of the corner. In the meditation, everything is doomed.It is doomed.


For Zhou Puyuan, full of sympathy and compassion. At the end of the drama alone, he was not a kind of loneliness and suffering. It is hard to imagine that a man can rush out of the house with his son's mother in his thirties and let him go out of his house. How can he know how to love? In my opinion It is the saddest person. And his nostalgia for old days seemed a bit ridiculous, it seemed too vivid-those furniture, those furnishings, those habits, and those photos and old memories. Some people say that people who do big things are informal. So do he want to throw his wife and abandon his son? I think that talents in the temperament of flesh and blood can truly achieve a career; some people say that men must sacrifice for their careers, but if the cost is sacrificed to the power of lover, the price is too great. If Shi Ping is the true love of Zhou Puyuan, in this drama, he never walked into Zhou Puyuan's heart. It was that he wouldn't want to make people walk in or not. I do n’t know if he has feelings, I do n’t know if he loves Shi Ping. He clearly sees his miss, but is stabbed by his ruthless words. I don’t know if he has the love of his children. I don't know if he had any guilt to Fan Yi, and kept asking her to ask her doctor but not understood her real cause ... I despise his cold blood, especially for the woman who accompanied him for a lifetime. For ordinary men, for the future, they have a little conscience, and they have a weak but have to be strong.


Zhou Chong was full of appreciation and admiration-he was full of vitality, he dared to love and hate.When loved, he was decisive, even if he was rejected, and generous, especially his kindness was moving.Even in today's society, he is full of personality and is a model for boys to learn.He is a person who can warm his soul, makes people full of hope for life, yearn for the future, and believe that beauty is not afraid of the present.


He didn't feel much about Zhou Ping, but he was fortunate to meet girls like Si Feng.Regarding Lu Gui, there is no other language except to despise. Living to him is a kind of sorrow in itself.


I appreciate Shi Ping, because of her tenacity, independence and attitude. It is hard to imagine that an unmarried woman is in love with a person who has a disobedient with her status without marriage and childhood under such a rigorous level concept and feudal oppression. She let me see the bravery of unprecedented women. She was like a flame burning for love, and his pursuit of love seemed to be obsessive and sighed. The belief in love was full of respect, so she was abandoned, and she was completely understandable by her despair that she was desperate when she was abandoned by a man. However, the wishes to let her stay in the earth to continue torture. I firmly believe that the living person needs courage and strength than death. She endured the contempt of the world, endured Lu Gui's blame, and survived firmly. However, life always turns inadvertently. After three decades, I met Zhou Puyuan, and I couldn't imagine how shocking her heart was. Until the end of the tragedy of her biological daughter and son, she made a decision to show a mother's selfless love and generosity and tolerance. She carried all the pain herself alone and accepted the punishment of fate. I don't sympathize with the sadness of her destiny at all. It is the suffering of fate that let me see such a great woman.


Fan Yi is the most innocent woman who has been involved in-the marriage of Zhou Puyuan first, and then the incest love with Zhou Ping.A woman who can't master her destiny is always endured ...


Sifeng naturally had her reasons for her to attract people. I started to understand why she liked Zhou Ping. I thought Zhou Chong's personality was more attractive.Think carefully that Zhou Chong was young and dynamic, and he might feel more like a friend or just a younger brother with him.And thirty -year -old Zhou Ping, although he was weak and tired, was trapped by life and destiny, he was decadent and helpless, but there were many men's maturity.This mature charm makes Si Feng more secure.Si Feng's vitality made Zhou Ping find the motivation of life, as if returning to the young years, with the motivation to move forward, and saw a beautiful future.Therefore, Zhou Ping will choose the independent and brave four phoenix instead of relying on and the same cowardly Fan Yi. She will be more complementary in personality.


Thinking of Fan Yi, the most skin -free woman who was injured by love in "Thunderstorm", Mr. Cao Yu commented on Fan Yi in the preface: "Fan Yi is the most compassionate woman, she does not repent, she is like a horsepower, the slightest horses, the slightest, the slightest Without hesitation, walking on a difficult walkway, she grabbed Zhou Ping without letting go, and wanted to pick up a bunch of broken dreams and came out of herself, because this road also caused death. " In the atmosphere of "Thunderstorm", Zhou Fanyi seemed to be the most reconciling. Her life was as white as electric fire, and it was as short as it was, emotional melancholy, and the situation. Her vitality also turned into black. She was the most "thunderstorm" hungry personality. Her life intertwined the most cruel love and the most unbearable hatred. Maybe love and hate were the themes to express in Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm". Zhou Puyuan, Lu Shiping, and even Zhou Ping, which is not all grudges and hatred, only Fan Yi commented on the interweaving of love and hate so vividly, Fanyi is like a flower blooming in the darkness, indifferent , Weird, glamorous, through the burned eyes, close into your soul, and find the resonance of the deep sea, I have to admire Fan Yi, she is the crazy woman, in the deep courtyard of the Zhou family The center of the thunderstorm of anger, she is a sinner and a victim. She has a heart that has been forgotten by love. For the past 18 years, she has been with a irritable husband.


