
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:28 | 来源:语文通



国庆趣事作文 篇1国庆趣事作文 篇2国庆节趣事作文 篇3国庆节趣事作文 篇4国庆节趣事作文 篇5国庆趣事作文 篇6国庆节趣事作文 篇7国庆节趣事作文 篇8国庆节趣事作文 篇9国庆趣事作文 篇10

国庆趣事作文 篇1


On the National Day, the Changsha Evening News informed me that "I will gather at Qingshuitang Primary School at 7:30 tomorrow, and go to Wangcheng to experience the light and make ceramics..." I listened, very interested and curious, and did not know where it would be?


The next day, I arrived at the gate of Qingshuitang Primary School on time. There were already a lot of reporters standing there. The bus came and I got on. Along the way, everyone kept talking like a group of excited sparrows. I looked out of the window at the red sun, and was gradually "hypnotized" by the sun's "hypnosis". When I woke up, the bus had arrived, and I quickly ran out of the bus, followed the team to the place where ceramics were made.


As soon as we entered the door, I and others all said with one voice: "Wow! How awesome!" There are all kinds of ceramics in it, such as teapots, tigers, antelopes... They can't be counted, and what's more, they are so exquisite and lifelike. I continued to walk inside with the team, "Wow!" Another exclamation came from the ranks. It turned out that there was a very old house, and it was very large, high and wide. There are also many tables and chairs, and a big piece of mud on the table. Everyone was curious to watch and talk about these excitedly. At this time, the teacher of Changsha Evening News said seriously: "Everyone be quiet and sit down. Now let's ask Uncle Liu to explain how the ceramics come from, and then give you two hours to make the ceramics you want with the mud on the table." "Ceramics are the source..." Uncle Liu talked with great interest, but we listened absently, even a little irritable. We are more eager to do it ourselves.


As soon as Uncle Liu's voice fell, everyone was eager to do it. But I have been thinking, I don't know what to do. When others started to work, I followed suit. First, I took a small piece of mud from my own mud, rubbed it hard, and gradually it became a rope. This is easy to do. I rubbed many roots at once. After that, I pressed the last piece of mud into a round cake, and then wrapped the "rope" around the edge of the round cake one by one. After winding, it was very like a straw rope tied to a tree. Before I finished, I found that there was no mud on the table. I borrowed some mud from other small journalists to finish it. Is this a teapot? But it's not like it at all. It's like a toilet or a well. I was very depressed and did so ugly. Then Uncle Liu said to everyone, "If you do something ugly, you can come to me and I will teach him how to do it with a machine." Little reporters rushed towards Uncle Liu like leopards, so did I. A long queue, alas! Finally, it's my turn. It's really convenient to use the machine. Uncle Liu and I made a gourd at once. Looking at the gourd in our hands, I'm so happy!


The experience of making ceramics is over. My heart can't be calm for a long time. I feel very happy. This is really a National Day with many gains!

国庆趣事作文 篇2


Golden implies a bumper harvest of grain this year. But in this peaceful field, an unexpected visitor came: Grasshopper. It is also known as locust. It will change its own color with the change of rice color and is eating crops. So when the National Day holiday came, my brother and I couldn't wait to come to the field, roll up our sleeves and pull up our pants, and rushed into the field to deal with the "plague of insects".


There are hoppers everywhere in the field. I can care about one but not the other. After a while, I was exhausted. However, my brother and I had to sit on the ridge of the field to discuss the countermeasures. After we had a good time, we began to work together: I meant where the grasshopper was. My brother caught the grasshopper, and I took off the spring leg of the grasshopper and looked after it. With a specific plan, the grasshopper immediately accepted defeat. In a twinkling of an eye, several grasshoppers became my playthings. I played leisurely. My brother struggled to catch grasshoppers in the field. He slowly became unconvinced and sat on the ridge of the field, saying that he would like me to catch grasshoppers together. I couldn't say anything about him, so I had to catch grasshoppers with him.


I saw a grasshopper and walked over quietly. Suddenly, the grasshopper jumped onto me. My brother told me not to move, and slapped me on the head. The grasshopper jumped onto his head again. In order to revenge him, I slapped him, but the grasshopper suddenly jumped into the field and disappeared in a blink of an eye. However, my brother and I also offset our "hatred".


