A weekend that is ordinary, but on this day, I understand a flatter, but it makes me understand a lot ...
In the early summer, the brilliant sun was sprinkled with the ground, a green grass was rolling, and a vitality ...
I was scattered in the garden comfortably. Suddenly, a thin figure of "selling flowers" entered my eyes.But seeing a teenage girl wearing a big unchanged bright red top coat, a pair of broken denim pants underneath, a thin body in large clothes and pants, as if a breeze can be able toBlack her, her long hair, thin, not very shiny, her skin was slightly darkened by the hot sun, but her big pair of watery eyes seemed to speak.She was holding a bunch of flowers to see passers -by in a bunch of flowers. At this time, I clearly see a kind of expectation from her eyes, as if not afraid of hardships, rolling grass, looking forward to vitality ...How old is she?Why sell flowers?I thought silently.
For a moment, a "ah" sound got rid of my mood. When he turned his head, it turned out that a little boy was squeezed out by a partner who was playing on the stone. For a moment, his legs were drained with tricky blood. At this moment, some children were frightened, some were frightened, and some were called adults. Seeing blood because I am amazed. At this time, the "selling flower girl" learned to let go of the flowers, and quickly ran in the past, hugged the little boy, and told him: "It's okay, my sister to accompany you to the hospital." Turn to God because I immediately, because I immediately immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I immediately, because I immediately, I immediately, because I was immediately. To help, the paper was pressed on the wound, the blood splashed red, and the sweat wet her whole body. She smiled at me, a pair of faint pear vortex reflected on her face, and it was beautiful. Everyone rushed to the hospital, and she quickly shouted the doctor. The doctor solved the wound of the little boy's leg. He said quietly: "Just skin trauma, disinfect sterilization and bundle it, 9 yuan for medical expenses." He hesitated a little, quickly took out the money of one yuan from his pants pocket, and counted nine to the doctor. After a while, the little boy's father and mother came ... but she ran away like a lamb. What I suddenly thought of and chased her back and ran out. Tall and big ...
1、始终:始终读音为shǐ zhōng,是指①自始至终:宠敬日隆,始终无衰|贯串始终。②副词。表示从头到尾持续不变:她始终不愿意嫁给纨裤子弟|球队始终保持不败的记录。始终 shǐ zhōng词语解释:①自始至终:宠敬日隆,始终无衰|贯串始终。②副词。表示从头到尾持续不变:她始终不愿意嫁给纨裤子弟|球队始终保持不败的记录。分词解释:不变:1.常用于诗或古文,可以意味不变的恒常性或稳定性。 2.使…不发生不合心意的改变。 3.使 [某物]不再改变。自始至终:从开始到末了。表示一贯到底。球队:参加球类比赛(如板球赛、足球赛等)的一方队员。从头到尾:从开头到结尾。指某件事物的全过程或全部内容。持续:延续;继续:持续很长时间|还将持续|产量持续增长。...始终怎么造句,用始终造句»
2、康乃馨:康乃馨读音为kāng nǎi xīn,是指学名叫“香石竹”英(CARNATION)。为多年生草本植物,茎直立,丛生,叶子条形,花大,有红、粉、黄、白等多种颜色,鲜艳而有香气。可供欣赏。康乃馨 kāng nǎi xīn词语解释:学名叫“香石竹”英(CARNATION)。为多年生草本植物,茎直立,丛生,叶子条形,花大,有红、粉、黄、白等多种颜色,鲜艳而有香气。可供欣赏。分词解释:丛生:聚在一起生长或发生:丛生的灌木|百病丛生。叶子:1.植物的叶的通称。 2.书页。我国古书原来皆作卷轴,到唐代始有叶子。 3.古代博戏用具。即叶子格。多年生:能连续生活多年的,如乔木、灌木等木本植物和蒲公英、车前等草本植物。条形:指狭而长的两侧略平行的形状;特指此形状的叶片。也称“线形”。如:条形磁铁。香石竹:多年生草本植物,茎直立,丛生,叶子条形,花大,有红、粉、黄、白等多种颜色,鲜艳而有香气。可供欣赏。也叫康乃馨。...
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