It has long been like dead water. Zhou Puyuan does not love Fan Yi. A desert grave is already buried in his body. The tombstone is engraved with Lu Shiping's name. The tragedy has already begun. Of course, the grievances of Zhou Puyuan and Lu Shiping will not have only two sacrifices. Fan Yi itself is just an accident. From the fate to tease, it is pushed into the rain. Zhou Ping is not a love. Even if there is incest, Fan Yi has thrown Zhou Ping in the back. She is as courageous as God of War, and she has forgotten the true love of the vastness with the enthusiasm of her father. She has forgotten He is the wife of Zhou Puyuan, and Zhou Ping's stepmother, so he grabbed love disregarding everything. Zhou Ping was a sudden spring rain in his dry heart lake. She just made the last bus of love, waiting for the unknown point paranoid. She was full of fear and hatred for Zhou Puyuan, so she would cry alone late at night. The hot fierce fire made her burn without looking back. Fan Yi was really the most pitiful fool. She made the limit she could do, but she did not know that the life -saving straw she was caught in the warehouse was just a hollow straw, weak, weak, me, me, me, me Doubt whether the relationship between Zhou Ping and Fan Yi is equivalent to the price. From beginning to end, it seems that Fan Yi has paid too much. It is the most longing love, but it is also the most helpless hate. The edge of love and hate flows flowing. With the tears of weeping, there were many people who traced back in the whole life. I don't like Zhou Ping. I think he has never loved Zhou Ping for a day, because his cowardice is a courageous ghost. Based on this, he will never be worthy of Fan Yi. , Always regret the mistakes made by intuition in the past. "He admires his father. His father is in his opinion, except for a little stubborn and cold-but this is also what he likes, because both of these character he like No, he thinks he is wrong to deceive his father at that aspect, not because he loves his father (although he can't say he doesn't love), he thinks it is as despicable like a mouse in the lion and steal a bite and bite a bite. Action,


When he passed the intuitive and returned, he hated himself more poisonous, and felt that it was anti -humanity. All the pain of all sins was embraced on himself. He wanted to save himself. Force, no matter what, as long as he can help him, rescue him from the suffering of conflict, he is willing to find, he sees Si Feng, and then he feels that she is fresh and her "live". Things are full of flowing in the body of Si Feng. Gradually he hated all the gloomy women, the melancholy had eclipsed his heart, and he hated all the women who were educated and cultivated. He was faintly flowing in his heart, lurking, and he just followed his emotions. He couldn't dissect himself with rationality. He was afraid that he was afraid of his inner disability. He had to love four now. When Feng, he loves her to love her. He wants to forget himself. Zhou Ping is the person with the most complicated personality in the play. On the one hand, he cautiously fire under the shadow of his father, and on the other hand In the status quo, he was depressed and unwilling, and the rebellion of his father, a psychological revenge, involved him and his stepmother Fan Yi.



Life is like a drama, and the drama is like life. Zhou Puyuan in "Thunderstorm" probably can't think of it. Those who have been sacrificed for thirty years, the "Mrs. Zhou family" who has been dead will actually appear in the identity of her own servant mother.The ugly tragedy also gradually emerged its sorrow.


In real life, there are also many examples of such examples, but it is the only Zhou Puyuan wearing a hypocritical mask.I sympathize with him and live under such a distorted social gate concept, despite the pursuit of free love.But this is only abandoned by reality.In the reality, abandoning his wife, silent atonement for thirty years, blood also silent, and the membrane condensed into an impurities from the heart, leaving only the indifference of human nature.I pity him, love becomes capital, and does not live in memories without feelings.


But I don't agree with him. Poor the freedom and love he learned in Germany can not reach an empty home, a black paint that is dyed in human ugly minerals.In the past, the meeting of lovers also became benefits. The conscience sold by checks and the ignorance left by the check made people hateful, but it became so profitable. I despised him and thought of this only romance and thought so utilitarian.


The birth of Zhou Puyuan is also in this society, and the defeat is also in this society. He is a successful capitalist, but he is also a failed man.


He reminded me of a question: you can only choose one love and bread, what do you choose?I think I will make the correct answer I think, and the half -life repentance also knows myself. Life is not hesitant, and love cannot withstand our hesitation.


The life of the drama is sad, and I only look at the absurdity with pity.



"Home" is one of the trilogy. The author Ba Jin has created many lively and flesh -and -blood characters with his skilled artistic means.


Home is a symbol of love and warmth, but the big family described in "Home" is not so warm and harmonious.Reading "Home", I have a lot of emotions with the characters in the book.


The author reflects society with the words and deeds of the four generations of the Gao family.Master Gao is my most disliked character.In the context of his arrogance and ruthlessness, in the context of the progress of the times and the continuous enthusiasm of the new ideas, he was stubborn and kept in feudal dogma. In order to establish his absolute authority in the family, he opposed Juexin and others to pursue progress; dictatorship and marriage caused, causing autocratic marriage, resulting in the autocratic marriage, resulting in the autocratic marriage.Juexin and others' love tragedies; despise human rights, treat the servants as if they must have grass and mustard ... It is undeniable that he is not a real wicked. From the details, he is really concerned about the descendants. Although he is pedantic and old, he does not have feudal rule.Ambition.


Jue Xin, Jue Min and Juehui have very different personality characteristics.They all pursued progress and tried to break away from feudal oppression, but finally embarked on a completely different path.Jue Xin was forced by identity and had to give up his pursuit. It can be seen that his cowardly part in his character, but as a victim, he adheres to the trial of struggling with mirrorism and unlimited resistance. Such a tragedy life makes people regretful;Thought, but swaying in the old and resistance, fortunately the help of Jue Xin and Jue Hui, kept the only love among the three brothers; Jue Hui had a firm idea of progress. He dared to resist, successfully escaped his home, broke through the feudal systemThe oppression, he lost love at that time.