Maybe I was too narrow-minded, and God intended to give me a retribution: when we were in the "war" again, my foot was twisted by the "hidden" clod of soil, and I fell on the thick straw. People were fine, but a large piece of straw fell. Maybe it was my screams that startled the master. The master came out of the house immediately. We turned around and ran away. Finally, we hid in a pile of weeds to avoid being killed, but we were bitten by mosquitoes.


This event happened during the National Day is really interesting, and Jinhe in my memory has gained another brilliant luster since then!

国庆节趣事作文 篇3


Today is the National Day. Unexpectedly, my long awaited dream has come true - to visit the famous tourist attraction of West Lake in Hangzhou.


The scenery here is beautiful and pleasant, and the whole West Lake is out of sight. But the most beautiful thing about the West Lake is that at dusk, the setting sun is waving in the slight waves with a long golden skirt. At this time, everyone will stop to watch. The West Lake is surrounded by mountains and lakes with several islands. The scenery on the island is charming, and the tourists want to visit there. The bridges are connected here, and the majestic ancient pagodas protrude "little heads" from the top of the mountain. It's really beautiful and beautiful! The road is full of people, and the lake is green and crystal clear. The sun shines on the water like a big bright mirror. Looking from the shore, there are boats everywhere. Looking at the distance, it looks like a big leaf sailing in the water.


When autumn comes, the leaves here are yellow. Some of them fall from the leaves gradually, like yellow butterflies dancing. Among the colorful flowers are chrysanthemums and osmanthus, which emit bursts of fragrance and are very charming.


Ah! The beautiful West Lake has attracted many Chinese and foreign tourists, which is really a paradise on earth. National Day is so interesting!

国庆节趣事作文 篇4


Today is your birthday, my country "What a magnificent and kind song echoed in my ears again, as if I felt extremely excited and proud.


Today is the 66th birthday of our motherland mother. Here, I would like to say to this selfless mother: "You have worked hard"!


On this golden October day, Putian City has also put on a festive costume to welcome the arrival of the motherland's birthday.


In the early morning, when the sun was rising, on the square in front of the Municipal People's Congress, colorful flags were flying, and hot air balloons were dancing happily in the breeze: sometimes, they shook back and forth; Sometimes, it swings from side to side... More than 20XX people gathered in the square, waiting for the solemn moment there. With the beautiful and moving melody of "Singing to the Motherland", the PLA walked out of the flagpole with the bright red five-star red flag in both hands. In the solemn voice of the national anthem, the five-star red flag rose slowly. At that solemn moment, it reminded me of the text I had learned (the founding ceremony) when the chairman raised the first five-star red flag, and the scene of the busy time at that time.


The arrival of National Day broke the peace of Putian City in the past. There is a straight, spacious and clean street in the middle of the urban area, which runs from east to west and connects with the east-west street pedestrian street in a straight line, forming a "one" shape. The buildings on both sides of the streets and highways - shopping malls, clothing stores, fruit stores... neon lights are installed at the entrance of the stores: red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple... colorful, dazzling and overwhelmed. The cars on the streets and highways are running like waves in the Yangtze River. On the pedestrian street, there are a lot of people, and people of all kinds come and go


The book city of Putian is no exception. There are many children sitting on the carpet quietly under the guidance of their parents, watching books attentively. That scene, if I had a camera at that time, I would definitely take a picture of this moving scene.


Dear friends, we are the rising sun of the motherland in the 21st century. A dazzling star on the motherland is the hope of the motherland and the pride of the nation. In order to make the future of the motherland better, we should work harder and make greater contributions to the motherland in the future.

国庆节趣事作文 篇5


This National Day I went to Daliang, Shunde to see my relatives.


In the morning, I got up early and finished my breakfast excitedly. On the way, I saw many beautiful mountains with strange peaks and dangerous peaks. There are many beautiful azaleas beside, one behind, one near and one far away, so beautiful! We drove for about an hour and arrived at our relatives' home. The air was very fresh when they lived on the mountain. They had been waiting for us outside for a long time.