There are also many female characters in the book. They are both women, and I am saddened by their ending. Mei Fen had to be separated from Juexin under the oppression of the elders. She also became a widow early. After the love defeat, she became a lack of ambition. In the end, the blood died of blood; Rui Yu was a gentle and kind woman. She longed for a new life. She married the new life and the words of her parents, and the identity of Gao's parents and Sun Ying made her have to maintain the feudal feudal. Ritual and religion, but after the death of Gao Gao, Rui Yu, who was pregnant, was persecuted by feudal thoughts and rushed to the suburbs, and then it was difficult to die. The differences have shrunk, but by Master Gao Gao to marry Feng Leshan as a concubine. , But her happiness comes from her dare to resist. She pursues freedom and equality and boldly strives for personalized liberation. In a social environment with low status, what she does symbolizes the liberation and rise of women.


The feudal system can't hold back the progress of thought, and the decaying society will eventually occur under the progress of the times.As Ba Jin said, "Life is not a tragedy, but a fight" dare to resist. After all, we can conquer suffering, usher in a warm and beautiful life, and embrace the warm and harmonious home!



Not long ago, I watched the drama of "Thunderstorm". I didn't have much interest in thunderstorms. I felt that it was just a sinful society.However, after careful reading, I found out that what Mr. Cao Yu really wanted to express was the struggle and distortion of human nature in the dark society in the crisis, which was the contradiction and conflict of that era.


"Thunderstorm" describes the collapse of a big family. Zhou Puyuan is the ruler of this feudal family and a capitalist. His wife Fan Yi felt depressed and distressed, and had an ambiguous relationship with Ji Zi Zhou Ping. The influence of a certain bourgeois democratic thought and lack of courage to resist the cowardice, selfish, want to get rid of the unpopular relationship with the stepmother, and fall in love with the youthful maid, who is full of youthful vitality, and the son of Fan Yi Zhou Chong also After falling in love with Si Feng, because of jealousy, Fan Yi informed Si Feng's mother Shi Ping to lead Sicfeng. Shi Ping was the maid who was seduced by Zhou Puyuan for him 30 years ago to have two sons, and then abandoned. She is Zhou Ping's biological mother, and Lu Dahai, who was taken away by her, was working on Zhou Puyuan's mine. As a representative of a strike worker, he fought against Zhou Pu gardens to face it ... In the afternoon of the afternoon of "the weather is gloomy, more hot, low -humid, and humid air, Zhou Ping and Si Feng finally knew that they were the same mother and sister. In order to save Si Feng unfortunately, Zhou Ping committed suicide, and the kind Lu Ma was dementia. The despair of Fan Yi was crazy.


Cao Yu once said: "The theme of" Thunderstorm "is not based on the theme of moral corruption and incest, nor is it written by cause and effect.Chinese families and society ---- "Yeah," Thunderstorm "comes from the struggle that various people are shown by the collapse of this society, which is also the success of thunderstorms.


Zhou Puyuan is the central figure of the entire drama and the beginning of sin.He used many despicable channels to obtain unrighteous wealth, and also revealed the evil nature of that social capitalist.Zhou Ping's growth was deeply influenced by his father. He admired his father and liked his father's coldness and stubbornness, because this was what he did not, he was a weak person, he dare not face his place in his placeThe fault that committed will only escape blindly, and eventually bring deeper pain to others and themselves.Even if he found the love he wanted to pursue, he had never dared to confess to his father. When he really wanted to let go, the truth also surfaced, and he couldn't bear to die.


In fact, in this whole drama, my favorite is Fan Yi. She is a woman who has received new education. She is also courageous to resist Feng Jianli.After 18 years of depression and loneliness, until she met Zhou Ping, her uncontrollable enthusiasm and strength in her heart made her desperately decided, and she had the courage to fight with all the power that restrained her.Unfortunately, the reality was cruel, and the darkness eventually shrouded her and pushed it to the abyss of collapse.


The stories of that era are destined to be tragedy. The darkness of society has already devoured every beauty, and people's character has long been distorted.When we now experience that era from thunderstorms, there are still millions of sorrows hovering between words, maybe this is what Mr. Cao Yu really wants to experience the readers.



Life always experiences countless tragedies, and the biggest is the ruthless fate, and a big joke for the obsessed people.


Mo Pangsan once said: "How strange life is, how changeable is it, it can be a whole, or to corrupt you!" The plot of the drama is just like the topic. Before the rainy rain, the clouds are dense, the sky is getting more and more gloomy.The atmosphere is getting more and more depressing. When the dull depression is about to suffocate, the sky is scratched by lightning, everything is clear, and everything has come out of the water.At this time, I felt like I finally took a breath, but at this moment, I found that I opened my eyes and stood by the cliffs of Wanzhang. The mind was empty. It was also the limit that our moral ethics could bear.


In the absurdity, Zhou Ping and Fan Yi's incest have challenged our moral ethics view; Zhou Puyuan and Lu Shiping, real couples, fake affection, 18 years of the same bed together, two hot body, with two hot body.There are two cold hearts adjacent. In the dream, they miss love, but they never see each other in the dream.The grave of this marriage made us feel depressed; look at the love of Si Feng and Zhou Ping, and the seemingly dry fire love, at the end, it is known that the sin fate of the predecessors and servants is helpless, which makes us feel helpless.