After a while, my father and I went to their community to ride mountain bikes on the path. Their path was downhill and I fell several times. Then I went to the pond to fish. My father and I competed to see who was the biggest fisher. After a while, my father caught a big crucian carp. When I saw my father catch a fish, my heart began to worry, and I never caught it. Tell me my father that you must be patient when fishing, otherwise you can't catch big fish. As expected, I used my father's way to catch a bigger fish than my father's.


At night, there is no noise here. It's very quiet and easy to sleep. It won't be as noisy as the city. It gives me the same feeling!


What a meaningful trip!

国庆趣事作文 篇6


On the National Day holiday, my parents took me to visit Chongdugou, a scenic spot in Luanchuan County, Henan Province, and the nearby village primary school - Pingba Village Hope Primary School in Tantou Township. This Hope Primary School is located in the mountains 65 kilometers away from Luanchuan County. The surrounding mountains are clear, but the mountain roads are rugged and very remote. Ordinary tourists rarely come here to play. But Uncle Chen, the engineer of my father's company, graduated from this mountain village primary school. So, with the National Day holiday, we came to his alma mater under the leadership of Uncle Chen. We donated some books and teaching tools to this mountain village primary school to express the gratitude of this wanderer who has been away from home for many years to his alma mater who trained him.


The Hope Primary School covers a very small area. A two-story building is built on a flat ground less than 200 square meters on the hillside. There are only three or four classrooms on each floor; 3、 Fourth grade; 5、 Sixth grade, it seems that the students here share a classroom every two grades. The area of each classroom is also very small, which is about the size of our teacher's office, and the desks and chairs seem to be not enough. There are two or three small benches around each desk. Because it is a holiday, we can't see students in class. But according to Uncle Chen, in the schools in mountain villages, several children usually squeeze a desk to study.


The teaching facilities here are very simple. Apart from the blackboard, tables and chairs, there are no modern teaching tools. The doors and windows look like they are in disrepair for a long time. There is no heating or air conditioning, let alone a multimedia classroom with complete facilities like our city primary school or a library with rich books. I think that students in such a classroom can still study hard, but we don't study hard in our spacious and bright classroom. I really regret that. I feel very hot, like a baked sweet potato just taken out of the stove. My mother seemed to see my mind and said, "Only by studying hard can you become the future flower of our country and the pillar of our country. I hope you can study hard, like the children here, to repay the society and our country with your own ability. My mother believes that you will become a great weapon one day. Give your part to our country and defend our motherland. I nodded. I looked at the school again.


I think: "The school area is also very small. Only in the middle of the yard stands a flag pole welded with iron pipes to raise the team flag. There is no playground, basketball court, football court and other activity venues. There is not even a horizontal bar, parallel bars or table tennis table on the campus. I don't know how the children in these mountains have physical education classes. The conditions are very difficult. Uncle Chen also told us that children here have to go over mountains and mountains to go to school It's a long and long mountain road. After school, we have to help parents do a lot of farm work. The learning environment is very poor. Children like Uncle Chen who can get into college are few in a few dozens of miles, and they have to work dozens of times harder than urban children.

国庆节趣事作文 篇7


Today is National Day, the annual National Day. I am very happy because I can have a holiday again. So our family went to the park to play.


As soon as we entered the park, we saw the statues of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs standing there in order, as if they were there to welcome us. Then we took photos in front of the lifelike Chinese zodiac, and we were very happy. The Great Wall in the park is next to the statue of the Chinese zodiac. After taking photos, we walked to the Great Wall. When we got to the Great Wall, we took photos while walking. Half way through, we were breathless. In the end, we stuck to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, my feet felt like stepping on the clouds, and I floated up. The current scenery is really indescribable in words. After enjoying the scenery, we went down the mountain.


At the bottom, we came to the Bird Garden. Seeing the beautiful peacock, its beautiful posture and colorful tail, it is really beautiful! After seeing the peacock, I came to the amusement park. It was so crowded. We went to play bumper cars. Space stroller, also rode a wooden horse. We had a great time and night fell. We had to go home reluctantly.

国庆节趣事作文 篇8


It is the National Day of the year again, and our long-awaited vacation has also come!


Dear children, while you are busy playing, do you know what a sacred and great day it is today? Listen to my grandparents_ Today, years ago, is a great day for the founding of our great motherland, the People's Republic of China! For a long time, our great motherland has been invaded by imperialism, and the people have lived like slaves. On this day in 1949, the CPC finally ushered in a new chapter of history after a long bloody battle_


Today is Zu_ On our birthday of, we celebrated all over the country. The land of our motherland is full of jubilant atmosphere. Although I have never been to Tiananmen Square, I can imagine how spectacular Tiananmen Square is today! The mighty flag bearer, the slowly red flag, and the enthusiastic people were singing and dancing in the Tian'an Square in Beijing, the capital of the motherland. How happy they were!


Today is a great day. I hope that our great motherland will become stronger and more prosperous. I also hope that our children can start today, learn knowledge well, and make our motherland more prosperous and stronger when they grow up!

国庆节趣事作文 篇9


Today is the 60th birthday of my motherland. I begged my mother to take me to Huanggang, the hometown of many generals. The first is Red Cliff.


When we got to Chibi, we saw all kinds of entertainment: pirate ships, merry go round, crossed the bridge, and entered the third gate. In front of us was a portrait of Dongpo, about six meters high. It was like Su Shi who put a book behind him, wore Dongpo scarves and human head boots, as if he was reciting poems, giving us a heroic and elegant feeling.


After walking for a while, we came to the Poxian Pavilion. In the pavilion, "Chanting Nujiao -- Remembering the Past in Red Cliff" was written by Su Shi when he was drunk. The strokes were strange and it was recognized as a treasure.


A few steps up the stairs, we came to the Er Fu Hall, which was named after Su Dongpo who wrote the Fu on the Former Red Cliff and the Fu on the Later Red Cliff here.


Then we came to the museum again. Guan Li's sign told me that Su Dongpo, who had been exiled to Huangzhou for four years and two months, wrote more than 220 poems, 66 poems, and three fu poems, totaling more than 740, and that all his famous poems were written during this period. He is not only good at music, mathematics, medicine, aesthetics and cooking, but also in agricultural water conservancy and gold and stone research. He is recognized as a learned and versatile man of all ages. After reading, I was filled with emotion. Under such circumstances, Su Dongpo was not discouraged and decadent. On the contrary, he left such excellent works for our descendants. How could he not be respected and learn from them?


After coming down from the mountain, we came to the corridor of revolutionary martyrs, including Marshal Lin Biao, General Wang Shusheng, General Wang Jian'an and Xu Shiyou. According to statistics, there is a marshal, a senior general and eight generals in Hubei Province. I admire them for their contributions to the founding of New China. The sun set and we reluctantly left Chibi.


This special National Day, I am very happy, because I learned a lot of knowledge that I did not know before. I hope I can often visit such places in the future.

国庆趣事作文 篇10


New cars lined up in front of me, which really shocked me - this is the activity that Xixiu Xintiandi did during the National Day: auto show, together with some food on display.


After I heard the "news", I couldn't wait to come to the auto show area. BMW and Mercedes Benz should have it. The most expensive one sold for 800000 yuan. The number and price are impressive. Look at this BMW: it is sprayed with black paint, shining with diamond like oil, and wearing cool armor, just like a thousand mile BMW of a knight, it is ready to be triggered; And if the water on the Yangtze River billows out of control! There is also a Mercedes Benz: silver white paint glitters noble, whirlwind like model and high-quality quality, which has made it. I was addicted to the car market, but at that moment, my stomach was hungry.


Come to the food exhibition area. A bunch of barbecues, fragrant coconuts and fragrant fried stinky tofu made me feel at home when I wasn't there. Arabic barbecue is so delicious that people drool. I can't wait to gobble it up. Although the fragrance can't float ten miles, it must be attractive within a certain range. Are you thirsty? Just ask for a coconut to drink. The light coconut fragrance is mixed with a little milk flavor, smooth and delicate. It was in my mouth but had already slipped into my heart.


My friends and I had enough to eat and drink, so we decided to go to the maze. There was not a ghost scream in the maze, but the ghost made of props floated towards us, scaring us away.


On the National Day, I had a very happy time. Isn't it an interesting thing? Happiness is fun!