Everyone has their own hidden experience, and everyone's secret experience is challenging our moral bottom line.When coincidence, misunderstanding, plus the ridiculous fate, everyone’s secret is a claim. In the end, everyone faces each other, the sings have surfaced, and the chains are detained together.Zhang Dayang covered Zhou and Lu's two people, secrets and terrible, hypocrisy and incest, many challenges stood in front of us, causing our hearts to be extremely heavy, the moral bottom line collapsed, and the psychological extreme was extreme.Step in.


The secret is no longer a secret. After the veil is revealed, it is a debt and a tragedy.


Speaking of tragedy, Fan Yi has to be the most tragic one.Maybe some people say that she does not keep the woman's way and has a ambiguous relationship with her own generation; maybe some people say that she is hot and spicy, and piercing Ping's hypocrisy in Ping and Feng privately; maybe someone says that she is psychologically infatuated, in order to save herself that she has been lost.The passion of love actually made his son's son compete with his brother to fight for Sicin.But is this all her fault? Her dull and gloomy, her infatuation is crazy, her unsatisfactory personality, all the tragedies she causes are oppressed by the dark house?Caused her inner gloom, and the deformity of the family style caused her character to be malformed.


Watching Fanyi dressed in cheongsam, pink fluttering, and pacing in the room, her body was so noble and dignified.It can be imagined that if she did not get involved in this scam.Fan Yi, who could have lived the life of the young lady, is accustomed to domineering, but at least she lives her own.Perhaps because of a rich door, she has formed a arrogant and precious personality, dignity and noble, so that she never bowed her head to fate and never confess to failure.As the wife of Zhou Ziyuan, her house must be arranged to be arranged in the format of the so -called "late" ex -wife. She is jealous and dissatisfied; as a mistress of Zhou Ping, she has experienced this young master's discarding her stepmother.After looking for the happiness of overnight; as the master of Si Feng, she heard that Ping actually loved her in private with Si Feng. She hated and hated her face to sweep the floor.As Zhou Chong's mother, I heard that the younger son fell in love with the servant of the family, and Fan Yi felt that her family identity was greatly humiliated.


A woman cannot tolerate the humiliation of the two generations.


"I want to go out, I want to break away from this cage!" In this way, in order to live in the world, a hedgehog was pulled out of the thorns of the whole body, and the blood flowed outside.The last dignity.


A heart died, and under the bright appearance, the soul had already withered.


th.Wenting heart thirst for water nourishment, even the pouring of poisons is unsatisfactory.Zhou Ping's appearance opened a window for Fan Yi's life.It was just fleeting fresh, but Fan Yi regarded it as an exit of alive, and seduced the ridiculous seductive as love.


This is a love ending love.The beginning of love went straight to crushing.


"Fultil, your name is a woman." The stupid Fan Yi, he tried to escape from this narrow window, you can jump out, but the abyss outside.


Sinking in the abyss, death, and corruption of human nature.


The wild wind and rain, blowing the humorous humanity, the lightning flashes thunder, I can't wait to show this sin, with this dirt and depression.


"The world is thin, the human emotion is evil, and the rain will be easy to drop the dusk.


The horns are cold, the night is mountains, and the night is afraid of asking people, and tears."


Thunderstorm, wash it.Washing the dirty injustice, and the flowing and turbid past.


After the thunderstorm, the rainbow in the sky still shows purity.



Cao Yu (1910-1996), formerly known as Wanjiabao, was born in the declined old officer family. The home is filled with opium smoke all day. It will always be the dim and depression of the afternoon, the author of the authoritarian father, the abandoned brother ... such a life scene, in the heart of Cao Yu, who has received the influence of the new trend of May 4th in the future, is destined to arouse the permanent breath and curse emotions. Mother and tone of the play. The Nankai Middle School, which Cao Yong, has always had a tradition of acting, and eventually attracted him to the art path to the master of theater. Under the guidance of the teacher Zhang Pengchun, Cao Yong not only acted on Taiwan, but also rewritten the script. From Iboson's "National Enemies", "Nala", Golswood's "Fight" to Hopteman's "" "Weaving Workers", from Mori's "Moisture" to Chinese drama writers Chen Da -si and Ding Xilin ... between 15 and 20 years old, there are not many dramas played by Cao Yu. Teacher Zhang Pengchun will also A set of English version of "Complete Works of Iboson" was given to him for study. During the Western language department of Tsinghua University, Cao Yu recalled that there was a period of time, it can be said that the time was put in the western script early and evening.

Cao Yu (1910-1996), formerly known as Wanjiabao, was born in the declined old officer family. The home is filled with opium smoke all day. It will always be the dim and depression of the afternoon, the author of the authoritarian father, the abandoned brother ... such a life scene, in the heart of Cao Yu, who has received the influence of the new trend of May 4th in the future, is destined to arouse the permanent breath and curse emotions. Mother and tone of the play. The Nankai Middle School, which Cao Yong, has always had a tradition of acting, and eventually attracted him to the art path to the master of theater. Under the guidance of the teacher Zhang Pengchun, Cao Yong not only acted on Taiwan, but also rewritten the script. From Iboson's "National Enemies", "Nala", Golswood's "Fight" to Hopteman's "" "Weaving Workers", from Mori's "Moisture" to Chinese drama writers Chen Da -si and Ding Xilin ... between 15 and 20 years old, there are not many dramas played by Cao Yu. Teacher Zhang Pengchun will also A set of English version of "Complete Works of Iboson" was given to him for study. During the Western language department of Tsinghua University, Cao Yu recalled that there was a period of time, it can be said that the time was put in the western script early and evening.


In 1993, Cao Yu wrote "Thunderstorm". At that time, he was 23 years old and was a student of Tsinghua University.

In 1993, Cao Yu wrote "Thunderstorm". At that time, he was 23 years old and was a student of Tsinghua University.


"Thunderstorm" shows a great tragedy of life, which is the cruelty of fate.Authoritative, hypocritical parents, enthusiastic and simple youths, charming women who are crazy by love, hate sin, but do not know the sin, who committed greater sin, as well as the secrets of the family, the secret of life, all of thisEverything broke out in a thunderstorm night.The guilty, innocent people moved towards destruction together.Cao Yu vent his anger and slander Chinese families and society in a crazy way of crazy thunderstorms.

"Thunderstorm" shows a great tragedy of life, which is the cruelty of fate.Authoritative, hypocritical parents, enthusiastic and simple youths, charming women who are crazy by love, hate sin, but do not know the sin, who committed greater sin, as well as the secrets of the family, the secret of life, all of thisEverything broke out in a thunderstorm night.The guilty, innocent people moved towards destruction together.Cao Yu vent his anger and slander Chinese families and society in a crazy way of crazy thunderstorms.


"Thunderstorm" successfully shaped the characters in the play.When watching "Thunderstorm", there was a feeling of knowing each other. At the end of last year, a huge domestic film "Full of Golden Armor" was released across the country at the same time. The response was very large.When I heard that director Zhang Yimou was going to make a movie similar to Shakespeare's "Hamlet", he thought that the work would be like Shakespeare's style, poetry and painting, and there must be very classic. After watching "Golden Armor" this yearIt seems that it seems to be like "Thunderstorm", and I think that "golden armor" is not a classic movie. Wherever you go, there is no breakthrough in the plot.The response of all sectors of society.

"Thunderstorm" successfully shaped the characters in the play.When watching "Thunderstorm", there was a feeling of knowing each other. At the end of last year, a huge domestic film "Full of Golden Armor" was released across the country at the same time. The response was very large.When I heard that director Zhang Yimou was going to make a movie similar to Shakespeare's "Hamlet", he thought that the work would be like Shakespeare's style, poetry and painting, and there must be very classic. After watching "Golden Armor" this yearIt seems that it seems to be like "Thunderstorm", and I think that "golden armor" is not a classic movie. Wherever you go, there is no breakthrough in the plot.The response of all sectors of society.


A good book, good focus is not just beautiful words; a good movie, good focus is not just a special visual effect.

A good book, good focus is not just beautiful words; a good movie, good focus is not just a special visual effect.


When watching the preface of "Thunderstorm", it may be clear that the background of the entire story may be clear. About the age, the characters, characters, and the results of the story are like watching the promotional video before the movie.However, after watching the scene of every plot of "Thunderstorm", there is a kind of urge to continue watching. This kind of feelings that people want to continue watching.The attractiveness of the invisibleness allows readers to read the ideas that they want to watch. A good script can also be seen after the prompts.work.

When watching the preface of "Thunderstorm", it may be clear that the background of the entire story may be clear. About the age, the characters, characters, and the results of the story are like watching the promotional video before the movie.However, after watching the scene of every plot of "Thunderstorm", there is a kind of urge to continue watching. This kind of feelings that people want to continue watching.The attractiveness of the invisibleness allows readers to read the ideas that they want to watch. A good script can also be seen after the prompts.work.


Of course, I have not watched a movie or drama made by the script made of "Thunderstorm", so I don't know what the effect of "Thunderstorm" is the effect, but Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" script is indeed a good script.The script is good, so I think, the effect of the performance must not be bad! But if a script plot is not tight enough, it is not convincing enough to be called a good work, so no matter how good the visual effect is, it is just that, but this is not the case.Essence

Of course, I have not watched a movie or drama made by the script made of "Thunderstorm", so I don't know what the effect of "Thunderstorm" is the effect, but Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" script is indeed a good script.The script is good, so I think, the effect of the performance must not be bad! But if a script plot is not tight enough, it is not convincing enough to be called a good work, so no matter how good the visual effect is, it is just that, but this is not the case.Essence


Therefore, I hope that Chinese films will have a good momentum in the new year, and also hope that Chinese movies will create more brilliant. I hope that Chinese films have more plots and content, so that we are the audiences who look forward to good movies.

Therefore, I hope that Chinese films will have a good momentum in the new year, and also hope that Chinese movies will create more brilliant. I hope that Chinese films have more plots and content, so that we are the audiences who look forward to good movies.



From the perspective of the reader, "Thunderstorm" is mainly manifested in the emotional infection brought by the summoning structure. This kind of infectious power comes from the ethical conflict that runs through the text, including the disorders of the mother and child relationship, the siblings of siblings, the tension of father and son relationship, and the tension of father and son relationship.The opposition of brother relationship, the pursuit and retaliation of Fan Yi, and so on.


"The sun is rising, and the darkness stays behind. The sun is not us, we are going to sleep ..." The description of Cao Yu in "Sunrise" revealed the tragic fate of women at the bottom.Knowledge woman Chen Bailu has the pursuit of love and hope of life, but the darkness of reality has eventually become fallen and death. Her briefly described the history of social morality in that era.



Cao Yu (1910-1996), formerly known as Wanjiabao, was born in the declined old officer family. The home is filled with opium smoke all day. It will always be the dim and depression of the afternoon, the author of the authoritarian father, the abandoned brother ... such a life scene, in the heart of Cao Yu, who has received the influence of the new trend of May 4th in the future, is destined to arouse the permanent breath and curse emotions. Mother and tone of the play. The Nankai Middle School, which Cao Yong, has always had a tradition of acting, and eventually attracted him to the art path to the master of theater. Under the guidance of the teacher Zhang Pengchun, Cao Yong not only acted on Taiwan, but also rewritten the script. From Iboson's "National Enemies", "Nala", Golswood's "Fight" to Hopteman's "" "Weaving Workers", from Mori's "Moisture" to Chinese drama writers Chen Da -si and Ding Xilin ... between 15 and 20 years old, there are not many dramas played by Cao Yu. Teacher Zhang Pengchun will also A set of English version of "Complete Works of Iboson" was given to him for study. During the Western language department of Tsinghua University, Cao Yu recalled that there was a period of time, it can be said that the time was put in the western script early and evening.

Cao Yu (1910-1996), formerly known as Wanjiabao, was born in the declined old officer family. The home is filled with opium smoke all day. It will always be the dim and depression of the afternoon, the author of the authoritarian father, the abandoned brother ... such a life scene, in the heart of Cao Yu, who has received the influence of the new trend of May 4th in the future, is destined to arouse the permanent breath and curse emotions. Mother and tone of the play. The Nankai Middle School, which Cao Yong, has always had a tradition of acting, and eventually attracted him to the art path to the master of theater. Under the guidance of the teacher Zhang Pengchun, Cao Yong not only acted on Taiwan, but also rewritten the script. From Iboson's "National Enemies", "Nala", Golswood's "Fight" to Hopteman's "" "Weaving Workers", from Mori's "Moisture" to Chinese drama writers Chen Da -si and Ding Xilin ... between 15 and 20 years old, there are not many dramas played by Cao Yu. Teacher Zhang Pengchun will also A set of English version of "Complete Works of Iboson" was given to him for study. During the Western language department of Tsinghua University, Cao Yu recalled that there was a period of time, it can be said that the time was put in the western script early and evening.


In 1993, Cao Yu wrote "Thunderstorm". At that time, he was 23 years old and was a student of Tsinghua University.

In 1993, Cao Yu wrote "Thunderstorm". At that time, he was 23 years old and was a student of Tsinghua University.


"Thunderstorm" shows a great tragedy of life, which is the cruelty of fate.Authoritative, hypocritical parents, enthusiastic and simple youths, charming women who are crazy by love, hate sin, but do not know the sin, who committed greater sin, as well as the secrets of the family, the secret of life, all of thisEverything broke out in a thunderstorm night.The guilty, innocent people moved towards destruction together.Cao Yu vent his anger and slander Chinese families and society in a crazy way of crazy thunderstorms.

"Thunderstorm" shows a great tragedy of life, which is the cruelty of fate.Authoritative, hypocritical parents, enthusiastic and simple youths, charming women who are crazy by love, hate sin, but do not know the sin, who committed greater sin, as well as the secrets of the family, the secret of life, all of thisEverything broke out in a thunderstorm night.The guilty, innocent people moved towards destruction together.Cao Yu vent his anger and slander Chinese families and society in a crazy way of crazy thunderstorms.


"Thunderstorm" successfully shaped the characters in the play.When watching "Thunderstorm", there was a feeling of knowing each other. At the end of last year, a huge domestic film "Full of Golden Armor" was released across the country at the same time. The response was very large.When I heard that director Zhang Yimou was going to make a movie similar to Shakespeare's "Hamlet", he thought that the work would be like Shakespeare's style, poetry and painting, and there must be very classic. After watching "Golden Armor" this yearIt seems that it seems to be like "Thunderstorm", and I think that "golden armor" is not a classic movie. Wherever you go, there is no breakthrough in the plot.The response of all sectors of society.

"Thunderstorm" successfully shaped the characters in the play.When watching "Thunderstorm", there was a feeling of knowing each other. At the end of last year, a huge domestic film "Full of Golden Armor" was released across the country at the same time. The response was very large.When I heard that director Zhang Yimou was going to make a movie similar to Shakespeare's "Hamlet", he thought that the work would be like Shakespeare's style, poetry and painting, and there must be very classic. After watching "Golden Armor" this yearIt seems that it seems to be like "Thunderstorm", and I think that "golden armor" is not a classic movie. Wherever you go, there is no breakthrough in the plot.The response of all sectors of society.


A good book, good focus is not just beautiful words; a good movie, good focus is not just a special visual effect.

A good book, good focus is not just beautiful words; a good movie, good focus is not just a special visual effect.


When watching the preface of "Thunderstorm", it may be clear that the background of the entire story may be clear. About the age, the characters, characters, and the results of the story are like watching the promotional video before the movie.However, after watching the scene of every plot of "Thunderstorm", there is a kind of urge to continue watching. This kind of feelings that people want to continue watching.The attractiveness of the invisibleness allows readers to read the ideas that they want to watch. A good script can also be seen after the prompts.work.

When watching the preface of "Thunderstorm", it may be clear that the background of the entire story may be clear. About the age, the characters, characters, and the results of the story are like watching the promotional video before the movie.However, after watching the scene of every plot of "Thunderstorm", there is a kind of urge to continue watching. This kind of feelings that people want to continue watching.The attractiveness of the invisibleness allows readers to read the ideas that they want to watch. A good script can also be seen after the prompts.work.


Of course, I have not watched a movie or drama made by the script made of "Thunderstorm", so I don't know what the effect of "Thunderstorm" is the effect, but Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" script is indeed a good script.The script is good, so I think, the effect of the performance must not be bad! But if a script plot is not tight enough, it is not convincing enough to be called a good work, so no matter how good the visual effect is, it is just that, but this is not the case.Essence

Of course, I have not watched a movie or drama made by the script made of "Thunderstorm", so I don't know what the effect of "Thunderstorm" is the effect, but Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" script is indeed a good script.The script is good, so I think, the effect of the performance must not be bad! But if a script plot is not tight enough, it is not convincing enough to be called a good work, so no matter how good the visual effect is, it is just that, but this is not the case.Essence


Therefore, I hope that Chinese films will have a good momentum in the new year, and also hope that Chinese movies will create more brilliant. I hope that Chinese films have more plots and content, so that we are the audiences who look forward to good movies.

Therefore, I hope that Chinese films will have a good momentum in the new year, and also hope that Chinese movies will create more brilliant. I hope that Chinese films have more plots and content, so that we are the audiences who look forward to good movies.



A few days ago, the literary class admired Mr. Cao Yu's famous drama "Thunderstorm", which made me feel a lot.


I believe most people, like me, the most hate is Zhou Puyuan.Zhou Puyuan -everyone in the Zhou family, the source of the whole tragedy.As a capitalist of an old society, his words and deeds show the profitable and insidious character.In the labor disputes with Lu Dahai, in the love and hatred with Shi Ping, they are the best interpretations.Beware of Shi Ping, who was thinking, stood in front of him. What he felt was not joy, but subconsciously felt that Shi Ping came to extort him, fearing that she would come to count the old account, and worried that his reputation and property would be threatened.Such an obvious attitude exposed his capitalist's face, and his distinctive personality jumped on the paper.


The most sympathy for me is Fan Yi. I have seen love gently to wither, and I understand that the so -called innocent fairy tales are just when a trace of affection crosses the heart like a fine grass, and people do not show their lies. Fan Yi is the most decent person who was injured in "Thunderstorm". In the courtyard of the Zhou family, Zhou Puyuan has always missed his Shi Ping. Although he married her, he did not give her any care, and even thought she was sick. She asked her to go to the room every day. The love of her love is also her spiritual sustenance. He has been regretting relationships with his post -mother -in -law when he was young. He has always wanted to get rid of Fan Yi. No matter how Fan Yi put down his body to ask him, he was willing to share him with Si Feng. , None of them can retain Zhou Ping. A woman who is deeply restricted by the Jianjian etiquette, for love, can bravely express my feelings regardless of ethics, regardless of ethics, regardless of ethics, disregard the world, and pursues bravely. To do so for love. Mr. Cao Yu once commented: Fan Yi is the most compassionate woman. She does not repent. She is like a stubborn horse and does not hesitate to step on a difficult walkway. The crushed dream rescued himself because this road also caused death. Fan Yi is like a flower blooming silently at night. It is indifferent, weird, passing through the burned eyes, in line with your soul, looking for the resonance of the deep sea.



This thunderstorm has been under the thunderstorm for more than thirty years. The history of blood and tears in these years is enough to flood the nature of a person, and it is enough to change the life of a person.


The thunderbolt was shocking, and he showed the unyielding shout of the old society about emancipating the mind. This rain was permeated in the world. He used his own flesh to prove the tenaciousness and unavoidation of the new thoughts.Old things, let the fresh sunshine shine on the earth, let the spring breeze of reform and opening up go to bathe countless people who are immersed in the darkness. It is really a thunder to tear the sky to break the clouds and spray the beings!


Zhou Puyuan, he gave up his feelings because of the pressure of the family and hurt the flawless heart of a pure woman. His life is not alive, even if he marry a wife and have children, he cannot change his puppet -like life.Without the life of personal control, he must be incomplete and regrettable. Even if he has a gorgeous appearance, a luxurious family.


Therefore, the arrival of fate is unchanged. This thunderstorm is that he should hit. Lu Dahai's workers' movement is like a wake -up clock.Division has challenged. Although Lu Dahai, as the son of Zhou Puyuan, was oppressed by capitalism since childhood, the kind of life was unacceptable.


Thunderstorms, not only tore up the feudal darkness, he is more pouring all the tears of farmers' friends, so that those capitalists can see how violently these tears in exchange for flesh and blood areEssence


When the workers standing at the construction site were knocking on the steel bars, the rain from the depths of the soul suddenly made them understand that this society should be equal and republic.Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that when people are alive, they die. Shi Ping, the servant who lives in the Zhou family, has no right to speak as the bottom.When she was abandoned, her heart was dead.


However, there is no end to the road, and the operation of Lu Dahai's birth to reform, bringing hope to the mother in the middle -aged and elderly, that is the light behind the thunder to tear the light of Wuyun.This hopes to survive.


In contrast, Zhou Puyuan has been standing at the pinnacle of the family. The glory is enough to let him blow himself, but in fact, his wife and biological son actually have an improper relationship.Money to make up for the unwavering wound, it was really compassionate and compassionate, and then the thunderous sound completely turned him into a living dead, and the next heavy rain continued to his despair.


Thunderstorm, he not only purified the world, his most valuable is to sublimate it!



I have seen the gentle withering of love before I understand the so -called innocent fairy tales, but this is when a trace of love passing through the heart like a fine grass, a lie that people do not show each other.In the world, everything is doomed forever.However, "Thunderstorm" vividly describes everything, describes the evil of feudal rule, and describes the nature of feudal society.It allows the sin of the bourgeoisie to expose in the sun, allowing us to better understand the happiness of life now.


The character image in "Thunderstorm" must be mentioned first. He is a representative of the feudal bourgeoisie: at home, to create "the most successful and orderly family"; in the company, he repaired the river bridge and deliberately called the Jiang embankment to appear.A lot of small workers were drowned once, and he was to get three hundred oceans from the lives of each small worker. As Lu Dahai said, "Zhou Puyuan's originality is the wealth of the son -in -law."In the face of Yan Yi and Shi Ping, he even showed his cold and ugly hypocritical face.It is disgusting and angry.Then I had to mention Si Feng.


She seemed to repeat her mother's back road, but she had to bear greater pressure.On the one hand, her mother was worried, and on the other hand, her relationship with Zhou Ping was the abyss of her jumping tragedy.This is the reason that Si Feng cannot face, and the product of the sinful society.Mention Zhou Ping, I want to express my view.


I don't like Zhou Ping. I think he never loves to have been in love for a day, because his cowardice is a courageous ghost. Based on this, he can never love boldly.He only had endless regrets, and he always regretted the mistakes made by intuition in the past. "He admires his father. His father is in his opinion, except for a little stubborn and cold -but this is also what he likes, because this is also what he likes, because this is also what he likes, because this is also what he likes, because this is also what he likes becauseHe did not have both character. He felt that it was wrong to deceive his father at that aspect, not because he loved his father. He felt that this was despicable.Action. However, Zhou Ping did not fully deepen the subject, but Zhou Chong's death made the theme more deepening. A young man with a heavy dream of dreams lost his life in order to pursue a good love. This is really cruel! ""The deepest impression of me is Zhou Yiyi in the thunderstorm. She is a representative of an old Chinese woman. She has her weakness, her mourning, and her bright wisdom.


——The hobby of poetry.But she also has her wildness but only compromise with powerful feudal pressure. Her perceive character is also distorted by the environment.However, in the atmosphere of "Thunderstorm", Zhou Yiyi was the most reconciling. Her life was as white as electric fire, and it was as short as it was, emotional and hot, and in the situation.At that time, her vitality also turned into black. She was the most "thunderstorm" character. Her life intertwined the most cruel love and the most unbearable hate.Theme. Cao Yu's poem about "Thunderstorm" says this: I am a person who can't calm down.


However, the emotional "Thunderstorm" is a kind of mysterious attraction to me, a kind of magic that grasps my soul.Writing "Thunderstorm" makes an emotional urgent need."Thunderstorm" I taste, think ...



The writer of Ba Jin is really a well -known family. Chinese writers, translators, and non -party patriotic democrats are a great great literary man. The famous writer Bi Shumin once evaluated Mr. Ba Jin: "He is a great oneThe writer, his integrity and glory, including his proposal to build the *** memorial, let the entire nation reflect on and self -reflection, and let us admire. I want to learn from Ba Lao, be a conscience writer. Learning him is a kind of conscience.The spiritual flame inheritance. "This shows how much Mr. Ba Jin's old man is!Today, I also read his work- "Records".


In the book "Wanting Records", Mr. Ba Jin recalled the ten years that he couldn't bear to look back.This book is divided into two aspects. On the one hand, the debt of the wrong words, on the other hand, the nostalgia for the old people. He uses extremely sharp writing and rich and interesting language to express his devotion to the wrong things that has done wrong.; He is "Zhou Zhangshou Second". Like the Republic of China, Zhou Zhangshou, the Republic of China violently criticized the numb thoughts of feudal society and criticized the shackles in the hearts of our Chinese -slavery.


After reading this book, I understand the truth that has endless use of life: If people cannot learn from the wrong lessons in the past, then people can only make mistakes again and again, and constantly fall in the same place in the same placecountless times.If people cannot dare to face their own mistakes and have no courage to admit their mistakes, then this approach is actually tantamount to covering the truth; only if they are courageous to admit their mistakes, and learn from the past mistakes, and then they can learn from experience before they can get experience before they can learn from experience before they can learn from experience.You can slowly move towards the road of success.This is not just confirming that Premier Zhou Enlai's famous saying "Fear of mistakes is to destroy progress! Covering errors is to avoid the truth!"?If everyone does not have the courage to admit their mistakes and cannot obtain experience from failure, then human society will not only improve, on the contrary, it may also go backwards!


There must be the courage to admit the mistakes -this is the inspiration that Mr. Ba Jin's "Handling Records" brought to me in his life, which is one of the philosophies of our human progress.



1、有感:有感读音为yǒu gǎn,是指有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”有感 yǒu gǎn词语解释:有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”分词解释:感受:①受到(影响);接受:感受风寒。②接触外界事物得到的影响;体会:生活感受ㄧ看到经济特区全面迅速的发展,感受很深。关外:指山海关以东或嘉峪关以西一带地区。出关:1.出关口;到塞外。 2.谓和尚或佛教信徒坐饿关结束。江乡:多江河的地方。多指江南水乡。感触:跟外界事物接触而引起思想情绪:他对此事很有感触ㄧ旧地重游,感触万端。...有感怎么造句,用有感造句»

2、雷雨:雷雨读音为léi yǔ,是指伴有雷电的雨,多发生在夏天的下午。 雷电交作而降雨雷雨 léi yǔ词语意思:伴有雷电的雨,多发生在夏天的下午。[thunderstorm] 雷电交作而降雨分词解释:多发:发生率较高的:多发病ㄧ事故多发地段。下午:从正午十二点到半夜十二点的一段时间,一般指从正午十二点后到日落的一段时间。夏天:夏季。雷电:雷和闪电的合称。...雷雨怎么造句,用雷雨造句»